note I do not own any of these characters or the descendant story.

Carlos opened his eyes, listening to the sweet chirping of the birds, he smiled to himself and turned. He felt the bed looking for something, no not something but someone. He couldn't find the person he was looking for, groaning he opened his eyes. The spot next to him was empty, he looked over to the bed across from him, but that was empty too. Carlos thought he saw the strangest thing over on the nightstand next to the bed. He stood up and walked over grabbing to hook on the nightstand. He looked it over, Jay didn't own a hook. Maybe he stole it from harry? No he didnt steal anymore.

Carlos sat the hook back down, he turned and walked into the restroom, he decided to get ready for the day. It was Saturday, which ment no school, so he could do whatever he wanted.

After he finished his long hot shower, he got dressed and walked out, there was still no Jay. Which was strange, the only time jay was out this long was for a tourney game or R.A.W.R game. But the didnt have that today, if they did he would have joined him.

Carlos pulled out his phone looking for Jay number, he couldn't find it. Why couldn't he find jay number!? Did someone delete his number?! He stood up and ran over to the table next to Jay bed. He dug through it, he found a picture of Harry Hook and Uma. What the hell?! Why was this picture in here!? Where was the picture he and Jay took together? The door opened Carlos shot up meeting eyes with Harry and Uma.

"Um? Carlos what's wrong," asked Harry scanning his area. Uma sat on Harry bed and looked around.

"I...wheres jay!?" He asked very confused. Uma and Harry both looked at eachother.

"Who?" Uma asked while she played with her blue braid. "Jay! He slept right there, he's tall, has a great body, is the best tourney player, has amazing hair, and is the greatest boyfriend ever!" Cqrlos basically yelled at them. Harry and Uma both looked at eachother puzzledly.

"Ok mate no more weed for ya," Harry said getting up to hide his stash. Carlos rolled his eyes and ran out of the room. They didnt know who Jay was, it was liked he was erased from their story. Carlos ran to Mal and Evie room, bursting in and tripping over a chord. Carlos fell face first into the floor and laid on the floor for a good second.

"Carlos! You scared me to death! What if Uma or I were changing!?" Said Evie as she kneeled down beside him. "Carlos? You ok?" Evie asked again poking him.

"Wheres Mal, and Jay?!" Carlos asked sitting up fast. Evie gave him the same puzzles look that Uma and Harry gave him.

"Mals stuck on the Isle still, thank goodness for that, and I dont know who this Jay is," Evie said helping Carlos off the floor and on her bed. Carlos looked around again, the room belonged to Evie and Uma, not Mal. What happened? Did he get sent to a world where jay didnt exist? Carlos shot back up, he was still in auradon, but instead of Mal being picked, Uma was picked. Carlos teared up and hide his face in his hand. Jay was gone, Carlos was alone again.

Evie gently hugged Carlos, unsure why he was crying. She hated to see him cry though, so she held him for a good ten minutes. Uma walked in the door and stared down at Carlos. She gave Evie a worried look, Evie just shurged.

"Carlos? Come on cheer up, I hate seeing you cry," Uma said kneeling down next to him. "W-wheres jay?" He asked again. A silence filled the room, Uma mouthed out who to Evie, Evie shurged again. "We can try and find him carlos, where did you see him last?" Evie asked rubbing his back. "Is he someone from the isle?" Evie asked, Carlos nodded his head.

"I am not going back to the isle," Uma announced, walking to her turquoise bed. "We have to try and find this boy," Evie said trying to convince her friend. Uma looked at Evie ready to object, but instead she saw Carlos face, his eyes were red and puffy, and he had sad puppy eyes. Uma groaned loudly "fine! But your getting the button and limo from Ben!" Uma ordered. Evie giggled, "easy, he is my boyfriend after all," she said, Carlos stared at Evie in shock.

After a good hour of begging, Ben finally handed over the key to the bridge. Harry, Uma, Evie and Carlos made their way across the bridge and back into the isle of the lost. It looked and smelled just the same as before.

"So what does this boy look like?" Harry asked, annoyed that he was even there. He played with the fake hook in his hands, and proceeded to scare some small and scrawny kid. Carlos give a lengthy description to them, they all decided to split up and search for Jay.

Carlos was looking on the pier when he saw a girl with purple hair walk towards him, he gulped thinking of how mean Mal use to be. In a world where jay didn't exist, Mal and Evie never became friends, which means Carlos and Evie became friends with Uma? It didn't make sense to him. He was thinking when Mal popped up, and barked at him. The old Carlos would have jumped, and begged to be let go, but he wasn't the old Carlos. He looked at Mal unamused, she scanned him and huffed.

"Guess auradon helped you stop being a coward huh? Lame, this place sucks with out someone to easily scare," Mal said looking him over. Carlos felt sorry for Mal in this world, she was probably lonely, and afraid, just trying to please her mom. Carlos got ready to speak, mal shoved him hard into the water. "GO BACK TO AURADON!" she spat at him and stormed off.

Carlos became panicked and trashed around in the water, he was a good swimmer but for some reason he couldn't swim. He kicked for a bit and then his face went under.

Carlos jumped and fell out of bed, "ow," he said as he rubbed his head. He heard a small chuckle came from the bed. He shot up fast, and saw jay sitting happily in the bed.

"You seemed like you were having a bad dream," Jay said watching Carlos. Carlos gave a sigh of relief. It was all just dream, a terrible dream. He stood up and hugged Jay, ready to tell him all about his terrible dream.