'The Savior' - that was the term they used to refer to that teen, Kamijou Touma. That teen, using only that right hand of his, single-handedly put an end to the Experiment that took over ten thousand of their collective lives.
They were all indebted to him for their continued survival. They became conscious of their own importance and meaning in continuing to survive. They, by his actions, became human.
Therefore, it makes complete sense for him to be on the receiving end of their burgeoning affections, beginning with Serial Number 10032 to all the way to that Higher Unit, Last Order.
Well, except for this Misaka, Serial Number 10046 supposed. This Misaka was instead currently lost in a daze in her self-scrutiny as to why she progressively spent more and more time daydreaming about that white-haired Number One, the one who killed all the previous clones: Accelerator.
As she brought up her own left hand up to her own chin, she recalled that time when she scarcely caressed his chin (when he freed her from that kidnapping); she still could remember, on her fingertips, the texture of his skin. Soft and delicate, from years of being shielded from UV rays.
...On second thought, UV rays perhaps had nothing to do with the softness of his skin, but in any case...
And so, she decides to try sending him a text.
[3:31 PM: "Hello", writes Misaka, attempting to engage in a conversation with you.]
Why was her heart beating at this unnatural rate, 10046 wondered.
All she merely did was to send a text to him.
Alas, no matter how hard she stared at her phone screen... there was no reply.
Yet, hopefully.
Perhaps, ignoring texts was just part of his personality. 10046 thought back to that day, where, right after when she was rescued by him, she approached that gigantic mechanical monster with a crowbar. She remembered him rebuffing her:
"Get on out of here, now."
"...Misaka wanted to fight with you... but is worried about being a bother and giving you some distance."
"You don't have to be considerate. Don't forget what I did to all of you. Just keep quiet and hold it against me."
He did perform certain... actions against them that would seem more than shocking to a normal person, 10046 supposed. But, for better or for worse, 10046 did not have enough emotional capacity to truly comprehend the depths to which such actions sank, and her attitude toward those events were ambivalent at worst. She didn't really know what to exactly hold against him.
Why did she feel this way toward him, 10046 wondered. Sure, he rescued and protected her, but there was not much else interaction between them... in any case, she liked to think about him a lot, for some reason.
She felt a feeling of determination rise up within her... it was a foreign feeling. She never really had anything to feel determined about, before. This wave of mixed emotions... it made her more anxious than what she usually was emotionally capable of.
Again, 10046 felt herself being filled with determination: she positively must capture Accelerator's attention and heart...
..if he had either in the first place, she dryly remarked.
And so, she continued sending him texts throughout the afternoon.
[4:16 PM: "How is the hospital food?", asks Misaka, attempting to feign interest in such a mundane topic in order to continue sending you texts.]
[4:42 PM: "Dog looks especially cute today", says Misaka, as she sends you a picture of a dark-colored feline.]
[5:21 PM: "Misaka feels odd happiness whenever she thinks about you", admits Misaka, despite feeling nervous at such an admission.]
"'Misaka doesn't get it...', says Misaka with a hint of sadness in her voice. 'I send him a question, and he doesn't reply. I send him a picture, and he doesn't react. I send him words that describe how I feel about him, and, Misaka thinks, he ignores that even more', says Misaka, her hopes slowly spiraling downward."
10046 grimaced.
To those in the know, that was a supreme show of emotion, considering how she technically did not have much of such.
"Misaka just... wants to talk to him..."