Hey ya'll, how've you been? I've returned with yet another Hunter x Hunter idea. Forewarning, this is another one of those that follows the exam arc, at least for a little while. It occurred to me I've never covered it before, and it kind of felt like a rite of passage since everyone does it. It's kind of a fun challenge, to put my own unique spin on it. So, without farther ado, let's hop in, shall we?

It was a perfectly average day in Zaban City: partially cloudy, wind slightly too strong to be called a breeze, air dry and just warm enough to begin to deter casual strolls. It was perfectly deceptive, considering the day was anything but normal. The streets were soothingly at peace, though, as a fanciful, silver, horse-drawn open air carriage rolled across the smooth cobblestone. The spotted grey mare ignored both the cars and pedestrians on either side of her, her familiar master grasping her reins behind her. The coachman was a lanky man, thin and dark, with bushy sideburns to match his thick eyebrows. Despite his lean build and bony features, his constant grin rounded his face to create an air friendly and inviting. In a strange way, his appearance complimented the fairytale coach, but much less strange was how at home his passenger appeared.

With waist length, impeccably straight white hair, her pastel green halter top, short red skirt, and pulled up posture, the girl looked like a fairy. What was not so noticeable were the heavy, metal-tipped combat boots she kept firmly planted on the carriage floor. Her eyes, a gold-flecked brown, attentively absorbed the sights of the city as the mare clopped on. The coachman made light conversation as they went.

"So what brings you to Zaban?"

They passed a square that had a fountain of dolphins and flowers. "I'm looking for something."

"Looking for something, eh? It may be a beautiful town, but Zaban hasn't got a lot. What we do have are some nice churches and fountains. My personal favorite's one with a life sized mermaid. She's got a fish in her hand like it's a prized pot, and the water spits from its mouth. There are other spouts, too, around her tail, and those are...well, I should just let you see it for yourself. It's a real piece of work! Do you like fountains at all, young miss?

"They're very pretty. Rather romantic."

The coachman began to laugh. "I suppose that's true! You must be a rather romantic young lady, yourself, taking a carriage ride when you came to search for something. It isn't the most effective way to look. How about it, though? Got a special someone in your life?"

"..." The girl tilted her head slightly, her gaze still off in the distance. At this point, they had come to a seaside road. The waves were just across a stretch of sand, a steep drop separating the beach from the road. The buildings lining the road's other side were growing older the farther they went. Maybe it's because it was morning, but not a soul was in sight. Salt was in the air that rustled her hair.

Off in the distance, a sizable semi was rumbling their way. Neither the coachman nor the girl were very bothered by it, but when the truck grew imminent, the mare suddenly reared and pulled onto her back legs. The man was suddenly struggling to grab the reins that had slipped from his hands, but when her front hooves hit the road she veered abruptly to the right.

The carriage flew over the ledge.

The mare fell first, going into a thudding roll, the coachman ejected from his seat. Before the carriage could turn over, the girl vaulted herself off the back and grabbed the top of the small cliff, dangling there with one hand while the carriage tumbled and turned and landed with a puff of sand, the coachman pinned beneath its side. The mare laid on her side a few feet away, her harness having come undone in the chaos, her breaths labored and her eyes closed.

The girl let go. Having not accounted for the slip of the sand, she stumbled a bit when she landed. After regaining her balance, she went over to the trapped coachman and crouched beside him. His eyes raised to her, and he let out a breathy sigh of relief that was quickly cut short. "Tha...Thank goodness. You're alright! Could you...call for help? I can't get out. I think I may have broken a couple things."

Without a word, the girl dug her hands under the carriage and heaved. The vehicle lifted easily. She shoved it back upright, the prostrate coachman freed. That done, she crossed her legs and asked, "Do you expect me to call an ambulance, or will you call it good with this?"

The man blinked, then pushed himself up onto his elbows. "How'd you know?"

"Shall I explain myself from the beginning? Because that question could mean a lot of things. You very clearly knew how to use Nen, considering your aura, and I suspect you were broadcasting this fact in order to draw in Nen users. I presumed this meant you were waiting for Hunter examinees. Do correct me if I'm wrong. Assuming I was right, your horse was clearly very well trained, and used to mechanical vehicles, so I doubt a truck would spook it, and you intentionally let go of the reins when she bucked. The fall was very well coordinated. A little too dramatic. I assumed if all of this was premeditated, you wouldn't injure yourself in order to continue testing applicants."

"The way you say it makes it sound like I did all of this for nothing," the man laughed sheepishly.

"You performed your job as you were supposed to do. There's nothing useless in that." She offered him her hand. "I am rather impressed by your horse. I was unaware animals could act. I must take note of this in the future."

Laughing again, all hesitancy lost, the coachman whistled twice and called, "Here, Sandra!"

With a responding winnie, the mare lifted her head and climbed back to her feet, trotting over and nuzzling her master when he took the girl's offered hand and stood. The beast's eyes, dark orbs nestled within long lashes, stared curiously at the fairy-like girl. She stared back with a similar fascination. Seeing this, the coachman said, "You can pet her, if you like." The girl took his offer. As she stroked the mare's long neck, he asked, "I take it you like animals?"

"Some." She ran her fingers through the grey mane.

"What's your name?"

"I work under the name White Snake. You can refer to me as Snake."

"White Snake, huh? I don't think I've heard of you."

"I haven't done much work."

"I suppose not. You are rather young. How old are you?" This question only received a cold stare and sealed lips. "It may be sensitive, but I'd prefer you'd answer. It's my decision if I want to bring you to the exam site or not. I could demand your real name, but Sandra seems to have taken a liking to you, so I'll cut you some slack and let you keep that private."

A second of pursed lips, and then she responded, "I am nineteen."

"And you already seem to have a handle on Nen. Tell me, how did you learn it?"

"A master took me under his wing. He taught me for his own reasons. I learned for mine."

"And you seek to be a Hunter?"



Her hand lowered to her side, and she stepped away from the horse. "As I said before, I am looking for something. This is what it takes to be a Hunter, yes?"

"A Hunter is constantly on the hunt. What guarantee is there that you won't find what you're looking for and be satisfied?"

"Believe me, Sir." A smile crept onto her face, subtle, yet unnerving in its intensity. "As long as I live I will not stop searching for it."

The man was silent a moment, as if thrown off by something in her eyes. Then, he sighed. "I suppose that's a satisfactory answer. I am rather curious as to what it is you've got your sights set on, but…" He brushed off his nice jacket, and nodded somewhat solemnly before giving her a lopsided smile. "It's common courtesy to respect a Hunter when they wish to keep a secret, and something tells me you'll be walking around with a license soon. I'll take you to the exam site, so if you'd like to help me get the carriage back on the road…"

The girl went over to the carriage, and with the coachman on the other side, the two of them walked the coach to an area they could heft it up onto the road. The vehicle wasn't a bit worse for wear, having been built to handle repeated crashes. The man called up his horse and hooked her back up, and in a short time the three were on their way back into the city, appearing just as deceptively picturesque as they looked coming out.

The man pointed out a few nice fountains as they went, but drove them straight to their destination. He stopped in front of a grand office building, hopping down from the front and rounding the side to open the door for the girl. She accepted his hand, releasing when her heavy boots were planted on the cement. He then offered her his arm, though, and after a second, she took it. He didn't bring her into the towering structure. Instead, he lead her to a scanty, unremarkable restaurant beside it. Sliding open the door, the two of them entered. There was a heavier man working behind the counter, handing two bowls of something steaming to a couple of awaiting customers. Upon hearing the door he uttered a routine, "Welcome."

"Are there any empty rooms?"

At this, the man eyed the coachman, returning to a simmering bowl. "May I take your order?"

"I'd like the mythical ram kabobs said to taste like the food of the gods! For one, please."

"How would you like it seasoned?"

"Rolled in curry powder and sprinkled with basil, rivetingly strong and fresh."

The chef nodded. "Understood. Feel free to seat yourselves in the back."

The two headed back, many eyes of the restaurant on them, and whispers floating about. They could have been gossiping about many things. Jealousy at the apparent couple, admiration of their elegant air, and most probably certain thoughts about how it was a middle aged man accompanying the young girl. Estimating his age high and hers low, they were around the ages they could be father and daughter. However, the lack of levity and familiarity in the atmosphere between them banished any thought of blood relation.

They arrived at a room in the back, and that was where he unhooked their arms, motioning for her to enter. The girl took her usual pause to assess the situation, then went on in.


She turned.

"Good luck. Most rookies don't make it their first try, but you'll be able to, won't you?"

"If I do not, I'll simply take it again.

"Yeah, well, I hope you survive to do so."

She bowed her head. "Thank you for your assistance. If you are still working as a guide next year, I'll be sure to seek you out. Having you know me would save me a lot of trouble."

"...I can't say I'd love to see you again, but if it happens, I'm willing to be your escort."

She bowed her head again, and he shut the door. She took a seat at the table. A minute after Snake had taken her seat, the elevator began to move.

I'm super eager to get into the dirt of White Snake's character! I have high hopes for her and this story. So, first impressions? Thoughts on Snake? Hopes, dreams, predictions for the future? I'm always excited to hear for all of you, whatever you have to say, good or bad, so please feel free to share if you have anything at all to say. With that said, I will bid you all adieu til the next chapter.