Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter or The Walking Dead, I gain nothing from writing this beyond my own humor and what amusement this may provide to the reader. Thank You.


"What do you think man?" Shane asked looking towards Rick then back towards the way the British Beauty walking away from them. "I mean something has to be up if you trust or like Merle Dixon."

Rick Grimes found he couldn't take his eyes off her retreating form, "Yeah there's something about her, best keep watch." He said finally tearing his eyes away from Harriet and heading back to his own wife and son.


It only took about and hour for Harriet and Teddy to be settled into a second tent pitched next to the Dixon brothers tent. In that time Daryl had filled his brother in on what happened while he was gone. Daryl, Officer Friendly/Rick Grimes, the Asian Glenn, and the African American T-Dog, had gone back to the city to get him, as well as to get a large bag of guns Rick had left next to the tank he got trapped in when her first got to the city. Instead of finding Merle, they found his bloody handcuffs, the others assumed the worst but Daryl told them he knew better cause 'Only Merle can kill Merle.' He assumed Merle was either on his way back to camp or somewhere in the city alive, but with no way of knowing where he could have gone they went for the guns instead. Then in there plan to get the guns back Glenn had been kidnapped but another group wanting the guns. This group consisted of mostly Mexicans, they had wanted the guns to help better protect the retirement home where many of there familes lived. After giving them some of the guns, which Merle bristled and muttered under his breath about dumbass pigs giving away weapons they would need, they headed back to camp. Where hopefully Merle was, they even assumed he would already be back because the van/truck they had used to get into the city had been stolen, by him they had thought. So having to walk/run back to camp they didn't make it till way past sundown. However when they made it back to camp the camp was under attack by walkers, a large herd of them had emerged from the forest, and claimed more than half the camp before they had arrived and killed off the undead. All that was left of the camp was Rick grimes and his wife and son, Lori and Carl. That apparently shocked Merle as he had assumed like the rest of the camp that Lori and Shane where and item.

Speaking of Shane he was another member of the camp still around, Harriet had seen him strutting around camp several times already, eyeing the Dixons with distaste and her with mistrust, and something else she couldn't quiet place. Next was Glenn he was or Korean Decent and kept glancing her way shyly, she could tell he wanted to come say hi but the Dixon's seemed to scare him off a bit.

There was T-Dog, or Theodore, but he preferred T-dog, she could see him look over here a couple times. He appeared to both hate Merle's presences while giving off a sense of relief that he was back, like a guilt had been lifted from his shoulders. He was sitting with another African American woman by the name of Jacqui.

There was an older woman by the name of Carol, her husband was an abusive man who died by walkers in the attack the night before. She had a daughter with her about Teddy's age as well her name was Sophia.

An older man stood on top on an RV watching over the camp, his gaze shifting to the blond woman sitting on the RV steps worriedly. His name was Dale and the woman's name was Andrea. She had lost her sister in the attack the night before as well, and had been taking the death very hard. Dale had come to see the two girls and surrogate daughters, so he was torn between grieving for the girls loss, as well as worrying over Andreas own well-being. There apparently was a man named Jim inside the RV he had been bit by a walker in the attack, they were hoping something or someone at the CDC could help him.

The last of the camp survivors was a small family of four the Morales family. There was Morales himself, his wife Miranda, and there two kids, a daughter names Eliza, and a son named Louis.

For those of the dead they either burned the walkers that attacked the camp, or buried the dead that had been apart of the camp, like Andrea's sister Amy.

Harriet had already cooked something for the four of them, Harriet adding some crushed Bezoar to Merles dish like she had done to his can of fruit that morning. The Bezoar was cleaning his system naturally of the poison in his system from the muggle drugs, she wondered how long it would take for him to notice he hadn't been feeling the effects of his drugs since that morning.

Teddy at the moment had been pestering Daryl about his crossbow, the first couple questions had been shrugged off with a scowl, but Teddy had shrugged off his scowls as if he hadn't seen them and just asked a different question. Teddy was used to scowls; his Uncle Draco had a way scarier scowl then either Dixon brothers. Before Daryl knew it and Merle could believe it, he was showing the kid how his crossbow worked.

It was around this time that she saw Rick heading their way with his son Carl in tow. Harriet smiled, while Merle let out a growl, drawing Daryl and Teddy's attention up from his crossbow to the approaching people. Daryl had mixed feeling on Rick one the one hand He handcuffed his brother to a roof and left him there, on the other hand he went back for his brother, and seemed to be a very honorable man from what he had witnessed so far.

"Mr. Grimes, I know its kind of a moot point, but I hope you are well this evening." She said she said her comment earning a half hearted smile from him as he came to a stop not to far from them his son standing nervously beside him.

"It's as well as it can be, and please call me Rick, with how everything is I think we can skip formalities." He then grabbed his son by the shoulders pushing him a bit in front of him. "We had just finished dinner and before be head to bed I thought I'd bring Carl over here as promised, and introduce him." He said giving his son a nudge towards Teddy who had come to stand next to Harriet with and equally shy but eager look on his face. After an akward moment or two of silence, Harriet gently nudged Teddy which was all he needed before he blurted out excitedly, "Hi! Im Teddy, I'm 12. Whats your name?" he offered his hand excitedly.

Carl found his grin contagious and grinned widely back before gabbing teddys hand in an equally excited handshake. "I'm 12 too! My name is Carl, Your hair is so cool!"

"Thanks my mum lets me dye it." Teddy said knowing to hide his metamorphamagus abilities behind the lie of dyeing his hear or colored contacts when around muggles. Teddy had another reason for loving his wild hair, he took after his father in his love for books so his nerdy nature made it difficult to find friends, but his hair made most kids think he was cool and they would want to talk to him.

"Dad can I dye my hair like Teddy's?" He looked up to his father eagerly earning a playful groan he knew the question was going to come when he first saw the other boys hair.

"Uh, if your mother says yes then maybe, after all it's probably going to be a little hard to find hair dye right now." Carl deflated a little but still looked excited at the possibility of dying his hair a cool color like Teddys.

Turning back to Teddy he grinned widely, "Maybe tomorrow when we all leave you can ride with us or I can ride we you and your mom."

"Mum what do you think?" Teddy asked looking at Harriet hopefully.

"We'll have to see Teddy, right now I think its time for bed, it's going to be a long drive tomorrow." She smiled at Teddy, causing a groan to come from both boys, but a nod of agreement from Rick.

"She's right Carl, your mom is probably wait to tuck you in. You should go say your prayers." Rick said grabbing his sons shoulder and pushing him back in the direction of the Grimes tent. Looking back at her Rick smiled, "Goodnight Ma'am, son," He looked behind her and Teddy at the Dixon Brothers who were silent and tense this whole time. "Daryl, Merle. Shane and me are taking shifts on keeping watch tonight, but if either of you want to help out an extra set of eyes would be appreciated."

Merle grunted, while Daryl bit at his lip again before nodding.

The next morning in the span of an hour the camp was packed up. They moved Merles bike to the truck they had come back from Atlanta with, and siphoned the gas and valuable parts from the old Dixon truck.

Under the protest of several people the driving arrangements changed. Under the protest of Lori, Carl would ride with his Uncle Shane. When Lori couldn't give a good reason for why Carl shouldn't be allowed to ride with Shane she was overruled. Under the protest of Merle, Harriet and Teddy would be riding with Shane and Carl. Merle couldn't explain it either but for some reason the thought of having Shane near Harriet and Teddy unsettled him, and He didn't think it was jealously, it felt more like when he wanted to protect Daryl against their drunk dad when they were kids. Still his pride kept him from admitting that out loud so he was overruled much like Lori.

Teddy and Carl had already climbed into the back seats of the Jeep and where chatting away, making Harriet Smile at the fast friendship that was forming. She hadn't seen Teddy smile like that in days.

Harriet smiled at the Dixon brothers both of whom were pouting but would deny it for the rest of time. Dixons didn't pout. "Oh come now, it's till the CDC. You Dixon boys are still my favorites of the group." Giving both a very quick peck on the cheek one for each brother, earning a two scowls and blushing cheeks from both Dixons. She gave them a wink before heading over and jumping into the jeep were Shane had climbed in starting up the Jeep.

Soon they group was off, leading them was the RV, with Dale, Jim and Jaqui. Followed by a station wagon with Rick and his wife Lori, Carol and her daughter Sophia. Next was an old Volkswagen van with T-dog, Andrea and most of the groups supplies and camping gear stuffed inside, following him was the Jeep with Harriet, Teddy, Shane, and Carl. Lastly was Merle and Daryl in the truck bringing up the rear. Morales and his family had decided to take a chance and hopefully go find their family up north, so they had parted ways from the group when they had hit the high way.

About and hour into the drive Harriet turned to look at Shane. Teddy and Carl were still talking in the back seats non-stop, last she heard when paying attention to their conversations they were talking about their favorite comics. Harriet having introduced Teddy to Muggles comics a long time ago. With Teddy and Carl so engrossed in their conversation she felt it was a good time to try and get some information out of Shane. See if maybe she could figure out why the man seemed hostile towards her, and she felt as if she should be on her guard with him.

"So, Shane, right? Tell me about yourself. What did you do before the world ended?" Harriet asked politely hoping to put him at ease so he would talk freely with her.

Shane looked over at her then back to the road, "You haven't heard from someone else yet? Dixon didn't already call me a pig?" He asked sarcastically with a little hostility in his voice.

"Ah you were a police officer, well I'll let you in on a secret that neither Dixon knows about. Back home before the world ended," She leaned over putting her hand up for added dramatic affect. "I was an officer working in law enforcement as well." She said, which was the truth, she was actually Head Auror of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, so technically she was a police officer. A magical police officer, but and officer non the less.

Shane snapped his head towards her and snorted, "Bullshit, you can't be more than twenty-one years old. Ain't no way you're an Officer, and if you were your what? A rookie?"

Harriet put a hand to her chest faking having taken offense to his statement, she was used to people mistaking her age. "I'll have you know that I am thirty years old." Earning a shocked/disbelieving look from Shane.

"There is no way you are thirty years old." Shane said in complete disbelief.

"Here I'll show you. I don't know why I still keep this as the world ended, but look," Harriet said having pulled her bag which was sitting at her feet she reached in pretended to be ruffling though a stuffed bag when the bottomless bag was anything but stuffed. Summoning her muggle passport, she pulled it out handing it to Shane.

He flipped it open and with practiced ease from his job quickly looked at her register date of birth on the passport, "July 1980. Well I'll be, you really are thirty year old." Now he felt like he knew why Merle Dixon was acting like a decent human being now. This little thing looked like an twenty-one year old super model, yet was actually a thirty year old woman.

Handing back her passport Shane took in her appearance again, seeing her in a slightly new light. "Well, you look fantastic for thirty years old." Harriet beamed at him, and for one in the last month Lori was not the only woman on Shane's mind.

"Thank you. I like to think is genetics." She said which wasn't a total lie, due to the magic in their DNA witches and wizards typically lived longer lives and looked younger longer. "So you were a Police Officer, I take it you work at the same station as Rick as you are so close with his family."

Shane tensed for a second at the mention of Rick, something that didn't go unnoticed by Harriet. "Yeah, Rick was my partner. We grew up together, best man at his wedding, all that." Shane said feeling conflicted on the one hand he loved Rick like a brother, on the other hand he felt like Rick was stealing what was now his.

"From what I've heard though Rick only found you guys a couple days ago. If I may ask, what happened? How did you guys get separated?" Harriet asked curiously.

"Uh…," Shane paused when Carl's voice rang up from the back seat. "My dad got shot."

Harriet looked back as Carl, he had a sad look on his face thinking back when his dad was in the hospital and later thought dead.

"Yeah, just before everything happened, he had been shot in the line of duty. Ended up in a coma in the hospital. When everything started to go south, they were gonna transfer Rick to the city, but that never happened. I tried to get him out, but it was such chaos. The power went out at the hospital, and.." Shane paused, "I thought he died, I coulda sworn he was dead. I didn't hear no heart beat. I swear, if I had known I wouldn't had left him there. You know that right Carl?" He asked looking in the rearview mirror at Carl.

"It's okay Shane, my dad's alive, and he's back. That's what matters right?" Carl asked smiling at his honorary Uncle.

"Right." Shane said looked back to the road suddenly tense again, something Harriet caught once more. 'There's more to this than he is telling.'

"Well what happened then? Obviously Rick is here now, how did he find you guys?" Harriet asked curious.

"Well thinking Risk was gone I thought the least I could do would be to make sure his family was safe. I don't have anyone, Rick, Lori, and Carl are the only family I have." He paused heaving a sigh, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel.

"So I called Lori up told her to start packing. Plan was that I'd pick them up and we'd evacuate to the city's safe zone. We ended up stuck on the highway just outside the city when everything went dark, and the military bombed the city." He paused remembering that night, Lori huddled to his side as the watched in terrified horror as the city burned.

"I remember that night. Mum barely got us out of there." Teddy piped up from the back seat, both boys having gone quiet at the start of this conversation. Shane quickly gave Harriet a look.

"We had been staying in an older hotel in the city, I couldn't sleep and was looking out the window when I saw the first couple of bombs hit the city from a distance. By the time I got Teddy into our rental car, we had to out run the bombs. We were very lucky that night." She said giving a half truth, sense she couldn't tell them she actually apparated herself and Teddy from rooftop to rooftop in order to outrun the bombs.

"It was horrifying to watch from a distance I could only imagine what it was like in the city." Shane said giving her a sympathetic look. "I'm glad you and your boy made it out okay though."

"Me too," Harriet said giving Shane an honest smile which he returned.

"So after the city went dark we ended up and that quarry with a few other and set up camp, slowly gained everyone else as the days went on. Guess we figured when the government or military regained control it would be better if we were close by to get to safety faster. We had been there ever sense, I kept looking after Lori, carl and eventually the rest of camp." He sighed rubbing his forehead thinking of what to say next, "Then by some Miracle, Rick woke up in that hospital unharmed, and somehow made it to the city, stumbled across our group and Merle, and well, you can put the rest together."

Harriet nodded, "So you took care of his family and everyone else, all this time?" She said, "You are an incredible friend, and person."

Shane shook his head, "Oh I don't know about that," he said modestly while in his head and chest he felt triumphant, 'Finally someone sees what I've done for Rick and Lori.'

"It's true Uncle Shane, your are the best!" Carl chipped up from the back seat. Earning a smile from Shane.

"Thanks bud." Shane said feeling better than he had since his best friend re-appeared alive. Harriet starred at Shane in a slightly new light, 'He can't be all that bad if he risked his own life all this time to protect his friend's family. But I still feel like he's hiding something.'

Suddenly the cars in front of them started to slow down to a stop, looking ahead Harriet could make out some smoke coming from the RV. "That doesn't look to good. Why don't you go see what's going on and I'll stay with Teddy and Carl."

Shane nodded putting the jeep in park before hoping out and heading to where the others had gathered at the front of the RV.

As they waited Carl and Teddy had fallen back into an easy innocent conversation, this time about which was better; Chocolate, or cake. Teddy taking after his father obviously was all for cake. Harriet smiled in amusement just as she spotted Carl's mother Lori heading their way.

Raising an eyebrow Harriet wondered how this would play out, but decided she would hold her judgment on the woman. No need to be hostile when they hadn't even said two words to each other yet.

"Carl, baby, how are you doing? Do you need anything?" Lori asked coming to stand beside the jeep where Carl was and attempting to comb down his wind swept hair. Having Carl groan and swat at her hand embarrassed by his moms actions in front of his new friend.

"Mom Teddy's favorite super hero is Dr. Strange, I told him that Super Man was my favorite, but now I think I like Dr. Strange more. He can fly like superman, while he cant run ad the speed of light, he can teleport anywhere in the universe, and with his magic he can basically do all the things superman can do." Carl told his mother excitedly almost stumbling over his words trying to get them out, Harriet smiled at his comment 'Of course Teddy's favorite super hero is a wizard.'

"Dr. Strange huh? He sounds cool." Lori said in that false parenting tone where they pretend to truly care about what it is their kid was rambling about. "Are you feeling hungry, thirst? Do you have to use the restroom?"

"No, mom I think I'm okay, I promise I'll let Shane or Miss. Potter know if I need anything." His comment finally had Lori looking up and over at Harriet. She had to fight to keep the smirk from slipping across her face when she noticed the brief look of contempt for her flashed over her face a fake smile slipped across her face.

"Hello My name is Lorri Grimes, I hope my son isn't causing you any trouble." She said holding her hand out.

Harriet politely shook her hand giving her and equally fake smile in Return, "Harriet Potter, and no your son is a delight, him and Teddy are getting along swimmingly." She replied in her best interpretation of her Aunt Petunia, or Mrs. Malfoy.

She saw Lori's face give away a frown just for a moment, that was all Harriet needed to know she slightly disproved of they growing friendship between the two boys.

"Well if you grow tired of dealing with the two wild boys There's still room in the Station wagin for both Carl and Teddy." She said trying to be discreet in the efforts to get her son into the same car she was in.

"Oh its quiet alright, I love it, kind of reminds me of home and being with family." Harriet said smiling this time in honesty as she thought about being back the Weasley house, how crazy it was growing up, and now that all the Weasley children had children of their own.

Lori was about to say something more when Shane came up to the Jeep with T-dog. "The hose to the RV is shot, there's a gas station up ahead. Gonna drive over and see if we can find a new hose, maybe some gas and other supplies."
Harriet bit her lip a bit, she wanted to go look for supplies as well, who knows if any other the abandoned cars or buildings contained magical stuff. Her goal was finding a book on portkeys, but she didn't feel comfortable leaving Teddy here, and she doubted the group would let her take him with her.

Lori jumped at the opportunity to get her son away from Shane though by offering, "Well, why don't you and Teddy come with me and we will go see if Sophia wants to play?" She said helping Carl and Teddy out of the Jeep to let Shane use.

Harriet was about to follow when she caught Daryl's eye, motioning to him then her son, he frowned in surprise for a moment before nodding and discreetly moved to were he could keep an eye on Teddy for Harriet.

Smiling Harriet turned to Shane, "In that case I'd like to go with you, before you complain its to hunt for woman things, like tampons." She said knowing her lie would instantly shut up any man as for some reason 98% of the time men and the topic of women's periods was taboo almost.

Sure enough, Shane's protest died in his mouth and he just climbed into drives seat of the Jeep, again T-dog jumping in the back seat. "You even have a weapon?" He asked looking over her.

"Yes." Harriet said reaching behind her and pulling a long knife that she kept strapped to her back, it was in fact the same knife that Peter had used on her to resurrect Voldemort, and later she had used to kill Peter herself. She kept it not because she needed it but more of a surprise, last resort. In this case though it would let them think she wasn't defenseless and she wasn't even without the knife, but she guess now using magic would have to be a last resort for her. At least in the presence of the others.

Shane nodded and turned of the Jeep moving to put it in drive, Harriet shouted to Teddy, "Teddy you listen to Mrs. Grimes until I get back. ANYTHING happens you wait with her till either myself, Merle, or Daryl come get you. Okay?" She said drawing several looks. Most wondering why she seemed to trust her son's life with either of the Dixon brothers over them.

Teddy nodded and gave a brave smile while following Carl over to Sophia where he was introduced to the shy girl.

The ride to the gas station was quiet, quickly the went through the gas station finding it surprisingly empty of the dead and of walkers. "Alright let's see what we can find. Look for medical supplies, medicine, food, and any kind of hose for the RV, at the very least more duck tape." Shane said after they cleared the inside of the station.

Several minutes later Harriet walked into the back room of the station to find Shane attempting to open a safe. "Damn locked." He said turning to see her. "Her find anything of use?"

"Well I did find some Tampons, so the ladies will be happy not that your asking," She smirked at the look on his face, "And for the win I found not only duct tape but I found a box of Hersheys chocolate bars stashed away. So Teddy will be over the moon as well as the other kids." She said showing off the box of chocolates and tape she found stashed behind a box of register tape, and not summoned from her bottomless bag.

There was a pause as she both starred at each other, Shane feeling like Harriet had more to say, and for some reason he wanted to know.

"I've been thinking, while it hasn't been long, in the wake of the end of the world, even 2 months can feel like 20 years." She looks into his eyes causing him to freeze in place. "When the world is ending A LOT can happen in two months. A lot can change, perspectives on life, feelings, emotions, experiences. Since your best friend was shot you stepped in, protected his family, cared for his family."

Shane was a smart man she could already see where Harriet was going with this and he met her gaze in defiance, and surprising him, instead of the judgmental look he was excepting Like Lori had been giving him, blaming him saying he made her cheat on her husband, Harriet just smiled sadly at him. "You Love them. You love Her."

He starred back at her neither admitting or denying it, "Before Rick came back and you found out he was alive, did she seek comfort in your arms? Were you together?"

"That's none of your business." Shane snapped at her but it had given Harriet the answer she was looking for.

"I see." She paused looking at the floor before looking back up at him, "I'm sorry." Again he looked at her surprised.

"You've got it rough. Your best friend is injured in the line of duty, then the world ends, you believe your best friend is dead, but his family is still here. Honorably you look after them, protect them. Seeking comfort in the arms of another in the wake of loss is natural, as well as developing feeling for that person along the way, you shouldn't feel ashamed for it. But your friend is back, he's alive, and now your torn. Torn between the honor you have to your friend, and the love you feel for his wife, and her punishing you like this is cruel on her part. For that I'm sorry. I know my opinion means nothing, but if you need someone to talk to, to vent. I'll listen. No Judgment." Harriet Smiled genuinely at him, before turning and leaving to head back to the jeep, leaving a stunned and perplexed Shane behind.

By the time he got back to the jeep his mind was swirling with what she said, she expected him to pester him like every other woman in the world, instead she just smiled and handed him one of the Hershey bars mumbling something about 'feeling better after.'

When they got back to the others apparently Jim was not doing well and had requested the group to leave him, let him be with his family. Many didn't like the idea of just leaving the man to slowly die, but in the end it was his decision. Helping him to a nice shaded spot under a tree everyone slowly said their goodbyes while Harriet used the duct tape on the radiator hose of the RV. If she used some silent reparo's on the thing to help it along a little, well, that was no ones business.

When they got back on the road, Lori ended up convincing Rick that after the loss of someone else they cared about Carl should ride with them. Teddy felt tired and asked if he could ride with Merle, and Daryl so he could lay down in the back seat of the truck and sleep.

Harriet smiled it turning to a smirk when she saw the protective looks both Dixon brother gave Teddy as they watched him get settled in the back seat. Harriet climbed back into the jeep, giving Shane a bright smile, that had him returning and wondering how she could smile so much in the face of the such death, danger, and darkness.

It was just as the sun had set and the sky was starting to darken when they pulled up to the CDC. Dead bodies, hundreds of them lied everywhere on the ground all the way to the entrance of the building. The smell of their rotting flesh filled the air, Harriet was positive Teddy's sensitive nose had already woken him in the truck and he would be hiding behind his shirt sleeve.

The quickly parked their vehicles as close to the building as they could, so if they needed to it would be easy to get back to the vehicles. Quickly they all raced up to the building. Harriet keeping Teddy just in front of her, Merle had moved in front of them while Daryl took up the read, surprisingly Shane took up the side closest to them, his ever trusty shotgun at the ready.

When they reached the doors they found steel gates pulled down over them preventing their entrance. Rick and a few others started banging on the doors in hopes of whoever was inside would hear them.

Just as the group started to panic and turn back Rick and Harriet saw the cameras move. The both shouted about their movement, earning a few seconds of renewed effort of getting inside this time by yelling at the cameras, Just as the group started to give up hope and drag Rick back to the cars, with him yelling 'Your Killing US!' the doors to the CDC opened.

Harriet found her eyes narrowing at the door, and it wasn't just cause of the bright light shining through the door, but that doors opening creepily after direct statements like that never ended well for her. Take it as her inner Trelawney, but moments like this were like an ill omen for Harriet.

Still she rushed inside with the others were they were greeted by a single man with a muggle gun. "Has anyone been infected?"

"One our group was," Rick said pausing, "He didn't make it."

"What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"A Chance."

"That's asking for an awful lot these days."

Rick looked at him desperately, "I know."

The man took in all of their desperate faces, when he got to her his eyes widened just for a moment his eyes flickering to her scar. He paused before bringing his eyes back to Rick, "You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission."

Rick nodded, "We can do that."

The man lowered his rifle, "You got stuff to bring in you do it now, Once this door closes it stays closed."

Quickly several people were running back the vehicles to grab things. Harriet and Teddy remained inside with the other things, as both always carried their bottomless bags with them out of habit, and everything the needed where inside.

Within moments everyone was safely inside and the steel doors slamming closed behind them. The man named Dr. Edwin Jenner as he introduced himself to be looked over everyone for a brief moment before turning, "This way."