The bright blue flash of a lightning strike that was a little too close for comfort and the deafening crack of the thunder that accompanied it thrust Judy back into the waking world. The fox that she was using as a makeshift mattress was still snoring, and loudly too. Nick was totally oblivious to anything that was going on around them.

A quick look over to the clock explained why Judy's back was so sore. She had been sleeping on nick for 2 hours, but all she could think was that he would be in agony when he woke up. Especially because he didn't have the luxury of a freshly married husband to lie on like she did. Instead Nick was lying flat over 2 mid-sized metal seats with a small suitcase as a pillow. Just as Judy cuddled back into Nick an announcement echoed around the huge room.
"British Airways flight 458 to Catwick. Please report to gate 204 for further information. Thank you."

Judy sighed and shoved Nick with all of the enthusiasm she could muster, which wasn't a great deal. "Come on Slick, we're moving," She said through a yawn as she sat up on the edge of the seats Nick was lying on.

"Is the flight back on?" Nick said groggily.

"I don't think so," Judy said, deflating even more than she already was.

"We should be halfway over the Atlantic by now," Nick grumbled as he tried to peal himself off his makeshift bed.

"I know, the storm's getting worse as well," Judy whined, slowly getting to her feet. They we're supposed to take off for London at 10pm last night and it was currently just past 2:30AM the following morning. Every single flight in and out of Zootopia international had been delayed thanks to a huge, unexpected thunderstorm.

"I think I need a back transplant," Nick said as he sat up and cracked his back.

Judy winced at the sound of it, she hated it when Nick cracked his joints, but it freaked her out the most when he cracked his back.

"Sorry fluff, but I think It had welded itself together. Where are we going anyway?" Nick asked.

"Gate 204," Judy said, looking around for which way to go.

"That's literally on the other side if the airport," Nick said in frustration with his inner sassy fox showing itself.

"We'd best get going then." Judy hopped up and grabbed her bag before walking down the massive corridor with Nick trundling along behind her. They walked for what felt like miles back towards the duty free and then another mile down the second line of gates, which much to Judy's disappointment counted down from 230 instead of up from 200, meaning that their gate was right at the other end of it.

By the time that they had reached gate 204 Judy was flopping her feet and her ears were in full droop. Nick was practically falling asleep on his feet and at one point tried to rest his muzzle on Judy's head, but he could have sworn that she snarled at him. It certainly wasn't a noise any bunny had ever made before.

The pair joined the back of an ever-expanding line queuing for the desk at the gate. Nick looked around and saw that the seats were filling up fast.

"There's no need for us both to be up here Carrots, you go and get us some seats, I'll be over when I'm done here," Nick said, rubbing his eyes with the back of a paw.

"You sure?" Judy asked, but she was already picking up both of their bags. Before she could go Nick kissed her between her ears and uttered a soft, "Love you," into her head fur. Judy felt a tingle spread from the spot and didn't want to move but a gentle nip at the base of her ear had her spinning around to look at Nick, the blush already as clear on her face as the sly grin was on his.

"I'll be over there, where there aren't any foxes," Judy grumbled before stomping over to some empty seats, but the smile creeping onto her face showed Nick that she wasn't really mad at him.

Nick slowly prodded his way over to Judy on his aching feet. The line had taken longer than he thought it would to go down, Nick didn't know how long he'd been stood for, but it must have been hours. He sat down next to Judy who was curled up in a ball fast asleep on a single airport seat. He needed to wake her up, but she looked so peaceful he could hardly bring himself to do it. A slight whimper and a twitch of her nose didn't help the matter, however he had to tell what he'd been told at the desk. Nick gently stroked a paw down Judy's side and onto her back. When he stopped Judy's eyes slowly opened and she stretched out with a little squeak.

"What time is it?" Judy asked groggily.

"I don't know, the clocks stopped and my phones dead," Nick answered waiting for Judy to come around fully.

"Now do you want the good news or the bad news," He said with a disappointed look on his face.

"What's happened now," Judy asked as she pulled at her ears.

"Well the good news is that the flight will be leaving at 8 in the morning, which is today now I guess seeing as it's past 12," Nick blabbed on and would have for longer if Judy hadn't stopped him.

"That's the good news? What on earth is the bad news then?" Judy said, dreading what Nick was about to say.

"Ah... the bad news is… that the plane that was supposed to be taking us couldn't land here. So, we have to use a different plane," Nick said, still with a wary look on his face.

"That doesn't sound too bad." Judy leaned her head against Nick and he put his arm around her shoulders.

"That's not all... the new plane has a different layout and there aren't enough economy seats to get everyone there, so they drew names at random and..." Nick paused and let out a huge sigh. Squeezing the top of his muzzle with his free paw

"No, no, no, Nick you can't let them. They can't stop our honeymoon!" Judy pleaded. She had sprung to her feet and looked like she was about to cry.

"I wasn't finished," Nick said, cocking his head at Judy. "They drew names at random and... they picked us. Our seats have gone," Nick said trying to keep a straight face. Judy slowly sat down, her eyes glazed over and breathing heavy.

"hey, it's not that bad," Nick said, putting his arm around Judy's shoulders again. "They gave us some other seats... they're just not where we picked."

Judy looked at Nick, confusion all over her face. "Well where are they when?"

"Well you see I never actually said what they drew names for did I," Nick said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well no, but..." Judy started only to be cut off.

"No, I don't think I did… Anyway, they drew names to see who would get kicked out of their economy seats and land in the comfortable cushions of a first class one." Nick leaned back into the chair with his arms spread out and waited for it to sink in.

Judy sat for a moment while her tired brain processed what Nick had just said. Her eyes widened and her ears stood straight up when it finally clicked. "We're in first class?" she asked excitedly.

Nick slowly nodded followed by a wheeze and laughter as the impact of his bunny almost winded him.

"I'll take that as a good sign then," Nick chuckled, inciting an even tighter squeeze from the rabbit that was now clinging to him like a barnacle.