Summary -

Chaos Users like Sonic and Shadow can't get drunk, take medicine, or bizarre drugs for that matter. Their bodies 'heal' the dangerous chemicals before it can affect them. However, when Shadow discovers they can get drunk and stupid off of crazy drugs by draining their own Chaos Energy, the two take it to a whole new level. Sonadow. Archie Universe.

Notes -

There's a comic being done by Capi based on this story. You can see the comic on Inkbunny or Deviantart, but latter is censored due to DA's policies.


The Sadist and The Masochist

Written by Anonymoux-Sonic
Beta'd by Shadow

Chapter One –

"Are you serious?" the ivory bat exclaims, nearly dropping the pint of…whatever that weird smelling whiskey was, as she stares with wide eyes at the cobalt blue hedgehog in front of her.

Blue was currently sitting on one of the stools on the other side of the bar counter, playing with his…it had to be at least the fifteenth shot…empty glass. He gives a sideways, but very sober smirk. "Oh yeah. I probably have more Chaos Energy in me than actual blood, so no matter how much I drink, I can't get 'drunk.'"

Rouge the Bat could only blink at him, one of her large ears bending at an odd angle, seemingly disturbed. "That's…" she starts slowly, watching a certain black and red hedgehog sit down beside the blue one. "The most depressing thing I've ever heard. Still," she gives her partner in G.U.N. a suspicious look. "At least I know why you can drink the bar and not even stumble in your step."

Shadow doesn't seem to care much, just holds up the thin, black, rectangular device in his hands in irritation. Sonic looks over, raising a brow. "Nice phone?"

The agent scowls, tossing it on the counter. "I don't even want it."

Rouge smiles to the confused hero, leaning forward on the counter using her elbows. "G.U.N. is making us carry those annoying things around with us. Just another useless communication device."

Sonic shrugs, reaching over to grab the brooding hedgehog's shiny new cell phone. "It might not be so bad. I hardly use the one Tails made me, but you can put games and look stuff up on it real quick."

Rouge chuckles. "I've been using mine to look up new recipes."

Sonic spares her a grin, before looking through the contacts of Shadow's phone. "I'm putting my number in here."

The black and red hedgehog shrugs. "Go shoot."

A loud crash of glass sounded in the back of the club, making the three turn their heads. It looked like a fight was going to break out… Rouge lets out a sigh. "Hold on, let me take care of this."

Both hedgehogs watch her jump the counter, stomping over, yelling at everyone, making nearly all the mobians in the club flinch and scatter. Sonic chuckles, handing Shadow his phone. "At first I was worried about her opening up a club, but she's obviously got this."

The Ultimate Lifeform reaches over and grabs the small bottle she had left behind. "Never underestimate her," he advises.

Sonic frowns thoughtfully, tapping his fingers on the counter. "Hey, did you want to go somewhere with me sometime this week?"

Shadow looks over, raising a brow. "Depends on where."

The Blue Blur smiles. "Nicole found some old files on one of Egghead's computers…files I think you would be interested in."

The streaked mobian seems to perk up. "Where would we have to go to get them?"

Sonic reaches in the pocket of the red jacket he wore, pulling out his own cell phone. He pulls up a map on it, pointing to a spot a little ways north of Robotropolis. "Here. This used to be Eggman's headquarters, till I blew it up. Fortunately for us, it looks like the main computer is damaged, but not down."

"And it still has all his stuff on it?" Shadow questions, looking closer at the map. Sonic nods.

"Yeah, we would have to sneak it, plug a special computer Nicole made for us in there, and she'd get us in."

The antihero seemed pleased by this. "Then yes, I'll go with you. When did you want to do this?"

Sonic shrugs, pressing the home button on his phone. "It's gotta be when Sally isn't on my ass about something. I thought it would be better if she didn't know about all of this."

The onyx hedgehog frowns. "I appreciate that."

The sapphire mobian winks at him. "Hey, don't worry about it. I know how much this all means to ya, and I wanna help."

Shadow had to turn his head away, playing with the pint in his hands. Sonic's kindness was sometimes too much for him. The hero was going out of his way to help him uncover everything about his past; finding all of Gerald's documents and even using them to go into a virtual ARK, where he could see Maria again. No one had ever showed him such kindness except Maria herself, with the exception of Rouge, who was like a mother/sister to him.

That's what had gotten him so attached to the blue hero, and their time spent together only seemed to grow within the days. He could actually call the hedgehog his friend without feeling too awkward, because of the way the hero was with him.

Sonic's watch beeped, making him scowl and stir Shadow out of his thoughts. With a sigh, he watches the cobalt animal press a button or two, before a message from Sally came up. He didn't get to see what it said, but it made Sonic's brows furrow, and his fawn lips curved into a scowl.

"Oy," he sighs, standing up. "I gotta go, Shads. You have my number, so text or call me or something when you wanna know when we're going."

The black and red hedgehog nods, frowning. "I will."

Sonic passes him a smile, before looking over to where Rouge was scolding a drunken bear. He chuckles, shaking his head. "We have to figure out how to actually be effected by alcohol one day," he jokes, before turning, walking passed Shadow's chair towards the door. He couldn't help but pat the other's head with a grin, before he makes his way out of the club.

Shadow purses his lips, thinking deeply as he stares at the dark fluid in the glass before him. Sonic told Rouge it was because of their Chaos Energy. With how strong it was, it would 'kill' the alcohol before it got through their system. A flash caught his eye's attention, and he looks at the golden inhibitors on his wrists, glowing in the odd lighting. Anytime he took them off, he lost a considerable amount of energy.

He sits up then, blinking in realization. What if he drained his own Chaos Energy, and then tried to drink? Would it be weak enough for the alcohol to run through?

He looks over at Rouge, who was chatting with an upset koala, before he turns and looks at the club doors. He looks at his phone, wondering if he should give it a try.

With a inhale of air, he reaches for the device, opening up his contacts. He blinks, seeing Sonic's name in the list. Selecting it, he looks through it until he figures out how to send a message.

'I think I've figure out how to go through with that.'

A few seconds later, a bubble pops up.

'Really? Then let's make it Saturday and call it a date~'

Shadow leaned back, re-reading the text with a warmth growing in his chest, rising to his muzzle.

A date…

Shadow takes a knee beside the blue hedgehog, who sat criss-crossed on the cold, metal floor. After sneaking into Eggman's base, they had managed to make it through to his old control room. The computer was damaged, but with Nicole's special hardware, all the data was currently being transferred to the laptop sitting in the hero's lap. "It's almost done, Shads," Sonic says. "We'll take it to Nicole and it should only take her a day to get us in there."

The biohog nods. "How much is there?"

Sonic frowns, scrolling through the long list. "Oh, a lot. It's only because I gave her a Chaos Emerald why it's not taking that long."

Shadow felt something not far from hope rise in his chest. The more they found, the more he could learn, the closer to the truth he could get. All this data would fill in the parts of the virtual world that were missing, giving him much more time to explore and talk with the Professor and Maria.

When a soft beep interrupted the silence, Sonic smiled. "There, it's done."

He unplugs the cord from the old, broken console, letting it retract back into the side of the computer. He closes the laptop, grabbing his bookbag to slide it in there. After zipping it closed, he reaches up to take Shadow's outstretched hand.

"We're good to go, now. I'll stop by the castle and hand this over to Nicole, then we can go wherever."

Shadow nods, and the two turn and bolt out of the old, broken base.

Sonic stretches his arms above his head, before shivering and pulling his jacket tighter around him. With winter right around the corner, it was cold nearly all the time now. He hated it, but at the same time, he loved it. Winter was his favorite time of the year.

Shadow looks up, leaning against the wall outside the hero's house. Sonic had wanted to drop off his bag and clean up real quick, so he had waited outside for him. He wore a black jacket, a golden ring hanging from a pocket on the front side, right over his heart. It was a gift from Sonic; the blue hero deciding his darker counterpart needed something to stay warm in the cold weather.

The cobalt mobian smiles, raising a brow. "So, where to?"

Shadow shrugs. "Where did you want to go?"

They both stood there, thinking, before Sonic snapped his fingers and grinned. "I haven't been to Casinopolis in forever. They've redone it, and I haven't had a chance to see how cool it looks."

Shadow stands straight, letting his crossed arms fall to his sides. "Figures you'd be one to go to a casino."

Sonic grins. "What? It's fun! Besides, I always win like crazy there."

The crimson streaked hedgehog shakes his head. "Let's just go…"

Sonic couldn't help the grin that spread across his muzzle as they ran/skating towards their destination. Although Shadow needed his skates to keep up with him, he could still keep up with him. It was awesome to have someone who could go wherever he could, enjoy the things he could, and do the things no one else couldn't. Shadow was a perfect half of him, he had thought. He could go into a battle with him and not worry about something happening to him. He could race him when he was bored, and the results would always be interesting. He could fight him for fun, the two wrestling around when they needed to blow some steam. He could yell and curse and rant to the dark hedgehog, who listened with a small smirk, and never judged him for anything.

Shadow was his window to being truly free, to truly be himself. He didn't have to wear a 'hero's mask' around the Ultimate Lifeform, because Shadow could relate to him, understand him, and never judge him for the way he was. His whole life he had longed for someone he could just let loose with, take off the mask, let out the things he held deep inside, building up until he lost it. Shadow was that person, and so, he was precious to him. Making Shadow happy, was his number one goal. He wanted to give the dark mobian some kind of peace with himself, and what had happened to him. Seeing the person you love the most die right in front of you was absolutely traumatizing, Sonic knew. He wanted to help his counterpart move on and find a reason to be truly happy in life.

He didn't know why, or why Shadow meant so much to him. Maybe it was because they had so much in common, or because he was the only one who really understood him. Maybe it was because he liked Shadow's personality, or the way he did things, or how he handled things. Maybe it started when Shadow nearly died to save him during the ARK battle. No one had ever looked out for him like that. It was always him looking after the world. To have someone protect him, fight for him, made him feel a strange, but very pleasant warmth he wanted more of.

To say the very least, Shadow touched his heart in a way he couldn't describe or understand. All he knew was that he had to make it up to him, and he wanted to get closer to him.

'Maybe it's time I told him about my Chaos Energy thing…'

When the fields they had been running across, the cold air whipping through their quills, being forced against the unnatural powers they had, began to fade out into dry ground, they could start to see the bright, neon lights of Casinopolis.

The lights were beautiful in the setting sun, and would only get more spectacular as the night settled in. They zoom over to the gates, startling a few people as they dashed passed, through and into the heart of the city.

They screech to a halt, their eyes growing slightly with immense size and power of the city.

"This…" Sonic starts slowly, his peach lips pulling into a grin, "…is amazing."

Shadow had to agree. The city was filled with different bars and clubs, casinos and pinballs. Hell, some of the roads were made out of pinball tracks!

Sonic takes Shadow's hand and starts pulling him across the street, pushing passed people and a large fountain, whose water looked golden in the bright lights. The dark hedgehog was in awe. Never had he seen so many lights and excitement all in one spot. There were carnival like games over to his left, while slot machines were spitting out money on his right. They make their way to the center of the square, and Sonic lets out a gasp.

The both stood there, in shock.

A large, golden statue, rising tall with the buildings, stood at the center.

"That's….you…" Shadow says slowly, watching Sonic close his gaping mouth.

"They…they had a statue like this in the small casino back where they started in Station Square. They were such a small business then, and I helped them gather a ton of rings and brought them quite a business." He looks back at Shadow, shaking his head. "Then Chaos destroyed the city, and afterwards, I helped them again in raising the funds to rebuild but…"

Shadow nods towards the statue. "They must really appreciate you, then."

A few excited cries caught their attention, where a bunch of people had spotted them and were squealing excitedly. Sonic sweatdrops, and Shadow, not realizing until then that they had been holding hands the whole time, pulls the blue hero away from the quickly gathering crowd.

Hoping the lighting would hide the warmth noticeably darkening his muzzle, he stops himself from squeezing Sonic's hand too tightly. He didn't want to lose the hero in this mess, especially since they had plans already.

Sonic takes a few quick steps to walk in sync with his darker companion, not letting go of his hand. "I had a bad feeling I would raise some attention."

Shadow shrugs. "I've got it covered."

Sonic smiles, and he couldn't help but playfully lean against the other, their shoulders connected. "Aw, you'll protect me? That's sweet of you~"

The bioghog sighs and shakes his head, not wanting to admit the warmth Sonic caused by simply leaning on him made his heart do a million flips in one.

"Where did you want to go first?"

Sonic looks around, his green eyes sparkling like a child's in the twinkling lights. "Oh, there's so many things!" His eyes catch something, and he grins. "Let's go to the pinball gate. I bet you I can collect more rings than you can!"

Shadow couldn't stop the smirk from breaking his lips. "Challenge accepted."

The dark hedgehog could not believe how many rings Sonic could consume at once.

Sonic was a ring gathering at its finest. He was a master at anything that involved rings, and at the moment, his Chaos Energy was practically crackling around him with how many rings he had absorbed.

After the pinball table, which was won by a certain blue hero, they had gone into one of the casinos. Sonic had played every game there and won, from Blackjack to Poker to even the poor, now empty slot machines on the walls.

'Impressed' was an understatement. Shadow was completely bewildered.

Three hours went by, and by the fourth, they had to have at least a billion rings on them. They walked, hand in hand, Sonic enjoying an ice cream cone, while Shadow took a sip of some fancy coffee they had been selling.

Sonic nodded to one of the bars. "So, you said you had an idea of how we can drink?"

Shadow nodded as well. "Yes, but with all the Chaos Energy you've got, it might not be that easy."

The Hero of Mobius stops, raising a brow. "What's your plan, exactly?"

Shadow stops, tossing his empty styrofoam cup in the trash next to them. "Our Chaos Energy is what stops the alcohol from effecting us, correct?"

Sonic nods, dropping the rest of his ice cream in the trash as well. "Yeah, so?"

The darker hedgehog fully turns to him, slightly squeezing the other's hand subconsciously. "Well, if we drain our energy enough, it would be able to effect us then."

Sonic stared at him for a minute or two, taking this information in. "Would that really work? How do we drain our energy like that, though?"

Shadow chuckles softly. "Well, you can start by finding something to drop all those rings into. All I have to do is take off my inhibitors. I could probably absorb most of your energy myself and let it out before I take them off."

Sonic's eyes lit up. "You can do that?"

He nods, and a guilty look flashes in his eyes. "I've done it to you before, but you've never noticed."

"Wait, what? When?" The hero states, looking shocked.

Shadow shrugs. "After a few of our battles or missions. If I ever ran too low, I just absorbed some of yours. You have a lot of live Chaos Energy."

Something passes over Sonic's eyes, something Shadow couldn't describe. It looked like some kind of guilt, or like a secret he was hiding. "Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I don't mind, though."

The dark hedgehog frowns, before looking around them. "Do they sell any of those ring canisters here?"

"Mobiums?" Sonic asks, and Shadow nods. The hero grins. "Of course they do! They have to, actually. We'll go get some and then head to one of these bars, so we can test that theory of yours."

The lioness at the counter seemed a bit surprised. Okay, no she was flabbergasted. It wasn't everyday Sonic the Hedgehog came into your hotel and requested a room for the night. He had a black hedgehog with him that sported red stripes down his quills.

"J-Just one room?" she stutters.

Sonic nods. "Yeah, that'll be fine."

A bit shaky, she nods and looks at her computer. They needed to find their best room. They just had to. This was Sonic the Hedgehog, the one who was responsible for all their wealth here in this city. Plus, he was the reason they were even on the map still. Dr. Eggman had tried taking over the city to support his funds back when they first opened.

Finding the best room she could, she internally wonders if that other hedgehog was some kind of…boyfriend? The thought made her face redden, and she looks at him, trying to control the shakiness of her voice. "We have a room available on the top floor, Room 303."

Sonic smiles. "That's perfect. How much would it be?"

She blinks at him, taken aback. "You don't have to-"

"Sure I do!" he cuts her off with a grin and wink. "How much for a night?"

She bites her lip as she looks at the screen of her computer. "It's five hundred rings for one night."

He nods, putting two mobiums on the counter for her. "Sweet," he chirps as she hands him a key. By the time she had looked at the mobiums he left her, her mouth dropping open in shock, he was already gone.

"I said only five hundred…"

They had gotten a room just in case things got crazy, because knowing Sonic, they probably would. Plus they needed a place to stash their rings, so it worked out great.

Sonic's energy was a bit calmer now that he wasn't filled with the chaotic rings. The two made their way to one of the more quiet bars, which wasn't very quiet at all, and headed in.

Shadow leans over, talking in Sonic's ear. "Stay with me. I don't trust people."

Sonic chuckles, his face reddening in appreciation. "Thanks, I was already planning on it."

Most of the city knew Sonic was here, and already had they had problems with people wanting to get too close. The last thing they needed was someone getting the dumb idea to try and kidnap him or something…

Shadow was more worried about the 'something' part.

Of course as they made their way through, there were many surprised hollers and gasps from people who immediately recognized the hero. Shadow was glued to him, their hands tightly intertwined, as they made their way to a table close to the bar, but quiet and a bit isolated behind a short wall.

"I have to say," Sonic starts as he sits right next to the dark hedgehog, up against the wall. "This is the most fun I've had in forever."

Shadow smiles to himself, looking at the communicator on his wrist. Rouge had been blowing up both his phone and watch the whole time, asking where he was and what he was doing.

Sonic leans over, against the other, reading some of the messages with a smirk. "She's like a paranoid mother."

The onyx hedgehog sighs. "She does this all the time."

The azure mobian chuckles, getting comfortable using Shadow's shoulder as a headrest. "Sally does the same to me, except she's just jealous of anyone I spend too much time with."

"Sounds selfish," Shadow comments, and the hero chuckles again.

"She really is, but at the same time, she's the one who cheated on me, so…"

A waitress comes up to their table, a bit hesitant. "Can I get you guys anything?"

Sonic grins. "Yeah! We'll take one of everything!"

Shadow snorts, before holding a hand over his face to not laugh. The poor girl blinks, wide eyed, before nodding and turning around quickly.

Sonic watches Shadow with a smile, his eyes glowing. "I like your laugh, Shads. You should do it more often."

The black hedgehog was blushing something fierce, pushing the other away. "Stop being ridiculous…."

Sonic leans back, nearly pushing him over on the bench. "No way! Your laugh is cute!"

Shadow's muzzle was redder than his stripes, and he pushes the annoying hedgehog away. "Y-You're stupid…"

After absorbing most of Sonic's energy, Shadow took his rings off and put them in Sonic's jacket pocket, zipping it up tight. "Don't lose those, faker."

Sonic grins, feeling a bit lightheaded from the sudden loss of energy. "Don't worry! Even if I do, I have spare ones from the ARK battle at home."

Shadow blinks in surprise, raising a brow. "You do?"

The Blue Blur nods. "Yeah, you left them behind when you disappeared, so I kept them. These ones are a copy Egghead made for ya."

The black mobian blinks again. "I didn't know that…"

Their table was filled with different drinks of all the colors of the rainbow. Some of them were blue, others were dark whiskey, while some had ice cream or little fruits in them…

They both exchange the same looks. Where to begin?

The bed bounced lightly as the blue hero was practically thrown on it. His gloves where thrown to the side with his shoes and jacket on the floor, soon followed by Shadow's as well.

Before he knew it, Shadow was over him, their lips locked tightly, one of Shadow's bare hands grabbing a hold of Sonic's quills behind his head, his other hand feeling down a svelte hip down to his thigh.

Sonic's hands were holding the other close to him by his quills, his legs wrapping around the other's waist strongly. He moaned, arching his back when Shadow's free hand managed to sneak in between his spread legs, his thumb fumbling and teasing a heated pouch in between.

Shadow let his tongue slide over the younger's bottom lip, before his teeth grabbed a sharp hold of it and tugged. He pulled away from his mouth, spreading hot, wet kisses down the side of his muzzle, neck, collarbone, down to his chest…

Sonic was like warm clay in his hands, for him to twist and shape as he saw fit. The sapphire creature moans again, his mind hazy from the alcohol in his system, and the adrenaline of what Shadow was doing to him…

Shadow's mouth didn't stop at his chest, only continued down to his tightening stomach. A mewled gasp broke Sonic's moist lips as Shadow found the heated sheath down below, forcing his tongue inside it and thrusting in hard and fast.


Shadow's other hand found it's way around Sonic's muzzle, his thumb forcing shaky lips to spread apart. Sonic bit his thumb, his sharp white teeth drawing a thick, crimson liquid from it. He moaned again, the taste of copper filling his taste buds, while Shadow's hand below reached low and under the shaky hero, his middle finger feeling around for a tight entrance…

"N-hah!" Sonic gasped out, his back arching and his already hazy vision swimming, as he felt that finger force its way inside with need. "Ah, Shadow-!" he can't help but cry, as said biohog lightly sinks his own teeth into the heated tip that was slowly surfacing itself.

His toes curled and his voice grew louder. He buries his face in the fur atop Shadow's head, gritting his teeth in pure pleasure. The pain from downstairs was sending little sparks of euphoria through him, straight to his tip and his pressured stomach.

Another finger added to the first forced a squeal from him, and he shuddered violently. His groaned, muffled into Shadow's head. He could feel that hot tongue circle his tip, before taking all of it into the warm cavern of the dark hedgehog's mouth…

He mewled, his fingers digging into black quills. The two fingers ramming into him below, stretching him, feeling him, were driving him quickly over the edge, and Shadow's mouth on the tip of his member was only making him hotter and louder.

A slight brush against something inside him made him buck and cry out, stars flying passed his eyes. The heat was too much, the pleasure was too much, and he shook his head, growling into the other in want and need…

It wasn't long before he was pinned down again, Shadow ramming into him harshly, yet pleasantly. Sonic's moans and cries got louder and louder with every minute that passed, and eventually Shadow himself couldn't hold in the moans of ecstasy.

Eventually, it became too much for the blue hero, and with a final cry, he lost it. Shadow gasped and practically fell on the hero, shuddering with his own orgasm. They lay there, panting heavily, and then, like a light, they were out.

When Shadow woke up, he felt like the definition of shit. He groans, rolling over, well, at least he tried to, until he realized he couldn't. Sonic lay on top of him, his face buried in the white fur on his chest.

He blinks, his eyes widening. Him moving must have woke up the blue hedgehog, because Sonic's head shot up, and their eyes meet.

With a yelp Sonic jumps back, wide awake now, the same time Shadow did. Their legs were entangled within one another, and slowly they noticed the interesting…mess they had made in between themselves. White stained with red dyed the sheets, and as Sonic leaned back, he got a bad feeling who was on the bottom, when his rear started hurting something painful…

They sat there, staring at each other in slight shock. Shadow wondered how the hell he should react, or how Sonic would react…

…and then the cobalt hero start laughing.

It startled out as a slow grin that curved his lips, before he broke out into full laughter. Shadow could only rub his eyes, dumbfounded. Out of all the reactions Sonic could have had, he was laughing.

"Oh, I can't believe…!" He couldn't even finish.

Shadow couldn't help it. He chuckled, covering his face with both hands. They were both laughing now at their situation, and the irony of it all.

Sonic had to wipe tears from his eyes, while Shadow shook his head. He looked at the hero in front of him, who was smiling all goofy, his cheeks and chest a dark red. He didn't even realize what he was doing, until he was pulling Sonic towards him, forcing their lips together.

Sonic froze, his hands flying up to Shadow's muzzle, while the darker hedgehog tightened his grip on his own. He hummed, closing his eyes, leaning into the older hedgehog, his heart pounding, but not caring anymore.

They held each other like that for who knew how long, but when they pulled apart, Sonic was beaming, glowing brightly in the morning light from their window.

Ruby red met emerald green, and they sat there, just in the moment of each other, before Sonic chuckled softly.

"That was the best date of my life, ever."

Getting the room cleaned up and the both of them showered, they left before anyone could notice them there. By the time they got back to the outskirts of Mobotropolis, it was already midday. They stop in a cluster of trees, Sonic turning to face the dark hedgehog, his muzzle a light red.

"Uh," he starts awkwardly, before swallowing. "I just…" He sighs, shaking his head, about to open his mouth again, when he was pulled into a warm kiss from the other, his back against a nearby tree. He moans quietly, wrapping his arms around the other's neck, letting him press up against him, enjoying every moment of it. When Shadow pulls away, there was a teasing smirk dancing on his tan lips. "You what?" he asks quietly, making Sonic bite his bottom lip.

The hero takes a deep breath, smiling. "I want to thank you, Shads. That was the most fun I've had in forever."

Shadow leans forward, nuzzling the side of the hero's muzzle. "I should be thanking you," he murmurs, and Sonic chuckles.

"So…does this mean we're a thing now?"

Shadow pulls back, watching Sonic's face redden a bit more than it already was. He felt his own face darken, and he reaches up, gently placing a finger under the other's chin. "What do you want?"

Sonic could feel himself melting. Goddamn, why did Shadow have to be so…?

He nods quietly, answering the real unspoken question. "I want…"

Shadow lets his hand trace the cobalt's muzzle, cupping the side of it with care. "Then yes, I suppose."

Sonic smiles, before tilting his head slightly. "Then…I guess I should tell you something."

Shadow perks up, his black ears forward with attention. "What is that?"

The Blue Blur takes a deep breath, before shaking his head. "You said last night that my Chaos Energy is really strong…"

The onyx hedgehog raises a brow, as Sonic continues. "Well, it's a lot stronger than you think, Shads. My energy is so strong, that I can't even break a bone, because it's always protecting me." He looks directly into Shadow's eyes. "I can't even age, Shadow."

It took a moment for the dark hedgehog to register what Sonic was saying to him. When he did, however, he rushed forward, smashing his lips against the other's. Sonic gasped, but pulled the other closer, holding on to him for dear life. When Shadow pulls back, there was a small, genuine smile on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Sonic shrugs. "I didn't know if I should. I mean, Dr. Quack is the only one who knows. I guess I just wanted to get closer to you before I told you…"

The Ultimate Lifeform could feel the warmth in his chest explode like fireworks. This meant that he would never have to worry about losing Sonic…

Sonic's watch beeped, twice in a row, making them both jump. Sonic groans, passing the device a glare, before looking to Shadow helplessly. "I wanna hang out with you more."

Shadow nods. "I do have your number…"

Sonic smirks. "Then you better start using that phone of yours."

Shadow couldn't help but smirk as well, leaning forward to steal a short kiss from the hero. "I will," he promises.

After watching the Hero of Mobius dash away, Shadow couldn't help but smile tiredly.

He had a feeling Maria would be very happy with him right now.