A Great Plan

He knew he was never going to live this down. There is no way that Snap, Kare, or Jess would ever let him live this down. As he shifted, he hissed as he felt the rope cut into his skin.

He knew he shouldn't have followed that pretty, little blonde upstairs. But the way she gave him that come and get me stare he couldn't resist. It had been a damn long time since he had gotten any tail and that blonde looked like she was down for a good connect-disconnect. It all seemed like a good plan.

It was a great plan.

Until it wasn't.

"To black squadron!" The entire team held up their mugs and cheered before downing their drinks in unison.

Jess coughed as the crude drink burned her throat. She hissed as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "God what is this piss?" She grumbled as she eyed the mug suspiciously.

"Just shut up and enjoy it. Who knows when we will get some time off again," Kare remarked as she tried to get the attention of a passing waitress. Poe's eyes locked onto the tight backside of one as she passed by, hypnotized by the sensual movement. When she looked down at him as she passed, she winked. "The irresistible Poe Dameron", he thought and smiled.

"What do I gotta do to get some attention over here!" Kare seethed as she threw her hands up in the air. She plopped back down in the booth and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm giving you attention," Snap chimed in suggestively as he wiggled his eyebrow.

Kare rolled her eyes and grunted. "Give me a few more of these first," she held up her mug and wiggled it in the air. "And then we'll talk."

Poe chuckled as he shook his head, looking at the two in amusement. He was used to this song and dance that Kare and Snap played. He knew that their feelings for each other were deep and that they shared a mutual attraction. At some point Kare wanted to put the brakes on their entire relationship, to the irritation of Snap. War could do that to a person. He remembered the stories his parents told him. Stories about people who had loved ones go off to fight, only to be never seen again by those who loved them the most. His father told him about how the Jedi swore off all attachments. Attachment led to jealousy as well as the fear of loss. You react differently when everything you have to lose is standing right beside you. It was one of the reasons why Poe had only casual relationships, at least right now.

Looking at Snap and Kare, however, anyone could see that what they had was not something that could be ignored. Even they could see it, but they were just too damn stubborn to do anything about it. Although, he knew that their will only held out for so long. The walls were pretty thin back at the base, and he definitely heard more than he wanted to after they thought everyone was down for the night.

Poe reached out and gestured for everyone to hand him their empty mugs. "Give those to me. Let me see about getting us some refills." Kare and Snap gave him their mugs in delight, while Poe did not miss the groan Jess gave as she handed him her mug reluctantly. Poe took the mugs and sauntered towards the crowded bar.

After their last mission, they needed to find a place to refuel and replenish supplies. After debriefing with General Organa, she gave them the all clear to take a few nights off. "You four have done a great deal for the resistance. It's about time you did something for yourselves for a change," General Organa told them after they returned from their latest mission. That's why the squad decided to make a pitstop at Hosinian Prime.

Hosinian Prime was a planet in the Hosinian system and served as the capital of the new republic. New buildings were being constructed while the Senate Building was in the process of being remodeled. Hosinian Prime was starting to appear as it once did during the Old Republic. However, Black Squadron was not here to see the capital. Instead, they were drawn to what lied below the flittering skyscrapers of the Galactic City.

The Hosinian Prime Underworld was an urban epicenter to the planet's seedy underbelly. It was a metropolis with a micro-climate of its own that was left untouched by the new galactic government due to the reconstruction efforts. The dank alleyways were filled with artificial illumination that gave the city a distinct glow as if the underworld was on fire. The rumblings of the machines that served the elite above echoed along the heavily populated thoroughfares, giving a distinct backdrop for the various sounds of bands playing within the different cantinas. Its streets were haunted by gangs and extortionists, and the ground was riddled with vermin that appeared to spawn from the steaming vents on the streets. The hot steam was a result of all the scattered waste from the industrial zones that was held beneath the city in a special loading zone before it was either recycled or tagged for destruction. One knew better than the walk the streets without a mask filtering the air.

Even though the place appeared inhabitable, it was down here where all the excitement happened, and where thousands of people flocked to every night for an escape. The underworld was home to all the gaming circles as well as the best nightclubs this galaxy had to offer. The kind of clubs where the liquor flowed, and you were able to take a vacation from being over inhibited. Where the bold promise of money and sex was whispered to you from every corner. Here you could do whatever you wanted, 24 hours a day and there was no one here to judge you for your vices. Here there is no First Order or Resistance telling you what is right or wrong, or what you can and can't do. Here the only language was money and the motto here was, "If you can afford it, it's yours."

And tonight, Poe was happy to pay. It had been a long time since General Organa first approached him with the opportunity to join the Resistance. Poe did not hesitate in accepting the position of commander of his own squadron. His continued service to the Resistance led Poe to becoming one of General Organa's most-trusted operatives. He completed numerous recon missions for the resistance, broke out of prison, and he even helped protect a giant egg.

Poe smiled at the memory. That's a long story and if we're going to go that route I'll need more alcohol.

But with every great story there is a story of heartbreak hidden within. Poe had lost one of his own not too long ago. Poe closed his eyes for fleeting moment, his jaw clenched as he remembered the ultimate sacrifice his friend, L'ulo L'ampar, made. It was because of his fellow comrade that Poe, Snap, Kare, and Jess were able to still be here. The whole team had been through a lot. And it was about time that they had some fun. That's why the team found themselves at The Red Veil. One of Hosinian Prime's more popular hot spots. As always, the cantina was packed. Passing traders seemed to be the primary clientele here. Several long tables were occupied with separate groups who, after having quite a few drinks, tried to compete for the honor of being liveliest group in the cantina. The other, smaller tables were occupied by couples who were in the beginning stages of livening up their nights. He recognized some of the women at the tables wearing the bright crimson uniform that the Red Veil was famous for.

Known as being one of the more sensual cantinas in the galaxy, the waitstaff were entirely made up of women, with each one dressed more scantily clad than the last. Dark crimson curtains were draped down the walls, with bright pink neon lights mounted within. Smartly placed holograms of dancers gyrating suggestively added to the intoxicating atmosphere. In the corner, a band provided a smooth hypnotic beat that felt as if it were casting a spell on the patrons, causing them to sway to the music. As Poe walked through the crowd, he felt multiple bodies press up against his, smoothing their hands across his body as he navigated towards the bar. When he finally approached the bar, he caught sight of a Klatooinian banging his mug on the counter.

"Hurry up!" The Klatooinian boomed, slamming his fist upon the bar.

"You're going to have to wait your turn like everyone else Pharx." A woman's voice spoke with a simple directness over the loud noises in the cantina. "Lila is on her break so it's just me right now."

"I been waitin' a long time!" He barked roughly.

"And just for that you'll continue to wait," she said in a level tone. "Or I can just piss in a glass and call it Jawa Beer. Your call."

The Klatooinian sneered in disgust as he sat back in his stool, resigning to the fact that he was forced to continue to wait for his drink. He looked at Poe. What you lookin' at meat bag?" He growled, his eyes narrowed as his lip curled up into a sneer.

Poe held up his hands calmly, not wanting to provoke him any further. "Easy there, big guy. Just trying to get a drink, just like you." He squeezed in next to him and put the empty mugs on the bar top. As he looked up he saw the woman Phrax was speaking to.

She had her back to him as she was filling up a row of glasses. She was fairly petite, her head barely reaching above the bar taps. Her hair was styled in a short bob that went just below her ears. What took him by surprise however, was the bright blood red color it had, that appeared to glow under the neon lights. Even with all the excitement going on around them, her bright hair was like a red beacon, that called all attention to her. As she strode to the other side of the bar, he took notice of how she balanced six glasses that were filled to the brim with beer in her small but careful hands.

His eyes traveled down her small frame. Like the rest of the women in the cantina, her outfit left little to the imagination. She was wearing a red halter top that matched the bright red of her hair. He breasts were lifted and on display like two pieces of ripe fruit ready for picking. While the other women wore skirts, she was wearing a pair of red shorts that went no further than the curve of her beautiful and tight backside.

He took note of how her hips glided back and forth with each step. She moved with such a feline grace that she reminded him of a tusk cat, stalking its way across the golden sands of Tatooine. The way the light danced across her skin allowed him to see the tinge of bronze under the ochre color that was her skin.

While she was a very small woman, she exuded the confidence of someone who was twice her size. He watched as she dropped off five of six the mugs to the group of laughing human males at the far end of the bar, smiling as she exchanged their drinks for credits. She paused for a moment as she leaned in to listen to something a young man whispered into her ear. After a moment she laughed. His heart quickened at the sound of her laugh, which was light and radiated across her entire face.

She took the remaining beer that was in her hand and walked towards where Poe was sitting. He felt himself instinctively straightening his posture and ran his hand through his hair. He watched as she slid the beer in front of the Klatooinian sitting beside him. Phrax cursed under his breath, left his credits and immediately vacated his seat. As she picked up the credits he left behind, paying no attention to Phrax's abrupt exit, she turned to Poe and nodded her head. "Whatcha drinkin'?"

Poe gestured to the mugs in front of him as he took the seat that the Klatooinian left empty. "Starfire 'skee."

The woman reached under the counter, pulled out an unlabeled jug and began to fill his cups. "Careful, flyboy… too much of these and Dorgon over there will have to carry you and your group out of here by your feet." She nodded towards an ugly Gamorrean standing up against the wall, his close-set eyes eyeing the crowd slowly. While most Gamorreans were heavy and squat in nature, this one appeared to be on the taller end of most of his race and definitely bulkier. Poe had no plans to be dragged out of this place by that boar. Well… at least not tonight.

Poe smirked and was slightly impressed that this bartender was able to pick up on the fact that he was a pilot. They all changed into civilian clothes before heading out that evening and tried to keep a low profile. To the unsuspecting eye they were just a group of friends enjoying the night out. He tilted his head. "And what makes you think I'm a flyboy, tusk cat?"

The woman smirked. Obviously, his little nickname for her was amusing. "I've seen my fair share of pilots. All you are the same." She said indifferently.

Poe leaned over the counter, getting closer to her. "How so?" he prodded.

She continued to pour, not looking up from her task. "Cocky. Arrogant. A Show Off. Impulsive."

Poe laughed. "Hey now… We've barely even spoken! How can you even gather all that information about me so fast?"

She topped off the last mug. "Like I said… I've seen my fair share of pilots." She put the jug of Starfire 'skee back under the bar and pushed the mugs towards him.

Poe put the credits on the table, paying for the drinks. As she reached for the money, he put his hand over hers, feathering his thumb over the back of her palm. It didn't escape him how smooth her skin felt underneath his calloused palm. "All pilots might be the same tusk cat… but you haven't been with me. And for the record, I'm not just a pilot. I'm the best pilot in the galaxy."

She raised an eyebrow, not moving her hand. She scanned him up and down as if she was sizing him up, assessing him. She appeared to consider him for a moment before shaking her head. "Like I said… Cocky… Arrogant... A Show Off..." She slowly pulled her hand out from under his. "And Impulsive. Enjoy your drinks flyboy."

Poe watched her as she walked away. She immediately turned to the next person closest to her that was holding credits in the air trying to get her attention. She listened for a moment before lining up a row of shot glasses. She didn't give him another glance.

Poe shrugged as he picked up the drinks and turned back towards his squad. As his eyes scanned the room he spotted a curvy blonde standing in the corner. As she looked up and made eye contact with him, she bit the corner of her lip, and tilted her head upwards, giving him a perfect view of her long and slim neck. She ran her hand sensually down the side of her neck and down the front of her cherry red skintight dress, her fingers slowing as they curved around her very large breasts. He nodded to her as he smiled and took a sip of his drink.

There are definitely other stars in the galaxy.

After a few games of pool where Jess swept them all under the rug, a few lucky rounds of cards against a group of Devaronians, and after their fourth round of drinks the crew was settling in for the evening. Jess sat at their booth with her head face down on the table, groaning at the amount of alcohol she consumed. Snap was on the other side of the booth with Kare draped across his lap, groaning for completely different reasons. Poe was about to comment on their open display of affection when he felt a light hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and saw a very familiar blonde standing in front of him, her cherry red dress sparkling in the neon light. It was so tight on her body that it appeared to have been put on with a paint brush as opposed to being latex fabric.

"Hey there handsome…" she said breathily, as she ran her fingers up and down the lapel of his leather jacket.

Poe sat back against the booth and gave her a wide smile. "Hey there yourself…" He was accustomed to beautiful women approaching him when he was out. Lately he hadn't partaken in such pleasure. With everything going on with the Resistance he just didn't have the time to slow down and really savor the taste of a woman. Watching the way this woman next to him rolled her body against his, and the way her sweet smell invaded his senses, it was enough to make him hungry. She looked ripe and ready to pick, and suddenly he was filled with the urge to reach out and take a bite.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his ear, nibbling lightly. "Do you want to go upstairs?" She took her hand and reached into the top of his shirt, flattening her palm against his chest.

At that moment his brain short circuited and Poe forgot everything. He looked towards the rest of his team, all of them lost in their own worlds. He shut down the sensors in his brain and let his body take over. "Sounds like a good plan." He damn well needed this he told himself and he let her lead him from the bar and up the back stairway.

What could go wrong?