Somewhere in the Vast Poni Canyon a trainer picked up a Luxury Ball and gripped it victoriously. He grinned and raised the ball high with the sun shining on the pokeball, casting a glint of light across the rocks. His partner, Azura, stood on her tail and sung in joyful spirit, congratulating her trainer on the latest catch. He turned to her and held his fist out. Azura then raised her fin to his fist and they shared the moment of glory.

"Alright! Azura, that was awesome!" The trainer praised his Primarina.

"Marina!" she responded, happily.

The trainer then threw his other pokeball's and they all emerged beside Azura. The pokemon were Gigavolt the Vikavolt, Vulgina the Mandibuzz, Bojack the Mudsdale, and an Alolan Sandslash, Coldcuts.

"Alright everyone, we have finally got our last team member!" he said, holding the Luxury Ball in front of him where his pokemon could see. "Say hello to our newest team member, Kommo-o!"

As the beam of light emerged from the Luxury Ball, the fearsome pokemon roared. "Ko mo mo!"

Kommo-o observed the group of Pokemon in front of him and grew a little uncomfortable with the attention. Shifting back and forth, he turned to the human standing beside them.

"I'm Sol," Sol said, giving a wave, "nice to meet you Kommo-o. I give you the name, Scales!"

Scales nodded, accepting the name with no fuss. He glanced to where all the pokemon stood, observing him. Only the Primarina was recognisable, and he managed something resembling a smile when she waved.

"Alright, time to take a break, I'll be sitting here taking a quick breather."


"Hello. Nice to meet you and welcome to our team!" Azura held her fin out to greet the scaled pokemon. He hesitated for a moment, watching her carefully, before grabbing it in a clumsy handshake.

"Pleasure's all mine. A-Azura was it? I heard... Sol saying it during our battle."

"Yes, and this is Gigavolt." She gestured to the flying Vikavolt who buzzed in welcome.

Gigavolt buzzed again before landing on Bojack's back. "Sup."

Azura continued, gesturing to the Mandibuzz. "This is Vulgina." She then leaned in to whisper to Scales. "Just be careful what you say to her. Her anger issues... she doesn't kid around."

"Ugh, why do you have to tell my business," Vulgina squawked and Azura eased back. Rolling her eyes, she outstretched a wing to Scales, "besides I've controlled myself for the last three days. I'm basically cured entirely."

"Are you sure?" Gigavolt chuckled, causing her to glare at him. He wisely stopped chuckling.

Azura then pointed to the Mudsdale Gigavolt was resting on. "This is Bojack! He is our backbone and Gigavolt's favourite place to park."

"Well on the contrary, I am more of a tank if anything."

She laughed. "Well still, you have gotten us out of jams before."

"Aw shucks." He blushed a tiny bit.

Azura then got around to the last team member. "And finally, we have Coldcuts," she said, gesturing to the Alolan Sandslash to speak up.

She was leaning back against a tree with her arms crossed and simply held one of her claws up in welcome.

"She doesn't like to talk a lot," Azura nervously giggled.

"Hmm," Scales grunted. "So our trainer... what is he like?" he asked, looking over to Sol pulling out a bag of pokebeans.

Azura beamed. "He is the best trainer I have ever had, he is so caring and he feeds us whenever he stops to take a rest."

Vulgina chimed in. "Heh, not only that but he also treats us of our injuries and he even gives a nice pet every chance he gets."

"Quite interestingly enough, he makes sure we are happy as can be," Bojack added.

Scales nodded, happy to hear that. "He sounds like a promising trainer."

Azura also remembered. "Oh, also he received his Z-Ring straight from Tapu Koko!"

Scales' eyes widen and he jerked his head towards her. "What? From the Melemele Island Guardian?"

Azura laughed at his reaction and nodded. "Yeah, even though he wasn't born in Alola."

"I see, well he sounds like quite the trainer."

"Alright everyone, time to have some Pokebeans!" Sol called out.

Everyone ran towards their trainer and Azura grabbed Scales' hand to pull him over with her. Sol sat the blanket down and everyone got comfortable while snacking on the colorful beans. Everyone grabbed a handful and began to chow down.

"Vulgina, let me get some of your beans!" Gigavolt bugged.

She glared at him. "Hell no! You have your own damn beans."

Coldcuts rubbed her face, turning away from them.

Azura grabbed a handful of Blue ones and handed one of them to Scales. "Go ahead eat it!" she offered.

Scales took a nibble and his eyes widened. "Wow, these are good!" He gulped the whole bean down.

"I knew you'd love them, want some more?"

He blushed a bit, realising he'd let himself show too much excitement. "Heh, yeah thanks."

Everyone continued snacking until Bojack broke the silence.

"So has anyone seen TYRANITAR?"

"Wait so is that the movie with that giant Tyranitar that trashes the whole city and whatnot?" Azura asked.

"Yeah?" he responded.

Vulgina mumbled. "It was alright, though the Giant Volcarona was better."

"Scales, have you seen any movies?" Gigavolt asked.

Azura sighed. "What kind of question was that, Gigavolt? He was a wild pokemon. How would he know what a movie is?"

"I don't know, he might have found a way to watch it!" he shot back.

Scales frowned, looking between the two. "N-no, I have not seen any... 'movies'. I mostly train to get stronger and protect my territory. Although now the others will be able to take it. Eh."

Azura looked at his scales and saw how his scales on his arm had a long slash mark on them.

He caught her staring and she turned away quickly, flushing at being caught..

"Oh? Is it the scar on my arm?"

"Yeah," admitted, "how did you get it?" she asked, hoping it wasn't too private of a question.

He smirked a bit, didn't mind talking himself up. "Heh, it was nothing. It was from fighting the elder."

"Pardon me, good sir," Bojack chimed in, "but might I inquire who your elder is?"

"He is the largest and strongest Kommo-o here... and judging by our trainer, if he is doing the island challenge, he will have to fight him eventually."

"I see."

"Wait, but why did you guys fight though?" Azura asked.

Scales scratched his head. "Well... us Kommo-o tend to fight each other to see who is stronger."

"Well, I bet you won" She winked.

Scales blushed.

The others exchange glances.

"I say, is it me or is Azura making good friends with Scales?" Bojack whispered.

"It is odd since I heard Dragon and Fairy-type pokemon don't get along too well" Vulgina said. "She's mainly spoken with Scales so far."

"Well he IS the new guy. She spoke with all of us when we joined," Bojack countered.

Vulgina shook her head. "Yeah, but she is oddly friendly if you are picking up what I'm putting down. She didn't give any of us the same amount of attention."

Azura caught them whispering about something. When they saw her look over, they all whistled innocently.

She gave them a flat look. Like she couldn't tell when they were talking about her. "Well anyway, I could help with your training if you are in need of a partner," she said, turning back to Scales and putting the others out of mind for the time being.

"Oh, well it would help to have another sparring partner." He scratched his head. "Yeah, I would love that."

Gigavolt whispered. "Yeah she just wants to 'train'. If you know what I mean?" he chuckled.

Azura glared at him and he flew behind Bojack.

"It's settled," she said, finishing her beans. Everyone else quickly finished up as well. The gossiping was done for the time being.

"Alright everyone, hope you all enjoyed your lunch," Sol said. "Time to go!"

Sol returned everyone to their pokeballs after they finished eating. He turned to see Scales and Azura sitting together. "Maybe I'll let Scales stay out this time," he mused. "Azura seems to have taken a liking to him. Besides, I've never seen her get close with any of the team members this quickly. Might do her some good."

"Alright you two! C'mon."

Azura tilted her head. "Why is he not putting either of us in the ball I wonder?"

"Beats me. I enjoy talking with you, Azura. So I think it's nice." Scales smiled.

She blushed a bit and chuckled. "Well I'm flattered. I didn't think I could be friends with a Dragon-type. Cause you know of the whole 'Dragons don't like Fairy-types'," she chuckled.

"Same here." Scales nodded. "But here we are. I'm going to enjoy being on the team with you." He smiled. She smiled back at him and together they started following their trainer.