The wind rushed through Chat Noir's hair as he sprinted along the rooftops towards his father's estate. He glanced behind him to make sure the spotted Sentimonster was nowhere behind him. Getting the Peacock Miraculous from Nathalie had been one thing, the girl could barely hold herself up to fight him. Her defeat came far quicker than he had expected, even with the use of his Cataclysm. Now that Sentibug had the Miraculous far away, Chat could focus on fighting his father.

The police lights and sirens continued ahead of him, illuminating the night sky. The hero shook his head, setting his stare toward the looming residence of Paris' supervillain. He ground his teeth and swallowed the frog caught in his throat. Chat landed on the rooftop across from his home. Below, his father was screaming at the group of policemen scattered about his property. Chat watched as Nathalie was brought out on a gurney and loaded into the back of an ambulance. Gabriel straightened out his jacket, took a breath, and walked with an officer into the building.

A crowd of people gathered behind the barricades to look at the commotion. Chat could see Alya and Nino in the crowd talking to each other with wide eyes. Alya was pulling on Nino's arm, preventing him from climbing the barricade. Chat could see the fear in his best friend's eyes from where he stood. He leaned against the chimney stack and dropped his transformation. Plagg hovered off to the side while Adrien pulled out his cell from his pocket. He hit the call button.

"C'mon, Nino. Answer your phone." Adrien watched as Nino glanced down into his hand. The DJ's eyes widened and wrenched the phone up to his ear so Alya could hear too.

"Adrien, where the hell are you?" Nino's voice cracked. "Your father's assistant just got sent to the hospital."

"I heard." Adrien scanned the faces of everyone down below. From where he was standing, Marinette was nowhere he could see. A glance of the rooftops around him showed no sign of her spotted alter ego either. "Do you know what happened to her?"

The couple shared a glance. "D-Dude, listen. Your dad was screaming about how Chat Noir broke in and attacked her. Both her legs looked mangled, bro." Adrien flinched. He honestly liked Nathalie. Unfortunately, he just wasn't in a position to show any mercy.

Alya twisted her torso and scanned the crowd. "Adrien, seriously, where are you? Please tell us you're okay."

Adrien smiled. A warm feeling filled his chest at the concern in her voice. "I'm fine, guys. I promise. Just cleaning up a few of my messes. See you later." Below, the couple shared an embrace, Nino burying his head in Alya's shoulder.

Plagg gave him a stern look as Adrien ended the call and leveled his gaze to the window of his father's study. An officer was taking Gabriel's statement in front of the portrait of Emilie. "Kid, this isn't like you. How did you even know that woman was Mayura anyway?"

"Just a process of elimination. Now quiet down before my father hears you." Adrien waved his hand in the Kwami's direction as he keyed in his father's number. The cat let out a huff and crossed his little arms.

Through the windows, Adrien watched as Gabriel held a hand up to silence the officer he was talking to. "Adrien, my gods. Where are you, son? That scoundrel Chat Noir attacked our home and sent Nathalie to the hospital."

Adrien furrowed his brow. "Did she not say anything or are you being coy because there's police on our lawn?"

Plagg zoomed in front of Adrien's face and waved his arms back and forth. He shook his head side to side and bared his teeth. The boy slowly moved the Kwami out of his view with the back of his hand. Gabriel blinked twice and stared at the officer in front of him.

"I don't know what you're talking about Adrien. Where are you?" The man turned away from the officer and started to pace. "Please, son. You weren't in your room. I can't lose you too. Tell me you're okay."

A shuddering breath escaped his lips as Adrien steeled himself. This was a good thing, he just needed to play his cards right. "I'm safe Father, I promise. Some classmates are with me right now. I snuck out when you left to go to your meeting."

The older man removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. Adrien could see him turn to the policeman and nod, straightening his shoulders. "Son, I can't believe I'm saying this. But if Chat Noir was able to get past the security systems here, maybe you should stay with your friends. I don't want to risk him coming here again and have you be his next victim. Be safe."

Adrien held the phone in place for a few moments after his father hung up letting the dial tone drone on. His arm fell to his side, limp. "I don't think he's lying, Plagg. There's no way he would ever suggest I stay away from the estate."

News vans pulled up to the gate, and swarms of reporters from all different stations filed out. His phone vibrated with multiple notifications from news apps. The blonde swore under his breath. If Marinette didn't know about what happened before, she knew now. "Plagg, we gotta bounce. Claws Out!"

Adrien jumped from the roof into the alley behind the building as his transformation took hold. He stuck to the shadows and slowly made his way through the city. Once he felt he was sufficiently far enough away, he scaled the building he was hiding behind and crouched on the roof. His baton vibrated with a logo of a ladybug covering the screen. Chat ignored it. A shape in the darkness on the opposite rooftop made his turn his head. With his night vision, he could see Sentibug walking and having a conversation with Duusu.

Her hood was over her hair, and her hands were in her pockets. If he couldn't see in the dark, he never would have seen her mask or the red and black feet. Chat jumped in front of her from where he was hiding. The baton strapped to his back vibrated again. Sentibug jumped back and raised her fists. Chat held up his hands in surrender. "Woah, Sentibug. It's just me."

"Where did you go?" She slugged him in the shoulder. Chat could feel his arm go numb. "I don't exactly know how to live like a real person."

Chat rubbed the soreness away, staring her in the eyes. "You're just as real as I am. Sentimonster or not, you think of your own free will. Don't think you don't deserve to be alive too."

"We'll agree to disagree." She looked away, "So what was so important you left me all alone for?"

"My father came back earlier than I thought he would." Chat grabbed her sleeve and gave a small tug. "We need to hide, Ladybug keeps calling me. Since I'm not answering she knows I'm transformed. Eventually, she'll try and use her yoyo to track me."

"I thought you and Ladybug were some power couple or something?" Sentibug raised an eyebrow. "What happened to this life is mine?"

Chat scowled. "It does belong to you, but would you rather go alone?"

"Guess that makes sense. Duusu and I were just getting to know one another. I had no plan in mind." Sentibug followed Chat off the roof into the alley below. The blonde muttered and his transformation dropped again. Plagg floated in between them.

"Transform without feeding me again, and see what happens." The Kwami bared his fangs at Adrien.

"Don't worry Plagg, I won't be transforming again tonight if I can help it." Adrien rubbed between the cat's ears. "We're just gonna go to Chloe's and hide out for the night."

Plagg zipped into Adrien's shirt pocket and Sentibug followed him down the street. The two walked side by side. The sweatshirt Adrien gave her was a few sizes too large, so the hood fit over her face perfectly. The mask wasn't visible to anyone as they walked down the street. Most of the walk was spent in silence, Adrien constantly looked above them for any glimpse of Ladybug.

When they arrived at the lobby of the hotel Chloe was already waiting for them. "Adrikins, my darling! I'm so happy you came to see me."

Adrien bit the inside of his cheek and plastered on that model smile everyone loved. "Of course, Chloe. It's been too long." He squared his stance so as not to fall over when the girl jumped on him.

"Chloe, I know you've seen the news. I need a place to stay for tonight." Adrien peeled her off and took a step back. She took a look at Sentibug, the dark-haired girl facing the ground.

"Who's she then?" Chloe asked, eyes trailing up and down Sentibug. Her lips pulled over her teeth like a viper baring its fangs. "I don't want some hussy alone with my Adrikins."

Sentibug let out a laugh. "What, I'm just some hussy to you now, Chloe?" She pulled a black and red hand out from her pocket and lifted her hood just enough to show the other girl the spotted mask. Chloe's eyes widened and she took a step back. Her mouth opened and shut like a fish out of water.

Adrien grabbed Chloe by her shoulders. "Chloe, listen to me. I'm literally begging you. I can't go home right now."

Chloe snapped out of whatever daze she was in. She nodded her head without a word. With a snap of her fingers, the front desk associate was at her side. A hard piercing stare was leveled at Sentibug. "I may not have my miraculous anymore, thanks to you. But I swear on my own life, don't think that will stop me from killing you if he gets hurt under your watch."

Chloe wiped the tears that threatened to fall and walked away, shoulders slumped. Adrien watched her slink away with her tail between her legs, defeated and broken. Everything around the two of them faded to black. Her retreating form reminded Adrien of the times his father would ignore him, or outright refuse to speak to him, due to something Gabriel deemed more important than his son. Adrien's breath hitched—a sudden vision of a would-be world replaced his oldest friend with an image of himself. If their roles were reversed, could Adrien say he wouldn't have succumbed to Hawkmoth's manipulations?

He couldn't.

"Chloe." Adrien took a deep breath and ran a hand across his brow. "Wait, I need you to come with us." He waved the hotel employee away with a small thanks.

Chloe whirled around and gaped at him. "What did you just say?"

Adrien rolled his eyes and sighed. "Against my better judgment, I still think you need a friend." He wrapped an arm around the two girls, leading them to the elevator. "That doesn't mean I'm not going to give you an earful when we get upstairs, you know. Some shit needs to change."

Sentibug smiled as the Bourgeois girl blushed and stammered. Watching those two talk back and forth left a warm feeling in her chest. Sentimonster or not, she yearned for what they had. A real connection. She could feel Duusu twitching around inside her sweatshirt pocket. She and the Kwami only had about twenty minutes to talk with each other before Chat Noir had come back, but the little purple pixie creature seemed so excited to have a conversation. Sentibug frowned at the thought of how Mayura treated them both. Tools to get what she wanted, before being discarded like an afterthought.

"Hey, back to reality." Adrien's voice derailed her train of thought. "You and I are going to crash in Chloe's room for now."

Sentibug blinked a few times letting Adrien's words register in her mind. "R-Right. That sounds like a plan."

Adrien tilted his head much like a cat. "You okay? You seem distracted at the moment."

Sentibug nodded. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." She sent a smile his way but dropped it when he turned back to Chloe. It was nice to know Adrien cared, but how long would he? Going behind the real Ladybug's back like this was bound to come with consequences eventually. He had to have some play that only he knew. Sentibug could only guess he also needed her for something. Would he discard her when this was all over?

His arms were still around the two when they arrived at Choe's suite. Adrien let the blonde go so she could let them in. Chloe closed the door behind Adrien and Sentibug. She leaned her back against the door and fiddled with her hands. Her eyes hardened behind her lashes. "You gonna hang off her shoulder all night?"

Adrien cracked a wide smile. "If she let me, of course." He brought her closer to his chest, wrapping his other arm around her. The Sentimonster closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against his chest. His scent filled her nose. Part of her wanted to believe him, but the rest of her physically pushed him away. She stepped back from him and sat on Chloe's bed.

"Sorry, you already have a superhero girlfriend, who you've been ignoring all night." She looked him in the eyes. Adrien laughed as Chloe's eyes went wide. Adrien twisted his ring on his finger. His eyes gained a faraway look as if someone else was standing in the room with them.

"My Lady and I aren't together, despite the rumors people say." Adrien slid his hands in his pockets. "I may know both of her, but she only knows one of me."

"What are you talking about, Adrikins?" Chloe stepped in between him and Sentibug. "Both of who? What's that supposed to mean?"

Sentibug locked eyes with the model. "It means he knows who the real Ladybug is." Chloe spun and looked at Sentibug. The pigtailed girl gave a small shrug. "Our bad for lying, I'm just a Sentimonster made by Mayura. A fake copy of the real thing."

"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

"Sorry Chloe, I really do need a place to stay. Mayura is out of the picture." Adrien's shoulders fell. He sat on the bed a small distance away. "I told you before, Sentibug. You're more than just a copy."

"I know, but I'm still new to this whole existing thing." Sentibug stared at her hands as she opened and closed her fists a few times. "I wasn't around for this long last time. Mayura made me and immediately threw me to her master plan. Not having someone give me orders is a strange feeling."

"Do I even want to know how you figured out who Ladybug is?" Chloe sat on her bed and hugged one of the big, fluffy pillows. She took a deep breath from her diaphragm, letting out with a shudder. Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, staring at the two sitting in front of her. "Adrien, if you called her 'My Lady' does that mean..."

Silence hung in the air, thick and suffocating. No one moved a muscle as the implication of her question hung in the air. Chloe's eyes darted between her old friend and the girl who admitted to being one the things that Mayura and Hawkmoth sent out to attack Paris day after day. Mayura, who's suddenly 'out of the picture' the same day Chat Noir attacked Nathalie. Please, Adrien, don't let me be right. Chloe thought. Please.

Her fellow blonde let out a sigh, standing up and stretching his back with a groan. Adrien cursed under his breath. He rested his hands on his hips and bowed his head. Chloe couldn't see his face, but she could feel something about him change. Something dark twisted her stomach into knots. Time slowed, Adrien turned and glared into her eyes. Her whole body froze. Every hair on her neck stood on their ends, goosebumps shooting down her arms. She wasn't making eye contact with her childhood friend anymore.

She was locking eyes with a monster.