Chapter seven:

Compelling information

The night seemed very quiet while everyone in the palace were up since they were vampires, besides the receptionist and Bethany of course. Towards the early hours of the morning, there was shuffling of feet that had made their way to the meeting room where Aro, Caius and Marcus had been sitting every other hour, discussing how to deal with situations such as Alec's and the Cullens. Curiosity sparked Alec, causing him to step out from his bedroom and stroll down the hall, listening in briefly to Bethany as she slept before he sped to the elevator and made his way to the upper level where the meeting room was.

Stepping down the stairwell, Alec could instantly hear several voices discussing what he made out to be about he and Bethany. The voices belonging to the three leaders and one other voice that Alec had not heard for a long time that came from none other than Eleazar. Alec couldn't help himself but to eavesdrop from the stairwell, although he knew that eventually he would be found, nothing gets passed the Volturi - for long at least. Alec figured the only reason for Eleazar to be present was not for catching up but only to identify Bethany's ability, if she had one.

"What a pleasant surprise, Eleazar." Aro greeted, clasping his hands together in front of his lips before dropping them. Eleazar made his way to the center of the meeting room, only to come to a stop while Demetri and Santiago trailed behind. "I hope you're doing well, Aro. What is it that you request of me?" Eleazar asked in a formal tone. Eleazar knew Aro and the Volturi very well having been in their coven previously before falling for Carmen and both of them joining the Denali coven in Alaska, though he still remained in good terms with Aro for his safety.

"I need your assistance on a particular human that has infiltrated our coven. You see, Alec has found himself a potential mate...and I want to know if she is beneficial." Aro explained, taking steps down the stairs from the chairs slowly towards Eleazar. Eleazar figured that was what Aro was needing of him, however, the guards that were sent to retrieve him didn't mention the details. "Of course, Aro. Detecting a possible special ability is more difficult among a human than a vampire, but I will give it my best effort. Where is this human?" Eleazar explained, glancing around the room with his golden eyes for the human girl but to no avail. "I will send Alec to wake her, she is after all, a human... Eleazar." Aro pointed out. Eleazar nodded, of course he knew but he wouldn't test the Volturi.

Alec had witnessed it himself that Aro wanted to know how beneficial Bethany would be to them if she were to turn into a vampire, but what if Eleazar didn't find any special ability from Bethany? If she still chose to become a vampire, would she still be allowed to be with him and to not die? Alec didn't know but had hoped there would be something to work with to convince Aro to approve of Bethany being his mate of choice. Stepping out from the stairwell, Alec made his presence known to Aro and Eleazar, though he figured that they heard his movements anyway.

Upon his arrival, Aro turned his red gaze at Alec, forming a rather pleasing smile on his expression. "Alec...I was just about to ask you to join us. I need you to awake your human love, so she could meet our dear friend, Eleazar." Aro urged passively. Alec didn't want to wake Bethany since she seemed to need sleep but he knew better than to disobey Aro. Giving a firm nod in agreement, Alec turned around and sped off to the guest room where Bethany was sleeping. Opening the door carefully, Alec spotted the sleeping Bethany on the bed as he slowly walked over. Watching her sleep was interesting to Alec since it had been centuries since he had slept and no one he was around at the palace on a daily basis had slept.

Listening to her breathing and heartbeat filled Alec's ears as he kept his red eyes on her sleeping face, going over every detail on her face from her dark eyebrows and long, dark eye lashes laid gently on her smooth porcelain skin and light flushed cheeks. Alec could only imagine how turning her into a vampire would change her appearance, enhance the beauty she already had. She was far more beautiful to him than the human named Bella that Edward Cullen was fighting for - but he could imagine the shock to vampires like the Cullens outside of his coven with the news that a Volturi member had fell for a human. That's most likely the idea that worried the Volturi.

When Alec went to place his cold, pale hand onto Bethany's forearm, Bethany opened her ice blue eyes and looked directly at Alec. "I hope you slept well. Aro needs to speak with you and I." Alec explained. Bethany furrowed her eyebrows as she sat up in the bed, confused about speaking with Aro for a moment before she started to remember she had to give her decision on whether she wanted to be a vampire or not. "Oh, right. I have to make a decision." Bethany stated. Alec knew that wasn't exactly the reason why she had to speak with Aro but it was only half of it. "Yes... we also have a guest who needs to speak with you also. Upon Aro's request." Alec explained, watching Bethany slide out of bed and stand up.

"Who is this guest?" Bethany asked curiously as she went to fix her hair the best she could before spotting a brush on the mantle of the fireplace and went to brush her hair. "Former member of ours." Alec replied as he waited patiently while listening onto Aro and Eleazar who waited in the meeting room. "Why did he leave your coven? Just curious." Bethany asked as she set down the brush. It was odd for her to know that there were former members of the Volturi because if the coven was nice and welcoming, why would anyone leave? "He fell in love with another vampire and decided to leave us to join two sisters of another coven to be together. We have strict rules regarding mates, but he is still on good terms with us. For now at least." Alec explained. At least the reason wasn't too bad for leaving but the fact that they are strict about mates raised another concern for Bethany.

Alec and Bethany left the guest room and walked to the elevator which brought them up to the level where the meeting room was. Bethany was going to tell Alec her decision privately before the leaders but she didn't expect to have to face them with a guest when she woke up. Stepping into the meeting room, Bethany spotted Aro with a dark haired female nearby him, the other two leaders - Caius and Marcus - sitting on their chairs and the dark haired guest that Alec had mentioned. The one thing that had seemed different about the other vampire from the appearance was the color of his eyes, they were not red like the Volturi's but a golden color. Why was there a difference in eye color?

The moment they stepped into the meeting room, Aro turned his attention directly onto Bethany, listening to her heartbeat. "This must be the human?" Eleazar asked, breaking the thick silence. Bethany darted her eyes at Eleazar before deciding to be a little closer to Alec as she was surrounded by vampires once again. "That certainly is. Alec...please separate from young Bethany." Aro ordered. Alec hated to leave Bethany's side, knowing that she would be hounded by questions and be evaluated but he had no choice but to obey Aro. Alec turned to Bethany before lifting her left hand and kissing the top of it in order to calm her down before stepping away to stand near the steps of the chairs.

To Aro's pleasure, Alec had left Bethany standing there, having confirmed to him that Alec would still obey him and not rebel over a human like Edward Cullen had against them - but little did Aro know, Alec was keeping a sharp eye on the entire situation and would act if need be. "This is our friend, Eleazar...he came all the way from Alaska to evaluate you, for our best interests." Aro explained, giving Eleazar the cue to begin his detection. Bethany became a little nervous at the evaluation, not sure whether it would be a positive or negative experience, hoping for the best as she glanced from Alec and onto Eleazar.

"I have the ability to identify whether a vampire or human have a special ability. If you do, you will gain the ability upon transition." Eleazar explained further. This extra information eased Bethany's nerves, causing her to shoot a quick, hopeful glance at Alec, who was standing stiffly at the stairs beside Jane, before looking back to the golden eyed vampire. Eleazar noticed the calm heartbeat from Bethany and began focusing hard on her, standing only steps away. Eleazar had began seeking out any sign that would point him to her ability, which took roughly five minutes to feel the ability that finally popped up.

Eleazar turned from Bethany and over to look at Aro who had kept a keen eye on the situation. "She has a special ability, a fairly rare one at that...only one other vampire is known to have it. If she were to become a newborn..." Eleazar pointed out. When Eleazar said the words 'rare ability', that immediately caught Aro's interest - Aro was always seeking out the most powerful and rare abilities to be part of his coven in order to remain powerful. "Which is?" Aro asked hesitantly. Eleazar was still clouded by the ability he had detected and knew Aro would yet have another weapon in his coven. "Suggestive Compelment. She would be able to make others obey her spoken imperatives and demands. The only way to combat this would be by a shield ability." Eleazar explained.

Bethany liked the idea of having such a rare ability and to be able to compel others was a pretty cool ability. Aro took it into consideration of possibly keeping this love interest of Alec's in their coven if she only decided to turn into a vampire, though it would be such a loss to the Volturi if she would decide against it. "Such a prize." Aro softly spoke to himself as his red eyes darted to Bethany. "I assume you have made your final decision, young Bethany?" Aro encouraged. Bethany had made her decision over night but she took a moment to figure out how to say it in a formal tone - she noticed how most talked in the Volturi within a day and felt intimidated how modern her words were.

"Yes, I have. I've decided to..." Bethany hesitated the answer, looking at Alec that stood beside Jane. Aro hated waiting and one can only notice the impatience that grew inside of Aro, which he kept hidden behind a counterfeit smile. " with Alec as a vampire." Bethany stated. Alec felt a rush of relief, even though he remained silent, his quick expression of closing his eyes for a brief moment showed the relief. Aro was rather pleased because she has a rare ability that he could use to his advantage in the coven. The suggestive complement would be at a similar level as Chelsea's ability to break ties - Aro could use Bethany to get what he wanted in the future. Of course, Aro felt no threat of the idea that Bethany could use her ability on any member of the Volturi because he had his own shield, Renata, close to him and perhaps Alec could be an influence.

"What pleasant news! You see, my dear Alec, you have chosen your mate wisely." Aro cheered light-heartedly, turning to place his attention onto Alec. "In the next day or two, I expect preparations to be in order for her transition." Aro added, encouraging Alec to go ahead and attend Bethany's side. "Yes, sir." Alec replied politely, giving a firm nod before he walked over to Bethany. Bethany watched Alec walk over to her and smiled softly as she was about to place her hand into his but stopping before she could, remembering how Caius wasn't fond of the hand holding idea, perhaps it was disrespectful to the leaders.

Eleazar watched in slight astonishment at the idea of the Volturi gaining another vampire into their coven that would be used as a weapon like the rest of the guard. Of course, Eleazar would keep it to himself about spreading the word to his own coven, the Denali coven but also to the Cullens who were their cousins. "Thank you for your assistance, Eleazar. You may go. Give your coven my best regards." Aro dismissed the Denali vampire. Marcus stood up slowly, parting his pale lips to speak. "Thank you for your visit." Marcus stated before sitting back down. Caius remained silent as he continued to judge the situation with his red eyes, still dissatisfied with the idea of having a newborn in their coven even if it was beneficial due to her special ability.

Alec escorted Bethany out of the meeting room, up the stairwell and back into the elevator to go back to the hall where the bedrooms were, feeling much better than before when they arrived. "I was going to tell you before but didn't have the chance when I woke up." Bethany pointed out cheekily. Alec looked over to Bethany with his red eyes and flashed a small smile before the elevator doors opened, causing them to step out into another hall. "I assume that you're hungry?" Alec asked after hearing her human stomach growling. Bethany bit her bottom lip at the question before she parted her lips hesitantly. "Kind of. But I know you can step out until tonight, so I don't mind waiting." Bethany replied.

"I can get our receptionist, Valentina, to gather you some breakfast. Let me know what you prefer and she will get it. It will be perfect, or she knows what happens." Alec stated. Bethany's eyes widened for a moment at the last sentence that came from Alec's mouth, which sounded quite threatening towards the receptionist. "What does happen if she gets things wrong, Alec?" Bethany asked forwardly, arching a brow. Alec stopped a couple steps from her guest room door when Bethany questioned what he said, surprised more than anything - no one really questioned the Volturi, except a few vampires with nerve such as Edward Cullen and the two from the Romanian coven, Stefan and Vladimir.

"She becomes a meal instead of what she truly wants." Alec explained bluntly. Bethany was taken back by the idea of the receptionist losing her life over one, simple mistake but she wasn't one to make the rules. "That's quite severe for a simple mistake. If she gets anything wrong, I won't hold it against her. I don't want her dead over my breakfast." Bethany pointed out. Alec couldn't help but form a grin at her response, causing Bethany to gently shove him in a playful manner, though he didn't budge due to his vampire strength. "I'm serious." Bethany laughed softly, folding her arms. Alec's grin slowly disappeared into calmed expression as he pushed open the guest room door.

"I know, I just find it rather amusing." Alec explained. Bethany shook her head lightly with a smile planted on her face before glancing down the hall at the other closed bedrooms. "What does your bedroom look like? I'm curious." Bethany asked curiously. Alec figured eventually she would ask about his personal bedroom, though he was hesitant on letting anyone into his own bedroom. "Perhaps one day you will see it." Alec refuted. Alec intended to wait for that moment after Bethany would turn into a vampire, he was quite a private person who kept to himself when he had free time. "Meaning after I become a vampire? But, I truly want to just take a look. Please?" Bethany insisted. Alec seemed to be stubborn and not willing to be negotiable towards others, especially outside of the Volturi but when it came to Bethany, Alec seemed to cave in and be compelled to please her in ways that was by the Volturi's rules.

It may be her charm for now but that contributed towards her special ability when she would be a vampire, suggestive complement. "I don't do this for everyone, only Aro and Jane have seen my bedroom, for orders and decoration purposes." Alec explained, directing her down to the end of the hall. Bethany formed a smirk on her lips and followed after Alec to the end of the hall, watching Alec place his hand onto his doorknob. Alec listened on to make sure there wasn't any footsteps their way from the other Volturi guard or leaders before he turned his red eyes onto his door and opened it. The room had seemed quite Victorian, with garnet red walls, ebony wooded framed paintings, black leather Victorian chairs and matching couch with a wenge wood coffee table.

There was a round black rug with white embroidery on it that laid on the bare, wooden floor across from a television that sat on a dark oak entertainment center. Bethany found it a little amusing that he had a television in his room, not only that but with a variety of gaming systems underneath it on a shelf, such as a PlayStation and Xbox, with the variety of games below it. There was also several mahogany shelves with many, many books along the walls and a chandelier that hung from the ceiling. The one thing she noticed the bedroom didn't have was a bed, which Bethany found to be odd. "No bed?" Bethany asked curiously. Though Bethany knew the myth that vampires never slept, she figured since her guest room had a bed that possibly they would as well. "No. There's no need to, we don't sleep." Alec pointed out.

Bethany suddenly remembered him telling her that last night and felt embarrassed she had forgot. "That's right." Bethany simply replied. Alec shut his door a moment after they stepped away and turned to Bethany. "What would you like for breakfast?" Alec asked as they walked back over to the guest room. They didn't have a specific kitchen but had a dining room that was roughly used for their meal times to feed on their human victims that are routinely welcomed to visit the palace, where their bodies would be disposed at the very bottom of the palace where there laid a deep cavern and would be dissolved by acid on a routine basis - this was something Alec didn't want to explain to Bethany just yet, afraid she would be frightened.

"I'll have the typical Italian breakfast." Bethany stated, wanting to experience the Italian cuisine while in Italy, though she may be living there from then on due to her soon transition. "Which is normally a pastry with coffee. Cappuccino or a latte?' Alec asked. Bethany was surprised at how different breakfast was in Italy compared to the American breakfast that had some kind of protein in their breakfast. "Vanilla Cappuccino, please." Bethany replied, coming to a stop in front of her guest room. Alec duly noted what Bethany wanted and figured the pastry will be the most popular one to bring her - or perhaps a couple types of Italian pastry. "I will inform Valentina. I'll return shortly." Alec stated before walking off down the hall, speeding off to the elevator.

Bethany didn't know how severe the rules of the Volturi were but knew eventually she would learn them, though she just had a glimpse of one example of their strict rules regarding the receptionist. What was she getting into? Was this worth it over her sudden crush on Alec? Even though she would have the ability to compel if she turned into a vampire, she felt herself compelled by Alec. Only a half an hour had passed before she had been brought her breakfast by Alec, who entered her guest room and sat down the cappuccino with a bag of donut holes looking pastries with custard cream filling called Bomboloni, plastic containers with a popular shell shaped, leaf layered pastry stuffed with ricotta called Sfogliatella, a fritter topped with powered sugar and filled with a blackberry pomegranate jam called Zeppole, and the famous cream and chocolate chip filled Cannoli.

The order that the receptionist had brought back to the palace was correct and Alec didn't have to have a reason to report it to the leaders. Bethany eyed the pastries and cappuccino, curious as to what authentic Italian pastries and coffee was like. "okay, so this is like cream puffs?" Bethany asked as she tasted a Bomboloni ball in her mouth. Alec never tried any of this food before but had general knowledge of what it consisted of. "I suppose so. I've never tried anything Italian to be quite honest." Alec clarified. Bethany remembered that he had been a vampire for centuries and the last time he was human to eat human food, he was living in England. Bethany simply just nodded, letting it sink in that today or if she was lucky, tomorrow would be the last time she would be able to enjoy food - and apparently sleep too.

Alec had then left Bethany to finish her breakfast while he continued some of his duties, including lunch, within the coven. That included in assisting Heidi, once she would arrive back to the palace, escorting humans from outside the city of Volterra to their palace. The Volturi had to be inconspicuous and choose humans that nobody would miss or notice disappearing to become their meal. Alec walked to where the back door was on the bottom level of the palace, below the level of their bedrooms, where their dining room was and opened it upon the sound of numerous footsteps. Heidi, in her crimson cocktail dress, walked right passed Alec with a line of humans - about eight or nine men and women - before Alec closed the door and followed them back into the dining room.

Giving a firm nod to Santiago and Felix, they sped over to block the passage way before Aro cued the coven the time to feed. Alec instinctively grabbed the thirty something year old brunette woman near him while screams filled the room and dug his fangs into her neck, severing an artery as the warm gush of blood filled his mouth, warming his throat and curing his appetite. The minute after he finished drinking the woman's blood, killing her, Alec had felt guilty for once in his life because Bethany was a human, for now at least. Once Alec looked up, blood dripping on the corner of his mouth, to see the rest of the coven finish their meal, Alec dropped the corpse to the floor as Aro ordered Felix and Santiago to dispose of the bodies.

The one thought that passed in Alec's mind was how Bethany would be able to feed on a human like the rest of them. Would she want to? Or would she turn out to be a vegetarian like the Cullens and Denalis? That would be one of the hardest things to have Bethany learn when she becomes a newborn but for now, he decided he better go over the vampire rules that was put into place by the Volturi, which were important since she was to be turned as soon as possible - which would be the following day. Being the one to turn Bethany, he would be solely responsible for her actions according to the Volturi's law and he knew the risk he was taking. Alec left the meeting room and made his way back to the hall of the bedrooms, stepping up to the guest room and giving it a firm knock twice.