Bang Bang Bang Bang

Natasha outwardly groaned when coming to the next morning. Her head felt like there was a jackhammer constantly going off in her brain. The effort to even open her eyes was almost too much and she briefly deliberated whether to go under the blanket of sleep once again. However, this thought was immediately pushed to the back of her mind as natures cruel call hit her fast and hard. Her eyes snapped open and covering her mouth with one hand and ripping the tight arm that was around her waist away with the other, she sprinted towards the foreign bathroom. Swaying whilst she went and clutching the door frame when she finally made it. She then began to empty the mostly liquid based vomit from her body into the pristine bowl. What the hell happened last night?

As soon as her wet vomiting turned into retching, she allowed herself to flop with her back to the wall and her legs poking out of the door frame, eyes closed as she tried focusing on not vomiting again. She felt rough.

Somebody clearing their throat reminded Natasha that she was not alone, and she cracked her eyes open to look at the smug shirtless man who sat in his oval shaped bed, with his hands behind his head. She groaned. Of course he will use this against her later.

"As much as I am very much enjoying the view, I think you might want to cover up. Who knows how many cameras are in here" he chuckled, his smirk deepening. Natasha looked down at herself to find herself naked except for a really small lace pair of panties. She shrieked as she grabbed one of Clint's towels from the rail, burying her face in embarrassment. This prompted him to let out a hearty laugh at his partners embarrassment and self-consciousness in front of him. He had seen her naked many times, and so had she with him. Injuries in the field sometimes required no clothing in order to be patched up. And they were comfortable enough with one another that there was no awkwardness. They had both came far too close to death on numerous occasions to care about his dick hanging out or in this case, her breasts out of the confinement of a bra. A sudden realisation hit Natasha and her eyes flew up to meet his in panic.

"Oh my god did we?...Oh god Clint what-" She garbled, putting his and her current clothing situation into an equation. Of course she wanted to sleep with Clint, any woman in the world would literally die to be given that rare opportunity. But she was sure he only saw her as a friend.

He laughed as stood and stretched "Nah Tasha, you know I wouldn't have taken advantage of you in the state that you were in. Want you to remember it" He winked at her jokingly.

Natasha thought back to last night. She had gotten pretty wasted and could only remember a small number of hazed memories. Like the fact that Steve had helped her out with a creep at the bar, and Clint being angry with her when she got home and… Oh god, Clint punching Steve.

"Oh my god Clint you punched Steve!"

Clint approached her with some painkillers that he had lying around and handed them over with a small bottle of water from his mini fridge. He suddenly looked very uncomfortable.

"Ah…yeah… I'll need to apologise about that later" he rubbed the back of his neck as he went to his chest of drawers to pull out some jogging bottoms. He was embarrassed about the small misunderstanding that took place and the fact that it led to him over reacting.

Natasha stood up, still wrapped in the towel from the bathroom, and sat on the side of the bed she slept last night. "What happened? I can't…" she furrowed her brows trying to remember. It would come to her, just as soon as the bloody banging in her head would quit.

"I um…got a little protective last night. Seeing the way The Captain brought you in brought up too many unpleasant memories. My bad. Hopefully he isn't too mad" He slid into a t-shirt, whilst tossing Natasha one of his to wear. He couldn't imagine her wanting to do much today with a raging hangover.

She caught the t-shirt silently and pulled it over her head. It came to her thighs on her petite frame.

"I want you to explain to me what you meant last night"

Natasha frowned slightly. It's not often she forgot the previous night's antics, but it was definitely a blur "I don't remember"

Clint pulled a t-shirt over his head and put some cotton shorts on before leaning against the chest of drawers near the doorframe "You said love is for children. You don't truly believe that do you?"

Natasha shrugged "I don't know. I don't remember"

Clint hooked a finger under her chin and brought her face up to look at his "Tell me what you mean"

She pulled away, memories flooding into her head "You know my line of work doesn't leave room for love Clint, there's no time. It's another distraction in a mission. Sometimes I resent it. Sometimes I accept it. It just slipped out when I was interrogating Loki…"

Clint froze and his eyes hardened, his hand dropping

"You interrogated Loki"

She sighed before leaning against the door frame

"You knew I had to. I was the only one"

"Doesn't mean I have to like it. Did he hurt you?"

She laughed lightly "Clint, he couldn't touch me"

He made a quick note in his head to secretly check out the security footage once back on the Helicarrier. He had to see for himself.

"Hey" she pulled his hand "Lets go say sorry"

It was an awkward exchange between the captain and the hawk, something that Tony found hilarious of course. Clint apologised many times while Natasha fidgeted behind him and Steve was so adamant there was no beef between them both. The back and forth apology lasted 10 minutes before Tony finally interrupted.

"ENOUGH! We get it, you're both good guys and Clint loves Widow" Tony winked in her direction, causing her to blush and frown

"So what do you guys want to do now?" Clint rubbed the back of his neck

"Hulk is preoccupied in the lab, Thor is at his own world, I currently have a sexy engagement with miss Potts, and I believe Cap was just heading out to meet with Fury regarding a mission. So I guess you're both on your own" Tony pulled out his phone as he spoke and began walking to the elevator. Suddenly Clint's phone let out a noise and he pulled it out.

Condoms are in all bathrooms and your top drawer. Looking forward to seeing the show later. – Tony

Clint flipped him off just as the elevator doors began to close.

"Sorry, We can hang sometime later okay? I think Fury is shipping me off to Greece but I will be back in a week or so" Captain bowed before heading to leave

"Steve?" Natasha peeked from behind Clint, biting her lip "Sorry about last night"

Steve chuckled "Don't even worry about it. I was very shocked at how much you managed to drink, even I was beginning to feel it. Maybe that's your hidden superpower. Anyway, ill see you folks later" he waved as he left for the staircase.

Natasha flopped on the couch backwards, her hangover still ripe "So now what? The one day I actually want to socialise and everyone's away"

Clint laughed while rummaging in a kitchen drawer

"Hey, what do you have there?"

Clint proudly strode over and laid out a number of leaflets on the living room table. Natasha sat up cross legged next to him while eyeing up all the options. The partners looked at each other


"Pizza" she confirmed

30 minutes later and 2 large pizza's had been delivered to the tower by an astounded delivery driver who insisted on taking payment in photographs. Clint refused, however handed over a large tip instead.

The hawk and widow dived into their pizzas, Natasha's legs lying hazily on top of Clint's while flicking through the hundreds of channels. And that's where they sat for the remainder of the evening. In comfortable silence with one another.