Disclaimer: the songs I use in this story are for entertainment as well as some of the scenes I use.


A woman was holding her child as she told him a story about her and her husband, as he was listening, the child was lost in thought.

"And then he said purple, and that's the story of how I met your dad." she said, she looked at him and she saw he was looking elsewhere. "Honey, you ok?" she asked, he looked up at her and answered "yeah, just thinking. Can I play outside now?" he asked.

"No Jonathan, sweetie, it's naptime." she said, "but I don't wanna sleep, my dreams are weird." he said. She smiled at him "all dreams are weird.", Jonathan stood up on her lap "but mom my dreams are weeeiirrreeed" he said dramatically. She laughed "sweetie, something weird might be something familiar viewed from a different angle and that's not scary right?" she asked, he shook his head "I guess not." he said.

She embraced him and they started singing their favorite song.

Let's go in the garden

You'll find something waiting

Right there where you left it lying upside down

When you finally find it

You'll see how it's fading

The underside is lighter when you turn it around

Everything stays right where you left it

Everything stays but it still changes

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways

Where everything stays

(flashback ends)

Present day

Jack was walking through a field of flowers and he was admiring the scenery. The bright sun, the blue sky, the cool breeze, and the beautiful landscape.*sigh* he smiled and laid down on the flowerbed, he picked a red flower that was next to him and looked up to the sky.

"What a beautiful day." he said, then all of a sudden the winds started changing and the sky turned black as night, and the land started shaking. Jack looked up in confusion and fear with millions of thoughts going through his head.

"What the hell's going on?!" he said in fear, he then sees a familiar figure in the distance. It looked like Entrapta, "Entrapta? Entrapta is that you?", she turned to look at him with fear in her eyes something he never expected to see in her one of the Horde's top scientists."Hurry!" she said, shadows started swallowing everything and earthquakes shook the land so he ran to Entrapta.

When he finally reached her the ground between them broke apart, before the distance became greater, Jack jumped across to her. "Grab my hand!" he said, Entrapta reached out to grab it but then shadows formed below their feet and started to engulf them, he reached out to grab her but he couldn't, then the ground broke and he was hanging on the edge beneath her trying not to fall.

She tried to pull him up, but then a mysterious figure showed up out of nowhere and grabbed Entrapta by her neck. "Let her go you bastard!" Jack shouted, the mysterious figure said nothing but stared at him with his golden eyes, but then he started to speak. "I know what you're hiding boy, and I know why you won't tell him. It's because of her isn't it?." he said with venom in his voice, "Entrapta?" Jack asked confused,"no... Catra." he said. Jack looked at him with wide-eyes and a confused expression, then the mysterious man started singing sinisterly.

I know your secret

Your dirty little secret

I know your secret!


He laughed evilly while Entrapta looked at Jack with unease and he looked at her grief-stricken, she said only one thing: "find me."

He looked at her even more confused, "what do you mean?" he asked, then the ledge broke and he started falling, she broke free to try and grab his hand but it was too late. "JACK!" she screamed, "AAAAHHH!" he screamed before plummeting to the dark abyss below with the mysterious figure laughing maniacally.

Jack wakes up to find himself in his room sweaty and panting. "Hey hey you okay?" said a familiar voice, it was Force captain Scorpia who came to check in on him. He looked around the room finding everything the same taking in gasps of breath. "Still alive, still alive." he said to himself breathlessly, "are you okay? Do you need help? I can go find Catra." Scorpia said worriedly.

Jack held up his hand signaling no,"I'm fine, just a bad dream." he said, "it must have been really bad, you were tossing and turning something fierce, worse than I've seen with Catra." she said, "what was it about?" she asked concerned. Jack looked at her sad and scared at the same time which made her more worried.

"I was in this field of flowers it was beautiful, but then the sky turned dark, shadows swallowed everything and earthquakes shook the ground, then I saw Entrapta she was in danger, I tried to save her but some guy showed and grabbed her, then he started talking about why I didn't tell Hordak about Entrapta and all she said was "find me." then I fell into a black abyss and I woke up." he explained feeling uneasy, Scorpia looked at him horrified and her claws were over her mouth.

He learned what she and Catra did to Entrapta and it's been bothering him for a while, especially after his talk with Hordak two days ago. "I can't believe how much this was stressing you out I-I never realized what was going. How long have you had this dream?" she inquired, "only tonight. It must be telling me something. I have to talk to Hordak about it." he said, she was in deep thought for a moment before she said: "I'll go with you."

Jack was surprised that she'd betray Catra. "But what about Catra?" he asked, she looked sad for a moment, "I care about Catra I really do she's my best friend, but after that portal nonsense she hasn't been herself lately and I'm worried about her, besides I didn't send Entrapta to beast Island I couldn't." she explained.

Jack was ecstatic to hear that. "Where is she now?" he asked, "I'll tell you in the morning for right now get some sleep k?" she said

Jack nodded his head, she smiled at him and then she left leaving him alone to himself. He curled his hand into a fist vowing to himself he'll find Entrapta for Hordak.

The next morning

Jack was walking through the hall still thinking about last night as he was heading to Hordak's chamber. I have to tell him, I have to. He thought to himself as he was walking to his chambers, just then someone snuck up behind him and dragged him to another room.

"Hey what's the big ide-" he was cut off when he saw who had abducted him, Force captain Catra. "Hi." she said teasingly, Jack was shocked to see her and went red because of how close they were. "W-what do you want?" he asked nervously, "I wanted to talk with you, I know about your "genius" plan to tell Hordak about Entrapta." she said.

His eyes went wide, "How did you know?" he asked, "I have eyes and ears everywhere in the Fright Zone." she said and chuckled evilly, then he thought to himself could Scorpia have betrayed him? "Who told you?" he asked eagerly, "Kyle." she said.

He gave her a confused look and raised his eye-brow. "Really?" he said in disbelief, she looked angry because he was probably the last person she would asked to do but reluctantly she said: "yes.", "but why would you- nevermind don't want to know." he said baffled. "Good, but anyways if you tell Hordak about Entrapta I won't hesitate to hurt you." she threatened, "you don't scare me, you don't understand I have to talk to him." he said urgently.

She started laughing, "you really think Hordak's gonna listen to you? A recruit?" she said in between laughs, "h-he did it before he'll do it again." he said nervously, she then stopped laughing and smiled, "face it kid, Hordak listens to me and he may have listened to you once before but he won't do it again, you need to wake up and face the facts." she said, he looked downcast as doubt clouded his mind. Catra smirked and left him alone thinking she won, "oh and don't bother talking to Scorpia, I took care of that." she said

Jack stayed in the room and thought to himself, maybe she's right, even though he listened before what makes you think he'll listen now? She's got him wrapped around her pretty little finger. Damn it! He left the room and walked the lonely halls of the Fright Zone trying to figure out how to do this.

Written in stone every rule every word

Centuries old and unbending

Stay in your place better seen and not heard

Well now that story is ending

He then got a look of determination on his face.

Cause I, I cannot start to crumble

So come on and try to shut me and cut me down

I won't be silenced!

You can't keep me quiet

Won't tremble when you try it

All I know is I won't go speechless!


Let the storm in

I cannot be broken

No I won't live unspoken

Cause I know that I won't go speechless!

Jack ran outside to the middle of the Fright Zone

Try to lock me in this cage

I won't just lay me down and die!

I will take these broken wings and watch me burn across the sky

Hear the echoes saying I won't be silenced!

Clouds were forming above him.

Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it

All I know is I won't go speechless


Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me

Don't you underestimate me!

Cause I know that I won't go speechless

All I know is I won't go speechless


He then stood his ground as it started to rain, then someone came and gave him an umbrella. "You shouldn't be out here in the rain young man." said the man. Jack looked up and saw it was commander Zorn, he was wearing a white shirt with the Horde insignia on the back, fingerless gloves and black pants. "C-commander!" Jack said while saluting him, "Why are you here?" Jack inquired.

"I saw you coming out here and wanted to get you before it started raining. Why are you here?" Zorn asked. Jack looked at him saddened, "I have to tell Lor-" he stopped himself, "I have to tell someone something important, but I'm afraid they won't listen to me." he explained, "why?" asked Zorn, "because I-I I'm still a recruit. I mean I've been here since Captain Adora but no gives me the time of day, they still treat me like a kid." he said.

"I've been preparing to lead since I first joined the Horde, I don't remember my mother or my father, but I feel like there's this part of me that wants to prove I can lead if given the chance." Jack explained. Zorn gave a warm smile and put his hand on his shoulder, "you shouldn't worry about whether or not people will listen, you should worry about not saying anything, listen to your heart my boy, listen to your heart." Zorn said.

This gave Jack a hopeful expression as Zorn walked off leaving the umbrella with him. Jack then smiled and got a determined look on his face, "thank you Commander." he said to himself, he then ran back inside to talk to Hordak.

Meanwhile in Hordak's chambers

Catra and Scorpia were talking to Hordak about their next step.

"Listen the portal failed before but that doesn't matter now, we need to launch a full-scale assault on Bright Moon. Queen Angella's gone, that leaves them weak so now we can destroy them once and for all." said Catra as Scorpia stood silent, Lord Hordak turned to them, "yes, but for now I want you two to look for Entrapta." Hordak ordered.

Catra looked stunned for a second as if baffled why he would go after her. "B-but Lord Hordak, why would you want us to go after a traitor like her?" she asked, "because I have reason to believe she didn't betray us." he explained, Catra looked wide-eyed as if she was scared he knew the truth. Just then the door to his chamber opened revealing Jack who looked determined than ever.

Jack walked up to the three ready to talk. "Jack, is there a reason you wish to speak with me?" Hordak asked, "NO!" shouted Catra, but then calmed down, "I mean no, there isn't anything you have to tell him do you?" she said almost threateningly. Jack stared her down and she almost flinched. "Actually there is." he said, then Scorpia finally spoke out, "Entrapta wasn't the one who let in the princesses!" she blurted out, then she covered her mouth as Catra glared at her.

"What?" Hordak said with a little venom in his venom, Catra laughed nervously, "she doesn't know what she's talking she's just tired." Catra said worriedly, but then Jack interjected much to her anger.

"No, she's telling the truth." he said, Hordak was now intrigued, "tell me more, but only from him." he said, Jack stood in front of him and told him the truth. "Shadow Weaver, it was Shadow Weaver who got them into the Fright Zone, not Entrapta." Jack explained, Hordak face turned to that of surprise while Catra got angrier by the second and her claws sharpened.

"Shut up." she said through gritted teeth, "Entrapta was going to tell you that you couldn't open the portal but then Catra knocked her out." he explained, "Shut up damn it!" she said angrily getting closer to him, "cause Catra was afraid-" he was about to say when: "I SAID SHUT UP!" screamed Catra and she sliced him across his head.

Scorpia and Hordak looked on in horror and so did Catra as she looked at the hand that sliced him and then back at Jack whos head was bleeding while he covered it.

"W-wait, what did you say?" he said delirious as he removed his hand showing his wound, he fell against a wall and laid there. Catra ran over to him in a panic, "J-Jack I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to I swear!" she said frantically, next thing you know she was knocked unconscious by Scorpia and laid beside him. "GUARDS!" shouted Hordak.

Two soldiers came into the room. "Take Catra to the prison, Scorpia take Jack to the medical bay NOW!" he ordered.

Jack was still semi-conscious and saw Catra being hauled off while he was in Scorpia's arms, "C-Catra, w-wait." he said breathlessly as he reached out his arm to her, then blacked out.

"Jack, you're gonna okay do you hear me? Jack? Jack!" Scorpia said, but he couldn't hear her as the world started going dark for him.


A man was sitting in his chair awaiting news from someone, then his door opened revealing a Rat. "Dar what happened?" he asked, Dar squeaked and it seemed only he could understand what he was saying.

The man smiled an evil smile and chuckled, "perfect, now onto phase 2." he said as he stood up and left the room.

To be continued…

Author's note: let me know what you think, I know I said it's going to be a musical and it is I just need to find out what songs to use for this. The next chapter will be out soon until them hope you have a nice day!