Hello all Storm here with a new story! This is another unique story along with being my second story that doesn't focus on Naruto or Naruko, instead it'll be an OC-centric story. Not much else to say other than hope you enjoy the story. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

'I should have known he couldn't remain loyal, even with an oath on the Styx.' Thought Hera, the Queen of Olympus and goddess of motherhood, marriage, family love and women, as she sat on her throne on Olympus, above the Empire State Building.

The source of her anger is currently coming from the fact that, once again, her "dear" husband, Zeus, cheated on her again with another mortal woman and sired two new demigods. It wasn't even a surprise that not even a vow on the Styx could keep Zeus from running off to have another affair. It wouldn't even be that surprising if Poseidon ended up siring a demigod, also.

What makes this even worse was that after siring the first demigod, a daughter named Thalia Grace, he went back to the woman, this time in his Roman Form of Jupiter, and sired a son named Jason.

So, not only did he cheat on her, but her Roman half Juno as well, and with the same woman no less, along with naming his newest bastard after the only hero she liked for what reason? Was it to appease her anger?

Well it didn't…


Though if Hera was honest, she's not even really angry. After millennia of Zeus cheating on her with both mortals and goddesses alike, at this point she's just annoyed and tired. Tired of the constant cheating, of empty words and promises of loyalty, tired of it all.

Not for the first time in her immortal life since Zeus first cheated on her, Hera wondered why. Why was she still married to Zeus, when he clearly didn't value their marriage, given he's been having affairs since the times of Ancient Greece.

Back when their Pantheon was still in a, regrettably, dark time and the Olympian Gods were among the cruelest beings in existence. They could even be seen as worse than the Titans in certain regards back then. Even if they had all mellowed out over the centuries, that still didn't erase everything they did, they just chose to ignore it, with only a few gods and goddesses actually being willing to own up to being monsters back then.

In fact, Hera was only married to Zeus because he tricked her by transforming into a wounded cuckoo and when she helped him, he revealed himself and raped her. She only agreed to marry him out of shame of being exploited. Of course, Zeus only pursued her after he swallowed Metis, when he heard of a prophecy about her birthing a son that'd one day surpass him, along with separating from Themis after she birthed the three Fates.

'Meaning I was just another notch under his belt, yay me.' Hera thought sarcastically.

Though she did shudder as she remembered the other times back in Ancient Greece, when they were still seen as cruel and wicked, despite the worship they were given. Heck, one of the cruelest among them was actually Apollo, before he inherited the Sun from Helios after their transition to Rome. It's also ironic, given his current personality, along with the domains he had even before becoming the god of the Sun and Light.

After that line of thought, Hera shook her head, knowing that she's getting off topic, the topic being Zeus and his new demigods.

'That's it, I don't care anymore.' Hera thought, before standing up from her throne.

Thousands upon thousands of affairs, hundreds of demigods, millions of empty promises, and now breaking a vow on Styx. Hera no longer cared, and if Zeus thought he's the only one that can cheat on his spouse and sire demigods, he has another thing coming!

What's better, is that Hera isn't even going against her domain of marriage either, as all aspects of marriage fell under her domain, including cheating on your spouse. It was just counted more towards the dark side of marriages that Hera preferred to ignore; instead, preferring to keep to the light side where couples remain loyal to each other.

But now, Hera didn't care anymore.

Only she had to think smart about how she did this, as while Zeus had no problem being unfaithful to her, which was a colossal understatement, he was still possessive of her. Though at this point, Hera could safely say it was more in the sense of being a "trophy wife", rather than true love. Her safest options would be to go to another part of the world, where their influence was minimal, or another realm entirely. The latter option seemed like the safest bet, since this way, Zeus won't learn of her affair or her child, until they were old enough to protect themselves.

Opening a portal, Hera looked through the various realms of existence to decide where she'll go. Eventually, she settled on one, the Elemental Nations.

'Perfect.' Hera thought with a smile.

The Elemental Nations was a realm that worships a branch of the Shinto, Buddhist, and Hindu Religions, since they worship deities who's influence has waned here, or just flat out didn't exist. It'll be perfect since Zeus will not discover her affair, plus from what she knows of the realm, there are some mortals that could rival, or even surpass, the gods power at their current level.

With her decision made, Hera divided her being and sent the separated half to the Elemental Nations. This way she won't arouse any suspicions by disappearing for months, or even years.

Sitting back down in her throne, Hera released a sigh of contentment and as a small smile formed on her face.

'That felt rather liberating.' Hera thought.

Though while this is mostly to get back at Zeus, Hera couldn't deny that it feels good to get the chance to raise a child of her own. Given the godly children she's had with Zeus all grew up so quickly, and she threw Hephaestus off of Olympus because of his appearance.

'Perhaps I should… try to spend more time with them.' Thought Hera, wanting to try and be a better mother to her children, rather than always being angry over Zeus and his affairs.

*Elemental Nations*

Appearing in a forest, Hera looked around before smiling.

'The air here is so much cleaner.' Thought Hera, as she felt the difference between the Elemental Nations and Earth.

Though the moment was ruined when several mortals jumped out and surrounded her. Their clothing seemed similar to what was worn in Feudal Japan, along with carrying Japanese weapons.

While a normal person would be worried and afraid at being surrounded by multiple armed enemies, Hera wasn't normal. She was, however, annoyed that her moment of peace was interrupted.

However, before she could simply kill the mortals for thinking they could attack her, someone beat her to it.

Without warning, a kama attached to a chain came shooting out of the trees, impaling one of the mortals in the back. The wielder of the kama jumped out, revealing a man with long spiky jet-black hair that wore a black shirt with a high collar, that was left slightly open, with a red and white fan-shaped crest on its back, while also wearing blue pants and bandages around his shins. Before any of the mortals could react, he swiftly and efficiently killed all of them.

It surprised Hera seeing someone fight like that, someone who was completely mortal from what she could sense. The stranger then turned towards Hera slowing, giving the goddess a clear view of shocking red eyes with three tomoe's circling the pupil. Though immediately, the red eyes vanished, leaving only black ones gazing at her.

Though one thing Hera noticed, was not once did his eyes every glance over her body, like she's seen other mortals and lesser gods do.

"Who are you?" The man questioned in a deep baritone voice.

"Hera. Thank you for helping me sir. May I know my savior's name?" Hera asked, while playing the part of a defenseless mortal.

He raised a brow at her question, telling Hera that this man was likely so well known that it surprised him that she doesn't already know who he is.

"I am Madara Uchiha, leader of the Uchiha Clan. Tell me Hera, what are you doing out here alone?" Madara questioned, Hera noticing he hadn't loosened his grip on his weapons or relaxed, showing he considered her a potential enemy.

She obviously couldn't tell him she's a goddess from another world, but she also couldn't come up with a false backstory as she doubted this man was easy to lie to. So, her best bet would be to give part of the truth in a convincing lie.

"I… don't know. The last thing I remember was waking up here alone and then being surrounded by these people. After that I… don't remember anything." Hera said as she looked down in sadness and confusion, while trying not to oversell her act.

Madara frowned at those words. He could tell she's truthful about appearing here alone, he wasn't sure about the rest. She could be from an enemy clan that was trying to infiltrate the Uchiha Clan and this could have been entirely staged in order to gain his trust. Though she didn't look or move like a Shinobi, and even if she was acting he could tell if someone has had Shinobi training, just from the way they move or acted, and this woman had none of those signs.

While he could just walk away and return to his clan, Madara doubted it'd sit right with him to leave a potentially innocent and amnesiac woman out here alone, where she could be killed or captured. For now, he'll play it safe and offer her help, but also keep an eye on her.

"Very well, if you wish, you may return with me to my clan's home. You may stay as long as you wish as my guest, until you wish to leave or remember where you came from." Madara offered, with Hera nodding in surprise at his generous offer.

"Thank you, Madara." Hera replied.

Madara nodded and then motioned her to follow him.


"How about… Konohagakure." Madara said, while looking through a leaf at the village he and Hashirama had founded, standing on top of the same mountain they sat on as children

"That's such a lame name, not imaginative or creative." Said Hashirama with an air of depression around him, causing Madara to gain a tick mark at his friend's behavior.

"Neither is Hokage, you dumbass!" Madara said, causing Hashirama's depression to increase at Madara insulting his name for the village leader, which served to further anger Madara that even now, Hashirama still acted like a child.

Though both men's attention was grabbed when they heard a melodious giggle, making them turn to the source. Seeing who it was, Hashirama gave a friendly smile and waved, while Madara had a small smile.

It was Hera Uchiha, Madara's wife, looking at the two in amusement.

Since her arrival in the Elemental Nations, Hera has started wearing clothing that's more common here, but aside from that, the only physical change was that she now had long bright red hair, rather than her original black hair. She changed it to red after learning of the Uzumaki Clan, a cousin clan of the Senju's, known for their skill in Fuinjutsu, their red hair, and the value they put on family. It was the last part that pleased Hera, and she was sure her sister Hestia would have loved it as well, at seeing a clan holding the bonds of family in such high regard. Hera had even changed her hair to red to always remember how important family was.

Plus, she really liked the color.

Not only that, but her time in the Elemental Nations has made her feel less… angry and bitter. Here she was no longer Hera, the goddess and Queen of Olympus, now she was just Hera, wife of Madara Uchiha. It reminded her of when she was sent to live with Oceanus and Tethys, and it was all thanks to her husband Madara.

Sure, the first few months she lived at the Uchiha compound had been tense, since none of them had been sure if she was an enemy or not. But over time, she and Madara got to know one another and eventually became friends, then when Hera felt she trusted him enough, along with having developed some feelings for the Uchiha, she had told him the truth of who she was and why she came to the Elemental Nations.

Madara, surprisingly, believed her and took it rather well. Though one thing he said had convinced Hera to start a relationship with him. He had called Zeus an "arrogant blind fool who would rather satisfy himself with mortal women than see he had the perfect woman by his side" and that she deserved someone who would treat her as the queen she was.

Safe to say Hera had given Madara a night he would never forget.

After that, they only grew closer, with Hera even helping Madara through Izuna's death and preventing him from falling to his clan's Curse of Hatred, along with to accept the peace agreements Hashirama has offered. Though only on the condition he and Hashirama have one final fight as enemies, along with Madara wanting to test the power of his new Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

In the end the two clans joined together to form the village Madara and Hashirama dreamed of creating as boys, with Madara and Hera getting married soon after it was created. Hashirama and Hera had also become friends, with Hashirama happy his childhood friend found someone to make him happy and keep him from falling to the Curse of Hatred, while Hera was interested in learning more about her husband's rival/friend.

Though, she didn't tell him she was a goddess, since that was a secret only for Madara to know.

But she was amazed at the bond between the two, coming from enemy clans and yet they acted closer than brothers. Definitely more brotherly than Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon's relationship with each other.

Though back to the story.

"Well as interesting as it'd be to see Madara become Hokage, I believe he'll be rather busy with something else." Hera said with a smirk as she walked up to the two, who looked confused.

"Something else? You mean being clan head, I'm sure he can do both." Hashirama said.

Hera smiled shaking her head before grabbing Madara's hand and placing it on her stomach.

"No, something much more important." Hera said.

It took them a moment to realize what she meant and Madara's eyes widened in shock, while Hashirama's jaw dropped.

"Yo-you're… you're sure?" Madara asked shocked at the prospect of being a father, hell he never even thought he'd live this long, given the Shinobi life expectancy was rather low.

Hera just smiled and nodded, being a goddess she could tell when she was pregnant, and this child will have a special place in her heart, not only for being her first demigod, but also being able to carry them for nine months and raise them, teach them, everything.

However, the moment was ruined when Hashirama immediately threw his arm around Madara's shoulder and grabbed him in a headlock.

"YES! You're going to be a father Mada-chan! And I get to be a godfather!" Hashirama cheered loudly, though Madara felt his eyes twitching.

"SHUT UP YOU FOOL! Who says you'll be godfather anyway?! And don't call me Mada-chan you idiot!" Shouted Madara.

Immediately Hashirama was sitting in front of a tree drawing circles on the ground with a storm cloud over him.

"So mean…" Hashirama muttered with anime tears.

Madara glared at him and made choking motions with his hands, wanting nothing more than to wrap his hands around his throat. Hera just smiled at their antics while rubbing her stomach, she might have had some doubts in the beginning of going through with this, but now she wouldn't trade her time here for anything in the world.

*Timeskip-Twelve Years*

Hera and her daughter looked down sadly at the gravestone in front of them.

Madara Uchiha

Son, Brother, Husband, Father

Rest In Peace

He had come down with a terminal illness and Hera, despite her power, wasn't able to do anything to help him. It was sad to see him grow weaker with each passing day, though he did a great job of hiding it, and even more painful when it finally caught up to him.

Even more so that he couldn't be buried with the rest of his clan in Konoha.

It had happened a few weeks after she'd told him she was pregnant, Madara had been accused of attempting to assassinate Tobirama Senju, Hashirama's younger brother. Though Madara claimed he was innocent, nearly everyone believed he did it, as it's known that Tobirama had been the one to kill Izuna and Madara, despite making peace with the Senju, still held a grudge for his only remaining brother's death.

With no other choice Hashirama, who had been elected as Shodaime Hokage, was forced to banish Madara, with Hera following her husband knowing he was innocent, along with to find out who framed him. It wasn't long until she found the culprit, a creature known as Black Zetsu, who had hoped to manipulate her husband into completing a plan to free its creator/mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Unfortunately, Zetsu never took into account of Hera being a goddess and possessing limited Omniscience in regard to her domains, and while Zetsu wasn't human, he did love Kaguya like family and that was enough to track down the creature and incinerate it with her power.

After this, it wasn't long until Hera gave birth to their daughter, Kyoko Uchiha, who had long black hair like her father, usually tied up in a ponytail, and dark blue eyes. When she was old enough, Madara had started training Kyoko in everything he knew, with Kyoko having higher than average Chakra pools given her father was a powerful Shinobi and her mother was a goddess.

She had unlocked her Sharingan when she was eight and mastered it by the time, she was nine. Like her father, she could use all five Elemental Affinities, which made Hera smirk when she saw her daughters mastery over Wind, Lightning, and Water.

While she didn't hold a grudge against Poseidon, like she did against Zeus, it would still be something to rub in his face.

Another thing Kyoko had gained was somewhat unnatural, but still another thing that will help her in the future.

Before his departure from Konoha, Madara and Hashirama had one last fight, with the latter not really believing Madara tried to kill Tobirama, with the result of their fight having created the Valley of the End.

It was after the fight Madara revealed he had bit off part of Hashirama's flesh and planned to use it to give their daughter his rival's fabled Wood Style Jutsu, given he knew Kyoko would eventually go to Earth and would need all the advantages she could get. Madara had also said that it would lead to Kyoko awakening an even greater power one day, but he never said what it'd be.

In addition to her training from her father, Kyoko had also inherited several of her mother's powers as well, the most noticeable being her super strength. This was also something that brought joy to Hera, given the fact the strength her daughter possessed surpassed that of Hercules, given Kyoko was her daughter and was granted more of her power as a result.

So, while despite only being twelve years old, Kyoko was strong enough to be at high Jonin-low Kage levels, with the only thing missing being real combat experience.

Though after her father had died, Kyoko had awakened her Mangekyo Sharingan as result, her Mangekyo taking the form of a swirl, similar to the Uzumaki Clans sigil. Madara had left his old eyes to be transplanted to Kyoko, so she wouldn't go blind, though she hasn't implanted them yet, due to being fine with her own eyes for now, instead keeping them sealed away for the day she'll need them.

Madara had also left her a scroll for everything he hadn't been able to teach her before his death, along with his Gunbai. Though the Gunbai wasn't Kyoko's only weapon.

"Kyoko are you ready to go?" Hera asked, while looking at her daughter, who nodded.

"Yes Kaa-chan." Kyoko replied.

Nodding, Hera placed a hand on Kyoko's shoulder they before both vanished from the Elemental Nations entirely.


Upon their arrival, Kyoko looked around, knowing she was now in her mother's home realm.

"Welcome to Earth, musume. I teleported us close to Camp Half-Blood, it'll be a good place for you to stay, until you learn more about this world." Hera said, while knowing her daughter likely wouldn't remain a fulltime Camper, given the fact there's nothing she could learn there that she didn't already know or could learn on her own.

Kyoko nodded with a frown. While she didn't like the thought of having to stay at a summer camp, perhaps there will be some that can dance with her, while also allowing her to finally interact with some people her own age.

"I know I don't like it, but there's no other choice. With the Ancient Laws and your stepfather, I can't stay with you. It will also be some time before I can claim you, until you can properly defend yourself against any threats Zeus will no doubtfully send after you." Hera said with a frown, while Kyoko smiled up at her reassuringly.

"I know Kaa-chan and it's fine, I can wait." Kyoko said.

Personally, Kyoko didn't really care about being officially claimed by her mother, she knew her mother loved her and didn't need to prove it to anyone else. If anyone tried challenging that, then she'll show them the power of an Uchiha.

Hera smiled at her daughter, proud of her maturity. Leaning down, Hera kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you Kyoko, don't ever forget that." Hera said.

"I won't and I love you too Kaa-chan." Replied Kyoko.

Smiling, Hera stood up and her body started vanishing as she rejoined with her half that was still on Olympus. Though before she left, she said one last thing.

"Also remember, don't use your swords unless absolutely necessary." Hera said sternly, before she fully vanished.

'Ah man.' Kyoko thought, having hoped to show off her prized weapons, but mother just ended that plan.

Shaking her head, Kyoko began walking towards Camp Half-Blood. On her way there, she spotted a giant pine tree, big enough to rival the ones her father's old friend/rival Hashirama could create.

Upon entering the camp, Kyoko was greeted by a Centaur, who she knew to be Chiron, the Trainer of Heroes, from what her mother told me.

"Greetings young demigod. I am pleased to see you have made it here safely, and I'm sure you have questions." Chiron said, having felt a new demigod arrive at camp.

"Just one at the moment… is there anywhere here that makes good ramen?" Kyoko asked.

So, what did you think, good. Yep the OC of this fic is none other than the daughter of Madara Uchiha and the goddess Hera who has finally grown sick of Zeus's constant cheating and siring demigods and has now decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. Now after twelve years in the Elemental Nations, and after Madara passed one, Hera has brought Kyoko to Earth and taken her to Camp Half-Blood to learn about Earth along with having to wait to claim her until she's strong enough to protect herself from Zeus and anything he'd send after her. And with her Mangekyo Sharingan, her Jutsu, Wood Style, and her weapons Kyoko's on the right track, especially when I reveal her Mangekyo abilities and just her prized weapons are. Also Kyoko's appearance is the cover image for this story. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out.