Animal Lovers

People who love animals see them as more than mere animals. They see them as companions, equals, and family. Emily was one of those kinds of people. She loved animals and believed that they deserved to live peacefully. That was how she felt towards her calico cat Avalon. She took her in as a kitten and now she was a young cat. Since the cat was nearing adulthood, it was time for her to be taken care of accordingly.

After feeding Avalon her breakfast and cleaning out her litter tray, Emily decided to make an appointment at the veterinarian's clinic. Avalon was due for a checkup and needed vaccines. Of course, no animal likes going to the vet, so of course, the calico was scared. But Emily promised her friend that she had nothing to be afraid of and it would all be over with quickly. Emily also promised that if Avalon behaved herself, she would get a treat. Finally, the calico submitted and walked inside her carrier.

When they got to the clinic, they saw other families with animals. Some were scared while others were content. It was hard for Avalon to relax; especially when she heard it was her turn. Emily helped her to relax by stroking her fur. Trying to think about getting a treat afterwards did help her behave in some way. She kept still while her weight and height was calculated, her eyes and ears were checked, her heart was listened to, and her teeth and claws were examined. But she couldn't help but cry when the vet checked her temperature and vaccinated her.

Since Avalon was rescued as a stray, the vet also had to test her for possible diseases such as heartworm. Thankfully, the results came back negative. It was good to hear that Avalon was healthy, however, the vet recommended that Emily should come back to schedule getting her fixed. Right now, Emily couldn't afford the procedure, so she said she would come back in time.

When they got home, Avalon immediately got out of the carrier and made herself comfortable on the living room sofa. As promised, Emily rewarded her with a piece of chicken. Avalon happily ate her treat and rubbed herself against her friend.

Seeing Avalon look so peaceful made Emily start thinking about everyone at the rescue farm in the Pokémon world. She missed her Pokémon and wondered how they were all doing. So she decided to pay them a visit. She couldn't do that, yet. Emily promised her friends that after taking Avalon to the vet, she would meet them at the square to hang out. Then she got an idea. After hanging out with her friends, she could invite them over to the farm. Emily also knew that if she was going to the Pokémon world, she would need her Keystone. So she placed her bracelet over her wrist, grabbed her purse, locked the door, and went on her way.

Emily made it to the square and saw Yugi, Joey, Tristan, and Téa. Now that they were all together, they could go to the mall as planned. Before checking out the stores, everyone decided to have lunch in the diner's court. That was when Emily told them her plan.

"You're thinking about going back to the Pokémon world?" Joey asked.

Emily nodded. "After taking care of Avalon, I started to think about everybody back on the farm and wondered how they were all doing."

"That's right," Téa was saying. "You guys mentioned that you were Pokémon trainers. You also said you owned a farm for lost Pokémon."

"I was wondering if any of you wanted to come along," Emily inquired.

Yugi and Joey looked at each other. "It has been a while since we've been to the Pokémon world," Yugi was saying. "We should go back and check on them."

"I miss the excitement anyway," said Joey. "It's been weeks and a door to a new world hasn't opened up yet. We should go back and see our old friends."

"Téa, Tristan," Emily was asking, "Do you want to come too?"

They did want to join their friends. They wanted to see the Pokémon they acquired on their journey as well as visit the farm. Emily was due back anyway. If she had been away from the farm this long, then all the Pokémon certainly needed a lot of attending to; feeding, bathing, and of course, checkups. After lunch, everyone returned home to get ready.