True Heritage
I don't own anything.
computers,Scolls,books,Letters,Telekenetic communication,and songs.
(A/n Descendants
Pairing BenxMal
King Stefan is played by Russell Crowe
Phillip is played by Donne Walhberg)
An Medical examination reveals a shocking truth,and Council meeting
"Before the tour of the school, we need to start a medical record for you kids for in case of emergencies.",said Fairy Godmother
"What is a medical record?",asked Mal
"It is folder with information relating to your health. The information will make it easier for the school nurse or a doctor at a hospital in case of an emergency. For example if you need a blood transplant that they give you the right blood type or if you are can't take a certain medicine because of an allergy to that medicine.",explain Fairy Godmother to the villain kids as she lead them,and Prince Ben and Princess Audrey to the large hospital area at the Auradon prep. A large plump white figure waddle towards the group. It had a small white heat with a face that consisted of a two black dots connected by a black line.
"Students this is Baymax, He is not only the school nurse,but is apart of the school security. Baymax is a robot.",said Fairy Godmother
"Hello. I am Baymax. A personal healthcare companion.",said Baymax as he wave his right hand.
"Baymax with scan each one of you individually, and set up your medical record. Any volunteers?",asked Fairy Godmother
"I guess I will god first.",said Mal which caused Baymax to shoot out a green light from his eyes that went from the bottom of Mal's feet to the top of her head ,and back again to her feet.
"Subject name Mal. Blood type O. Allergies Iron the metal. Has a Vitamin D : Queen Aurora ,and King Philip of Auroria by birth,Janine 'Fox' Xanatos nee Renard by magical adoption,Maleficent by magical adoption. Grandparents former King Stefan,and former Queen Leah of Auroria by birth,former King Hubert and former Queen Ingirth of Auroria by birth, Halcyon Renard and Anastasia Renard by magical adoption.",said Baymax as family tree appeared on his chest that had Mal picture on top with connection with a line to Aurora and Philip.
"You must be broken you stupid machine no way Mal is my sister. I am the only child of Queen Aurora,and King Philip!",yelled Audrey which caused Baymax to scan her.
"Subject Audrey Rose Blood type B negative. Allergie none. Parents Madame Medusa ,and Percival Mcleash by birth,Queen Aurora and King Phillip by Adoption. Grandparents former King Stefan and former Queen Leah by adoption, former King Hubert and former queen Ingirth by adoption.",said Baymax while all the while Mal grab a paper bag,and began to breath heavily in to the bag.
"Ben go tell your father that we need to have an emergency council meeting as soon as possible.",said Fairy Godmother which Ben nodded before he ran to go tell King Beast. Baymax continue by scanning Jay.
"Subject Jay. Blood type A postive. Allergies none. Parents Sultan Aladdin of Agrabah and Sultana Jasmine of Agrabah by birth, former Royal Vizer Jafar of Agrabah by magical adoption. Grandparents Cassim of Agrabah by birth, the former Sultan and Sultana of Argabah by birth. Note has a Vitamin D deficency as well as several incorrectly healed rib bones.",said Baymax
"I guess Mal is not the only one in this missing heir sitiuation.",said Jay as he help Mal sit down. Baymax began to scan Evie.
"Subject name Evie. Blood type O. Allergies none. Parents Queen Snow White and King Ferdinand by birth, Evil Queen by magical adoption. Note has a Vitamin D deficency as well as a medium amount of lead in her system.",said Baymax
"I guess Audrey was wrong that I don't have a royal title.",said Evie as she sat down next to Mal.
'I will need to alert Jiminy Cricket in order to start counciling for these kids. This is a massive change, and the building of family bonds need to begin a slowly as possible. I may have to advocate not only a check of all of the Isle of the Lost childern for any kidnapped childern as well as delaying the coronation as these children will need a large time to adjust before not only their first royal event,but also such a large and important event. It will not be good for anyone if any of these kids have an emotional breakdown.', thought Fairy Godmother as Baymax scanned Carlos
"Subject name Carlos De Vil. Blood type AB positive. Allergies none. Parents Roger and Anita Radcliffe by birth, Cruella De Vil by adoption. Note has a Vitamin D deficency, stunted growth,has a case of claustrophobia,and a severe case of cynophobia.",said Baymax
'When it rains, it pours. Now something else that Jiminy will have to deal with before Carlos can ever be introduced to his parents. I will also have to track down Dude in order to prevent not only a delay in Carlos's recovery,and family connection delay.',thought Fairy Godmother as Ben came running back in to the room as well as cricket wearing a top hat,and a tail coat hopped in to the room.
"Fairy Godmother, my dad is going to have the council meeting in the hour.",said Ben as Audrey finally lost her temper,and lunged at Mal. Before she reached Mal, a pink ball hit her, and she was surrounded by a large pink gel balloon. A red hair woman with a strange purse came in to room.
"Is everything alright Fairy Godmother?",asked the woman.
"It is alright just some shocking revelations today,Honey Lemon. Students this is Lemon Hamada one of our school's chemistry teacher and art teachers as well as a member of our school security.",said Fairy Godmother
"I will be at the council meeting as soon as I get a start of what is needed for this kid's recovery.",said the cricket
One hour later in the Beast Castle the council was getting restless about what ever this emergency.
"What is this emergency King Beast?",asked Grumpy the Dwarf
"A discovery was made when the kids from the isle had their medical records started.",said King Beast
"What was discovered you highness?",asked former King Stefan of Auroria
"It has been discovered that the children were actually kidnapped from their parents, and by some sick twisted irony of the Fates they were raised by their parents enemies.",said King Beast
"It means that those kids are...",said Queen Aurora
"Yes Queen Aurora. The first kid was Mal who we thought was the daughter of Maleficent, it turns out that she is your daughter.",said Fairy Godmother
"I guess Audrey will have to deal with a new sister.",said King Phillip
"Actually it turns out that Audrey is not your daughter. She is the daughter of the two villains that escaped the round up.",said Fairy Godmother as Jiminy Criket hopped in to the room,and on to the table.
"I am sorry that I am late. I just finished off the tentative treatment schedule and methods that need to get done before we can reunite the kids, and their familes.",said Jiminy Cricket
"May I ask who are the families effected?",asked the Emperor of Northern Wei
"Besided the Auroria royal family,the royal family of Charmington,the Agrabah royal family,and the Radcliffe family.",said Fairy Godmother which caused Snow White to begin to cry as well as Jasmine, and Anita.
"May I also ask will there be any form of a search for potientially more missing childern?,asked the Emperor
"I am sending some medical personal with a guard escort under the rouse of a potential plague outbreak. The medial personal will take blood samples from all of the childern ,and bring them back here to Auradon for D.N.A. testing.",said King Beast which cause many of the council members to nodded their heads in agreement.
"When you send the group to the Isle for the medical testing ,I request that you have the guards gather the animal sidekicks that the newly discovered hero kids have that are still on the Isle. It will do a world of good to the kids to have something that is not a human in order to talk to. The added fact that they are familiar to their animals it will make the emotional healing process work faster,and smoother.",said Jiminy Cricket
"May I ask what animals are the sidekicks to the kids?",askd former King Stefan out of curiosity to find out what kind of animal pet his newly discovered granddaughter has.
"Carlos Radcliffe has a cat name Beelzebub the duaghter of Lucifer the cat.(Which made Jaq, and Gug Gus worried.) Evie has a parrot name Othello son of Iago the parrot.( Which caused Aladdin to groan.) Jay's animal companian will need at least two guards to move. Jay has two eels named Lagan and Derelict childern of Flotsam and Jetsam. Mal is the only one who animal companians are actually villain animals, not childern of villain animals. Mal also has the most animal companians. Mal has Roscoe and De Soto the doberman that were perviously owned by the now late William Sykes,and Felica the cat that was used by Professor Ratigan.",said Jiminy
"Is there any more help that we could do to aid in the healing process?",asked the Emperor
"Yes , for Mal's recovery Audrey needs to be remove from the picture all together. She could cause Mal many major setback in developing a relationship with her parents,and grandparents. I also ask that the Coronation be pushed back for a few months. The delay will also help Mal ,and Jay get used to a royal situation. I am asking the parents of the kids not to rush over and smother them with attention. I will beign talking to the familes after the council meeting about how to slowly introduce themselves to their kids.",said Jiminy
"It no problem to push my coronation by six months. I want be able to help them out.",said Ben which caused most of the council to nodded in agreement.
"Oh before I forget Mal did indicate in her interview about her friends who are on the Isle that may be some kids from hero families.",said Jiminy
"Who are they ,and your best guess of the family or their parents?",asked the Emperor
"The first child is Dizzy who was raised by Drizzela Tremaine. From what Mal said she may be the missing daughter of Queen Cinderella and King Charming as she inherited her paternial grandmother's red hair and her mother's kind and compassionate heart. The second child is Freddie Faliclier who was raised by Dr. Falicier. She may being the missing daughter of King Naveen and Queen Tiana. Mal mention her cooking skills, her musical ability,and she looks nothing like her little sister Ceilia Falicier. The last child is CJ Hook who is raised by Captain Hook. She is the missing daughter of Queen Elsa and Queen Attina of Arendale. Although the magic barrier blocks evil magic, CJ is showing signs of good magic to be specific ice magic. Mal said when CJ sneezes white sparkles appeared which indicate that the barrier is damping the magic. ",said Jiminy which cause Cinderella, Tiana,and Attina to start crying.
"So if it wasn't for the barrier my daughter could of been found faster,because her magic would of cause the Isle to be over run by Snowgies.",said Elsa who was glaring at Fairy Godmother who was the one to put up the barrier in the first place.
"Now is not the time to fight amongst ourselves. We need to focus on helping these children from their ordeals being raised on the Isle,and healing the family ties.",said the Emperor
"What do we do with Audrey?",ask former King Stefan
"For her crimes of laying false claim to throne of Auroria she will be banished to the Isle of the lost. She will be taken when we remove any missing children from the Isle. Until then she will be placed in a prison cell with no conecction to the outside world.",said King Beast
"I will also add that neither her or her children will be allowed to leave the Isle.",said Ben
Next chapter: Begin to Heal,Aurora's struggle,and begining the search.
(A/N This was an idea that popped in my head when I read some stories were only one VK was really a Hero Kid mostly Evie. I will be introducing a new adult villain group in the next chapter.)