Hello all Storm here with a new story! Okay after this I'm going say I will do one more new story and then after I will hopefully get back to updating my stories. So, yeah two more new stories and then updates. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

'I have to hurry; I don't have much time!' Thought Minato Namikaze as he went through a series handseals.

With him was his wife, Kushina Uzumaki, who was currently on the ground with her Adamantine Sealing Chains sprouting from her back. Their newborn son, Naruto, was somehow sleeping peacefully while laying on a ceremonial alter. And above them, was the Kyūbi no Kitsune, which was currently restrained by Kushina's chains. Along with a barrier surrounding them, preventing the Kyūbi from making an escape, while also preventing anyone from getting in.

Currently, Minato was in the middle of performing a jutsu to seal the Kyūbi away with, while the Masked Man's words echoed in his head, telling him that he would return. He couldn't let him get the Kyūbi again, knowing nothing good would come of it. So, Minato planned to seal half of the Kyūbi within himself, while sealing the other half within Naruto. That way, his would have power needed to fight the Masked Man in the future.

Kushina was against it of course, not wanting her son to suffer the burden of being a Jinchūriki, but Minato had managed to convince her otherwise. Though even now, she was still reluctantly and would prefer to take the Kyūbi down with her.

Though due to being lost in his thoughts, along with the urgency of the situation, Minato was unaware he made a slight mistake in a handseal, before clapping his hands together.

"Dead Demon Consuming Seal!" Minato said, as the Shinigami appeared behind him and removed his soul from his body.

'Now, to seal half of it within myself.' Minato thought, as he let out a grunt when the Shinigami's arm shot through his body and grabbed hold of the Kyūbi, before ripped part of it out and sealed it within Minato's stomach, which was represented by a swirl-like seal appearing there.

'Huh… funny, I thought I'd be more tired from that.' Thought Minato, as he was expecting his body to feel like it was being overloaded from sealing Kyūbi in himself, even if it's only half of the Bijū.

Unknown to Minato, due to the mistake he made in one of his handseals, he didn't seal half of the Kyūbi into himself, but only the soul of the beast. Leaving behind only the Kyūbi's Chakra.

'Now, to seal the other half into Naruto with the Eight Trigram Seal.' Thought Minato, before letting out another grunt as the Shinigami grabbed the Kyūbi's Chakra and placed it within Naruto, leaving behind the Eight Trigram Seal

With the sealing complete, the Shinigami grabbed Minato's soul and devoured it, ending the Yondaime Hokage's life.

Falling to the ground, the last thing Minato saw was his wife and son. All while feeling relieved, knowing Naruto will be able to one day use the Kyūbi's power.

Kushina panted in relief as her chains vanished, though the barrier remained for now, before grimacing in pain, knowing that she's running out of time. Even with her Uzumaki lifeforce, she was a Jinchūriki that had her Tailed Beast extracted, and it'll only be a matter of time before she died.

'I just have… one thing to do.' Kushina thought, while moving closer to where her baby was.

Looking at his peaceful face made Kushina give a teary smile.

"Naruto-kun… there are so many… things I want to tell you… but there's not enough time… all I can say is I love you more than… anything in the world and will always be with you, even if it's… not the way I wanted…" Kushina said, while going through a few handseals, before placing her hand over Naruto's seal and transferring the last of Chakra, along with her soul, into the seal.

She may not be able to physically raise her son, but she'll be damned if she isn't there to see him grow up. Even if it'll be years before he enters the seal, she'll gladly wait, if it means being able to hold him in her arms.

Once the transfer was complete, Kushina collapsed onto the ground dead, though with a smile on her face, knowing she will see her son again.

With Kushina's death, the barrier vanished, allowing the former Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, along with a team of Anbu, to enter and look on sadly at their deceased Hokage and his wife, leaving their child an orphan.

"Seal away Minato and Kushina's bodies, they deserve a proper burial. And have someone find Arashi as well, he'll want to know what happened to his brother and nephew." Sarutobi said, referring to Minato's elder brother, Arashi Namikaze.

Grabbing Naruto, no one noticed that the Eight Trigram Seal gain a red glow that spread over Naruto's body, before it vanished.

No one will be aware of the consequences of Minato's mistake for several years, and by the time anyone does… it will be far too late.

Timeskip-Four Years*

Four years have passed since the Kyūbi attack, with the village having been completely restored from the Kyūbi's rampage; but the scars and memories of those lost in the attack will always present. It was for this reason he didn't inform the village of Naruto being the Kyūbi's Jinchūriki, along with some insistence from Arashi that it would only lead to trouble.

Unfortunately, Sarutobi didn't count on his old rival, Danzo, to leak the information of Naruto's Jinchūriki status to the public. By the time the Hokage learned about it, it was already too late and the only thing he could do was place a law preventing anyone from telling the younger generation of Naruto's Jinchūriki status. Thankfully, no one had tried attacking Naruto, thanks to the presence of his uncle warding off anyone foolish enough to try.

That is, until today.

It was October Tenth, the day of the Kyūbi's Festival celebrating the fox's defeat, along with being Naruto's birthday. Normally Naruto would be kept inside during today, but this morning his uncle Arashi had been sent out on a long-term mission with no set day of when he'd be back. Arashi had told Naruto to stay inside for the day and not let anyone in. Unfortunately, Naruto was a rather curious child and he wanted to know what happened on this day that he wasn't allowed to see, so against his uncles wishes, Naruto had gone outside.

That had been a mistake, as not even ten minutes after he walked out, Naruto had found himself being chased by a mob of villagers who had spotted him. All of them eager to finally get some revenge against the Kyūbi, after being denied it for four years.

Naruto had been running for nearly an hour until he was finally cornered, and the villagers started attacking him. He could do nothing but curl up into a ball in a weak attempt to protect himself, as any attempt to try and escape only made the mob attack him more.

They had been doing this for who knows how long, and the entire time Naruto felt fear, confusion, and panic that he was being attacked for no reason, at least as far as he knew, and no one was even trying to help him. But above all that, Naruto felt angry.

It started out small, as just being upset that he was being chased. But when he was cornered and they started attacking him, with each punch, kick, and every attack, his anger grew until finally it reached its breaking point.

Naruto's eyes snapped open as they glowed red and a red aura started coming off him. That only seemed to make the villagers hit him harder, while Naruto started grunting in rage before finally…


*Timeskip-Three Days*

"That boy is a danger to all of Konoha and needs to be executed!" Koharu shouted as she, Hiruzen, Homura, and Danzo were gathered in their meeting room.

They had gathered to discuss the… incident three days ago concerning Naruto. Nobody knows what exactly happened, only that Anbu had found what could only be described as a massacre with bodies torn apart, blood splattered everywhere, and that center of it all was a young Naruto.

Everyone was immediately eager to blame Naruto, while either calling for his execution or banishment from Konoha, though many preferred the former rather than the latter.

"Be mindful of what you say next Koharu, Inoichi has already confirmed it was the villagers that attacked Naruto first, and he lost control." Sarutobi said, having had Inoichi look through the last memories of the deceased villagers and was able to confirm they had all attacked Naruto first, with him subconsciously using the Kyūbi's Chakra and retaliated.

"He killed over a hundred people in a single night. Whether he was in control or not is a moot point, something needs to be done, or the people will riot." Homura said calmly, knowing if they just ignored this, they'd have even more problems.

"The boy will either be banished or executed, Hiruzen. Those are your only options." Danzo said, while internally feeling annoyed at this development.

His original plan with revealing the boys Jinchūriki status to the public was that they'd beat him into submission, it'd whether physically or emotionally. And when he was at his lowest, Danzo could easily swoop in and begin molding him into the ultimate weapon. Now that plan was completely ruined with this result.

He could no longer risk inducting the boy into ROOT, since any attempt at condition him into a weapon for Konoha might make the boy go berserk again. Even if he's banished, Danzo wouldn't be able to grab him, as that could also trigger another rampage. The Warhawk's best bet would be for the boy to be banished, and then leak rumors of his heritage to enemy villages. That way, if they tried capturing him, he'll likely go berserk and attack the other Hidden Villages, then he'd at least prove useful to furthering Konoha's strength by weakening their enemies.

If he died in the process, then it'll just be one less potential threat to Konoha.

Sarutobi glared at Danzo, having a feeling he knew what his old teammate was thinking. And while he didn't want to give Danzo the satisfaction of doing exactly what he wanted, he also wasn't going to execute a child for something he had no control of. But he also couldn't do nothing; if he did, there's a high chance the villagers will simply take matters into their own hands. Something that will only result in Naruto going on another rampage, one that will most likely be worse than the last one.

No matter what option he chose, he'd be dishonoring Minato and Kushina's legacy. The only positive thing would be if Naruto was banished, then there's a chance he could find his way to a town or village that would take him in, and live a normal life, with no one knowing who he is.

Sighing in resignation, the Hokage looked up before giving his answer.

*Timeskip-Three Weeks*

"What is the meaning of this?!" Demanded Arashi as he entered the Hokage's office and glared at the Hokage with his right eye, since he lost his left eye during the Third War with only a scar over it, after having returned from his long-term mission.

The first thing he had noticed when he arrived was the villagers celebrating over something. Listening in on a few conversations, Arashi had only managed to figure out that for the past three weeks, the villagers had been celebrating the fact that the 'demon' was finally gone.

It didn't take long for Arashi to find out just what they meant and had immediately went to the Hokage to get answers.

"Why is Naruto no longer in the village?" Demanded Arashi, as he slammed his hands down on the desk and glared at the Hokage, who sighed tiredly, knowing this won't be a pleasant conversation.

Sarutobi explained to Arashi all that had happened while he was gone, from Naruto being attacked, to going berserk, and finally his decision to banish him.

"And what about outside? Have you even tried stopping those… people from celebrating?" Arashi demanded through gritted teeth.

"What would you have me do? Ban them from celebrating, they'd just do so in their own homes, and I can't exactly knock down every single door in Konoha." Sarutobi retorted.

"Oh, so you're completely fine with the fact that for three weeks, everyone has been celebrating the fact a four-year-old boy, their own Yondaime Hokage's son, was banished from the only home he's ever known for something he can't control. Not only that, but you sent a child out into the world with no way to fend for himself!" Arashi shouted.

"I did what I thought was best to honor Minato and Kushina's memory! Would you have preferred I just executed him?!" Sarutobi demanded.

"No, but least that would have been quick. What you did was cruel, for all you know he could be dead right now from starvation or being torn apart by animals." Arashi said in disgust, before taking off his headband and throwing it on the Hokage's desk.

"I refuse to be part of a village that attacks a child and celebrates when they're thrown out alone." Arashi said, before walking out the office and leaving Konoha to hopefully find his nephew.

All while swearing revenge against Konoha for this betrayal.

*Timeskip-Twelve Years*

"Look, all I'm saying is, Orochimaru is trusting that psycho Suna Jinchūriki to help the invasion, but what exactly are we supposed to do when he runs out of tree-huggers to kill and comes after us?" Questioned an irritated redhead, Tayuya, one of the Sound Five, the elite bodyguards of Orochimaru, as she looked at her temporary partner, Kimimaro, the leader of the Sound Five.

Normally Kimimaro wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone that dared to question Orochimaru's plans. But he wouldn't deny that Gaara was a loose cannon from his few encounters the Ichibi Jinchūriki, when he went with Orochimaru to his meetings with Rasa. But he was confident that his Master had a contingency plan figured out, in case that were to happen. But currently, he was more focused on completing Orochimaru's orders. The orders being for him and Tayuya to investigate some tremors that have been going off in the Land of Wind in the past few months. Normally, Kimimaro would have stayed at the base, given his illness and the need to conserve his strength. But this was one of the rare good days, where he wasn't in constant pain, and he wanted to make the most of it by fulfilling his Master's wishes.

Plus, this mission will help them in gaining Suna's trust, since this is one of the most dangerous parts of the desert, something that will help them greatly in the upcoming invasion. Plus, it will help keep the Kazekage from expecting their eventual betrayal and cause him to lower his guard.

Tayuya had mostly complained the entire time, before turning the one-sided conversation to the coming invasion, where Oto and Suna would invade and destroy Konoha during the Chūnin Exams held there. Along with Orochimaru plans to mark Sasuke Uchiha with the Curse Seal of Heaven during the Second Stage of the Chūnin Exams.

They soon arrived at a cave, where they could sense someone inside.

"Whoever you are, come out now." Kimimaro ordered.

Not a moment later, an elderly Arashi exited the cave, his hair now more grey than blonde, while his Jonin uniform looked ragged. He looked at the two strangers, before seeing the headbands with a music note.

"You, what village are you from?" Arashi questioned, not recognizing the headbands.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Don't tell me this old bastard is the one causing those tremors!" Tayuya said, not willing to believe this old man was the cause of them.

Though she fell silent at the look Kimimaro gave her, before he turned back to Arashi.

"We are from Otogakure, the Hidden Sound Village, and we were sent by our leader, Orochimaru-sama, to discover the source of several tremors in this area. Are you somehow involved with them?" Kimimaro questioned, while Arashi thought over what he was just told.

If these two are affiliated with Orochimaru then this could be the chance he's been waiting for to get revenge on Konoha, especially if Orochimaru knows of the power Naruto held.

"Yes, but I'm not the cause of them, my nephew is. If you take us to Orochimaru, I'm sure he'd be pleased." Arashi said.

"Hmm, very well. Where is your nephew?" Kimimaro questioned, willing to give this man a chance to prove himself.

Besides, if this nephew of his was strong enough to create tremors felt all the way in Oto, then he could prove useful to Orochimaru.

Just then, the ground started shaking before a massive antlion burst out of the ground and hissed at the three.

"Wow, you are one ugly fucker aren't you." Tayuya stated as she reached for her flute, while Kimimaro's bones emerged from his body

Arashi seeing a chance to get their interest shouted


Far away, sitting on a stone pillar, Naruto looked up from his meal before shooting off.

Faster than Tayuya and Kimimaro could follow, the antlion was sent flying away from them as they looked on in shock as they saw Naruto floating in the air. Tayuya stared at Naruto in shock at the casual display of strength, and at Naruto's appearance.

For starters, he was really tall, taller than anyone Tayuya's seen, and had rock hard muscles on every part of his body, long shaggy blonde hair that reached down to his upper back, whisker marks on each cheek, lightly tanned skin, while wearing ragged pants and a red pelt tied around his waist. The most notable features though were several scars on his body. A scar across his left cheek, left bicep, and an "X"-shaped scar on his left pectoral reaching over his left shoulder, along with two more smaller ones on the upper-left of his abdomen.

Tayuya will also silently admit that he is rather hot, in a wild and animalistic sort of way.

Though she also took notice of the metal collar around his neck.

Kimimaro though was simply thinking that Orochimaru would definitely wish to meet these people.



"Orochimaru-sama, both Kimimaro and Tayuya have returned, and it looks like they brought some guests with them." Kabuto said to his leader, who stood within his quarters looking out the window.

"Is that so? Send them in Kabuto." Orochimaru said, with Kabuto nodding and brought the four in.

"Here they are Orochimaru-sama." Said Kabuto.

Turning around, Orochimaru raised a brow when he saw Arashi who, despite his advanced aged, Orochimaru could recognize, while Naruto looked around the room with a look of curiosity.

"Well, well Arashi. Never did I think I'd see you again. Tell me, why it is you are here with who I can only guess is Minato's brat?" Orochimaru questioned.

"I'm sure you are aware of the events that lead to us both leaving Konoha, Orochimaru." Said Arashi, with Orochimaru nodding as his spies have informed him.

"Yes, yes, the boy had lost control and gone on a rampage, with him being banished as a result, while you left to find him. But what does this have to do with me?" Demanded Orochimaru.

"I'll be blunt, you hate Konoha, we hate Konoha, and all three of us want revenge. If you allow us to join you, I'm sure we could be of use to you in destroying the village. Naruto especially, with his power." Arashi said, while Orochimaru narrowed his eyes at the older brother of the Yondaime Hokage.

"You're saying he could go berserk again; you've brought a threat into my village?!" Orochimaru demanded, with Arashi acting quickly.

"Please there's no need to worry, I swear! If that happened, I have this." Said Arashi, as he pulled out a remote and showing it to Orochimaru, while Naruto became visibly unnerved at seeing the remote and grabbed at his collar, which Tayuya noticed, making her narrow her eyes.

"The collar is of my own design. It has a strong electrical current, so if he ever loses control, I can stop him." Arashi said, successfully ensuring that Orochimaru that Naruto wasn't a threat.

"Interesting, perhaps you can prove useful to me. And what is your name boy?" Orochimaru questioned, having never really bothered learning his name.

Naruto just looked at him with a blink, before looking away.

"Please forgive Naruto, sir. He's not very sociable, I doubt he even remembers his time in Konoha." Arashi said, hoping that his nephew didn't offend the Sannin in any way.

"Hmph. Very well, I will allow you both into Oto. Kabuto, reward Kimimaro and Tayuya for bringing these two to me. And then take these two to get cleaned up and given some informs." Said Orochimaru.

Nodding, Kabuto pulled out two scrolls of Ryo and tossed them to Tayuya and Kimimaro, the latter of whom just tossed his aside, which Tayuya grabbed, not needing any reward besides his Master's approval.


After bathing and getting some new clothes, Naruto and Arashi entered the Commons Room, where most of the Oto Ninja were eating.

"Yo blondie, over here!" Tayuya said, standing up from her table and waving at them.

Normally Tayuya wasn't a very sociable person, but she was interested in finding out more about this guy and his rather… unique personality.

Walking over, Arashi sat down while Tayuya looking over Naruto's new clothes. Black boots with white borders and green-striped toes, purple form fitting pants, and black armbands with white ridges. and black chest armor with a green midsection and shoulder pads. Arashi, meanwhile, wore the standard Oto uniform.

"Hey nice outfit, better than what most of the dumbasses here wear. Though you might want to consider ditching the fur…" Tayuya said, before reaching to take it off, only for Naruto to get angry when she touched it.

"It stays on!" Naruto shouted, causing everyone to turn towards the shout, while Tayuya recoiled back at the sudden anger from the normally calm teen.

"Okay damn, so that things important to you." Tayuya muttered, while touching the fur more gently, amazed at how soft it was.

Just then, Tayuya growled quietly in annoyance when she Sakon walking over, his face slightly red and she could just smell the Sake on him.

"Hey Tayuya, why don't come sit with me, sweetheart." Sakon said, causing Tayuya to clench her fists.

Given the fact that she was one of the few girls in Oto at the moment, she has to deal with dumbasses coming on to her. Most were easy enough to ward off, but ones like Sakon were harder, since they weren't afraid of her.

"Back off you two headed fucker, before shove both your heads up your shared ass!" Tayuya growled, causing Sakon to scowl and grab her arm.

"Well I wasn't asking!" Sakon said.

Seeing this Naruto's expression darkened as he started getting angry, before managing to get control of it and walk up to Sakon, getting his attention.

"What, you got a problem?" Sakon said, as Naruto took a breath before responding.

"I do."

"Big mistake!" Sakon said, before punching Naruto's chest, only for him to not even flinch.

Sakon punched him several more times, before Naruto grabbed him by his throat and lifted him into the air with a fierce scowl as his eyes a flashed dark amber and gave a roar. Until suddenly, Naruto was electrocuted as his collar activated and dropped Sakon.

"Woah! Are you alright?!" Tayuya asked, once the collar turned off.

Once seeing that he was alright, Tayuya glared at Arashi and saw him holding the remote.

"What's the big idea shocking him like that, you old fuck?!" Tayuya demanded.

"It's necessary to keep him under control." Retorted Arashi, while pocketing the controller.

"Bullshit, he's only like this because of how you raised him, asshole!" Said Tayuya.

While Tayuya will admit she's a sadistic bitch, who saw her enemies as trash, she did get particularly pissed off when seeing others treat their family like shit. Call it a result from her own shitty childhood.

"You may have helped us, but don't think you know anything about us. From now, stay away from me and my nephew, got it girl." Arashi said lowly, before turning to take his leave.

Tayuya glared at Arashi silently, before turning away from him, with her arms crossed as Arashi left the room.

Once he was gone, Tayuya looked at Naruto with a smirk, before showing him the remote to his collar, surprising him that she managed to steal it.

"Here's what I think of that old bastard and his threats." Tayuya said, before dropping the remote on the ground, and crushing it under her foot.


After the fiasco in the Commons room, Tayuya had taken Naruto back to her room, where he was now eating his weight in snack bars. It made Tayuya wonder just what he ate before coming here, and how long he's lived in the wilderness.

"What is this?" Naruto questioned, getting Tayuya's attention and saw he was holding a container of water.

"Huh? Ordinary water, don't tell me you've never had water before?" Tayuya said, not willing to believe he's never had water, despite living in a desert for most of his life.

Swirling it around, Naruto immediately gulped all the water down, much to Tayuya's amazement.

"That was good water." Stated Naruto.

"By the way, thanks for earlier. Sakon's an arrogant asshole, just because he's the leader of the Sound Four, even though Kimimaro kicked his ass." Tayuya said.

Naruto looked at Tayuya for a moment, before looking at his pelt and placing a hand on it.

"This is Ba's ear." Naruto said, getting Tayuya's attention.

"That fur you wear?" Tayuya asked, with Naruto giving a small nod.

"Me and Ba got along great back home. It was scary when it got mad, but I got over that, and I started to train by avoid Ba's teeth. We became like good friends, but my uncle didn't like that one bit. He said that being friends with Ba wasn't training, but playing. My uncle cut Ba's ear off with a big shuriken, making it angry with him and me. After that, Ba was never the same again. That's why I decided to keep Ba's ear, to remember when we were friends." Naruto said as he gripped the fur, while Tayuya looked at him in amazement, both at how much he just said at once and how… different he was from what she originally thought.

When she first saw him knock away that giant bug, she thought he was some strong fighter that enjoyed combat. But hearing him talk about that fur and where it came from, Tayuya saw he was, in a way, pure.

"Do you even like fighting or just do what that old bastards says? If so, you should have ditched him long ago." Tayuya said.

"You shouldn't say such bad things about him, he is my uncle." Naruto said with a small frown.

Tayuya could only look at Naruto in disbelief, before sighing in frustration. But even so, she's still interested in finding out more about him.

*Timeskip-Two Months*

Orochimaru smirked as he looked over at Konoha being attacked by the combined forces of Suna and Oto. It was a truly beautiful sight, watching his former village being destroyed.

'It'll be even more beautiful when I can gaze upon their corpses.' Orochimaru thought, before turning his gaze to his former sensei and teammates.

While it had been surprising to see Tsunade of all people back in Konoha, it only made Orochimaru pleased that he'll get to see three of the people he hates the most lying dead on the ground. Even better, with the person who does the killing is.

"Isn't this quite the reunion, the Sannin and their teacher together again." Orochimaru said mockingly.

"And once we're done, there will be only two Sannin left Orochimaru." Said Jiraiya, while glaring at his former teammate.

"Kukuku, while I would love nothing more than to kill you personally Jiraiya, I always believed in the more… personal touch to these sorts of things. Instead, I have the perfect opponent to end not only you three, but all of Konoha as well." Orochimaru said, before snapping his fingers, causing both Arashi and Naruto to appear.

Sarutobi looked in shock seeing them, even if they were older, he recognized Naruto and Arashi; while Jiraiya and Tsunade were just confused as to who they were.

"Sensei, who are these people?" Tsunade asked, with Sarutobi not responding, still in shock.

"A-Arashi, Naruto." Sarutobi said, with Jiraiya looking at him in shock at hearing those names.

"Yes, that's right Sarutobi, we've returned for our revenge! You betrayed not only us, but Minato and Kushina by throwing their son away like trash! Now, it will be by his hands you meet your end!" Arashi said, while pointing at the Sandaime and two Sannin.

"Now! Do it Naruto, attack them!"

In response to his uncle's anger, Naruto clenched his fists and gave a loud shout unleashing his power before charging forward.

Though unknown to everyone, this fight will lead to the creation of the ultimate warrior, one who will stand above all others, one who will become…


So, what did you think, good. Yep if you haven't guessed yet this Naruto is based on Broly from the new movie only he's not a Saiyan and instead his power comes from the fact he has all of the Kyuubi's Chakra merged with him. He'll have access to his own Wrath State and his own version of Super Saiyan and Legendary Super Saiyan, or Full Power Super Saiyan, forms and he'll have the Storm Style Kekkei Genkai to substitute Ki attacks. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out