"You're my what?" A surprised Bombalurina seemed to stutter. She was taken aback at first. "I'm your sister..." The orange queen repeated. Now that Tugger had heard that, he started to notice similarities between the two queens standing opposite each other. For starters, both had similar black fur in the same places lining their slim but curvy bodies. Also, they both had the same lips, noses and eye shapes. "Mother had abandoned me quite a bit after you and Demeter, and Macavity..." She trailed off and her older sister looked at her in sympathy and understanding, pulling her into a tight embrace whilst tears streamed out of the young queens eyes. "You poor thing... Come on, let's go find Demeter." Bomba grabbed her paw and started to walk in the direction of Deme and Munk's den. "And by the way," She said, turning around to face the auburn queen once more. "What was it about Macavity?"


Demeter stared at her so-called sister as she told her sad tale and about Macavity having his powers back. "Do you know how he could have got them back?" She asked after a while. But Mevitee just sniffled and shook her head. "I guess he just built them up..." Bomba and Deme shared a worried glance and decided to take her to Jennyanydot's den to get her wounds bandaged up.


"So..." Tomtuggery said slyly, "Have you seen the new queen yet?" He brushed his tail against Elizabeth's leg but she brushed it off, ignoring him and leaving her friends to fan girl over him. She rolled her eyes as he swung his hips, making them all squeal, but she couldn't help but to look... They were just so tempting... Her head snapped away in a quick motion. "No I haven't, and you know perfectly well we're not allowed to see her until she has got some rest." "Alright miss highty-tighty!" "Go away Tuggery..." "Well, if you want me, meet me at TSE1... alone."

"Oh my everlasting cat!" Persephone squealed. "He actually just asked you to meet him, alone!" Harmonia said, fainting in the process. "So what? It's just Tomtuggery, we used to play with each other when we were kittens." The white cat said back to them, standing up at the same time. "You going to meet 'im ven?" Aggiesparker asked, nudging her friend. Elizabeth blushed lightly. "No! What would make you think that?" She tried to make herself sound as believable as possible, but even she knew it wasn't working.

Elizabeth walked inside the pipe, looking around for anyone who could possibly see her. She wasn't that hard to spot for her white fur was shiny and glowing, but her beauty was very easy to see. Tomtuggery was sat upon TSE1 alone, waiting for her. "So you do like me." He said, a sly grin on his face. "I never said that..." She replied, lifting herself up onto the car. "Here," he held a paw out towards her, "let me help you." The white queen smiled at him, taking his offered paw and let herself be pulled up onto the car. "Sunset is always my favourite time of day..." Tuggery said, glancing up at the sky. "Why is that?" She asked. He pointed to the horizon. Elizabeth gasped. The sky was now filled with beautiful colours of carmine, magenta, gold, amethyst and copper. He took hold of her paw. "Also..." He looked at her. "Because you look amazing in the sunset..." She laughed. "Is this why you wanted me to come here? Because after all these years you want to see me in the sunset?" They stopped talking and just stared off into the distance.

Victoria and Bombalurina were watching their offspring talk to each other. "They are very cute together... but Elizabeth doesn't seem to like him.." Victoria started. "Yes... Although she hasn't pulled her paw away from his." Bomba was right. Even though things were a bit awkward between them, they still held onto each other's paw.

Elizabeth pulled herself away and started to get down. "I better get going, with the Jellicle ball coming up, I have to practice..." Tomtuggery sighed. "Alright then, see you tomorrow.." "Goodbye Tugs..." And with that, she slipped off into the shadows of the night, leaving him all alone in the moonlight. (Hehe;))