Wow, Ima mess. I'm really sorry for the long wait. This chapter is very disappointing in my eyes. It barely reaches my usual word count and it's super uneventful. Its been taking so long because I had to find the movies, then I had to watch them (because even though I only need one part, I still had to watch the first two). I have only ever seen the extended versions of the movies, so there might be a few confusing parts. I shoulda said that in the begining. I'm also failing school and life so yippee. Here, get smart. Things that never end: Outer space, lightning storms, lies, New Year resolutions and my crippling depression. Thank you for your time. Heres your long waited chapter...
There's a fine line between being courageous, and being witty during battle. However, to Aragorn, jumping headfirst off a horse into a hoard of uruk-hai is just downright stupid.
And that's exactly what that kid did.
Maybe he didn't like fighting on horseback, because immediately when they emerged from the main hall, he swung his leg over, sword drawn and jumped into the army. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Aragorn was thankful for that kid. Whatever uruk they missed as they rode through Helms Deep, he would kill quickly.
Soon, Aragorn lost sight of the boy as they rode for the gates, he could feel Brego getting excited. Maybe he enjoyed squashing uruks heads? He honestly couldn't blame him.
Bursting out the Front Gate and down the path, Theoden (I can't do the accent thingy) took the lead next to Aragorn and with the Eorlingas (Idk how to spell it. Bite me.) behind them, they cleared the path and stormed into the hoards. Breaking the ranks. Brego got to stomp on more heads. Aragorn wondered if any of the others horses liked it as much as his.
Maybe it was his imagination, but Aragorn thought he could see that "Mystery Kid" decapitate three uruk-hai on the destroyed wall. Then he copied Aragorn's move and jumped onto a ladder, pushing it away from the wall. The ladder tilted forward, but before it hit the army he jumped off and impaled another one in the chest.
He registered this all in a split second before resuming his battle. Luckily for them, Gandalf stayed true to his word.
On the hill, to the right, a white stallion whinnied loudly and reared. Shadowfax. On his back was Gandalf the White.
Aragorn whispered under his breath, "Gandalf."
Almost everything around them seemed to stop as the uruk-hai army turned their attention to the wizard at the top of the hill. A silhouette appeared from behind him, they looked to be exchanging a few words. Then he unsheathed his sword and shouted. "Rohirrim!"
A couple dozen cavalry soldiers appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
All at once, Aragorn could feel the soldiers around him filled with a great hope. One that may help them win this battle. Gandalf had been exactly what he needed. It was weird, it didn't seem to be very true, but Gandalf was always there at the right times.
In no time, and army had appeared at the top of the steep hill.
Aragorn glanced over to see where the young sword fighter was, praying that he was still alive and fighting. Instead, he could see him sitting casually on the edge of the wall, peering down at the army. He couldn't hear him, but Aragorn thought he was shouting insults at them. One of the uruks must've said something in return, because the boy unsheathed his sword and swung it in front of him as if in warning. A large semicircle formed as the uruks backed away.
That was weird.
Then, he remembered how the uruk-kai would react every time they were maimed by the sword. On contact, it would burn them as if it had been sitting in a hearth and the steel became hot. The boy in green gave a smirk and stabbed his sword next to him, then he looked up as if just taking notice of the new arrivals. A ladder was propped up next to him, but no uruk dared try and climb up. Arargorn had to guess he had already killed the remaining beasts inside the city.
On top of the hill, Eomer raised his sword, "To the king!"
Gandalf turned and the cavalry charged down the hill, spears raised followed by a loud battle cry (that's what I heard). Some of them swung axes over their heads.
The uruk army recovered quickly, forming a line and lowering their sharp spears as the army drew closer and closer. The thunderous sound of hooves filled their air.
It felt like the longest and horribly drawn out minute Aragorn had ever experienced. Things seemed to move in slow motion as the uruks prepared for the inevitable. Just as the front line cavalry was about to meet the front line uruk-hai, the sun rose over the crest of the hill, blinding the deadly warriors. Their spears lifted as they shielded their eyes. They were left disoriented as the Rohirrim charge crashed through them, slaughtering anything in their path (mmm, tasty).
Gandalf smacked at uruks with his staff and Theodin, Aragorn and the others joined in the fighting and drove the uruk-hai away. They ran like cowards towards the valley, where a forest lay. Theodin raised his sword shouting, "Victory! Victory!"
Relief flooded the ranks as they chased after the fleeing army. Aragorn glanced back over his shoulder and saw the sword fighter was no longer sitting on the wall, instead he was casually running down the path out of Helms Deep (for visual purposes: reminder, Link lost his hat in the first chapter in Isengard. He no longer has it). He must've been pretty confused because he had that look that said, What the actual fuck just happened?
For some reason, Aragorn found this kind of amusing. He turned his attention back to the forest the uruks were retreating into. Eomer cantered on his horse in front of everyone telling them to stay out of the forest.
Aragorn watched closely as the remaining warriors ran through the trees, disappearing in the darkness of the trees. They watched until the last of the uruk-hai disappeared into the forest. A shrill sound was heard, like a wolf trying to howl, but it lost its voice. Beside Aragorn he heard someone say something along the lines of: "Holy sweet mother of Farore." He looked to his left and down. Standing beside him was that kid with the strange sword. He still had a wrap around his head, but it was now covered with blood.
Aragorn held his hand down, "Hop on," he said.
The young fighter looked up at him like he had forgotten he wasn't alone. Somewhat reluctantly, he took Aragorn's hand and climbed up onto Brego's back, sitting behind Aragorn.
They both watched as the trees twisted and turned making high pitched squeaking sounds. Their leaves rustled making the forest look like an ocean of green and the uruks cries were lost as they were all killed by very angry trees.
Behind him, Aragorn heard the kid catch his breath as the remainder of the uruk-hai were killed.
He turned and looked at the boy saying, "I never got your name, kid. I'm Aragorn, son of Arathon" (I think that's what it is.)
Once again he looked at Aragorn like he had forgotten he was there. A moment passed as he watched the trees still, his face becoming expressionless. Then answered. "Link."
Link made his way slowly up the steps behind Aragorn. A flash of gold brought the hero's attention in front of him, he looked up and saw Eowyn with her hands on either side of Aragon's face. She smiled broadly.
Then she finally noticed Link standing awkwardly a few steps down.
If it were possible, her smile widened. Skipping past the older man, Eowyn embraced Link in a friendly hug. It surprised him at first, but he hugged her back.
Aragorn's eyes flashed with amusement. He patted Link on the shoulder and said, "Good work." Then after the golden haired girl untangled from her hug, he leaned in whispered into the boys ear, "You'll have to teach me some of them tricks sometime."
Link smiled inwardly at this. Then nodded.
The familiar short, bearded man and the tall man with strange pointed ears and long blonde hair were arguing with each other.
Link made his way down the steps on the inside of the ruined large wall and watched the spectacle. Grinning.
The taller man pretended to fiddle with the end of his bow. "Final count, forty-two."
The bearded man took his pipe out of his mouth feigning what seemed to be surprise. "Forty-two, not bad. I, myself am sitting on forty-three."
In the blink of an eye, the taller man had an arrow equipped and released the tension in his bow-string. The arrow hit right between the shorter mans legs, who looked up in surprise.
"Forty-three." The taller one said.
"That doesn't count, he was already dead."
"He was twitching." The blonde argued.
"That's because he's got my ax in his nervous system." To emphasize his point, he moved his ax as he said this, making the uruks body twitch.
Link couldn't hold back his grin. "If it makes you feel any better," he interrupted, "I got eighty-nine." (I was gonna do 69 but decided against it.)
Neither looked impressed. Instead they had a mixture of disbelief, surprise and a tiny bit of annoyance.
They rode across the hill away from Helms Deep. Aragorn, Gandalf, Theodin, Eomir, Legolas and the mystery kid: Link. He had borrowed a horse from a wounded soldier and now rode beside Aragorn, being the only one he probably knew. Well, sort of.
They came to the top to look across the plains and inspect the brewing storm over Mordor.
Out of the corner of his eye, Aragorn could see the young man tense up, tightening his grip on the reins. He looked over and saw what looked to be a scowl on his face, but he never said a thing.
Gandalf, just taking notice of the new comer, trotted up on the other side of Aragorn. He gave a sideways glance at Link, who was a few strides behind him. "You should not be here." He blurted.
Link looked over to Gandalf, a hint of recognition in his brilliant blue eyes. Then he slowly pointed towards the dark clouds, asking a silent question. But he kept a blank expression.
"Mordor," Aragorn answered.
"Sourons wrath will be swift." The wizard stated, looking across the world spread out in front of them. "Our hope now rests with two hobbits, somewhere in the wilderness."
Again, Link looked like he wanted to ask a question, but kept his mouth shut.
Lightning flashed in the black clouds that hovered overhead the mountains surrounding Mordor. A loud boom of thunder followed a few moments later. The storm clouds obviously weren't moving anywhere, but they looked as if they were getting restless. Almost as if they wanted to disperse and spread darkness over the entire land. Which, is probably exactly what they wanted, even if they were just clouds.
To the right, Aragorn saw the young man fiddling with some sort of object around his neck. It reminded him of the Evenstar, but Aragorn quickly pushed that reminder aside.
It was white in colour, shaped like a horse shoe. The object was strapped to a beaded string that allowed the object to hang around Links neck. Even though he was looking straight ahead at the horizon, Aragorn could tell he was barely paying attention to what he was looking at.
Aragorn was tempted to ask the young man what it was, or if he remembered it somehow. He still had no idea if his memory was still fuzzy. Maybe something had triggered it and he had remembered something important.
Legolas and Gimli began bickering over something that had to do with numbers. They rode on the same horse since one, Gimli didn't know how to ride and two, Legolas weighs next to nothing.
Suddenly Link spurred his horse and bolted forward. Before he was too far away, he looked back at Aragorn with a strange expression.
Was he challenging him to a race?
There was a small smirk on his face and a gleam in his cerulean eyes.
Then Brego started acting up as if he wanted to give chace. Aragorn chuckled under his breath and gave Brego a small nudge. His trusty steed shot forward automatically, nickering in excitement. Everything blurred except the rider in front of him.
The thundering of Bregos hooves hitting the ground filled his ears. He felt a small smile tug at his lips, and it wasn't because of the wind in his face.
Up ahead, Link pulled his reins to the left with his hand. His shiny black horse reared and turned on her hind legs. The mares silky silver tail swished as they turned and faced the advancing rider.
Brego snorted and Aragorn slowed him to a slow walk. They stopped a few yards from the other.
Without a single word, the young man unsheathed his long carbon steel sword (at least that's what it looked like). He raised a brow.
"Horseback fight?" Aragorn ventured. His brow furrowed in confusion. "I got the idea you didn't like fighting on horseback."
Link shrugged. He twirled the sword in his hand, clearly getting impatient. Maybe this was his style of teaching.
Not wanting to disappoint, Aragorn reached for the sword at his hip and unsheathed it. Link gave a lopsided grin. Maybe it was just his imagination, but Aragorn could've sworn one of his teeth were razor sharp.
Link pulled slightly on his reins and the horse took two steps back. He leaned forward, kicking his horse and giving a short "Hiya!" The black steed sprang forward and soon, Aragorn was riding straight towards Link with his sword raised.
Things moved in slow motion. The thumping of his heart even seemed slowed. Along with the thundering of hooves. Closer... closer...
Their swords met and everything was a blur. Sparks showered down on them like rain. The sound of their swords hitting rang through Aragorn's ears. His arm felt like a small, short current of energy had run through it.
As quick as he could, Aragorn pulled his reins to the right and Brego turned. Again they charged full speed ahead, except this time Aragorn kept his sword lower and closer to his body, pointed forward. He leaned forward, careful not to let his chin hit Bregos neck. However, something caught Aragorn off-guard.
Link did not have his sword out.
Before he could react, Link tugged at the reins and darted to the other side of him. Then he pushed off his horse and knocked Aragorn to the side. The strength of the other was enough to push him off his horse.
They landed on their sides with a hard thud, rolling a few times before coming to a stop. Link was up in half a second. Crouching in a defensive stance, sword drawn and shield in front of him.
Aragorn recovered quickly, picking up his sword and crouching slightly.
He noticed how Link always kept the same expression, even when he wasn't in battle. His brow slightly furrowed, lips pressed in a thin line and his eyes sharp as if analyzing every possible way to take someone or something down.
A slight breeze ruffled his brown hair (Idk if it's just me, but I thought Link has brown hair in TP), which was still messed up because of the not - so - white bandage around his head.
There was something amiss about his clothes however (hehe I used a big word). They were dirty from the recent battle and they were the same ones he wore when he first showed up. He had been cut in several palaces and bleeding badly. Not to mention probably maimed a few times during the battle. There were several blood spots on his shirt, yet it didn't look to be ripped or cut in any way.
What in the world?
Aragorn decided not to ponder it. Currently, he was in a duel. He couldn't help but smile inwardly. Link had a pretty funny way of telling someone he wanted to duel.
Since he was on offense, Aragorn stepped forward swinging his sword horizontally. Orange sparks flew around in his vision as his sword met Links shield. But it didn't just hit his shield, instead, Link thrust it forward right as Aragorn's sword hit it. He was forced backwards but recovered quickly.
This time, instead of flat out attacking him, Aragorn swung his sword to the left. In an attempt to knock Links shield away.
However, Link dropped to the ground and rolled away, then got back in his stance in a split second. Aragorn raised his sword to block a strike then turned to fully face his opponent.
What confused Aragorn the most was that Link wasn't attacking and wasn't making any attempt to. Instead he waited for Aragorn to make the first move. However, when they were fighting at Helms Deep, he noticed that Link wouldn't wait a split second before attacking. Then again, that was life or death. This was a simple duel. They were challenging each other, not to the end.
There was something about the way Link approached this fight that somewhat confused Aragorn.
He didn't wait for him to strike again. Link sprang forward, swinging his sword in a horizontal strike. Aragorn deflected the hit, but it didn't stop there. His sword came down in a small arc, once again hitting Aragorn's sword. Sparks were sent flying. Link swung again and again. The impact of his sword sending Aragorn back one step.
Since he was left-handed, it only made things harder. Though, his swings weren't wild or random. Link was accurately hitting exactly where he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted. He never seemed to tire either.
Finally, Aragorn managed to block and counter one of his swings. Link had blocked it with his shield, but Aragorn went for a vertical upward strike.
Link merely jumped to left, back in his defensive stance.
Aragorn took a moment to catch his breath. His eyes never leaving his opponents. They were such a startling cerulean that they put Legolas' to shame. Not only that, but they looked hardened and focused. What unsettled Aragorn the most was his pupils. They were slitted.
Suddenly his feet fell out from under him, he gave a startled cry before falling flat on his back. Aragorn moved to get back up, but there was something glinting, and sharp pointed directly at his throat.
How did he do that?
Aragorn's eyes moved up to meet Links brilliant blue ones. They looked as cold as ice (hehe, Gray) with no emotion whatsoever. Aragorn held his hands out on either side of his head to show that he was surrendering.
Links lips turned into a sly smile. Then he sheathed his sword and offered a hand to Aragorn. He noticed his eyes flashed with amusement as he helped him back to his feet. Then he gave a curt nod and walked back to his borrowed horse.
Aragorn bent down and picked up his sword he had dropped, then sheathed it. He whistled to Brego who came trotting over to him. Now fully mounted, he made his way back to the spectators who had moved closer to watch the spar.
Link walked behind him, but kept a strange distance.
Legolas had an infuriating smirk as Gimli grumbled something behind him. Gandalf had a small smile that deepened the wrinkles around his eyes. Theoden and Eomer gave Aragorn a quick thumbs up.
The sun began to set on the horizon, turning the sky into a beautiful mix if pink and blue like a watercolour painting. The clouds seemed to reflect the colour and add a beautiful touch to the sky as they tumbled across the stretch of the darkening dome. Across the battlefield lay the eerie forest where the uruks disappeared, never to return. The tall mountains cast a long shadow as if reaching for the other side of the valley.
Gandalf readjusted his staff as he looked out from what was left of the currently destroyed wall of Helms Deep. Soon, he felt a familiar presence beside him, not needing to turn to see whom it was.
The Dunedain crossed his arms and observed the land before him.
Behind them people were working away. Whether they were cleaning up the corpses and burning them, or helping pick up the debris from the explosion, everyone was helping. The children were bringing buckets of water around for people, or cleaning up the streets. Some were helping the women tend to the wounded. Some, the horses. The older men were fixing or scraping swords and shields, others were taking down the flags that the uruk-hai had put up as women sewed new flags.
"What did you mean?" Aragorn suddenly blurted.
Gandalf sighed, "You'll have to elaborate."
"You said that Link should not be here." He turned to fully face Gandalf, "What did you mean by that?"
Gandalf furrowed his brow. "I'm afraid it's hard to explain. Even I am not exactly sure. The boy gives off a strange aura. Something I have never felt before."
This seemed to deeply trouble Aragorn, for he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. "It's not an evil aura is it."
"No." Gandalf answered certainly. "No, it is not evil in any way. I do not think it is very powerful either." There was a short pause. "His features are not of any race here, that I can assure you. He is not from Middle Earth, nor does he reside here."
Those words struck Aragorn dumb. Sure, his race had not originally come from Middle Earth either, but that was way before his time. There were little to none who came to Middle Earth from an outside land these days (I actually have no idea, please don't kill me).
"He did not come here intentionally." Gandalf interrupted his thoughts.
"You said he remembered a place similar to Isengard when he first came?"
Aragorn nodded an affirmative.
Gandalf hummed, "That means Sauroman used a summoning spell."
"A what?!"
Gandalf's face darkened, "It's an extremely dangerous spell that goes wrong more than half the time. Sauroman must really be foolish to attempt such a spell. They are used to summon something or someone from another world, Aragorn. Even the most strongest wizards to exist here have barely been able to perform it perfectly."
"So, he isn't from here." Aragorn let that fact sink in. He hated to admit it, though he didn't know why, but it made sense. He knew Link was strange from the beginning, but honestly never expected this. "I guess that explains the strange ear shape and slitted pupils."
"Even his name is different." Gandalf said. "I wouldn't doubt Sauroman knew he made a mistake right in the beginning and tried to kill the boy. But, seeing his skills today, he didn't go down without a fight."
"He didn't even go down." Aragorn countered.
Gandalf sighed. "Well, he succeeded in erasing most of his memories didn't he?"
"Yes. But they must've been recovered during the battle, or at least some of them right?"
"It seems that way, yes." The wizard nodded.
Then Aragorn's brow furrowed in thought. "I noticed something strange." He placed his finger and thumb under his chin. "While we were fighting, he seemed like a different person."
"I guess it depends on the person. No doubt he's had battles in the past."
"He sure doesn't talk much." He noted.
"Well, it's either his past or his choice that keeps him from doing so," Gandalf concluded.
Aragorn stood up straighter and prepared to leave, somewhat satisfied with his talk with Gandalf the White. "I should talk to him."
"We're leaving for Isengard tomorrow. Ask him to come with us."
ANND FIN! It's done, there you have it. Can't tell you how long you'll have to wait for the next chapter. Let's hope not as long this time. I'm so sorry… I know, I'm a lazy ass bitch. Please, I need some motivation. Please review, your thoughts, my mistakes (in grammar and/or lore), anything at all. Just please review. If anything makes me more happy than finding a bunch of people liked and followed, it's reviews (or Fairy Tail). My family does absolutely nothing to motivate me. I mean, if you call them telling me how much of a disappointment I am every night, or that I'm hella lazy… Please review. K bye. And please don't kill me for this long wait. Schools an asshole. TY: Kadzuki Kurokami, sicoen, Menelaus Redz, Weyard, A Challenger Named John, Aburg76, Chris Atola, DaCatOfAdventure, Another Random Person 2, rammramm210, 1eragon33, Dreamer-Of-The-Omniverse, Grey-Skye-eyes and Shadowtalon62 for favoriting and/or following the storey!
Over and out~ yeeyee!