Well here it is, the final chapter of The Flight of Lincoln Loud. To be honest I kind of had a hard time of writing/typing it. This month for me has been hell overall between what is going on in America recently and in Minnesota (where I live)
When I was thinking about Ronnie Anne's rebellion I thought about putting her in an unexpected place like Minneapolis, because I thought the Federal Government wouldn't imagine she would be based there.
And I thought to myself well I think this will never happen here in Minneapolis or in America in general! (me thinking while writing this story)
Well it happened and I was pissed off and angry for several weeks. Overall stress also played a factor during those events. So yeah that's my excuse for the whole thing... well this chapter is done now so I hope my work will please most of you guys.
And lastly I'll list and thank some of reviewers of this story.
Thank you all for your criticism and praise that help me with my story telling and encouraging me for completing this story!
And without further ado here's the chapter and I hope you'll enjoy!
Sunday, June 6th, 2021, 6 PM
60 Minutes
"On December 18th of last year, Japan Airlines Flight 5 commanded by Captain Lincoln Loud is flying back from New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport to Tokyo Haneda Airport, it is a routine flight that Loud has taken many times. But this time it will turn his life upside down."
"It was a routine international flight, Japan Airlines does it every day and always leave and arrives in time and they have doing it for years," Lincoln said looking straight at the interviewer.
"Did you felt anything wrong, when you woke up that day?"
"No I didn't, I felt happy I going to be home for Christmas, I bought my wife a gift that morning and that's it, I just did my morning routine, and everything felt normal that morning,"
"But little that Lincoln and his crew knew that siblings from his own family have a vendetta against him… The night before was very cold that American Airlines technicians had to do a routine checkup on it is electronics and avionics, during that time Lori Loud disguised as an American Airlines mechanic, put two makeshift explosive devices set to explode at a certain air pressure." The tv then switched over to me again, "When is the last time you seen Lori and Luan Loud?"
"Heh, well it was in that very day in fact," The screen quickly cut to the interviewer before cutting back to Lincoln "It was that very same terminal, terminal one. I noticed them right in front of me and I was with my crew, I met up with them and they were kind of surprised in meeting me, so I said where are they flying to, and they said, "back to Detroit." I then remember saying to enjoy the flight and Luan said that they will, and that's the last time I ever saw them."
"Lincoln Loud is the only boy of eight children of Rita and Lynn Loud and grew up in Royal Woods Michigan," The interview ask another question about Lincoln's family, "How did you handle seven sisters?"
"Well I mean you have to adapt and it kind of got easier when I got older, when I stopped making plans that had so much risk in them with my friend." He did not reveal much.
"Did you have any bad run ins with your siblings?"
"Yes I did, but those were small moments in our relationship, and I think those are just footnotes in history for us and we move on," Lincoln said.
"But there were moments in the siblings relationship that are harder to forget and forgive, as of late Loud is coming under fire for things he have once said in the past, particularly comments of Muslims after 9/11 and actions against environmentalists. The after particularly after his Air Force career." The interviewer than ask Lincoln about it, "Your under fire for these comments you made in the past, what is your response?"
"I'm saying that this is the past, I was a young man back then and sometimes when I looked back at it, it wasn't acceptable and I apologize, I screwed up simple as that."
The background then switched back to JFK airport where the detail off the day continued.
"The day continued like any other, after a short delay due to traffic and weather Japan Airlines Flight five took off from John F Kennedy International Airport and was scheduled to fly at around thirty four thousand feet, FBI investigators have told 60 Minutes that the bomb was supposed to explode at thirty six thousand feet."
The screen then switched over to the 24hradar screen of the flight going over Alaska "After Captain Loud has taken his rest period, the Boeing 777-300ER is now over Alaska, strong wind currents cause the aircraft some turbulence. Loud advised his second officer who was the pilot in command Yuuto Takahashi to climb the aircraft to thirty-six thousand feet, he agrees." The screen then cuts to Lincoln, "What do you remember?"
"I remember that I requested to the controller to climb to thirty-six thousand feet and he acknowledged it,"
"Once the plane climbed leveled out at around thirty-six thousand feet, then disaster struck, the two makeshift bombs exploded, ripping apart the low-pressure compressor and several fan blades of the plane's two General Electric GE90 engines."
"When I noticed the engines are severely damaged, I took control of the aircraft from my second officer and I glided the airplane to Anchorage."
"For almost an hour and a half Captain Lincoln Loud with the favor of the wind glided his wounded triple seven to safety." The interviewer narrated, "The evacuation was swift, when Loud realize there was no fire, he immediately called to evacuate the aircraft."
"So I called the tower to see if there is any fire, the firefighters and the tower said no, so I called to evacuate on the intercom and switched the evac station alarm on."
"When the word got out, Loud was celebrated as a hero. But he never imagined it would get to become in the coming weeks."
Commercial Break….
"Would you imagine that two of your older siblings would try to kill you as well as two hundred and forty-four others?" The interviewer asked.
"Never… never in my nightmares and dreams. Now I wonder who's out to get me now I mean I go to sleep each night wondering who's going to get me now."
"An initial investigation of the two engines by the NTSB shows there was obvious signs of foul play, Trent Dominguez was the lead investigator of the NTSB team."
"So as you see here this is a destroyed GE-90 engine during testing, and this is the engine from the accident. So when you compare it between the testing photo and the accident one, the testing one have a single part failure which led to the whole engine coming apart. The accident one here it looks spontaneous it look like shrapnel and fire did most of the damage."
"What did you do when you first realize this?" The interviewer asked.
"Notified the FBI."
"The FBI questioned several mechanics on that day and said a transfer mechanic from Detroit had started working her first day at the airport, camera footage shows Lori Loud working on the engines here and soon vacating the area. Looking back at the footage, Lincoln had trouble getting through the video, we found out it was the first time he watched it."
"Well she did and nothing else and I guess that just what it is," Lincoln shrugged his shoulders with tears in his eyes.
"The two sisters were soon arrested in Canada trying to board a flight to Mexico."
The man who was watching the TV immediately clicked the guide on his remote and selected the ESPN Classics channel, it was boxing tonight, a revisit of Hamed vs. Barrera in which Barrera upset Hamed by unanimous decision. The old man got up from his recliner, he is usually a healthy and strong man for most of his life, but those days are behind him and now beginning to be long behind him.
"Uh… boy I need to find out what I'm gonna eat for dinner," He said to himself, wishing that his daughter Rita or his long past son Joseph would answer for him. He then remember when the young air force officer went up the steps to ring his doorbell of his previous house and his late wife reaction when hearing the news. When remembering his son's name he always think of that moment. His girlfriend Myrtle has now long past as well, he now thinks there is nothing to live for in his old age anymore but now he need to protect his family home and now live in the memories it once have.
After the verdict he convinced Rita to move into the old Loud family home, in a few months the front yard is cleaned up. New bushes are outside; replacing the old ones, the house is repainted in the same color but giving a refreshing look in the process and the old garage shed is replaced with a new two-car garage. The finishing touch is an American flag on the front porch, to outsiders they imagined that an old man has bought the house from the family and is now living in it for retirement. The people barley know of Albert now, to most he is just an old gentle veteran living the rest of his days in Royal Woods. The inside looks exactly the same through same as the two sisters and the rest of them left it.
Albert, the Korean War veteran now spends a quarter of his day siting on the pouch ether just looking out or reading a book, he does not do much these days anymore, barley even goes out. But tonight is different he hears a knock on the door, it was someone that Albert did not expect.
"I'm coming it will just take a moment I'm an old man you know!" Albert yelled out.
"I understand sir!" Albert got up and instantly stopped, he recognizes that certain voice.
Albert went over to the door and opened it; he could not believe his eyes.
"Ah lieutenant!" Albert smiled.
"How are you doing Pop-pop?"
"Old as usual say, come sit down on that couch over there and we'll talk."
"Okay sure," Lincoln responded.
"So, what brings you to the great state of Michigan this time around?" Albert asked.
"Oh well I was visiting Lily in the hospital in Chicago and I heard that you take over the house, so I decided to rent a car and drive up here."
"Well I mean we can just pray that she can eventually wake up… so how is your friend doing? Is he still recovering from that crash?"
"No not anymore, he actually got engaged with his girlfriend in Minnesota and is scheduled to be married next year."
"Ah good for him, I'm wondering did they find a cause to the crash yet?"
"Total flight system malfunction due to maintenance error, but the crash was still preventable, so it was pilot error mostly. The commuter plane that collided in midair with the FedEx plane was mostly the crew of the commuter plane's fault, they kind of panicked and did not pay attention to the other aircraft in the area. So yeah that's that."
"Hmph… makes you wonder if it's intentional or not," Albert shake his head and crossed his arms, "Oh, how's the vacation to Ireland with your wife?"
"It was perfect, we actually get to see a lot of places all over the country in ten days and we still wished to see more!"
"That's very nice, but all the stuff that came out on you the past few weeks do you still have a job with the airline?" Albert questioned.
"Well yeah… they taken me off international flights completely and are only going to put me on domestic flights for now on and probably for the rest of career to be honest. But hey I get to spend more time with my kids so I'm okay with it."
"Well that's good but something keeps getting on me after I've moved here."
"Hmm… what is it then?" Lincoln asked.
"Everything with this family… I knew it from the outset it was dysfunctional."
Lincoln sat back into his chair, "Why did you think of that?"
"When your were twelve some of the stuff that your sisters did to you were unspeakable, and when you guys got older some of you grow up and some of you stayed as children. I don't know what happen between all of you, Ronnie Anne and Luan it makes no sense to me," Albert rubbed his forehead.
"Maybe it's the stuff I did in the past, I don't know really otherwise abut what is going on with everyone."
"I guess that is one of the reasons, but I think it was because of other events that led to where we're now…"
"The accident?"
"Yes with Lily."
Lincoln paused; his eyes seemed to go off into space.
"LINCOLN!" Albert yelled to get his attention.
"Uh, what?!"
"That is my point, Lily is the one that links you guys together. She calms all your personalities down and when you guys were becoming distant Lily is the one always trying to keep you guys together!"
"But… but from the way I saw it she didn't do anything about it to help us," Lincoln said back.
"She loved you all, and you love her back and that is the reason that you guys stayed together until the very end… until the accident actually."
Lincoln exhaled got up and prepared to leave.
"Did I offend you son?"
"No, I got a flight back to Chicago I have to catch."
"Well that is unfortunate, I hope this is not the last time we get to speak in person together."
"Why is that?" Lincoln said.
"I'm getting weaker everyday son," Albert sighed, "I hope I can live another few years, but I guess my body is not complying."
"You still look in good shape Pop-Pop!" Lincoln tried to encourage him.
"Looks do fool people on the outside. I guess you have a low chance of ever returning to the United States at this point in your lifetime, by the look of you and your wife are doing in Japan. You shouldn't really worry about this house!"
"But this the house me and my sisters all grew up in, I can't just give it all up!"
"You shouldn't care really; I mean your parents don't care about it anymore and no one else really has it and since Luan and Lori are in prison and going to be for an exceptionally long time. So I plan to hire some contractors to renovate the whole interior and right before I go, I'll sell it." Albert smiled after he uttered, that's when Lincoln realized that he is only reminiscing on the past and the people he loved.
"But who will take care of you. It looks like now you can't handle yourself for much longer, what happens if…" Albert cut Lincoln off.
"Don't worry about me son, I'll find an apartment long away from this area of Michigan. Maybe find an apartment somehow and try to keep active, anyway keep your trust in me because I want to see you again but this time to relive the past but in a happier way," Albert smiled again but this time it showed his age.
"Well I hope we do," Lincoln smiled back.
"Oh, before you go, I have some things to show you!" Albert hurried to the attic.
He was in the attic for almost ten minutes, Lincoln looked at his watch and noticed that he needed to leave now, or he is gonna be late for his flight back to Chicago.
"Hey, you have to hurry up or I'm going to leave!"
"Hold on, I got it here!" Albert yelled.
Albert came down from the stairwell with five large office folders filled with papers.
"Some of the questions you've been asking for a long time since December are in these folders, take care of these alright!?"
"Um… I will!" Lincoln responded.
"Have a good flight home and spend as much family time with your wife and kids as possible!"
"Thank you, Pop-Pop!"
"I hope to see you once again!" Albert said as Lincoln started walking to the front door.
"I hope so too!" Lincoln said before he closed the front door behind him.
It will be the last time he will ever see him again.
July 6th, Nagareama, Japan, 11:10 PM
Lincoln could not get any sleep, a case of insomnia maybe or paranoia, he does not know really. Amanda said that he should go see his doctor, but Lincoln refused for unknown reasons, at this point she is thinking that he is depressed but Lincoln shot down all those assumptions. It seemed that all the efforts of trying to bring the Loud family back to some sort of contact has all but failed, the past months events have made all efforts impossible. America coming out from all the unrest seemed like it carried on peacefully, with the federal government completely dismantling the terrorist organization that Ronnie Anne bankrolled Americans can breathe a sigh of relief again.
With the sentencing of the two sisters, with Lori being five years in prison and Luan having the book thrown at her, spending forty years in prison with all the charges added up. With parole being completely out of the question after certain amount of years have pass. Lincoln did not touched those folders that were supposed to answer his questions, ether he was lazy, or he did not have the time to look at them; maybe he was dreading the truth but tonight he got the courage to take a look at them. But first he needed to find those folders.
"Where the hell is those things?"
Lincoln was fiddling through his storage closet, which has a lot of stuff, like family pictures, old receipts, and other things as well. After sorting through all the old boxes of documents he eventually found those prized folders that Pop-Pop painstakingly put together.
"Oh here it is!" He grabbed all five of them and went back into the living room.
Lincoln opened up the first of the five folders, which is red. He found several pieces of paper stapled together; they were belonging to Lily. She wrote on them herself.
May 2nd, 1998
Last night was a disaster Ronnie Anne was angry at Lincoln for supposedly "cheating" on her, he denied it and Ronnie Anne tried to slap him. Lincoln snapped and beat the living heck out of her, this was not him I just know it. His behavior has gotten out of control since last month, constant headaches and mood swings; it is heart wrenching seeing the family going through this. I kept trying to tell everyone that this is not the Lincoln that we all know, Lisa agree with me than something is wrong with Lincoln's brain. I was able to convince Lana and Lucy agreeing with her. All I need to do is try to convince Lynn, and I feel bad for her she is being torn apart because all of this.
8 PM
I cannot believe it; I do not know what was going through Lynn's mind, but she accepted Lincoln's apology. I still have a sick feeling within me since the others I could not convince they would hate him for the rest of their lives. I am going to continue my constant efforts to try keep this large family together and I am going to do it for the rest of my life.
September 14th, 2010
School was a pain in the ass again and what I am hearing from my older sisters is tearing me apart. Luan is struggling with her career just from a monetary standpoint, along with Lori who is helping her. I feel like time is running out for my efforts most of the siblings have now moved out and soon my parents are planning to retire too I guess I should give up but I'm stubborn, so I guess I have to keep trying.
March 4th, 2020
Tomorrow night I am going back to uni with my boyfriend, but this time Lucy is coming with us. She said she has some friends attending the same university, well I am supposed to graduate soon, and I cannot wait! I talked to my boyfriend about maybe we both work in Japan and maybe marry me there if he wants to, he said he will start looking at it! I cannot believe it, maybe I can live in the same town as Lincoln and become a teacher just like Amanda!
Well… looking back later at the paragraph above I forgot about my mission to help mend together my family. But I feel like all the stuff I tried before has all but failed, it seems like some members of my family have done really well like Lincoln and Lisa but some like Luna fell into a pit of hell and drugs and financial hardship for others. I do have confidence in the future through and our family (I hope) will be reunited again!
That was the last piece of paper that was stapled together, Lincoln had tears in his eyes and put the papers back into the folder he touched. He then selected a different folder containing newspapers about Ronnie Anne, he pulled and started to read one of them. It was an interview conducted by the New York Times.
It told about her rise to power and the start of her own firm under the guise and advice of Bank of America.
"Oh I immensely proud of it… Yes we now have over a hundred companies all under our books and they are very satisfied with our patronage."
Lincoln then grabbed another newspaper, "He must be collecting these for years, he must have known of something with me and Ronnie Anne."
This time the paper contained the financial reports of the past years of Santiago Fund, and exclaiming the amount of growth the company had since its founding. It was also reported that they were going public by December of that year, proving it is might in the investing world. Lincoln grabbed the last newspaper in the selected folder, it was from last year and it was published by the New York Post.
An investigation of Santiago Fund's investment and business
The article pointed out that most of the numbers of the financial reports have "numbers that are not relevant with reality." It also point out some of the shady transactions that the company made in the past, Lincoln just shook his head and put the tabloid back in the folder.
"Most of this I know already but I need a definite reason why!" Lincoln through in his head. Lincoln went through the fourth folder and found some pictures of his siblings past all of them featuring smiles. He then grabbed the final fifth folder and looked inside, it contained a letter.
Dear Family
I do not know what your reaction to me will be, but I have to not care anyway because the things I am gonna do will surly shock you all. It is true, I tried to blow up Lincoln's plane. I have no regrets about it because I want to send a message to all of you that our brother is the reason that we're not together today, sometimes I wonder if we are the ones to blame sometimes and were are the ones responsible for making Lincoln be that way to us back then. I must repent, there is nothing you guys can do about it now, I feel like shit I have no money and I am dragging Lori down with me thank you for all the memories guys.
"What the fuck?" Lincoln said to himself, "That's it all because of that, fuck sake people are going insane these days!" Lincoln put the letter back in the folder and threw the folders back in the storage closet.
Lincoln was pissed, pissed off that people hate him for who he is. Hate him for everything he done in his life, he had enough of it. Lincoln is now going to leave the past behind and no matter what anyone said to him nether his family or his friends, he is just going to follow his own path.
August 8th, 2021, Naha Airport, Okinawa, Japan, 3:40 PM
*Yawn* "All right one more leg and were done for the day," Lincoln said to his first officer.
It was the first day back on the job for Lincoln for the next three months he will fly domestic routes like Tokyo-Osaka and Tokyo-Sapporo.
"Did you get enough rest captain?" His co-pilot asked him.
"Yeah, I did, it's just I haven't been flying in a while," Lincoln said.
*knock* *knock*
"Captain, cleaning, and catering are finished should we start boarding the passengers?"
"Yes you can."
Soon enough all five-hundred passengers were boarded on the plane.
"Naha Ground, Japan Air 914 requesting pushback requesting runway 36R."
"Japan Air 914 pushback approved."
After the plane was pushed back and the engines were started the plane taxied to runway 36R and waited third in line. After waiting for eight minutes the plane was ready for takeoff.
"Japan Air 914 cleared for takeoff 36R."
"Cleared for takeoff, Japan Air 914." Lincoln repeated on his headset, "Start the clock, flight director on."
"TO/GA," The co-pilot called out.
The plane rolled down the runway and Lincoln soon called for the co-pilot to pull up, "V1…VR… V2."
"Positive rate… gear up please," The first officer called out.
"Gear up," Lincoln complied.
The plane soon climbed to its desired altitude of thirty-six thousand feet, it was all the same for Lincoln he had been through it hundreds and hundreds of times before. He is happy when he flies but this time, he actually feels a bit down about it, in his mind he does not want to fly. Maybe because he commanded a plane while he was injured, maybe it was the incident, to him it was all of these things.
"It feels different this time," Lincoln told his first officer.
"What is?" The young man replied.
"All of the events I've been through, I don't know if I ever return to normal," Lincoln said sitting back into his chair.
"You're not of those publicity types, aren't you?" The man replied.
"Yeah, the American media hates me, and the Japanese media treats me decently, I guess. Last time I been to America and I have to look down at the ground so no one can look at me and notice me."
"That's unfortunate sir."
"I guess so, I'll probably never move back to America again because all of the things that happened this year. It's not safe anymore I guess with all that is happening," Lincoln sighed.
"Well… I mean you have to find the things that work for you and if you find it and it benefits and works for you, stick with it! That's the best advice I have for you and I understand your difficulties."
"Thank you for the insight and advice, the best thing I have right now is my wife and kids and when I get back home tonight I gonna hug all four of them tight!"
"That's the sprit!" The young pilot smiled.
The plane continued on its path towards the main island of Honshu, it was still daylight out the sun is starting to dip, and the blue sky turned into a more yellowish color. The first officer looked down at his watch and in the corner of his eye realize something on Lincoln's finger that he did not during their whole shift.
"Link… may I ask you a question?"
"Yes you may," Lincoln requested.
"How do you propose to someone, I mean I want to marry my girlfriend!"
Lincoln was a bit taken back by the question, he thought back then he propose to Amanda it was around dinner time remembered. That night he bought an engagement ring from a jeweler in the Downtown Crossing section in Boston, he then quickly drove back home and set and cooked up the best dinner he can come up with. When Amanda came back home from a friend's house and surprised her and when she finished eating, he popped the question.
"Where do you live?"
"Kashiwa sir."
"Great right next door to Nagareama, well my advice is to do it at the right moment when she's happy and see what happens. I mean I hope she feels the same way that you do, I mean… I guess it's usually guaranteed at that point," Lincoln said.
"Well thank you for the advice sir!"
"Much obliged!"
After almost two hours of flying the flight was on its approach to Haneda.
"Japan Air 914 contact Tokyo approach."
"Tokyo Control, Japan Air 914 contacting approach on 119.110 thank you good day. Tokyo approach Japan Air 914 requesting ILS approach runway 16R," Lincoln's first officer barked out on the radio.
"Japan Air 914 radar contact, cleared for ILS approach 16R please descend to eight thousand."
"Cleared for approach 16R, descending to eight thousand Japan Air 914."
"Beacons and logo lights on please," Lincoln requested.
"Beacons on."
"Japan Air 914, descend to two thousand five hundred until establish on the localizer contact tower when ready."
"Cleared to descend until established on the localizer, contact tower when ready have good rest of your evening Japan Air 914."
"Alright set ILS frequency 111.55 in NAV 1 please," Lincoln requested.
"111.55Mhz set, switching coms to tower," The man confirmed, "Japan Air 914 inbound for landing runway 16R."
"Japan Air 914 number two cleared for landing runway 16R, reduce speed to under two hundred knots."
"Cleared for landing 16R, reducing speed Japan Air 914."
"Landing lights on," Lincoln called out.
"Confirmed on."
"Switching to mode NAV 1… ILS alive… flaps five."
*Bing* *Bing* Lincoln switched on and off the seatbelt signs to signal the flight attendants for landing.
"Alright your ready?" Lincoln said to his co-pilot.
"Yes sir."
"Flaps fifteen… gear down."
"Gear down," The young man complied.
Twenty-five hundred…
"Spoilers armed, autobrakes set to two," The first officer checked, "Go-around altitude set… before landing checklist complete."
"Ok were doing well… autopilot off!" Lincoln called out as he hit the AP button.
One thousand… minimums….
Five hundred…
Four hundred…
Three hundred…
Two hundred…
One hundred…
"Auto throttle off, reversers," Lincoln said as he pulled the throttles back, "Right, good work there!"
"Japan Air 914 when able please expedite quickly."
Lincoln after steering the plane off the taxiway and raised the flaps and lowered the spoilers and taxied to the gate, he was happy that he was done flying for the day so he can see his kids and Amanda again. After the plane pulled into the gate, he shut off the engines and allowed the passengers to deboard, soon after he and his first officer secured the airplane.
"Battery off," The young man called out.
"Battery off," Lincoln confirmed as he pushed the button, and all the instruments turned off except the cockpit lights.
When the two pilots exited the aircraft through the airbridge and went over to the crew center where they can check out to end their shift, and after doing that the two went outside of the terminal one building.
"Alright… I got your phone number um… now what is your name again I think it's Shinji…" Lincoln trailed off.
"Ikari sir, Shinji Ikari and it has been a pleasure to fly with you today!"
"Well it's been a pleasure as well Mr. Ikari, and if don't mind if you ask what your girlfriend's name is?"
"Asuka Langley sir," Shinji replied.
"How long you two been dating?"
"Around ten years sir… since high school, and we've been living together since we graduated from that high school so for several years now."
"Oh… sorry to impede more but… does she treat you well?"
"Oh it's okay, she kind of hated me at first called me an idiot and all but you know those tsunderes; she kind of warmed up to me and then she confessed that she's in love with me and all that. Asuka clings to me a lot as well so it's ten out of ten on my end over here!" Shinji giggled and scratched the back of his head.
Lincoln suddenly got a notification on his phone, "Hey honey are you done with work yet? I made dinner for you!"
"Well Shinji seems like your relationship is going well we'll talk about both our relationships in a different time together, I have to get to the train station and get home soon my wife's looking where I been!" Lincoln said chuckling.
"You don't have a car Link?"
"No I've been saving money for opening a bike shop in my city, as well buying more stock on the market."
Lincoln was able to get his one hundred thousand dollars back by FDIC insurance payment, HSBC were able to pinpoint the breach from a hacking group associated with Earth's Saviors. They decided to shut down the account and Lincoln decided to change his bank and transfer his money to Japan Post Bank and Charles Schwab.
"Oh that's good, well have a good rest of your evening sir and wish me luck!" Shinji waved to Lincoln as they went their separate ways.
On the train back home Lincoln chuckled from the fact that it seemed like the impossible sometimes happens, and it was always associated one way or another with him or someone he knows. After transferring three times Lincoln eventually got off the Tsukuba Express Rapid Service at his station and walked around twenty-five minutes to his apartment. He sometimes takes the bus but most times he does not so he can get some exercise, eventually he got there to the second floor of the three-story building.
"I'm home guys!" He yelled out after he unlocked and opened the door.
"Dad!" Lincoln's children Koharu, Logan, and Alex. It was Logan and Alex birthdays last month and in September it will be Koharu's.
"What do you want for your birthday Koharu?" Lincoln asked.
"Um… I don't know really, maybe money and I can go shopping with mom in Ginza," Koharu smiled.
"Well keep thinking about it," Lincoln said.
Lincoln looked up from his plate and saw Amanda with a worried look on her face and was picking on her food.
"Is there something wrong honey?" Lincoln asked.
"Uh… no something about work is on my mind."
Lincoln was a bit suspicious and thought about what she has been thinking for the rest of dinner. After dinner is over and desert was done the couple tucked in their three children into bed, they are happy once again. Amanda and Lincoln walked back into the living room and spent some deserving time with each other.
"You know I hate you sometimes you got to be careful with the people you deal with, I don't want to go through an emotional roller coaster again!" Amanda pouted.
"I know you don't want to; the past always somehow catches up with me and the impossible is always possible for me in my opinion," Lincoln sighed.
"Oh don't get down on yourself too much I don't hate you for anything, your still a normal man in my eyes Lincoln… the man I love," Amanda eyes started to water up and started to sob.
"Amanda why are you crying I'm not offended!" Lincoln tried to comfort Amanda.
"No, it's just… I am… I'm pregnant!" She cried out, as she pulled the pregnancy test from her pocket.
Lincoln just stared into the wall past the TV, Amanda looked up at him with tears in her eyes. But Lincoln's expression turns from disbelief to pure happiness.
"Ah hah!" Lincoln cried out, "I love you!" Lincoln kissed Amanda on the lips.
"But… but you said that you don't want another baby?"
"Amanda please… I am always willing to have another child if it is okay with you. Before I was just wondering if you really want another one and I had some doubts about that."
"Oh thank you Lincoln I love you so much!" Amanda gave Lincoln another large hug squeezing the air out of him.
"Agh, Amanda your squeezing me! Let us go to bed I have work tomorrow!" Amanda reluctantly let go.
While the both of them were going to their room, Lincoln got a message on his phone.
"Lincoln, we need to move to a new place before my baby is born, any suggestions on size?" Amanda called from the room.
"LINK I DID IT SHE SAID YES AND PROMISE SHE'LL BE WITH ME FOREVER!" Shinji then sent a selfie of him and Asuka with her blushing and smiling with the engagement ring on.
Lincoln replied, "Congratulations I hope it's smooth sailing for the two of you in the future and you'll make to be a good father Shinji." Lincoln then heard Amanda again.
"Are you coming!?" Amanda said concerned.
"Yes!" Lincoln said as he walked into their bedroom, "I think a 4LDK terrace house is would be the best for the both of us and I think it will allow our family to truly stay together for many years to come!"
Thank you everyone for reading my first story, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll be moving on to my next story!
Also check out my new project: Hero for a New Era, which is a Pokemon political thriller.
If you guys have any other questions for me please leave a review or PM me.
As always have a great day.