Before you start, I'll just say that in this story they are children. They will slowly grow up.

And yes I got the idea of this story from another. When I remember the name of the Author or the name of the story, I'll place it one of the chapters.

Now on with the story!!

"Do you think we've gone far enough, Plue?" A eight year old neko Lucy asked,

"Pun! Puuun!" The small dog like creature said,

"I don't wanna go back. Does daddy hate me, Plue? Is that why he always hit me?" She sobbed,

"Pun pun..." The small dog said patting his owners hand.

Suddenly she felt herself get picked up. Whatever or whoever picked her up began running as she held on for dear life, afraid that whatever took her was going to take her back to her father.

"Igneel would be so proud if he was here! This is some nice gold!!" Said the person,

"Hey!! I'm not gold!! I'm a star!!" Lucy shouted,

"You look like gold to me." The little boy neko said.

She pouted. She couldn't even jump out his arms cause he's running and she doesn't want to get hurt.

They arrived at a grass hut. Still in the arms of the boy, he took her inside. She was surprised to see sparkly rocks and others glittery treasures. What surprised her most was the gigantic egg right in the middle of it all.

He careful put her down and she finally got to get a good look at the neko that took her.

He was a little old than her. His hair was salmon pink and spiky, his cute ears twitching every which way, his tail was longer than hers and he was also taller than her.

"You're apart of my hoard! So you can't leave!" He said to her, causing her to pout,

"I'm not gold! I'm a star! I'm not supposed to be here!" She said to the boy, "Gold can't even talk but I'm talking."

He stepped closer to her, causing her face to turn a bright shade of pink, and looked in her eyes. Though her eyes were a mesmerizing brown he was surprised to see how sparkly they were, it's as if all the stars gathered in her eyes.

"Wow!! You're a star neko!! I've never seen one of those!!" He gushed, his tail swishing excitedly from side to side.

"See! I'm not gold!!" She said,

"What's your name then?" He asked,

"My name is Lucy Ashley." She said, afraid to say her last name in fear of someone taking her back to her father.

"My name's Natsu Dragneel!!" He said with a toothy grin, "I'm a fire neko."

"A fire neko?" She questioned,

"Yep! Look!" He said he turned around and set his tail ablaze.

"Wow!! I've never seen anyone do that before." She said her tail swishing excitedly,

"I don't have much magic power so I can only summon Plue." She explained,

"Can I see?" He asked,

"Open the Gate of the Canis Minorn! Nikora!" Lucy called.

A bell rung and a small creature that looked as if it was a snow man showed up.

"Natsu this is Plue." She said picking up the shivering creature,

"Isn't that a snowman?" He questioned,

"No! It's a dog!" She pouted,

"Haha. Sorry."

They spoke some more. Natsu telling Lucy how he was raised by a fire dragon that taught him his magic. Telling her that Igneel used to hoard shiny treasures and gold and that's the reason why he had taken her.

Soon enough it was night time.

"Where is your house, Luce?" Natsu asked,

"I don't wanna go back. I ran away." She explained,

"You can stay with me! I can take you to my guild tomorrow!" He said with his toothy grin,

"Thank you, Natsu!" She smiled.

Natsu took her hand and took them over to the egg. He lied down next to the egg, bringing Lucy with him.

"Natsu what's in your egg?" She asked looking up at him,

"I don't know but it's big, so I think it's a dragon!" He said looking down at her,

"You're my first friend Natsu. Thank you." She said drowsily,

"No problem, Luce. I'm happy to be your friend." He said drowsily.

He wrapped his arms tiredly around her waist and brought her closer, their tails curled around the other's.

The next day (At the guild)

"Ohayōgozaimasu." Said a ten year old Erza,

"Ohayō." A eight year old levy greeted,

"Ne, Gray, where is Natsu?" Erza asked her tail swishing tiredly and ears turning every which way in search for the noisy boy,

"He didn't show up this morning. He must have slept in." Makao answered.

"Stupid flame brain, always sleeps in." A ten year old Gray laughed.

With Natsu and Lucy

"Natsu~ Hahahaha... S-stop I can't breathe..." A giggling Lucy begged.

They've been up for a while now, playing and running around with each other. Occasionally snuggling up next to the egg to heat it up. Natsu was now tickling Lucy endlessly.

"Nope!" Natsu grinned his toothy grin as he continued to tickle her,

"Please~ Ahahah!" She begged once more,

"Hai hai." Natsu said getting up from off of her.

Lucy panted for air, her cheeks flushed pink.

She was about to say someone when the growling, of both their stomachs, interrupted her.

They looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. They were already so close even though they've only met yesterday. But Lucy was overjoyed to make her first friend, since she's been locked up in the estate since birth.

"Oh yeah! I was gonna take you to my guild!" Natsu said jumping to his feet, "Let's bathe first before we go."

"Together?" She questioned her cheeks dusting pink,

"Hai! Why'd ya ask?" He asked removing his hands from her so she can stand on her own.

"Momma said I can't bathe with a boy until we're married." She said her cheeks still pink,

"Hah?" He didn't understand to say the least. He's bathed with Erza just fine. He never needed to marry somebody, not like he even knew what being married means.

"Then I'll marry you." He said bluntly,

"Really?" She asked, her cheeks flushed darker, her tail swishing excitedly,

"Hai!" He replied.

The two were running around and splashing each other as they were supposed to be taking a bath, which in their defense, have never taken without someone there to bathe them or watch over them.

After their fun bath, they dried themselves and dressed up in clean clothes.

"Does your guild have food?" Lucy asked.

They were walking hand in hand to the guild since Lucy was afraid of walking in the forest. And of course, the dense idiot held her hand, all the while Lucy was blushing.

"The guild always has food, ya weirdo." Natsu laughed causing Lucy to pout,

"I'm not weird. You are." She said to him.

There they began they're playful argument of who was weirder out of the two.

When they finally reached the guild, Natsu was quick to pull himself out of the playful argument, and kick the door open.

"Hey flamebrain!" Gray called,

"Whadya call me ice princess!?" Natsu shouted back.

He let go of Lucy's hand, ready to go and start a fight with Gray, when Lucy grabbed held his hand again, quick and tight.

Natsu turned back to Lucy, almost forgetting that he had brought her.

"Sorry about that Luce. Let's go." He said walking to Master's office.

All the while, leaving stunned guild members. They've never seen Natsu back turn down a fight with anyone, even when Erza told him to stop, most of the time. 'Just who was that girl?' They all thought.

Natsu was quick to take Lucy upstairs, to Master's office, still holding her hand.

He knocked on the door and heard a faint come in. He walked in pulling Lucy with him.

"Go ahead Luce." He whispered before letting go of her hand and pushing her forward a bit,

"H-Hi. I-I'm L-Lucy a-and I w-wanna join the g-guild." She stuttered, she felt her eyes well up, not used to the nervousness racking her body.

Master Makarov, as if sensing the childs distress, came next to her and patted her head.

"No need to be nervous child. We won't hurt you." He said with a soft smile,

"We're are your parents?" He asked. He needed to get that out of the way before adding her to the guild.

"My mommy is in the sky and my daddy doesn't like me anymore cause I look like mommy." She choked as she began to cry,

'Good job Makarov. You made her cry.' Master thought to himself.

"Please don't take me back to my daddy." She begged gripping the ends of her skirt.

"I won't take you back to your father if you don't want me to." Master said,

"Hai! I won't let him take ya Luce!" Natsu said with a determined look in his eyes.

"Thank you." She said with a small smile.

"Now what type of neko are you?" Master asked,

"She's a star neko, Master! Can you believe it! Her eyes look like stars are in them!!" Natsu said his tail swishing at an abnormal speed. He cupped her cheeks and looked in her eyes causing Lucy to blush.

Mater couldn't help but smile knowing that Lucy will love it at Fairy Tail and make lots of friends.

"What color would you like your guild mark and where would you like it?" He asked her,

"Pink and on the back of my right hand." Lucy said with a small smile.

After receiving the guild marks they walked out of Matser's office. Matser held Lucy in his arms and stood on the railing of the second floor, Natsu sitting beside him swinging his feet.

"LISTEN UP BRATS!!" Matser yelled catching everyone's attention.

"This is our newest member. Her name's Lucy and she's a star neko. Treat her well." Matser said. The guild eruptes in cheers.

"Lucy you can't be up here unless you're a S-Class wizard or you need to talk to me in my office." Matser said and Lucy nods, Natsu beside her.

Matser tells her more rules before letting Natsu drag her away.

"Come on Luce!" Natsu said dragging her down the steps and towards the bar.

He helps Lucy on the bar stool as everyone watches in complete interest.

"Hi there. I'm Enno." Enno said with a small smile.

"Ohayō Enno-san." Lucy greets with a smile.

"I see you know Natsu." A male with brunette hair states sitting next to Lucy.

"Natsu is my first friend." Lucy said looking up at the male.

"Luce has stars in her eyes Gildarts!" Natsu exclaims his tail swishing uncontrollably.

Gildarts looked from the excited fire neko to the star neko looking at him. His tail twitches at her pure, innocent eyes.

"Well I'll be!" Gildarts said seeing that Natsu was right. It had looked as if all the stars were in those innocent brown eyes of hers.

Gildarts gets up abruptly, startling the two young nekos.

"No one should be so pure and innocent!!" Gildarts states before dashing out the guild leaving everyone dumbfounded.

Natsu took Lucy's hand, after Gildarts' weird out burst, and took her to his friends.

"This is Lisanna. She's pretty cool and has a sister and brother." Natsu said leading her to the white haired neko.

"Hello!" Lisanna greeted,

"Hello Lis-chan." Lucy greeted politely.

"How's such a polite girl close to Natsu?" Wakaba sweat drops.

Natsu pulls Lucy over to, the already excited, Levy.

"This is Levy. She likes to read books." Natsu said,

"You're so pretty! And you eyes really do have stars in them!" Levy said her tail swishing excitedly,

"Hi Levy-chan." Lucy greeted sweetly.

Natsu took Lucy over to Erza next.

"This is Erza. She's kinda scary and is really strong." Natsu said,

"I like your hair, Erza-chan." Lucy smiked,

"Th-thank you." Erza blushed.

He goes over to Cana who was sitting at a table drinking a box juice.

"This is Cana. She can drink tons of juice boxes in one sitting." He says.

"Nice to meet you Cana." Lucy smiles,

"Nice to meet you too, Lucy." Cana said.

Nastu then took Lucy over to Gray. The moment they reached Gray was already ready to remove his underwear. Natsu quickly moved behind Lucy and covered her eyes.

"Gray what the hell?" Natsu shouted,

"Natsu what are you doing?" Lucy questioned trying to pull off Natsu's hands.

Gray quickly puts his clothes and Natsu removes his hands.

"This is Ice Princess. He likes to strip." Natsu states bored,

"The name's actually Gray. Nice to me you Lucy." Gray said facing Lucy.

"Nice to meet you too, Gray-san.. But!" She quickly turns around and covers her eyes her face turning bright red.

"Your clothes." She said.

"Aww crap! Not again!!" Gray exclaimed running off to find his close.

Natsu introduced Lucy to everyone who was at the guild at that time and she had already began getting along with everyone. Natsu especially sticking at her side and turning down some of his fights to be by her side.

It was still a bit weird to them though. According to Lucy, they had only met yesterday but they were obviously really close already.

How willing he is to stick to her side. Keeping close to her and speaking excitedly. How he easily he played with her and ran around with each other.

How Lucy and Natsu got so close already was beyond them but they loved that Natsu stopped nearly destroying the guild when he fights.