Wake-Up Call

Bella's POV

As I made my way back to the Clearwater's house, I really wasn't even paying attention to my surroundings, but somehow I managed out of the Forrest and back to the playground safely without being caught.

Probably has something to do with this…thing I've got going on, I think to myself and glance down at my hands. This was insanity, really. Shaking my hands, I continue on my way, thinking about this whole thing, only ever coming to one conclusion; I've somehow gained superpowers…

Well, I mean…Edward did always say that there was a shield around my mind, making him incapable of reading my thoughts. Maybe this is just some manifesto of that?

…or maybe I'm just insane?

Thinking about this is making my brain hurt. I rub my temple in frustration.

I walk up those familiar steps to the house and pause for a second, leaning into the door a little, my eyes narrowing, foot…steps? Two pairs, probably Dad and Sue. I lean back; this is just so freaky. To think my hearing bettered this much. I carefully open the door, announcing "I'm back."

"Bella, are you alright?" Sue came down the hallway, her eyes are full of worry and I feel a little bad for being out that long without warning.

"I'm fine…I just needed some space, everything is starting to be a little much." I explain to her. Hopefully that will calm her nerves a bit. She reaches down and grabs my hands into her own,

"Just remember that you don't have to go through this alone. You still have your friends, your family, and…well, he's a little silly at times, but once you get to know him better, he's really just a boy who's lost…" She glances to the side when she says this and it doesn't take a genius to figure who she's talking about. Letting out a chuckle, she turns back to me, "You're not alone, honey, you have a bigger family then you realize." I return her smile, Sue is starting to feel more like a second mother to me.

"Thank you, Sue…I'll try to remember that." I say genuinely. I look around a bit, my thoughts in a daze, "Can you ask dad to come down here…I need to talk to him again."

The woman smiles at me and nods, "I'll tell him, he's upstairs taking a nap." She lets go of my hands and turns toward the stair case.

Once she was out of sight I was left alone to my thoughts, I need to talk to dad about this somehow. Lifting my hand up and looking at the back of it in confusion, something I never really thought I'd have to think about pops into my head. Dad is really ordinary…and mom is kind of crazy, but she's normal, so how come this is happening?

I clench my palm, some of the light from outside reflects onto my skin. I don't want to think about where my brain is heading with this…am I adopted?

That doesn't make any sense to me, because I look like the perfect mixture of Charlie Swan and Renee Dewyer, and that's a fact.

Also, I've seen my birth certificate…yeah, but like, what if it's a fake so I don't find out?

I let out a snort; lets come back to reality before we have a mental breakdown in this hallway.

I don't look up when I hear my fathers footsteps walking down the stairs, they sound careful and small. I roll my eyes, I mean the man is a cop, so of course they do!

"You're back." Is all he says to me and I look to him.

"Sorry, I really had to think a little bit."

He nods and runs a hand through his hair, Ah, so that's where I get it from. I note silently.

He walks closer and pats me on the shoulder, "You needed to think I get it. Things haven't been easy for you." I snort at this; they sure haven't and something tells me that they probably wont be anytime soon.

"Dad…I'm exhausted." I let him know and he takes a step away. I watch him closely as the words leave my mouth, for once speaking a truth that needed to be spoken, "I'm tired…I know that the healing progress is supposed to take long and that there's going to be bumps along the way, but I'm getting tired of it. I just want peace."

My fathers face looks like I just broke his heart. His eyes are wide and unsettling, mouth slightly open, like I just told him I wanted to kill myself…which is not what I meant, but the words left my head before I had a chance to think about what I wanted to tell him. But my words are sincere…I am tired of it, tired of something always getting in the way when I finally thought I found some kind of normal.

"Bella, do we need to call- " "No." I cut him off firmly, "I didn't mean it like that…I'm just exhausted because it feels like there's always something…like I can't catch a break." Explaining this further, I watch his face relax.

He leans forward and embraces me, "I know slugger." Dad talks into my hair, "But you have to keep calm and hope for the best. Things will get better eventually, but you're a lot stronger then you think, hun."

I return my dads hug and laugh a little at his words, "When you and mom had me, did you ever think it was going to be this dramatic?" I ask out of curiosity and secretly fishing for something I'm not sure I need to know.

"Not really." He answers in a calm manner. Part of me freezes, nothing changed, his movements where calm, "You used to be a little extrovert from the day you where born till you came back to Forks…your mom and I used to be scared of what kind of teenager you would be." He continues to tell me and takes a step back smiling, "Other then the Edward thing, our worries were for nothing, but I was worried about the fact that you seemed so much more grown for your age then you should be, I thought my little bird left the nest too early, but you seem to have a handle of most of the things you need to know."

"Oh? Only most?" I joke at him turning away, trying my best to keep the tears that seem to be threatening to come out, out of this conversation. Dad and I have a good relationship, that doesn't mean we aren't still awkward as hell.

Dad lets out a laugh, shaking his head, "You've still got a bit more to learn. Honestly, the learning never stops, I still learn things about life everyday."

"Huh." I let out, a little surprised at my dads confession. I feel his hand on my shoulder giving me a pat. I turn toward him and warp my arms tightly around him, burring my face in his shoulder. Dad doesn't hesitate to return my hug, and somehow I feel my grasp tightening even more, something in me is almost afraid to let go.

"I'm sorry." I whisper out weakly, tears escaping in victory. I feel him let out a grunt, "You don't need to apologize, Bella. You're human, it's only natural for life to want to come and kick ass every now and again."

I let out a sniff at his words; Human…

I try to blink away the intrusive thought, but it doesn't help keep the doubt away.

"Bella?" Charlie questions, confusion in his voice.

"Hmm?" I hum in response, still hugging my dad, soaking in every ounce of affection I could in this moment.

He shifts awkwardly, "I know you've been working out, but you're getting pretty strong there kiddo? Are you taking steroids or something' ?" He jokes about the last part, but I immediately let him go out of concern.

"My bad." I laugh off, rubbing my wet, burning cheeks. Dad also lets out a little laugh and in a blink it feels like the situation turned light again, everything except the feelings eating at the back of my head, I don't think human is the right word to describe me…but then what would?


4 days later

My eyes feel like they're about to fall out of my skull, "Urgh…".

"You alright there?" one of my fellow librarians asks me, a perfectly shaped eyebrow raised.

Blinking in Sarah's direction, "It's not doing what I want, my eyes feel like they're about to burn out of their sockets and I'm ready to take the biggest nap of my life."

She lets out a laugh and shakes her head, "Sweetie, why don't you go put some of those returned books away?" she points toward the cart of books and shrugs, " Maybe moving your body will help? And since Daniel quit, that pile has been growing more and more."

Ah, yes. The news about Danny wasn't quite out to the public, so Daniel's mother called and told them that due to "circumstance", he would not be working here anymore. No one blinked twice at the odd call. Younger people never stayed long enough for anyone to get close enough to anyway. It was just another teenager quitting to do who-knows-what in their eyes. To be honest, I'm sure the main reason might be some of the more older, more tenured staff, that has been working here forever and shove their old traditional ways down everyones throat when they catch you doing some other way.

Slowly turning in my chair toward the books, I continue to stare at them…

Usually it's Danny who puts the books away, I bite my lip as the headache returns. I rub the side of my temple and get up. I hate this feeling…helplessness. It reminds me of how useless I am when it comes down to it.

But this power I have…it's something strange and terrifying. An image of destroyed trees popped in my head. My eye twitches a bit, definitely not useless, Bella.

Grabbing the book cart, I start pushing it, "Be back in a bit."

Sarah nods her head as she goes to greet a customer by the desk.

Turning the cart into an aisle, I stop and start putting away the books. I've been up and down these aisles a lot these past months, getting lost in the world of books is my specialty ever since childhood. Their worlds are fascinating, how just words can create something so magical. Smiling at some of the familiar titles, I graze their spines with my finger tips.

It's funny how all the books I've read and none of them could have ever prepared me for this life I have. I mean, how could they? It was never meant to be real. But now that it is, it sometimes feels like I accidentally fell into one of these books. My eyes couldn't roll farther into the back of my skull, what a shitty story I fell into!

My arm drops to my side as I turn to shove the cart into another aisle down a couple rows.

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"That boy that worked here for a couple of months? Apparently his mother called in and quit for him! I knew he was a trouble maker from day one, Janice! I knew it!"

My ears perked up a bit at this conversation, I bet it's those two old hags. I swallow a grunt of annoyance and try to focus on finding this books proper spot on the shelf.

"Tsk, what did you expect? He's gotten very friendly with that girl as well, what was her name? Ella? Annabell?"

My eyebrow twitches and mouth falls into a frown, gripping the book a little tighter then usual, Seriously, I've worked here for a couple months now and they still can remember my damed name? Bella! It's Bella, how hard is that for you to remember! I let out a breath, maybe it's signs of Alzheimers? And who gave them permission to talk like that? How rude!

"Hm, yes that girl, Bella. You know, I've seen them leave work together sometimes. I bet you they did what all these teenagers do, drugs and hook ups, disgusting."

"Have you also seen the way she's been acting? Perhaps he's dumped her and that's why he's quit."

My jaw clenched at this. How dare they assume dumb stuff like that? Damn old ladies don't have anything better to do! Take a breath Bella. This is nothing new, we're just going to go on about our job and get this done with. Do it for the paycheck. Money is always nice to have. I roll my eyes and shove the book into it's proper area, turn around, grab the cart. Let's just go to another area of the library.

"Linda, I'm pretty sure he's knocked her up. I've seen that girl went she first started working here, what a skinny little twig she was. Ever since they started getting…close to one another, I couldn't help but notice she's gained weight. Hmpf, there's only one explanation, Linda; a baby. Just another single mother living off of welfare."

Okay, so screw the plan. As the last thought crossed my mind, I pushed the cart out of my way, and stormed around the corner, my glare finding the two old ladies.

"Apologize." I demand, arms crossed.

The two older women, Janice and Linda, stood their in shock for a moment, but that silence was of course opens her mouth, "Young lady, I don't know where you think you are or to whom you're talking to, but that is no way to talk to your your parents not thought you the proper manners?"

"Oh really now?" I shoot at the one who spoke, "So it's manners that allows employees to gossip to one another about other employees of the work place? The way I see it, Ma'am, you're both being disrespectful and unprofessional." Just as one of the greying lady's was about to open her mouth, I add, "And you're talking about my friend and myself, so I believe it it my right to demand an apology out of the both f you."

The red hair dyed one spoke up next, letting out a scoff, "You demand an apology? Child, you and your generation of entitled children may believe in such nonsense, going around demanding stuff. The truth however, is that you will not receive anything like that. You call us disrespectful, yet you're the one who stormed up to us, throwing orders at women whom have worked here far longer then you have."

Teeth gritting against each other, I continue to glare at her, and this is why I don't talk to these people. They call me entitled and they wont even be held accountable for their own actions!

"Now, it's best you finish your work dear. It's not good to be lazy on the job, it reflects poorly on the rest of us." Before I even had a chance to disagree, they turned the corner, not before sending me a side eyed look.

I blinked as I stood in place. What the fuck was that!? "Urgh…" Letting out a groan, I massaged my temple, why did I even get angry enough to storm up to them in the first place? If anything I probably made it worse!

"I need a break." I groaned as I pushed the cart to another isle.


It took about another hour, but once I finished up, I returned back to the desk at the front.

"Ah, done already?" Sarah chirps from her chair. I nod and go to take my seat in front of that monstrosity of a computer.

"Don't get to comfortable yet, the boss asked for you." She informs me, one side of her face turning downward. I raised my eyebrow at this. That's odd…

"Okay, um I'll be right back." Getting up once again, I make my way toward the back area where the main office is at. It wasn't anything special, just yellow colored walls, fluorescent lighting that made you want to never look in the mirror again and office furniture that hasn't been replaced since the 70's most likely. I shake my head, go up to the boss's door and knock three times.

"Come in." the faint sound of his voice gong through the door.

"You wanted to talk to see me?" I ask hesitantly, as I step into the office.

"Ah yes, please have a seat, Ms. Swan." My boss, Mr. Gilbert, a man in his early 50's gestures to the seat across his desk, while letting out a sigh.

I bite my lip as I take the seat. Somethings off about this. I've never been called here before, the timing is way to convenient, that temper is going to get you in trouble on day. Shit, what if?

"Now, Ms. Swan, I've been made aware of some troubling news concerning you. I must say, it came as quite a surprise considering you are one of my best workers here." He begins to speak. I swallow, because even I already know that those two hags went to the boss with my outburst. If you can even call it that…maybe.

"I understand that you are also quite young still and may be going through something, but that does not give you the right to act as you please and yell at your fellow coworkers." What absolute bitches.

I blink at him, "Mr. Gilbert, with all due respect, I did not yell at them. I simply informed them that their behavior was unprofessional and that they should apologize for gossiping about another employee." I defend, my hands gripping the end of my shirt.

He lets out a sigh, " Yes, you may have a point in some way, gossiping in the work place is unprofessional, however, you should have come to one of the supervisors first, before making a judgment on your own. I'm sorry Ms. Swan, but perhaps that it something to remember that for your next job."

"What?" I ask in confusion, "You just agreed that it was unprofessional of them, then why-,"

Cutting me off, he lifts his hand and hands me a piece of paper, "Janice has filled an official report of harassment against you. While this may seem unfair, I have to let you go, so this will not reflect badly on us. We understand your need for some kind of…justice, but such drama is not needed in the workplace."

To say that I was shocked is an understatement. I took the paper from him, and sure enough, that bitch filled a report against me. Oh my fucking god, you have gotta be kidding me. And he's still taking her side even though he agreed with me?! Drama? What drama, I just called them out on their bullshit. Putting the paper back on the desk, I let out a grunt. This is bullshit and I don't need this right now!

"Fine, whatever. If this it the type of people you have working here and what you defend, then don't wonder why good people keep quitting." I get up and storm out of the office, down the hall to the break room by the lockers. Grabbing my bag out of it, I slam it shut and just stand there for a moment.

I just got fired. Collecting my breath was difficult. I'm pissed. He took their side…not because my point was wrong, but because they've probably known each other for some time considering… "Tsk, really, of course I would get fired." Taking another deep breath, I calmly make my way out the door.

Out of al the shit, I don't need to deal with this. It's not like I was planning on being here forever anyway.

"What happened Bella?" Sarah asks me, her gaze drifting to my bag, "Oh are you leaving early today?"

My grip on the strap tightens as I calmly turn to her, "Sort of…Apparently today was my last day."

Her eyes grow wide, "Did you get-''

"Yeah. Sorry, I guess you'll have to deal with that crap computer again by yourself." Joking has never been my strong suit.

Sarah just smiles sadly at me, knowing there was nothing she could do to help me, "You're a great kid Bella, and I'm sure that you'll end up doing greater things then working in this dusty old library. Not that working in a library is terrible, but you know what I mean." She gets up from her seat and walks around the desk. The next thing I know, I'm being embraced. "You'll be all right. It was a pleasure working with you."

"Same to you." I answer as I hug her back.


My head bangs against the steering wheel with a 'thud'. I got fired. It hit me suddenly as a wave of sadness overcomes me. It's not like I've been wanting to stay there forever, but….but nothing, it's just like Sarah said, I'll find a better job somewhere else. I have a headache, a giant, pounding headache. I should go home a take a nap or something, or I cold go to the gym and let out all my pent up frustration from the disaster this entire fucking week has been.

The Gym it was. Surly that will help calm me down a little from this shit fest.


I found a nice corner to rage in where nobody will bother me, also it's in the afternoon so most of the guys are still at work, Punch, punch, jab, jab,cross, jab, punch. I've been at it for at least an hour now and nothing is making me feel better, punch, jab, jab, high side kick, twirl, punch. Breathing heavily, I wipe the sweat off my forehead and continue on with my frustrations, imagining it was one of the old ladies that got me fired, "Grrrr!" Throwing my punches harder, the image shifts into one of Daniels father, "Fucking jackass, piece of shit!" Punchpunchpunch high kick to the throat.


Ignoring the command, I continue to let out my frustration on the innocent bag.

"Did you not hear me? I said STOP."

Turning around in a rage, I yell, "What!" only to be greeted with the glare of Eddie. Oh…

"You're angry." He states, his glare turning into a frown.

"Really, I didn't notice." Rolling my eyes, I turn back to the bag but what I see stops me in my tracks. What the?

Eddie walks around me and to the bag, pointing at it, "I don't think you did." Touching the bag, he shook his head, looking back at me. "The martial art's can be a great way to let loose pent up anger. But this ain't anger. this is rage, girl."

The bag that I've been punching for a good hour had hole in it with sand pouring slowly out of it…I blink at it, I did that? How did I not notice that?

"I'm…sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." I tell him honestly, feeling guilty, I think those are expensive too? "I can pay you back somehow?"

Eddie just scoffs at me, "I got plenty more don't worry. You're not the first, neither will you be that last, trust me. However, I've seen you come in plenty of times just to let out anger and it makes me wonder whats going on in your life to cause that much distress."

"I don't really want to talk about it." It wasn't a lie, i really didn't want to talk about it.

"That's fine. What I really have a problem with is how it seems to be a continuous thing, Bella. Not noticing that you punched a god damn hole through the bag has me worried. It's not the way the Art's are supposed to be used, that's not why I decided to teach you." Shaking his head in disappointment, slowly walks over to the door.

My mind froze, as I'm being lectured. Has my anger really been that bad? He's making it seem like I'm just constantly angry! But as my thoughts alone are getting rilled up, I can't help but wonder how I have this much anger in me…I thought after talking with Paul, this wouldn't be this bad anymore. Why is everything so screwed up, I was getting better, so why is this happening?

"I hate to tell on of my students this but I think it's best you take a break and get your emotions in order." There it is…today is not a good day. "I know you got dragged here by that boy, wherever he's been these last couple of days, but I see that look in your eye. You need to deal with whatever is going on in your life instead of running away from it."

"I'm not running." I throw at him, "And I don't need a break. There's just a lot going on right now and I've been talking to some people, but-"

Eddie lifts his hand up, "Whatever it is, kid. You need to figure it out before you hurt someone. Sometimes talking about the problem isn't enough. Take a break, go home." And with that he leaves to go to his office.

I stood there in confusion. More confused then I've ever been. Today hasn't been a good day, and it all feels like it's been my fault. I thought I was getting better…those are the words that have been running through my head these past couple of weeks. Was I really getting better, or was I just kidding myself into thinking I was?

No, I refuse to think like that. Yes, I was making progress, but I've never been good at actually dealing with my emotions. No matter how many times people tell me they love me, they're here for me, I can't seem to get a handle on my own shit. Taking in another deep breath, I let out a loud groan. I need fresh air.


The park in Port Angeles was a thousand times better then the one in Forks, if you could consider the one in Forks even a park. Flowers, playgrounds, picnic grounds, and I'm here near the little lake they have, trying to clear my head for the hundred thousand times this fucking week alone.

Vampires and Werewolves are real; I should be used to that but I'm really not, even though it's been two years.

Paul Imprinted on me; that was a fact I needed to accept somehow no matter how much I hate it.

Daniel's been kidnapped; I feel helpless and I want to do something to find him. I haven't known him for that long, but he's my friend. I would do it for any of them.

I nearly got Raped; putting it into words makes me want to throw up as a shiver went down my spine.

I have magical powers that I don't know where they came from or what they really do, other then taking out forests and making me glow, which is terrifying!

So getting fired really isn't that big of a deal, but like, money was nice to have here and there. And I'm being forced to take a break because my anger has been getting out of hand.

"How does a normal person deal with this?" I wonder as I kick a rock and watch it bounce into a trash can and into the lake. They don't, thats why their normal Bella, which you aren't. Come to fucking terms with it already.

I let out a sigh at that. Easier said then done. It's time to grow up. Things have never, will never, be easy. This is just a bump in the road, as Marina said there would be. Things will not be easy, this is definitely one of those things.

I close my eyes as a breeze blows by, my hair gently flying with it, before settling back down. It's a nice day out for the most part.


I open my eyes, my lips pulled tight, there goes that nice day.

I look around, trying to find the source of the scream. Seeing movement from a little down the path, I squint my eyes. It looks like a woman and a guy, what is he?…

My eyes widen, oh shit! I run toward them, "Hey!" I yell out in hopes the guy lets go of the woman's neck.

He looks over to me, and glares, "Fuck." Cursing, he looks at the woman, and slams her into the tree, before running toward me.

I keep getting myself into fights too, let's add that to the shit list. Whatever, I'm not trying to actually fight anymore today! My irritation is at its limit.

Ducking down, as the guy begins to swing at me, I stick my leg out, making him trip, and grab his wrist. "God, I'm so sick of people like you!" I say before twisting his arm behind him, "What the fuck did she do to you that you had to try and strangle her, huh?" I grab him by the front, looking him in the eyes, "Answer me, dumb ass?!" With a swift kick to the groin, he yelps out in pain and I throw him to the ground.

"Fuck, why are you so strong!" He cries out, holding his wrist. God, it's not like I held it that hard!

"Hey, I'm the one asking the questions, give me one good reason why I shouldn't fucking throw you into the ocean?" I get down and take him by the collar. He looks up, ready to throw insults at me, when I notice his eyes grow and mouth quiver.

"WHat the fuck is wrong with you?" He shout out, trying to wiggle out of my grasp. I titl my head in confusion, glancing down at myself; I feel fine…then I see it.

Blue glowing veins in my hand. Jerking my head up, the fear in his eyes and the reflection of my own, now glowing the same color as the veins in my arm and apparently the left side of my face. Oh no. No no no no no no! Fuck, how do we explain this, what do I do, what do I do. I gulp.

Taking a fast glance around me, I was lucky that no one else was around. Taking a glance back at the guy, I'm sure no one would believe him, but until then…

I punch him really hard, knocking him out. Standing up, I look down at my hands, as the veins slowly disappear, letting out a sigh of relief. I run a hand through my hair, it's time to go home now, for real. Just go home. Nap.

"Ex…scuse me? Ma'am?" Oh what now! I twirl around, on my foot and look at the lady I even did all this for.

"Yes?" I answer tightly.

"Um, thank you for that. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would happened." Her voice was small when she thanked me, I can't help but smile at her. I've been there more then once, I get it. Maybe that's why I keep getting myself into trouble.

"Don't mention it. Although, you should probably call the cops. Don't worry, he won't get up for quite some time." I tell her as I kick him one more time, what trash.

A realization hit's me hard; I would have never been able to help someone the way I did if I didn't have these powers. I look over at the woman, dialing for the cops. I saved someones life today.

Eddie was right; I have to stop running away from my problems.


A/N: This chapter hurt to write. Physically hurt to write. My carpel tunnel is screaming at me from finger tips to elbow. My back is on fire. But I've been working on this for about 2 weeks now (Motivation; lacking), and I just wanted to get it out there and finish it up. It's a little crazy, because so much happens, but I hope you guys liked it! I'm hoping after this chapter, things in the story will start to progress a little more faster.

Anyway, I hope you all are staying safe and inside. Things have been crazy in my part of the world now (USA, in case you haven't guessed lol). I had to file for Unemployment for the first time in my short life, and let me tell you, that hurt my pride…but my company decided to do a furlough, so at least I can go back to work once this is all over, and I live at home (even though I'm supposed to be looking for apartments up in the city area for Grad school and move out in May, guess thats not happening, I'm 23, it's TIME!), so crazy parents at home. I can't say I'm complaining too much, first world problems minus this pandemic, I've got it better then a lot of people out there. I miss overpriced fancy coffees and thai food…and taco bell…and chick-fil-a even though it gives me a stomach ache.

Anyway, enough with that. Seriously, stay as safe as you can, and if you are sick, I hope and pray you get better soon!
