hey guys! ive always wanted to start a drabble of sasuhina one shots so here we are! i always get so many ideas but the energy to make it into a full story never accompanies it. i figured i would let off steam here and find my way back to my ongoing story. i'll try to get a song to go with each one shot, usually my inspiration anyways ;)

no different by epik high

Sasuke stood out on his balcony which he often considered an exaggeration when he would struggle fitting a chair within the small space. He looked over to the buildings that stood brightly every night, never letting the city sleep. It had effected him deeply over the years; sleepless nights full of dull hope.

It had become routine for him, for them.

Sasuke rarely left his apartment, his shame of living off his family had left long ago. He would wait until the sun began to set, watching the sunset from his bedroom until everything was only illuminated by the city lights. He would watch every night as the city continued to live on through the late hours, waiting. Sometimes she would come home, but it became rare over the years.

She was due though. He knew when the fatigue would start to become unbearable, she would be coming. It's like she knew and it would always be just enough to keep him going until next time.

He heard the balcony door slide open, a small hand gracing his back. He wondered if things had to come to this. They thought their love to be strong, they thought themselves to be strong. But every human had a breaking point and Sasuke had reached his before Hinata did.

"Welcome home."

A routine, every time.

He would take her to bed every time she visited because he could not bear seeing her once a month and not even touch her. Despite how grim their situation had become, their love never wavered at the touch. It depressed Sasuke further every time. Maybe if he had been stronger things could be different.


"Well. Busy." Hinata's cold fingertips ran over Sasuke's arm, goosebumps never leaving his skin.

The pair had known each other as kids. They had fallen in love as teenagers. Now they were this as adults. Itachi had been the cause of that. The younger Uchiha had been planning to ask for the Hyuuga's girl hand in marriage when Itachi told him the two family businesses' would be joining as one. The older Uchiha always had his eye on the first daughter of Hiashi and figured with time his little brother would let her go. He didn't and he had no choice, but to take things into his own hands. He was next in line to take over the company and his father had been pestering him with marriage. Itachi didn't care for something so flimsy, but the company couldn't be without heir so if he had to be wed there was only one girl right for the role.

He wasn't stupid either, he knew since the beginning they would continue to see each other. He appreciated the discretion, knowing with time they would break. He knew how resilient his wife was, but he also knew she would break watching Sasuke give up. Itachi had watched his younger brother be ripped of his own happiness to prioritize his own time after time and knew Hinata would be the end for him. He hadn't been proud watching the glowing child become into a dull, secluded man, but there was nothing he could do.

He remembered being in his private study looking over some contracts when he had heard her come home, immediately locking herself in a separate bedroom from theirs that he had allowed her to have. He had turned in to their bedroom early that night while he listened to her cry upstairs. After that he had watched the life flow out of her with each passing day. Many people didn't notice since her beauty continued to be a mesmerizing sight, but there was a sadness to it Itachi couldn't ignore. Sasuke would be the worse of the two, only making himself seen for the yearly family dinners.

Before that night, the younger Uchiha would always look like an injured small animal that everyone pitied. He would always steal glances of his old love, left the table when she would, and stared daggers at his brother. After he gave up, he was just a shell of what he once was; last to arrive and first to leave every time. He would only exchange words with Mikoto and despite siding with her youngest, she knew she had no voice to speak out against the injustice her son had been dealt.

"Fugaku has been more persistent lately." Sasuke sat up in his bed, looking up to the woman that should've been his wife. He held the back of her neck, his thumb running along her jawline. "I won't be able to see you like that." They knew his father wanted an heir, they always have. Even on her wedding night, they still promised to each other that it would all be okay. But they both knew a child would break that promise. Hinata couldn't bring herself to be touched by Itachi and he respected that, but that could only be for so long. She wouldn't be able to face Sasuke after that, forcing her to abandon him. It would be how it would all end for them. It had come down to a matter of when now because the days grew more near.

"I'm sorry." He knew he had let her down, but he had never apologized to her. But she still loved him. She still loved him even when his back would always greet her. She still loved him even when he stopped looking for her. She still loved him even when he hadn't told her he loved her in years.

Hinata cried. There was nothing else in her power she could do, but cry. Sasuke could only give her his back. He found it insulting to try and comfort her. It was empty after all. He couldn't bring himself to lie to her anymore.

"Tea." It was all he could say before he got up and left her alone in their bedroom.

Sasuke's apartment hadn't been big, despite Shisui coming on behalf of his brother to insist he can have a bigger one closer to the center of the city. But there had been no reason for him to take up more space, it would be empty. They tried making it into their home, something to hold onto, but one day she came home and all the picture frames were tossed in a box, shattered.

The water in the tea kettle boiled, ringing through the apartment. It won't be much longer before the sun begins to rise, her departure following shortly after. He poured their tea, wondering if this would be the last time he would be pouring her tea at four in the morning. He had always hoped he would be doing it after sunrise and that she would spend her morning with him.

Two sugar cubes, a small dollop of honey.

She would leave for work, but she would come back every night.

That was the routine he had always expected.

He found her lying on her side, her hand smoothing over the spot he had been in. She took the mug he had handed out to her, setting it down on the table next to her side.

She rarely spoke to him, much less addressed him by his name. It triggered a lot of memories for him, his pained expression difficult to ignore. The couple mourned their love everyday.

"I want you to smile again." His request had taken by her surprise. Their visits had become such a routine, both knowing what would happen the moment she arrived that he saw no reason to talk. "Please."

"There is nothing to smile for." Hinata had surprisingly been the stronger of the two and tried to hold on even after Sasuke had let go, but she grew tired as well. Numb.

"Leave with me." He had grabbed her, putting her head to his chest and she could hear the thundering mess he had happening inside him. "Please."


"Anywhere. Just come back to me." He had found his way to Hinata's neck, hiding his face while his arms wrapped around her waist. "I can't do this anymore, Hinata. I"ve gone absolutely mad, but I know I can't bear to watch you leave through that door anymore." She felt his tears trickle down her neck while he squeezed her. "I love you. Please, no more."

She had come to their home every time hoping he would say this to her, but he never did. It was always him telling her it would be okay, but he never explained how. She believed he had not loved her enough for that and she respected it. She had often wondered if he did still love her at all, but she was too scared for that conversation.

"Y-you love me?" The room became quiet, with him placing his hands on her waist to move her into his view. Her eyes genuinely questioned the man before her and she had every right to.

Sasuke never stopped to think about how deeply he had damaged the girl he had grown up with. He hadn't recognized how much she carried for them both until she rarely stopped by to see him, but even then he had felt his presence had only been too exhausting to deal with. He sucked the energy out of the room and didn't make much effort to make anything about him welcoming, but his love never wavered.

"I will never stop loving you." In the end, it was the love he had for her that helped him open his eyes everyday. "I'm not the same man from before, but please take me for who I am today." He had moved to open the drawer on the table on his side of the bed, a small black velvet box in his hand. He opened it to reveal the ring that she should've seen on the night of their graduation.

The jewels that rested above the ring were of a pale blue and purple hue. It had been nothing compared to what she had received from Itachi, but it was only a ring and nothing more. It would not bond them in anyway.

She had been too overwhelmed with the way everything was happening before her, she weakly held out a pale hand in front of him. Her dream, her happiness, and her beloved had arrived late, but they were finally with her.

"It's only us from this moment until forever, Hyuuga Hinata."

"I love you, Uchiha Sasuke."

i dont know whyyyy, but angsty sasuhina is my favorite. their personalities just have a way of blending that i love.

anyways, thank u for reading! drop a review or a song for a one shot!
