Isle of the Lost

I don't own Descendants! I only own Halina and her storyline!

Halina pushed aside the curtains surrounding her large bed revealing her bedroom in the Underworld Palace. Her room was dark and dimly lit but beautifully decorated with jewels and silk. She sighed as she slipped out of her black, silky nightgown and into a mid-length black dress that showed off one of her shoulders. It had a jeweled clasp holding it up.

She sat down and did her makeup, dark and edgy. Then adjusted her mirror to better see her flaming purple hair. Turning her head, she tried out different styles before settling on a messy, but cute, ponytail.

Finally satisfied with her appearance, Halina went downstairs for breakfast with her father. Her mother was up at Olympus now as it was spring, both she and her father missed her dreadfully.

Oh, right, her father. He was Hades, Lord of the Dead, King of the Underworld, God of the Afterlife yadda yadda yadda. Her mother was Persephone, Goddess of Springtime and growth. She was Halina Goddess of wealth, power, fear and the unknown.

She made her way down the enormous ivory staircase that led to the dining room. Her father was already sitting at the long black table and he rose to greet her.

"Halina, good morning."

"Good morning, Father." Halina smiled and hugged him.

They both sat down and ate their breakfast, ambrosia, nectar, fruits, and other delicious foods. When they had finished Hades gave Halina her tasks for the day. He was training her to take over the Underworld when he retired.

She was to visit the Fields of Punishment to stop a rowdy shade from causing problems, greet new shades as they entered the Underworld, and command the Furies to new punishments. Later she would be allowed to visit her friends on the Isle of the Lost.

She hurried to compete her tasks so she could see her friends: Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. When she had finished she said goodbye to her father, as she was staying with Mal for the night, and shadow-traveled to the Isle of the Lost. She was one of the only villains able to use magic on the Isle as she was a Goddess.

She changed into black pants, a black gem studded shirt, and a blue leather jacket. And appeared in front of Mal making her jump.

"Hal!" Mal shouted when she had recovered from the shock "Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry." Halina said, not really feeling sorry at all "But are we gonna have any fun today? Or what?"

Mal smirked and pulled out two cans of spray paint "Absolutely."

She tossed one to Halina and the two started to spray paint the wall next to them.

I'm skipping the song cause I don't feel like writing it all out

The dance ended and the people scattered. Mal grabbed a lollipop from a baby and lifted it in the air in victory.

"Stealing candy, Mal?" Maleficent walked up behind her daughter "So disappointing."

"It was from a baby." Mal tried.

"Ah! That's my nasty little girl." Maleficent seized the lollipop and put it under her armpit "Give it back to the dreadful creature." She handed it to one of her goons.

"Mom!" Mal complained.

"It's all about the details, darling." Maleficent whirled her cape "You four, have been chosen to go to a different school. In Auradon."

"Hold up." Halina snapped her fingers drawing Maleficent's attention "Four? Don't you mean five?"

"No." Maleficent seemed slightly scared of the Goddess "Only Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay are mentioned."

"Ugh! Have fun in Boreadon." Halina rolled her eyes "Not like I'd want to go anyways."

"I heard, they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom says they're vicious creatures who eat boys who don't behave." Carlos trembled.

Jay crept up behind the white haired boy and barked making him scream and jump. Jay and Halina laughed and high fived.

"Not funny guys!" Carlos shouted.

"Yeah, I don't do uniforms." Jay stopped laughing.

"Auradon is filled with prissy pink princesses." Mal argued.

"And perfect princes!" Evie giggled and Mal and Halina shot her a look "Um...I mean gross."

"Yeah, Mom, we're not going." Mal protested.

"Aw, you're thinking small, pumpkin! It's all about world domination!" Maleficent cackled "You four will go to Auradon and you will bring me back the Fairy Godmother's wand!"

Mal and her mother then engaged in a serious staring contest.

"Ugh, Fine." Mal gave up.

"I win."

"We get it, you won. Shut up." Halina muttered.

Maleficent dragged her daughter and the other three VK's who were going to Auradon leaving Halina in the dust.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes "I'll just walk around and stuff."

She walked down to the pier and skipped stones along the beach for a while. Then she went to visit Dizzy, Drizzela's daughter and get her nails done. Afterward she decided that she'd go see in Mal was done with her mother's fighting.

"Mal?" She shouted, pushing open the door to Maleficent's home "You here?"

"She's already gone." Maleficent appeared from the shadows "Left for Auradon an hour ago."

'Without saying goodbye?' Halina thought, slightly hurt. She would not show Maleficent her pain though. Instead she flipped her flaming hair and walked out.

"Bye-bye dear!" Maleficent called after her in a sickly sweet voice.

Hurt, Halina walked aimlessly around the Isle until she found herself outside the restaurant Mal's worst enemy worked at, Ursula's Fish and Chips. With a sigh she pushed open the doors and walked inside.

Immediately someone screamed. Halina rolled her eyes and sat down in a corner booth.

"Can I take your order, oh great Princess of the Underworld?" Uma mocked as she walked up to the Goddess "What brings you here? Finally figure out Mal's not good enough for you and come to join my crew?"

"Ha!" Halina threw back her head and laughed sarcastically "As if. Mal's away. I'm bored and hungry. This is the only place with digestible food on the Isle."

"What do you mean away?" Uma asked curiously.

"She, Evie, Carlos, and Jay get to go to a new school. Auradon Prep."

"What?" The diner chorused.

Halina realized everyone had been listening to her conversation with Uma "Mind your own business or I'll chop you up and feed you to Cerberus." She threatened.

Everyone suddenly became very interested in their food.

"So Mal left you here?" Uma questioned "All alone?"

"Please, you say that like I can't take care of myself." Halina feigned hurt.

"Well you'll need a new crew to roll with now they've gone. So have you reconsidered my offer?" Uma smirked, confident that Halina would say yes.

"Hardly." Halina drawled "I'm here for food. Now get me a plate of chips and make it snappy." She snapped her fingers and magical sparks flew "Or else."

Uma hurried away to get the food.

Word count: 1159 words
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