A/N: Hey all, I'm so, so sorry about how long this update took. I've been motivated to do other things and with my birthday on the 10th of this month, I'm a bit all over the place. Again I'm so sorry about taking so long with this, and I hope you enjoy.

Also, very quickly, I'm introducing a small test that, in my universe, the classes of 1-A and 1-B took on their day of their entrance exam. Only something small, but just wanted to tell you.

He'd recovered, at least in his own opinion. By Aizawa's request Izuku was sat out of today's training, which really frustrated him for the fact that he needed to work on his quirk just as much, if not more than everyone else, and he couldn't. The only thing he could really do was quirk meditation, but he didn't trust it. The last thing he wanted was to loose control, cause property damage and hurt others.

The dorm rooms were both deathly quiet and it was a little bit lonely, especially after having the ambience of Class 1-A and B's hubbub. Aizawa was watching the students train with Vlad, and the Pussycats were the ones leading the session, the greenette was completely alone. He felt trapped in his own mind in all honesty. He had absolutely no idea what he wanted to do, or what he'd be able to do in his current condition.

An hour and a half had already passed , yet it had felt like it'd been all day. It was beyond aggravating that he had to just sit here and wait to recover, but he'd caused enough trouble for Recovery Girl already. He at least wanted to watch Mina train and help her where he could, but he doubted Aizawa would let him. Although, how he thought about it now, Aizawa hadn't directly expressed Izuku couldn't go out and watch the others, he'd only said he couldn't train.

Realistically, what was the harm in him going out to watch his friends? There wasn't one. So, He got up from his bed and headed to the door, his knees still a little shaky underneath him. He pushed on his shoes, grabbed his teal hoodie from the hook by the door, and made his way out into the main building. It was a little chilly out today compared to past days, but with autumn almost upon them, it was to be expected.

As he made his way towards the door of the dorm room, he looked over to the timetable on the wall. 'Progression Check & Quirk Strengthening'. Quirk strength testing, how badly he wanted to take part in that, but there was no doubting his result would be half assed because of what'd happened.

The thing he really did want to see, even when he couldn't test himself, was to see how powerful his friends had gotten. He'd fought some of them, and he'd seen some of the others fighting, but he wanted to know how strong they were when pushing everything they'd got into a single attack.

Outside was even colder, which was surprising considering how warm it was the day before. He could hear a hubbub from somewhere in the forest ahead, Bakugo's voice coming through clearer than the others. Probably a result of doing worse than he thought he would in the progression check. Izuku increased his pace to a brisk walk and headed into the trees and towards the clearing they were in enough, he could see his class and Class 1-B through the trees, Bakugo demanding a 'retry'.

"No, your result was final. You gave it your all and didn't get as far as you'd expected, it is something you'll have to settle for." The greenette heard Aizawa say sternly to the Explosion quirk user. Bakugo's frown furrowed, but he turned on his heel and didn't continue arguing with their homeroom teacher.

"Oh, Midoriya's here." Todoroki spoke up, almost instantly looking in Izuku's direction as he appeared through the trees. He fired his half-half friend a smile as attention now turned to him.

"Midoriya-Kun Hi!" Pony beamed. It reassured him seeing her smiling like he saw her doing normally.

"Midoriya-Kun. I hope you're feeling better if you've decided to come out here." Aizawa said, a mix of concern and severity.

"I-I'm alright, just a little shaky." Izuku said nervously, cowering a little as he usually did under the Erasure quirk users sullen gaze.

"Good." He said simply, before turning his attention towards the rest of the class. "Kirishima, you're up next." Aizawa said, turning to the red headed teenager.

"Alright!" He exclaimed excitedly, hardening his arms and making his way over to a ground mounted punch bag.

"Midoriya-Kun. This test will measure the kilograms of force your strongest attack will produce. We'll measure this against your results you received in the entrance exam, and use that to rate the progress you've made. From there, the school will collectively decide whether add you to the extra curriculum classes roster." Aizawa explained.

Izuku listened closely whilst watching Kirishima. The red head reared back, standing in place and threw his heavy first forwards, slamming it into the bag. It bent hard in the middle and rocked backwards on it's concrete base, before teetering and falling back to the ground stably.

"Ahh. How was that!" Kirishima beamed, rolling his shoulders and clicking his neck as he turned to Aizawa, folding his arms. The long black haired teacher pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at it blankly.

"two-hundred and fifty. That twenty five more than the start of the year." He said, raising his eyebrows.

"Aw sick! That's better than I thought!" Kirishima beamed, pounding his heavy fists together. "Midoriya, you should try." He turned to his greenette friend with an excited look on his face. Izuku hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-I shouldn't... I'm still not feeling that great." He stuttered, firing Aizawa a nervous glance.

"You're still feeling sick?" Mina asked softly, walking up beside Kirishima. He hadn't noticed her there before, but seeing her face instantly made her feel better, as it usually did.

"Not so much sick..." He started, resting his right hand on his stomach. "Just a little weak." He added. Aizawa wasn't looking at him in the critical way he seemed to always look and anyone and anything, but instead he looked curious. Izuku couldn't help but wonder if he, Vlad and the Pussycats had been talking about what had happened to the greenette the night before, and he wondered if they'd figured out what and why it had happened.

"You can try if you'd like to, Midoriya-Kun." Aizawa spoke up, a hint of reassurance in his voice. "If you become unstable again, I will stop you from breaking down." He added. Izuku hated hearing that. It wasn't what was said or who it was said by, it was the feeling the phrase gave him deep inside. It made him feel like he was loosing control of One For All- like he was loosing his grip on everything he'd worked to hard to get.

"Alright." He said, without much hesitation. He couldn't let this opportunity go to waste. Even if his result wasn't everything he wanted, he felt like Aizawa wouldn't let that figure be finalised, since it would put the greenette at an unfair disadvantage.

So, nervously chewing his bottom lip, Izuku made his way towards the punch bag. Never before had something so simple, felt so formidable, and with everyone watching, he felt almost entitled to exceed their expectations. That wasn't the only thing that was pushing down on his shoulders. It was also the expectation he had of himself. He desperately wanted to prove his doubt wrong, to prove he wasn't loosing control, and that what had happened, was only because he lost his focus, and let it go out of control.

One For All, Full Cowling... Twenty Percent. He muttered to himself. It was go big or go home time right now, at least that's how it felt to him. He'd trained his absolute hardest to allow his body to reach the strength needed to handle twenty percent of One For All, and now he wanted to see if he'd retained that resilience, or if all his training and, dare he say, suffering, was for nought.

The power flooded him, although it didn't feel any stronger than before, and neither did it seem to effect him any differently. Wine red, mint green and golden flecked matter crossed across his skin before seeming to seep into it, just as always, and occasional sparks of teal energy jumped from him, as normal. The sensation of power within him didn't feel any stronger, and nothing else was out of the norm.

So, closing his eyes, he got into a fighting stance and pulled back his fist. He would go for a simple jab to the stomach, because if he could land a strong hit with that attack, he could land strong hits with other attacks. He felt the power within him, he felt it move through his body and he calmed his thoughts, focusing only on that feeling.

He threw himself at the bag with everything he had, gritting his teeth as his fist pounded the heavy material directly in it's centre. It was a strange material that Izuku couldn't find words to describe. It looked like potato sack material, but was soft, and what ever filled it was heavy and solid, nothing like sand.

However, none of that seemed to have effected his punch. The power felt different, and had a much different effect. It was stronger. The punch bag, slammed hard into the floor with quite the thump and Izuku simply stood there, stunned. He'd not used any more power than before, nor had he attacked any differently, yet he felt so... Powerful.

"six-hundred and ninety-two." Aizawa said, even he faltered a little on his words. six-hundred and seventy two kilograms of force, from twenty percent of One For all, from the body of Izuku Midoriya. He couldn't fathom it. At the start of the year, when he had no control of One For All, and he had no limiter, his result was quite a bit higher.

However, that wasn't what mattered. What really mattered, was that even with his limiting technique 'Full Cowling'. Even with the accident and the trials and injuries he'd suffered with these past few months, he progressed so much as to gain a small amount of ground on his previous result, he'd exceeded his expectations massibly for the amount of power he could produce with twenty percent.

But, how was that possible? That made no sense! If his body originally was using one-hundred percent of One For All's power, then why was twenty percent of Full Cowling doing almost the exact same?

Izuku drew himself up, taking a deep breath and calming his body, which was again shaking violently. Why? It was a small question with nothing short of a big answer, although that was not really the case. The answer to that question was a simple one. Quirk Focus. Something that had seemed to unsuccessful, doing more bad that good, had in fact benefited him more than anything. If he managed to perfect it and had it take permanent effect on his body and his power, there was no telling what he was capable of.

These new technique, only around a decade old, if that, would be the very thing to bolster his generation of heroes to a whole new level. For heroes with supporting quirks, like Jiro, Kirishima, Koda and others, it would indeed still increase their quirk sensitivity, range or strength. But, it was the benefits quirk meditation held for offensive type heroes, like Midoriya, Todoroki and even Mina, that would really allow them to shine.

Izuku could reach new heights with One For All, and all he had to do, was master the art of quirk meditation. Of course this wasn't going to be as easy as it sounded. After all, he'd only half-assed the meditation just then, and although fully focusing wouldn't really increase his strength any more, it would increase it's stability, and thus make it easier for his body to handle without turning him into a human earth quake.

"That's ten more than a certain someone." Mina spoke up, walking up to her boyfriend and firing Bakugo a glance. Izuku tried not to let a smile break on to his face, unlike Kirishima, who was more than content with laughing out loud at his fiery blonde friend. The Explosion quirk users brow furrowed and he gritted his sharp teeth, before yelling at Kirishima for laughing, which only seemed to amuse him more.

"Are you happy with that?" Mina asked again, but much quieter. Izuku turned to her with a small and curious frown.

"Of course, that's better than what I thought I would get." He replied with a smile. Mina slowly nodded, looking much more at ease now he'd told her. She didn't and wouldn't tell him, but she was worried that with the weight of One For All on his shoulders, and the fact that he might've lost some of his progress in the amount of power his body could handle, she was concerned it would stunt his confidence in himself.

"Iida-Kun, you're next." Aizawa said, turning his attention now, to the glasses wearing teenager. The result he'd gotten was surprisingly reassuring, but now he knew that the event from yesterday hadn't negatively effected him, he wanted to rest, let his body fully recover, then get back into the thick of training.

He'd had a lot of time to think about it, and he really hadn't given his body a lot of time to recover. He thought he had, but only giving himself a day to relax wasn't enough, clearly. He'd been in fights, trained until he was shaking at the knees, and had suffered some pretty bad injuries, and after a day, he pushed himself back out to train. All he had to do, was really let his body recover, and once he'd done that, he could get back to pushing himself and getting results.

Mina felt bad for Izuku. She knew how badly he wanted to be out training with them today, and it sucked because she also knew there was nothing she could do to help him out. After everyone, including himself, had taken their progression test, it was time to have another session like their first. Quirk Strengthening.

She'd been dreading this, pushing acid from her hands to help thicken her skin and allow her to handle higher acid concentrations. It was clear she wasn't the only one dreading this however, since the faces on her other classmates, and the students of Class 1-B, looked just as disheartened. Of course, some had it easier than others, like Toru for example, but Mina didn't fall into that lucky category.

As Mina walked with Kaminari, Momo and her other group of close friends, her eyes wondered over to Class B, walking a little ways ahead with Vlad leading the way. Although, there was only one person within that group that Mina really saw.

Pony. Was that girl the reason something happened to Izuku? Mina knew it was a rash judgement, but she couldn't push the thought from her mind. Izuku, even when only training, had always ensured he had perfect control of his quirk- of One For All. So, why had he completely broken down the first time he was ever with this girl? It wasn't like he would know for sure, because he was in a complete and total melt down, so Mina had a very sneaking suspicion it had something to do with this girl.

"Mina, you alright? You've been spacin' out a lot since we got here." Kirishima spoke up, patting Mina's shoulder. She jumped and he quickly recoiled, laughing.

"Woah, easy." He laughed, letting his arms fall to his sides and walking beside her.

"Sorry." Mina said, letting out a sigh and shaking her head, pushing her hands into her pockets.

"What's up with you?" The red head asked in a softer tone.

"Her." Mina said simply. Kirishima frowned curiously and followed Mina's eyes up to class B, and decided himself that the girl she was talking about was the one Izuku had been with the day he'd gone haywire.

"The blonde one?" Kirishima asked, a little too loudly. Mina shot him a warning glace and he quickly brought up his shoulders, gritting his sharp teeth in an over exaggerated manner. Mina let a small smile come onto her face and she shook her head again.

"Yeah... It's about Izuku." She added, pausing for a few seconds before sighing.

"He's a great guy, you should trust him-." Kirishima started, before Mina cut him off.

"No, it's not trust issues." Mina said, only half truthfully. "It's what happened to him." She added.

"Yesterday? You think she had something to do with it?" Kirishima asked.

"Don't you find it odd?" Mina responded, answering his question with another question. "I mean, he had perfect control of his quirk before." Mina added, quite passionatly. Kirishima shifted a little and nodded sideways, shrugging.

"I dunno Mina, this seems a lil' rash." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You don't think it's sus?" She asked in an offended way. Kirishima began, for the first time, really getting flustered.

"Well I... I don't think you're thinkin' about this right." He stuttered, before quickly calming himself and thinking sensibly.

"Hey quirk let's her fire off her horns, not manipulate others quirks. Trust me, I saw it the other day." He said, patting his friends shoulder. Mina opened her mouth to argue, but closed it and let out another sigh.

He was right, she wasn't thinking straight. Why was she looked for someone to blame, was it because of the added stress knowing Izuku's quirk was in fact One For All? She wished she knew. There was an off chance Izuku just lost control, with such a quirk as the one that once belonged to All Might, she wouldn't really be surprised. The most shocking thing to her was that Izuku had managed to hide it from them from all this time before this.

"It's gonna be fine, don't worry 'bout it." Her red headed friend added with a smile.

"Sorry. Thanks Kirishima." She said simply. She could talk to Izuku about it later on- about what was concerning her. He was the person she wanted to hear it from after all. She trusted the opinions and thoughts of her friends, but hearing Izuku tell her made her believe it. Something about him brought her so much comfort, and even after the month she'd known him, she couldn't put her finger on it.

It didn't matter. Kirishima was right, she wasn't thinking straight. All she had to do was get through this session and do her best, and once it was over, she could talk to Izuku and clear this mess from her mind.

Unfortunately for Mina, the session just passed was the same as the first, and her hands felt like they were about to fall off. The pain wasn't as substantial as before, but her skin was tinted a slightly more magenta colour from where it'd been burned.

Again, Aizawa had bandaged her up and along with Vlad, had seen to the other little injuries sustained by the students. Reassuringly he'd promised tomorrows training sessions to be much more relaxed with simple team building exercises, over making them all push themselves to the limits.

More importantly, over all of that, was the fact that she could finally see Izuku. She had no idea what he'd been doing through the past four hours, but she really hoped he hadn't been bored, because just imaging how she would've felt in his situation made her sick with boredom.

Once class B and A had split off and entered their respective dorm buildings, everyone went about doing things they'd been waiting until now to do, which was mostly just sitting and relaxing. Everyone slumped down into any sofa, armchair or beanbag that was free, whilst Mina made her wait up the stairs and to the boys side of the building.

"Midoriii." She sang as she approached the open door of her boyfriends room. "I'm ba-." Mina smiled, leaning into the doorway only to see that the greenette was absent from the space. She could've sworn he said he was going back to the dorm buildings earlier. It didn't matter, he was probably with Mandalay or one of the Pussycats.

Mina turned away from his room and started back towards the stairs. Then, she stopped again. He couldn't be with the Pussycats, because they'd just come from a training session with them. He wasn't here, and he wasn't with them, so where the hell was he?

Mina chewed on her bottom lip thoughtfully, a somewhat nervous buzz awakening in her stomach as she continued to the walkway above where the rest of her class was sat socialising.

"Yo!" She announced, leaning on the railing of the walkway and looking down to her the class. Everyone looked up in her direction "Anyone seen Midoriya?" She asked. The class shared a few glances.

"Didn't he come back here?" Bakugo asked, passing a tennis ball between his hands carelessly.

"That's what I thought he'd said too." Iida said. "I doubt he's gone very far, he's probably outside somewhere." The glasses wearing teen responded before turning back and starting up his previous conversation.

Mina got up from the rail and let out a sigh. Iida was probably right, and even if she couldn't find him out there, he'd probably show up in a few minutes and tell them he'd been in the most obvious place possible the whole time.

"Mina?" A familiar voice spoke up. The pink skinned girl quickly turned to her right and saw Izuku, standing there in a white T-shirt and shorts, looking ever so slightly sweaty.

"Midori, where were you? I was about to go out and look for ya." She explained with a smile.

"Sorry. I was helping Aizawa prepare the baths. He sent me to tell you all they're ready and we can head in now." The quiet greenette explained. Mina's face lit up and she quickly leaned back over the balcony.

"Guys! We can use the baths!" She yelled. Izuku jumped at her sudden outburst and watched his class begin talking excitedly and rush off to grab their towels and toletries.

"Why am I never ready for you to do things like that..." He sighed to himself and Mina turned back to him, shrugging with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Are your things already down there?" Mina asked, trying to make conversation with her boyfriend as the couple made their way towards her room.

"Yeah." He responded simply.

"Was it boring?" She continued.

"What?" He responded, looking at her with a sideways expression. Mina giggled.

"Being sat around here ya moron. I would've died of boredom." She said, nudging him as she opened her door and headed into her room. Izuku waited at the door, watching her bustle around her room grabbing her towel, pyjamas and a fresh pair of underwear.

As she pulled this black set of underwear her eyes snuck over to look at Izuku, who was looking at the floor with a bright red face. He appreciated how little she cared about what people thought of her sometimes, but with things like this, he wished she'd have the same filter he did. Like not casually showing her underwear to him like it didn't matter. It wasn't like he hadn't seen her in her underwear, but it didn't mean he was comfortable with it.

Stop thinking about it! You always do this to yourself! He yelled in his mind. Then, Mina's giggling brought him from his thoughts, and he looked back up to her. She folded her pyjamas and underwear up in her towel before tucking it under her arm and walking over to him.

"I'm happy you haven't really changed since we first got talking." She said softly, pecking him gently on the lips before taking his scared, coarse hand in hers. He was taken aback by this, after all, she hadn't kissed him in what felt like quite a long time. It was a really nice feeling that made him feel just as hot and flustered as usual, and it also made him feel oddly secure.

"Come on, I don't wanna get there just as they're all gettin' out." She smiled, tightening her grip on his hand and leading him out of her room, pulling the door closed behind them with her foot.

"H-Hey, Mina..." Izuku started after a few seconds of walking in silence, tightening his grip on her hand.

"Hmm?" She hummed back.

"T-Thank you... For deciding to talk to me." He muttered. Mina went to speak before fully processing what he'd said, and stopping herself. What was he saying?

"What do you mean?" She giggled, slowing her speed walk to a gentle stroll.

"Well... For deciding that you wanted to talk to me... I... Uhg, I-I don't know." He started, before falling on his words and giving up. Mina let out a sigh and laughed, shaking her head.

"Why're ya thanking me?" She asked.

"I just feel like you deserve it." He muttered, shrugging and looking away from her, off into the trees. Mina didn't bother pressing the matter any more and accepted his gratitude, even thought it was un-needed. It was really nice to see that he hadn't really changed from the boy she first fell in love with. A nerdy, flustered, anxious ball of nerves.