A few months had passed since Mikill and Lai broke barriers and united both predator and prey tribes. Morð was extremely reluctant at first, and it took the fact he'd been beaten severely by his own daughter, and about ten weeks to change his ideology, but he obeyed in the end. All tribes gathered in the uncharted forest, in the reindeer tribe camp. The Reindeer tribe had lost one of its most noble sons, so the event was mostly a funeral for Leid. But after the burial, the sun shined on a tent. Every single tribe was insanely surprised to see Ka emerge from the tent.
"BEHOLD," said a deep-voiced reindeer. "...CHEIF KA!!"
Lai placed the gold headdress formerly belonging to Leiðtogi on Ka's head, the cape on his neck, and placed a hoof with war paint on his face, making stripes. This signified he was now the Chief.
After the ceremony, a grand celebration was thrown. Every tribe that lived in the Tundra was partying--even the Walruses and Leopard Seals!
"Well..." Said Mikill, looking over the party with Lai. "We did alright."
"See?" Said Lai. "What'd I tell ya?"
"You were right..." Said Mikill. "I'm glad to have a friend by my side."
Mikill and Lai hugged. Meanwhile, Glæcia and T'kali had tied the knot and were expecting a little princess in nine months.
"I was thinking...how about Missti?"
T'Kali asked.
"like THAT'S PERFECT!!" The Arctic Fox queen hugged her husband.
Little did they know, this would be the start of something more malicious when the fetus was born and grew...
For now, it was both a time of sadness and rejoicing, and it would stay that way for quite a while.
So ends the first
part of Tundra...