"You can't make me do it."

Rey Kanata sat at the kitchen table, eating plain toast for breakfast. Again. Normally she's perfectly content with the meager resources her and her mother survive on, but this morning her emotions were running high. It's rare she gets in a fight with Maz, but entering The Choice was never part of her master plan. At least until today, apparently.

"I know you haven't been dreaming of it since you were a kid like the other girls your age, but for it to happen in your lifetime, you have to at least consider it!" Maz retorted.

"They would never pick me anyway even if I did apply. Girls from all over are going to be entering this thing and they only pick one from each province."

"Then it certainly can't hurt to enter, child." Maz's wisdom out-maneuvered Rey again. Damn, that woman was clever, even when Rey didn't want to admit it.

"Fine, I'll go by there today after I'm done at the garage and submit an application." Rey conceded.

"Go before - you always get greased up at the garage - you want your best face forward for the photo submission." Thwarted again, Rey thought.

As Rey left the house, she pondered how she even got to this point. The Republic was still fairly new in its reign, Queen Leia being the first leader under the current monarchy, after the fall of the Empire. In the tumultuous time right after the long wars between the Republic and the Empire, Leia was the leader the country needed, both in appearance and in political savvy. However, as with any new regime, the public was skeptical of yet another monarch.

That was how The Choice was born.

In order to unify the provinces, put out a strong presence, and be able to focus on building a better world, shortly after Leia became queen, the royal palace instilled a new policy.

When she became of marrying age, a country wide contest took place; an eligible bachelor from each province was selected through a robust screening process, and whisked away to the palace for a two month long courtship.

This way, half of the very first royal couple of the New Republic belonged to the people. The best part? It was broadcast across the country so all citizens could get to know not only their new Queen, but their soon-to-be new King.

Rey hadn't been alive for that, but the stories she heard were legend. Han Solo from Corellia, a man with no real career prospects other than smuggling, entered on a dare and got picked to represent his province. He charmed his way into Leia's heart, while simultaneously not following a single etiquette rule. The country adored him and his blasé attitude towards royalty, who'd rather fix cars than hold court. Almost like--

Rey snapped back to the present. She had arrived at the municipal building, waiting in line behind nearly fifty other girls around her age, all dolled up in their best outfits and hair and makeup done to perfection. Meanwhile, she had her hair in her normal three bun style, her usual work pants and a tank top donning her lithe figure. No reason to go out of her way to look like someone she's not in order to impress some snobby prince she'd never met. She shuffled through the line, filled out her application, and sat down for the photo. Just before the photographer snapped her picture, her phone chimed.

Finn: Meet me at the garage, 15 minutes? Got a surprise for you ;)

"Okay smile on the count of three. One...two…"

Rey looked up from her phone with the widest smile on her face, just as the camera went off.