So, I'm back. As I said, my mental health has gone shitty. About a month ago, I've been getting some professional help and I've been slowly improving since then. I'm not saying my depression and anxiety has been cured, it's just that it's been suppressed. At least I'm making an effort to improve myself. So if you guys are wondering where the story is going next, now you know.

Description: Following Night Star's defeat, Peter and the Writer are determined to rescue their friends.

Peter (with Spider-Man powers) lept into the air and swing kicked Night Star into a building. As another Chris-Chan Mary Sue character crashed into the wall, the former webbed her up. The unicorn was now trapped in a spider's web. The crowd cheered for their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Night Star was shackled and taken away.

"We did it. We won." The writer said.

"But what about my friends and family?" Peter asked.

"Because of the damage Night Star has done with my phone, we cannot bring anyone back. We're all that's left."

Peter slunk down. "Why did run away?"

"It's not your fault. We can do this."

Peter looked up. As the crowd around him left, he gave a nod. "Let's do this."


The ground shook. As the civilians fled the area, the two looked around, wondering where everything is coming from. A portal opened, three shadows walked out of the portal. One of three shadows had a pink horn and wings of a pink alicorn (because she was as alicorn), another a male griffin with the colors of a bald eagle, and a greyish-blue female donkey with a kilt and a Scottish cap.

"Are you Peter Caldwell?" The alicorn asked.

Peter wasn't going to fall for this trick. He had his web-shooters ready.

"You can lower the- whatever you are pointing at us." The griffin said.

"Yeah. What he said." The donkey said.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The writer asked. "And how do you know us?"

"Night Star offered us positions to join her in her rise to power. When we joined her, she left us to die. But now that she has fallen, we were freed." The alicorn said.

"Yeah, you didn't answer our question."

"My name is Ashley." The alicorn said. "This Lightning..."

"Hi." The griffin spoke.

"And this is Munchkin."

"Hello." The donkey said.

"How do you know us?" Peter asked.

"We heard about your adventures from Night Star. She asked us to stop you two and-" Munchkin began.

"We get it, she betrayed you." The writer finished.

"I must say... I never came face to face to the boy who killed friendship." Ashley said.

Peter took a deep breath. "Subtle."

"What is this place? Seems kind of vibrant." Lightning said.

"We're in Los Angeles..." The writer said before trailing off.

Peter knew that his creator had something to hide. He ignored it and listened on.

"Los Angeles? Like lost angels?" Munchkin asked.

"No, it's a Spanish name," Peter said.

Dead silence occurred for ten seconds. Then Ashley spoke.

"Anyway, what's going on with you?"

"We're trying to get our friends back. But we don't know what to do. Night Star blocked access to my phone, which where we rescue our friends."

"Can I see it for a second?"

The writer showed the alicorn his phone. The alicorn used her magic, it did nothing.

"Night Star has not blocked you. She magically sealed it so she can do her stuff."

"How do we reverse it?" Peter asked.

"We need to find 4 objects of Night Star's past to unlock this phone."

"That's it?" The writer questioned. "I was expecting a little more drama."

"More importantly, why do you want to help us?" Peter asked.

"Because..." Ashley said before croaking.

Both Peter and the Writer noticed Ashley's tears. They weren't fake tears, real tears.

"I was a huge fan of Dawn Shining. She sang so beautifully and on course. I wanted to be like her. I took music lessons. I joined the choir. But then... everything changed."

"What is it? The Storm Realm?"

"Yes. Dawn was exposed to her crimes and I felt so betrayed. As the Storm Realm continued to push forward into Canterlot, I couldn't handle it. I ran. My parents, I never saw them again. I didn't want to be captured and tortured by the Storm Realm. I ran until I was hungry. I was found near the river by a group of cats, but they weren't nice to me. They hated my singing. They told me that I didn't care about music and that I should quit. I... I... sat alone and cried to myself for hours."

"And that's where we came in." Lightning said.

"We comforted her. Then, we heard her voice." Munchkin said. "It was angelic."

"Really? Or are you just being nice and giving compliments?" The writer asked.

"We gave her constructive criticism don't get us wrong, but it wasn't terrible as the cats say." Lightning said.

"Let's hear it," Peter said.

"You'll hate it." Ashley blushed.

"No really, sing." Peter requested.


"Come on Ashley."

"I won't."

"Darn!" Peter muttered.

"Donkeys like me aren't treated well by other creatures. They say we smell like rotten cheese and diapers which is not true!" Munchkin said.

"Yeah, I'm not smelling a girl." The writer said. "No offense though."

"None taken."

"Can we move on?" Lightning said.

"But how are we going to go to the past?" The writer asked. "I use my phone to write us in the past."

"Don't look at me," Ashley said. "Alicorns don't make portals."

It hit Peter. "Hey, Rezzoch!"


A green specter of shadow appeared and surrounded the boy.

"Hey, Peter! What's up! I took a long break!"

Everyone was at lost for words. Even the writer.

"Are we using deus ex machina?" The writer asked. "And what is that thing?"

"Meet Rezzoch, a shadow of destruction," Peter said.

No one said anything for ten seconds.

"He's reformed now."


"Okay." Lightning said.

"So where do we need to go to find our first piece?" The writer said.

Ashley showed the four pieces they needed to find. The first was a special bracelet. Peter knew what it was.

"A keystone?" Peter asked.

"Night Star is a pokemon too." The writer said.

The second piece the group needed to find resembled a Pokeball, but it was yellow.

"What's that?"

"A Sonichu Ball," Munchkin said. "Night Star never explained any of this to us."

"And I bet you won't either."

The third item was a gold crown.

"The Cherokian crown. It was Night Star's greatest gift. It could be why her power has increased." Ashley said.

"But I thought she was always powerful," Peter said.

"There has to be an explanation behind everything."

"So what's the last item?" The writer said.

The fourth and last item Night Star's Sonichu medallion.

"What did I expect?" Peter said.

"Her crowning achievement," Munchkin added.

"Well, let's go get these items." The writer said.

"They're in separate locations. We don't know where they are."

But Peter, deducing Night Star's special interests, had a suggestion on where to go.

"Hey Rezzoch, take us to Station Square!"


The group found themselves in a large, bustling city. Everyone looked like a recolored Sonic character, from hedgehogs, echidnas, foxes, and more.

"Psst, aren't we in CWCville?" The writer whispered.

"This isn't CWCville," Peter said. "We're in the world of Sonic the Hedgehog."

The ground rumbled. The citizens stopped moving, looking at all sides seeing where the rumbling was coming from. Far off into the distance, a large Loch Ness monster arose. Everyone screamed in horror as they fled the streets.

"Look!" Ashley said.

A blue blur passed by the group. It lept into the sky and unleashed an attack on the monster.

"Give it up Perfect Chaos!"

Peter knew who it was. "Sonic."

Sonic was knocked back by Perfect Chaos's tentacles. Peter quickly formed a spider-web so that Sonic can land safely on.


Peter picked up Sonic and placed him on the ground.

"You've got this!" The former said.

Sonic was confused. Nevertheless, he continued. The hedgehog used another homing attack to knock Perfect Chaos in the water. With the crowd emerging from hiding and cheering on Sonic, the latter did a victory pose for his fans.

"Really? You're not asking for some of the credit?" The writer asked.

Peter kept silent about that line.

"Okay, let's search for the item of Night Star's past," Ashley stated.

The group headed to the location to where Perfect Chaos has fallen.

"Of course it has to be underwater," Munchkin said.

"I got an idea," Ashley said.

A bubble shield surrounded the group. Ashley then controlled the bubble to dive underwater.

"I never knew alicorns had special powers like this." The writer said.

"You never know about us fully," Ashley said. "You think we care so much about friendship, and power, and-"

"Yeah. No more." Peter requested.

"Wait, if we're inside a bubble that prevents water from coming in, how are we going to get air?" The writer asked.

"Don't worry, there's an infinite supply of air." Ashley giggled.

Lightning taunted the Writer by taking deep breaths inside the bubble. The latter simply responded by punching him in the stomach.

"Hey! I see something glowing!" Munchkin said.

The group found a faintly glowing object from far away, deep underwater.

"Wait, how are we going to reach it? We can't stick our hand out of the bubble." Peter said.

"We have to turn back," Ashley said.

As the group resurfaced, Ashley undid her bubble shield.

"Okay, my bubble breather is out of the question." She said.

"So what other choice do we have?" Munchkin said.

"I say one of us dives under the waves." Lightning said. "Any volunteers?"

Everyone touched their noses.

"Aw, fooey."

Thankfully there was scuba gear that can fit Lightning's body. As he was helped into his wetsuit and tank, he took deep breaths behind the regulator.

"This is stupid, why don't you go?" The griffin said.

"You were the one who messed up with the nose touch," Munchkin said.



The griffin disappeared into the water, it left everyone else just standing there.

"So what do we do?" Munchkin asked.

"Socialize?" Ashley said.

Everyone sat in a circle.

"Who goes first?" Peter said.

"I go first." Ashley introduced. "I'm Ashley."

"Hi, Ashley." Everyone said.

"I strive to be a good singer. And I am told this by my friends." Ashley said.

"Yeah, we know your backstory," Munchkin said. "I'm going up next."

Munchkin stood up. "I'm Munchkin. I'm a donkey who has trouble with relationships."

"You have a boyfriend once?" Peter asked.

Munchkin was silent.

"A girlfriend?"

"I neither had a boyfriend or girlfriend. I feel nothing about relationships. Guys are always touchy towards me and girls just want to use me for my cash. That's why I don't want sex with either gender."

"Then you could be asexual." The writer said.


"You know, lack of attraction towards guys and girls. You're not alone."

"Are you asexual?"

"No. But I know people who are. There was this girl I once met, her name's Fox, and she's asexual like you too."

"I'm glad I'm not alone." Munchkin smiled.

"So what about you?" Ashley asked.

"I want to hear about Lightning," Peter asked.

"Okay, I can fill in for you. Lightning lives with his sick mother."

"Oh, dear." The writer said.

"He once said that his mom's the best in the world. Not joking, he said that right in front of us."

"But shouldn't he be taking care of his mom rather than traveling with you?" Peter asked.

"His mom died." Ashley breathed in.

"Oh no."

"He had no one to turn to. But we were there for him, and we're family now. Okay, well, like a family."

"That's nice." The writer said.

"Okay, let's move onto you," Munchkin said.

"So I just go by New Kid." The writer said.

"Okay... New Kid." Ashley said.

"I like to write, play video games, walk, and watch movies. I always wanted to be an actor when I grow up."

"That sounds cool. I want to be a singer, so we're similar in our goals, becoming famous." Ashley remarked.

"So what about you Peter?" Munchkin asked.

"Oh, me?"

"Yeah, I noticed that you have this weird thing on you. Can you tell me what it is?"

"Oh. It's a suit."

"Can you take it off?"

"No. I can't."

Lightning emerged from the water.

"Did you get the thing?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. You know, this was exhausting when you can't swim." Lightning said.

The group got a look at the object Lightning recovered. The small, yellow object floated in front of their faces.

"Is that the Sonichu Ball?"

"I think it's supposed to be. It looks like something from Pokemon." Peter said.

Suddenly, the ball flew out of Lightning's claws.

"I'll be taking that."

A bug-like Rosechu flew in, instantly recognized by Peter and the writer.

"Zapina!" They said at the same time.

"Long time no see, Peter," Zapina said.

"Um, who are you?" Ashley asked. "Can we just assume you guys know each other?"

"I was weak back then," Zapina said. "But now try this!"

A swarm of flying insects swarmed the group.

"AUGH!" They screamed as they flailed around.

Peter lept into the air and tried to web-shoot Zapina. No web shot out.

"What the?" Peter said.

The boy was knocked back by Zapina's lightning-fast flying.

"RUN! RUN!" Lightning screamed.

Everyone ran as Zapina unleashed her killer insects.

With a group led by a red echidna with large fists named Knuckles, they took down nests set up by Zapina.

"Shouldn't we use fire?" A two-tailed yellow fox named Tails asked. "I bet a little bug spray might do the job too."

"HELP!" A voice screamed.

"That sounds like Cream!" Sonic said.

"I'll go ahead!" Peter said.

Peter made his way up ahead to find a cream-colored rabbit along with a pink hedgehog with a long hammer. The latter was fighting off Zapina's full-grown bugs.

"Looks like you can use some help," Peter said, dropping in.

"Yeah, no kidding!" The pink hedgehog sarcastically said as she crushed another bug.

"W-Who are you?" The rabbit asked.

"Look out, more of em!" The pink hedgehog said.

Peter and the pink hedgehog saw more of Zapina's army coming in. At this point, Knuckles and Tails ran in to apply backup.

"Tails! Knuckles!" The rabbit said.

"Cream! Amy! Get out of there!" Knuckles said.

"No way!" Amy said. "But I could use a little help here!"

Peter lept into the air and intended to web up all the bugs to the ground. But he was still shooting blanks. Amy finished the last bug.

"Whew! That was all of them!" Tails relieved.

"Are you okay, Amy?" Knuckles asked.

"Yeah. Who's that guy who helped us?"

"Sup. Peter." The guy who just assisted the two girls greeted.

"If you already don't know, I'm Amy." The pink hedgehog with the hammer said.

"I'm-I'm Cream." The rabbit said.

Knuckles took out his earpiece.

"Hey Ashley, you doing well out there?"

With the Chaotix by her side, Ashley and her friends were defending them from the bugs while Vector the Crocodile was hacking into security.

"How long do we have until you get into Eggman's security system?" Ashley asked.

"Almost got it!" Vector said.

The door opened.


The group trudged forward just as the bugs closed in on them.

"We're safe." Charmy the Bee said.

"Oh no, you're not!" A voice said, revealing himself to be a tall mad scientist with a red coat and black pants.

"Eggman!" Espio the Chameleon said.

"Robotnik!" Vector said at the same time.

"Wait, is it Eggman or Robotnik?" Lightning said.

"Just call me Eggman." The mad scientist sighed.

"Oh. okay."

"What are you knuckleheads doing here?"

"We're hiding from the bugs," Ashley said.

"Well, we are too!" Robotnik stated. "None of my robots are matched against... whatever that thing is."

Two of Eggman's robots walked in.

"I thought you had her, Grounder!" A robot modeled after a chicken said.

"I thought you had her, Scratch!" A driller robot modeled after a mole said.

"How many Sonic characters are there?!" Ashley shouted.

Meanwhile, the writer teamed up with a black hedgehog named Shadow and a purple cat named Blaze looking for a hedgehog named Silver and a bat named Rouge. Their last known location was in a cave.

"Oh no, I hope Silver's alright." Blaze said.

"What's between you and Silver, Blaze?" The writer asked.

The purple cat princess from another dimension blushed.


"Uh-huh. Yeah." The writer smirked.

"Ugh, I'm gonna see a lot of Silver x Blaze comments in the future." Shadow sighed.

"Almost as weird as SonAmy." The writer added.

The sound of running can be heard.


A silver-colored hedgehog who was running alongside with a white bat crashed into the writer and Shadow.

"Watch where you're going!" The writer said.

"Rouge?" Shadow asked.

"Come on, run!" Rouge said.

A large tsunami of maggots arrived from their location.

"You don't need to tell me twice!" Blaze said.

Everyone ran as fast as they could.

"Oh come on!" The writer said.

Rouge sighed and carried the writer to the exit. The silver-colored hedgehog sealed the entrance of the cave with rocks.

"There, that should block them." He said.

The writer took out his earpiece.

"Knuckles, we're heading back to HQ."

"Got it."

Everyone met up at HQ.

"Okay, everyone's here. We can get this meeting started." Knuckles said.

"Whatever that thing's army is, she is unstoppable!" Vector said. "Everyone's losing hope!"

"Yeah, because Knuckles is the one who leads this thing. I say I lead it." Peter said, stepping up.

Shadow wasn't buying it.

"What makes you think you can do this?"

"I helped three resistance groups before. All of which I led to victory."

"It's true. I was there." The writer said.

"Yeah, I don't buy it." Silver said.

The alarm blared.

"What's going on?" Cream said.

Peter looked outside to see Zapina launching her attack on HQ.

"Defend HQ! All civilians evacuate!" He shouted.

Eggman's robots came in to help. Sonic and all of his friends ran in for backup.

"Push them back or were all dead!" The writer said.

Somehow, this inspired the other civilians to join in and fight for their lives. Peter meanwhile, was rescuing the other civilians from the bugs.

"I got this. Go!" He shouted.

Amid the swarm, Zapina flew in. As she let out a wicked smile, the swarm flew at the group.

"Look out!" Knuckles shouted.

Peter swung in and formed a spider-web.

"What's he doing?" Sonic asked.

As Peter formed the web, he kept the bugs away from him. With the web finished, he lept down and watched as Zapina sent her swarm at the group. The bugs were blocked by the web.

"You may have won this battle kid, but it's not over!" Zapina stated as she flew back to her hive.

"She's wide open!" Sonic said.

"You know what to do. CHARGE!" Knuckles stated.

With their new allies, everyone charged for Zapina's hive. They fought off the bugs Zapina used to guard her place.

"We'll keep them busy!" Knuckles shouted.

Peter progressed forward. As he continued forward, bug-like sap blocked him from behind.

"Sup? How ya doing?" Zapina greeted.

Peter didn't answer as he shot his web-shooter at Zapina.

"Well, that's rude."

Peter tried to shoot at Zapina again, but he shot blank this time. Like, what was wrong with this thing? It was functional. Zapina used this to trap him in goo.

"Seriously? Where are you getting these powers?" Peter said.

"A little friend named Night Star helped me."


"Let him go!"

The writer came in to help. Without his phone to help him out, he was an easy target for Zapina.

"Oh, are you serious?" He said as he was trapped in goo.

Peter struggled himself out of the goo while Zapina taunted the writer. He gave a good blow to the 14-year-old Rosechu in the jaw. He then wrapped his webbing around the bug's neck and pulled as hard as he could. Zapina was choked. By now, everyone ran in to see their ally choking someone to death.

"Peter, stop!" Knuckles shouted.

The boy did not stop. As the bug's eyes rolled upwards, the former released her. She collapsed dead on the floor.

"Oh my god..." Ashley gasped.

"Oh no..." Lightning added.

Zapina coughed and wheezed as the bug opened her eyes.

"You... nearly... killed me..." She said.

Peter responded by webbing her mouth shut.


The S-Chu ball rolled to the floor.

"I'll take that." The writer said.

"Great! One down, three to go!" Munchkin stated.

"What should we do with her?" Ashley said, looking at the imprisoned Rosechu.

"I say we robotize her!" Eggman stated.

"I want to do a fatality!" Lightning said.

"Lightning, that was something Peter almost did," Munchkin said. "Also, it's bloody disgusting."

"Great! So we go with my idea!" Eggman said, swooping in and taking the Rosechu.

"Hey!" Sonic said, running after Eggman.

They both disappeared around the end.

"Should we go after him?" Ashley asked.

"Nah. She deserved it anyway." The writer shrugged.

"So what's next?" Peter said as Knuckles's group disbanded.

Rezzoch appeared.

"Oh? You showed up." Peter said without surprise.

"Yadayadaya. Let's go."

The writer was shocked. "Wait we didn't-"



The group found themselves in a mysterious world.

"Rezzoch what have you done to us?" Munchkin said.

"I swear Peter, you have the weirdest friends," Ashley said.

"Where are we?" Lightning asked.

It didn't take long for the group to see that they were in the world of Pokemon.

"Oh." Everyone all said.

"Remember how everyone went all cray-cray when not all the Pokemon returned in Sword and Shield?" The writer said.

"Yeah, things went shitty," Peter said. "It went just as bad when The Last of Us Part II came around."

"Seriously, people should just let others have their own opinions about games."

"Hey! We're gonna move now?" Lightning interrupted.

The group continued to the nearest town.

A group of people meeting at the town hall got their attention.

"A poster!" Ashley said.

Said poster had the mayor of the town doing an Uncle Sam pose.

"I want you to defend our town from Pokemon Freedom Fighters." The writer read. "What?"

"Hey! You can't be out there!"

The group ran inside the nearest house. The family closed the door behind them,

"What's going on out there?" Ashley asked.

"Some sort of-"

The family backed away from the alicorn, griffin, and donkey.

"What are you doing bringing them in?"

"Wh-What?" Munchkin asked.

"No, they're on our side!" The writer said.

Their son took out his smartphone and scanned the creatures.


"Cool! A new pokemon!" He said.

"Hop, don't go near them." His father warned.

Hop was too excited to stop. He threw his Pokeball at Ashley.


"Ow!" She said.

The Pokeball didn't work.

"Must've screwed up."

Hop threw another Pokeball. This time, Ashley blocked it with her magic.

"Oh my gosh!" The mother said.

"Get your stinking balls off me, you darn moron!" Ashley threatened.

"Sorry!" Hop said.

"Elaborate. What are the Pokemon Freedom Fighters?" Peter asked.

"Rogue Pokemon who claimed to be tired of their mistreatment and rose against their superiors. In other words, we're being treated horribly and we're going to rebel against you."

"Wow, I never expect Pokemon to be self-aware."

The writer tapped on his shoulder.

"Peter, they're making an announcement." He said.

The town mayor stood on top of a little box in front of everyone. "Everyone! We just got word that one town in Fyrestone? It's been taken over."

"Oh no..." Someone in the audience said.

The writer raised his hand. "Hi, yes? Who leads the Pokemon fighting against us?"

"We don't know."

"Surely there should be some sort of person who is the spokesman of this Pokemon resistance force?"

"We don't know. They're smarter than we think. That's what makes them hard to take down!"

The alarm blared.

"Oh no, they're here." The mayor said.

A large army of Pokemon attacked the town.

"Fall back! Everyone fall back!" The mayor shouted.

"You don't need to tell me twice!" Lightning said.

With Peter providing everyone a chance to escape by slowing down the Pokemon, no one was hurt.

"Oh my gosh, that was so close!" Ashley breathed.

"Yeah, with all these Pokemon running about, I say our chances of figuring out what to do next are futile. I wonder how they got our location anyway?" Lightning said.

"I think they had an eye in the sky." One person suggested.

"No, we would've seen it," Munchkin said.

"Hey, aren't we missing someone here?" A woman asked.

Peter and the Writer were gone.

The two were back at the town.

"Okay, when we first made the Spider-Man suit, it blocked mind-control powers of Magi-Chan. Now, I think other psychic type Pokemon won't detect us either.

"But what about the flying Pokemon?"

"Scout the area."

Peter took out his phone. "This is a very long time since I used this."

Using the Eagle Vision app on his phone, Peter marked all the Pokemon patrolling the town.

"Okay, let's do this." The writer said.

Peter swung over to the first railing and took out the Pidgeotto. He tied the bird pokemon to the railing. He then swung over to the second railing and took out the Fearow there too.

"Okay, no one noticed this." The writer said.

"Now the psychic types."

The only psychic pokemon around the area was Espeon. The two waited until Espeon was away from its comrades. Peter then quickly took it out.

"Okay, I see a Pikachu, Wooloo, and a Totodile," Peter said.

"There could be more." The writer said.

"Then let's lure them out."

After taking them all out non-lethally, no Pokemon came out. The writer went down to check the area.

"Guess it's safe."

Peter lept down as well.

"Too quiet..." He muttered.

But no Pokemon came out to surprise them. The two decided to interrogate the Pokemon they subdued instead.

"Hey is there some sort of Pokemon translator?" Peter asked. "This could help us."

"If I could use my phone." The writer reminded.

"There you are!"

Ashley, Lightning, and Munchkin caught up with the two.

"Don't sneak off like that! You could get killed!" Munchkin reminded.

"But... we caught these guys," Peter said.

The three looked at the Pokemon they caught.

"Shouldn't you have caught them with a ball?" Lightning asked.

"Maybe that's the reason why they're fighting us." The writer said.

"Anyway, let's head back," Ashley said.

"No!" Peter stated.

Everyone stopped.

"We caught these Pokemon. Now it's time to interrogate them. Who is their master? Why are they doing this? How are they doing this?"

"But we can't understand Pokemon." The writer said.

"Don't look at me," Ashley said.

"Or me." Lightning said.

"Not me," Munchkin said.

"Shoot! Can we get someone who understands Pokemon?"

An expert arrived in no time.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" She asked.

"Translate for us."

Peter turned to the captured Pokemon. The Pikachu was his first suspect.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Pika! Pika, Pika!"

"He says that he viewed his Pokemon brethren getting beaten, humiliated, subjected to torture, wearing clothes that they do not like, and so forth."

"Who is your leader?"


"Someone named... Mew-chu? What?"

"Oh no, Mewchu," Peter said.

"You know Mewchu?" Ashley asked.

"It's crazy stuff you don't need to know."

Lightning was serious. "Tell us."


Mewchu was Chris-Chan's supposed creator of Pokemon.

"So a Pokemon god?" Munchkin said.

"Ugh..." Peter groaned.

"Shouldn't Arceus be the creator of all life?" The expert asked.

"This was before Arceus came around." The writer said.

Peter then turned to the Pokemon.

"How did you find our location?"

The Pokemon didn't answer. Giggling can be heard from Ashley, Lightning, and Munchkin. Their forms changed into small fox kits with dark grey fur with a red tip tuft of fur on its head.

"Zorua!" The writer said.

The expert surprised Peter from behind and grabbed him. She revealed herself to be a vulpine creature with dark grey fur and a long red mane.

"Zoroark!" The writer said.

Strangely the Zoroark talked. Possibly from telepathy.

"You are so done for. Children!"

The Zorua tackled the writer down and knocked him unconscious. Peter felt his world leaving him as he was held hostage by Zoroark.

The two awoke to find themselves inside a cozy place. It was warm, bright, and the air was clean.

"What happened? Where are we?" The writer said.

Luckily, the area they were in wasn't endless. Peter touched the edge of the area.

"I think we're in some sort of bubble."

"Are we in a Pokeball?" The writer said.

"What makes you think that?"

Above their heads was the Pokemon escorting the prisoners trapped inside Pokeballs.

"We're inside a Pokeball," Peter said.

A faint voice can be heard from far off.


"Well, that's unfortunate."

A paw grasped onto the Pokeball the two were in. They suddenly found themselves locked in a cage.

"So the Pokeballs weren't good enough?" Peter said.

"We need more to capture more humans," Zoroark said.

With Zoroark leaving to trick more unfortunate souls, it left the prisoners in front of a Pokemon with blue skin.

"The hell?" The writer muttered.

"I am Mewchu." The Pokemon spoke through telepathy.

The people in the back got a good snicker. Mewchu quickly got to work by lifting them into the air with his psychic and throwing them into the cages. Everyone stopped.

"I am a god. You cannot stand up to me." Mewchu said.

"I'm sorry, but Mewchu is not a Pokemon." A professor said. "I know."

The professor had his neck snapped.

"Christ!" said someone in the audience.

Everyone shot dirty looks at her. No one spoke as Mewchu addressed himself. With several keen-eye Pokemon patrolling the area, the prisoners were watched like hawks.

"At least we don't have to work like slaves." A prisoner muttered. "That would be horrible."

Peter and the Writer formed a plan. With the latter performing a distraction for the guards, the former will free all the prisoners and will cause a big breakout. Peter, noticing a hole on the very top of the cell that no one can climb through or reach. Peter web-swinged up and crawled through the hole. He then landed on a Staraptor as he jumped down. The other Pokemon noticed this and fought him. A punch from a Machoke was dodged and slid under. Lucario's Aura Sphere was crashed into other Pokemon. Eevee and its evolutions had their ankles wrapped around with webbing and were yanked up to the ceiling.

"Quick! While he distracts them!" One prisoner said.

Peter kicked one of the guards near the prison bars. The prisoners restrained the guard through the bars and grabbed the keys off him. They unlocked their cell and helped Peter fight off the remaining guards.

"Okay, what next?" The writer said.

Peter went after Mewchu. The writer quickly followed him. The prisoners continued with the massive breakout.

The prisoners fought through the guards, and with some casualties, were able to escape.

"Wait! We can't just leave that guy who just saved us behind!" One prisoner said.

"Yeah! Let's go back for him!"

Fighting Mewchu's soldiers along the way, he learned from those who surrendered on his location.

"Mewchu has a castle?" Peter thought to himself.

By now the writer caught up. "Hey! Don't run off like that!"


"So where are you going to find Mewchu?"

"At his castle."

"You mean that thing?"

A floating castle was overshadowing the two.

"Huh. I didn't notice that." Peter asked.

With the writer clinging onto him, Peter swung his way into the castle. As he swung into the window, he saw Ashley, Lightning, and Munchkin being mind-controlled by Mewchu.

"Yes, master." They all replied.

"Okay, Mewchu is wide open." The writer said.

Peter was ready to do a web shot. But he was still shooting blanks.

"What's wrong with this thing?" He thought.

"Hey!" A possessed Ashley said.

Mewchu used his psychic to bring the writer in. Peter lept in and gave a blow to Mewchu.

"You cannot stop me. I am a god." Mewchu stated. "Stop them!"

Ashley was the first one to step up against the two teenagers.

"Okay, new plan. Just knock her out." The writer said.

Ashley started the fight by blasting her magic, to which the two dodged. Peter wrapped the Alicorn in thick webbing and launched her into a wall. Lightning was up next, he used his talons to slash the webbing. Peter responded by latching the griffin's ankle and yanking him towards the former. The teenager let out a kick, knocking out Lightning. Munchkin quickly charged for Peter but she was knocked out by the writer.

"How pathetic are these guys?" Peter said.

"So pathetic that Mewchu doesn't want to try."

Peter swung for Mewchu but was instantly stopped by his psychic. The writer tried to attack him from behind but was stopped as well. They were brought together.


"Give it up," Mewchu stated.

Both teenagers got up.

"Never!" Peter said.

The teenager quickly used his web-shooters to block the psychic. It worked. Mewchu couldn't use his psychic. This also released the three from Mewchu's control.

"Ugh, what happened?" Ashley groaned.

Mewchu dashed for Peter. The latter quickly lept out of the way with the former crashing into a wall. The Spider-Man quickly webbed him up.

"Impossible! How could I?" Mewchu said. "I won't... I won't let you escape here alive. I'll take you with me!"

Mewchu spontaneously exploded. No one was hurt. The ground began to shake.

"We're in trouble! This flying castle is going down!" Munchkin said.

Ashley quickly formed a protection bubble that shielded everyone from the falling debris. The next thing that they knew, they were back on the ground. Not only did the people hailed them as heroes, but the pokemon also went back to normal.

"What the? What's going on?" Lightning asked. "Shouldn't the Pokemon..."

"They weren't rising against their masters at all, they must've been controlled by Mewchu." The writer summarized.

And with that, the Pokemon and humans returned home.

"Hey, where's Peter?" Ashley asked.

Peter was examining the ruins of Mewchu's castle. Then he found it. A pokemon keystone. He met back with the group in the forest.

"Where'd you run off to?" Lightning asked.

Peter showed what he found.

"A keystone! And it matches the description we need to bring back our friends." The writer said.

"I found it at Mewchu's castle," Peter said. "Don't know why it was there."

"I guess Mewchu is magical? And this keystone is also magical?" Lightning suggested.

Munchkin changed the subject. "Alright, what's the third item we need to get?"

"I say we go for the Sonichu medallion," Peter said. "And I know just where to get it."



The group arrived in Freedom City. Without Chris-Chan or any of Peter's resistance members leading the city, it was left in ruins.

"I mean, this is a city right?" Munchkin said. "There's got to be some form of order."

Peter knew that whatever he did, removing Chris-Chan from power resulted in the collapse of CWCville. The group looked around, hoping to find anyone friendly.

"Well, what do we have here?"

A man who resembled Christian Weston Chandler but with red and orange eyes instead of blue and green.

"Who.. who are you?" Munchkin gasped.

"I am Naitsirhc!" The man stated.

Everyone tried their best not to burst out laughing. Naitsirhc got pissed. He charged up for an attack.


Peter tried to use his web-shooters, but once again, they did not work.


A Red Sonichu with the power of fire and a blue Rosechu with the power of ice came in to save the group.

"Sup dudes?" The Sonichu said.

"You again?" Naitsirhc stated.

"That's right Naitsirhc! We're here to stop you!" The Rosechu said, redirecting the power back at Naitsirhc.

"Oh, my tummy hurts..."

On Naitsirhc's pants was a stain of water. And a bad smell filled the air.

"Come on, run!" The Sonichu said.

In a forest not too far from CWCville, the Sonichu and Rosechu introduced themselves.

"I'm Blaze Sonichu!"

"And I'm Snowball Rosechu!"

"Seriously! Those are not good names!" The writer said.

"What names would you call them?" Lightning asked.

"Easy. Flare and Lazuli."

Both Electric Hedgehog Pokemon were confused. "What?"

The donkey wanted out. "Let's move on."

"Okay, what next?" Peter said.

"That Sonichu medallion on Naitsirhc. If we can rip it off of him, he would be powerless." Blaze stated.

"That's it? It's that easy to de-power him?"

Both Electric Hedgehog Pokemon nodded.

"How can we trust you?" The writer said. "Even if you want to stop Naitsirhc who is after us, what makes it so that you can gain our trust?"

"Because we know the medallion that you need to save your friends," Snowball said. "Naitsirhc has not one, but two medallions."

"Two?" Lightning gasped. "As if one wasn't bad enough!"

"That's it. We're teaming up with you." Ashley stated.

"What? You can't just join them that easily!" Peter pointed out.

"We need to stop Naitsirhc before he destroys us. Besides, maybe he'll have the medallion that we need?"

Peter needed a moment with the writer.

"Something's fishy..."

"Yeah, I don't trust them either."

"What do we do?"

"Go along with their plan?"

Peter then turned to Blaze.

"Okay, we'll do this." He stated.

"Awesome! We can start tomorrow!"



In Peter's sleep, he was testing out his web-shooters. Sometimes they worked, and sometimes they don't.

"Ugh! What's wrong with me!" He shouted.


Dawn? She was back?

"Your anxiety and depression are starting to wear on you."

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"You can't make off with a good performance with anxiety. That's what blocking you from shooting webs."

"I'm the one responsible for messing up?"

"Yep. And you should be!"

Peter awoke to find himself breathing. Everyone else was sound asleep by this point. He just couldn't cope. He walked outside for a breath of fresh air. He heard a voice, Newton.


"No... It can't be..."

"But it is..."

Peter didn't want to run up to Newton. He hit himself in the head, Newton had disappeared. It must've been an illusion.

Normally for Ashley, her mornings were dreadful only to get jacked up with caffeine. But this time, she was extra cheerful. "Good morning!"

"Mmmmm..." Peter groaned.

"Didn't get enough sleep?" The writer asked.

The alicorn had a suggestion. "Maybe some coffee will jack you up?"

"No thanks..." Peter muttered.

Blaze and Snowball were packing their stuff.

"We should get going then." Blaze stated.

The group set off.

He kept to himself as he moved on. In turn, it made him unaware of Blaze's pause.

"Ouch!" Blaze stated.

"Sorry," Peter said.

"Seriously, you need to watch where you're going."

"Okay! Jeez!"

The group continued to walk into the forest. Unbeknownst to them, they were being viewed by another Electric Hedgehog Pokemon.

"They're heading your way." He said through his earpiece.

"Let them come," Naitsirhc said.

The group returned to Professor Giovanni's base. Or what was left of it.

"My God..." Peter gasped.

"I never saw a lab in this state before." The writer said. "It's almost as if a zombie apocalypse happened."

Lightning wanted to ask, "So why are we here?"

"The very thing we need to stop Naitsirhc is right in here!" Snowball stated.

No one spoke for five seconds.

"You're gonna tell us what that thing is?"


"Huh?" The writer looked up. "I wasn't paying attention."

"Guess what we're going to use to stop Naitsirhc."

"We give up," Peter said.

"It has to be in here somewhere..." Blake said from off.

"Looking for this?"

A black-colored Electric Hedgehog Pokemon stood holding a crown.

"Blachu!" Blaze and Snowball said at the same time.

Blachu was miffed. "What did you just call me?"

"His name's Blake for crying out loud!"

Naitsirhc had arrived, floating down with his Sonichu powers.

"Get them, Blake!" He stated.

Blake started with an electric shock that knocked everyone back. Ashley quickly used a blast of magic against Blake to which he dodged. Naitsirhc didn't stand around and watched Blake fight, he assisted too. Peter stood his ground and kept Blake on his feet by pinning him with webbing. Lightning and Munchkin focused on Naitsirhc. The griffin surprised the Chris-Chan opposite by attacking him from the front. With Naitsirhc knocked on the ground, Munchkin stomped on his body and took the medallion off of him. Ashley surprised Blake with a magic blast in the leg, causing the latter to crash into the wall. Peter webbed him up quickly and snatched the crown.

"Two in one!" Munchkin said.

The writer was confused. "Wait, how do we know that this is the medallion that we need?"

"It's a Sonichu medallion."

"But there hundreds like that in CWCville."

"But they're all Sonichu medallions. Look at what Sonichu medallion we need."

The writer looked at the Sonichu medallion. It matched the description.


"Finally, we can bring back our friends," Peter said with relief.

Suddenly, a blow of coldness knocked Peter out. Snowball had all four pieces of Chris Chan.

"Snowball!" Blaze stated.

He charged for Snowball only to be lifted into the air by Snowball. His body was violently contorted into the shape of a pretzel. Snowball then revealed her true form, Night Star.

"I must thank you for collecting all four relics of CWCville." She said.

"You!" The writer said. "How did you?"

"I'm a psychic. I have all the power I need."

"I should've known," Ashley said.

"And what do you expect out of collecting the relics of CWCville? Turn against each other?"

"We were never going to do that!" Munchkin said.

Night Star placed the Cherokian crown on her head. With the Sonichu medallion on her chest, S-Chu ball on her right hoof, and power ring on her left, she was unstoppable. She floated over to Naitsirhc and Blake to absorb them fully.

"Ah! These souls make me feel great!" She stated.

"Stop her!" Lightning said.

Quickly opening a portal behind the group, Night Star intended to continue her plans unhindered. She transported them away.



"Ugh..." Peter groaned.

"He's waking up."

Peter awoke to find himself in an open field. As he looked around, he saw his friends surrounding him.

"At least we're alive," Ashley said.

Lightning, however, was furious.

"Alive? We were banished to some unknown world because of Night Star!"

Peter looked around his surroundings. In a far off distance, a castle can be seen off in the horizon. He knew where they were.

"Dreamland..." He muttered.

"I can't believe you had to trust them!" Munchkin stated.

"Trust them? They were nice!" Ashley argued back.

"Yeah, nice enough to stab us in the back!"

"That was just Night Star. Blaze had nothing to do with this!"

The writer interrupted the argument. "GUYS!"

"WHAT?!" Both females asked.

"While you were busy fighting..."

Peter was swinging away.

"Hey!" Lightning called out. "Wait up!"

Everyone went after him.

Peter landed in the middle of the city of Dreamland. All of the peasants looked at him questioningly.

"Capture him!" A guard stated.

In no time at all, guards blocked his escape route.

"Hands in the air!"

One guard approached Peter with a club, the latter quickly dodged and countered by kicking him in the knee.

"Come and get me, you bastards!"

The first guard approached Peter and swung his sword at him, he dodged and held down his hand. A second guard swung his mace at Peter to which he dodged.

"Piss off!" Peter stated, kicking a third guard in the stomach.

Peter threw another guard into a crate of fruit.

"Go to hell." A guard said as he tried to surprise Peter from behind.

Peter decided not to use his webbing and instead relied on hand to hand combat.

"Nope!" He said ducking a mace blow.

Giving the fourth guard a good kick in between his legs, he was left on the ground wailing himself out.

"And stay down!"

The knocked down guards got up and ran off.

"Yeah! Run back home to your mommies!" Peter teased.

A gentle blow caught his attention. A freckle-faced, buck teeth princess knocked him out cold.

"Nighty-night." She said.

The writer, along with his three companions, arrived in Dreamland.

"What is this place?" Ashley asked.

The peasants took notice of an alicorn in their town. The writer quickly stepped up.

"Step aside! Royal bodyguard for the princess!"

Ashley held her face. But at least no one came close to them. They came across one guard who was bruised, but still okay.

"Hey, excuse me?"


"Have you seen a guy with some weird red, blue, and white suit in the shape of a spider around here?"

"Yeah, he beat me and my friends up. All we wanted to do is to question him."


The guard left.

"Peter's around here. Let's move." The writer said.

Peter awoke to find himself in a prison cell. His old friend Jen was there.

"You should be thankful for yourself that you didn't kill any of my guards..." He said. "Otherwise, we'll have to... execute you."

Peter wasn't fond of that. He decided to reveal himself.

"You know me, Jen."

"No, I do not know you."

"I know you as a member of the brotherhood."

"Everyone knows that."

"I know about this little secret of yours."

Peter whispered something in Jen's ear. He immediately unlocked the cell door.

Jen took Peter to the main lobby of the castle. His friends from Dreamland; Bean and Elfo were there.

"Who's this?" Bean asked.

"Peter," Jen said.

"But what is this... thing on him?" Elfo said.

"It'll be very long and pointless," Peter said.

"We have time."

The group arrived at the castle. Of course, the guards stopped them.

"Halt!" They stated.

The writer stood up. "We're looking for a person with a red, white, and blue suit. He has a mask that covers his face with the insignia of a spider on his chest."

"Oh yeah. Bean has brought him in."

"Bean?" Ashley asked.

"You know Bean. The Witch of Maru?"

Ashley shook her head. "Aren't witches a bad thing?"

"Not all witches are evil. Witches are what we call female spellcasters."

"So can we go in?"


A voice was coming closer to them.

"I don't know what to think about this."

"Peter!" Lightning gasped as he went passed the guards.

"Hey! Stop!"

The guards went after the griffin.

"Quick, while they're distracted!" The writer said.

The group ran in soon after.

Lightning saw Peter talking with a freckle-faced, buck teeth princess and a green half-elf.

"Peter!" Lightning cheered.

"Gotcha!" A guard said, grabbing him.

By now, the writer, Ashley, and Munchkin ran in. The guards restrained them.

"Let me go!" Munchkin stated.

"Let them go," Peter stated.

The guards were confused. "What?"

"Let them go."

The guards reluctantly let the group go. Peter introduced his friends to Bean and Elfo.

"So this weird. Meeting creatures that only exist in a storybook." Elfo sheepishly said.

"I can't do this... I can't..." Peter said.

As the group introduced each other, Peter and Elfo went to have chat by themselves.

"So you can't take off whatever's on you?"

"Yeah. You can say it's cursed." Peter replied.

"Is there like... some way to remove it."


The two went to rejoin the others.

"So why are you here?" Bean asked.

"We were traveling with another unicorn named Night Star. She's like Ashley, but she betrayed us and left us for dead here." The writer said.

"I see," Elfo said. "Is there any way we can help you?"

Peter knew exactly what to say. "Yes, we need you to assist us in taking down Night Star."

"But why would Night Star leave you for dead?" Bean asked.

"She wanted us as her pawns and slaves," Peter said.

"Oh, dear."

"We're gonna need more help into taking her down."

"You can count on us," Elfo stated.

"Great!" Peter said.

"You know Bean, as you call yourself a witch, I don't see you using any form of magic," Ashley said.

Bean created a ball of lightning on her hand. It was enough to convince Ashley that she was magical.

"So what next?" The writer said.

"Just getting two people isn't going to help us. We need more support." Peter said to everyone. "Didn't you say your dad was an excellent fighter, Bean?"

"Yeah, but... he retired as the king," Bean said. "And I bet he's grown out of his shiny metal ax."

"But we still need all the help we can get," Peter said. "Where's Zog now?"

"At the retirement home."

Even in the middle ages, there was a retirement home for the elderly. Zog was there.

"Huh? Who is this guy, Bean?" Zog said.

"This is Peter, he's under some sort of curse right now." She said.

"The only way to remove the curse is to help me take down a pony."

"What's in it for me?"

"I thought you were a fighter."

That made Zog miffed. He stood up.

"Oh yeah? I can fight! Bite my shiny metal ax!"

"Perfect," Peter said to himself.

After recruiting Zog to their cause, the teenager insisted to travel across the lands to get help from the others. Bentwood, Elfwood, Dankmire, Maru, and Steamland all agreed to ally the group.

"You know, we never came up with a group name," Ashley said.

"We don't need one." The writer said.

The writer sent the group's allies off for training.

"So we got an army," Munchkin said. "That's going to be helpful against Night Star."

"But we need more," Peter said.

"You have more friends you can recruit for us?" Lightning gasped. "I didn't know you have that many friends!"

The group arrived in a town filled with monsters and humans alike.

"Where are we?" Lightning asked.

"Wakefield, Ohio," Peter said. "I have friends who live there."

As Peter swung his way into the town, the group noticed that, unlike Dreamland where everyone stared at them questioningly, the town seemed to be aware, although unfazed by their existence.

"Are we monsters too?" Munchkin whispered.

"We can't be," Ashley said.

Peter arrived at a certain door. Before pushing the doorbell, he considered whether it was right to reveal himself as Peter. He hit the circle button on the door. An African-American teenager was there.

"Um... hello?" He said.

"Do you know me, Quint?"

Quint's eyes widened. "Peter, what are you doing here? And why are you dressed like Spider-Man?"

"Long story. But I need you to call Jack, June, and Dirk.

Quint Baker called his friends to come over to a reunion lunch at Joe's Pizza.

"You know I can't eat with this thing on," Peter said.

"Oh, sorry about that," Jack said.

"That's okay. I wasn't hungry anyway."

The writer arrived soon after.

"What are you doing?"

"Peter, who's this?" June asked, after wiping her chin of tomato sauce.

"I'm his friend." The writer said.

Ashley, Lightning, and Munchkin arrived in soon after. Jack spat out his water.

"Peter, how many friends do you have?"

After filling in the group with what was going on, the four former monster hunters agreed to assist the group.

"So did we get everybody?" Lightning asked.

"Yes," Peter said. "Let's end this."



After gathering all of their allies, Peter and his friends returned to South Park. On its sign, it was renamed to "Startopia".

"Are you guys ready for this?" Peter said.

"Yeah!" Everyone stated.

The writer went up to Peter. "There's been something that I've been hiding."

Peter looked up.

"I know you know that I'm hiding something."

"How'd you know?"

"I can tell by the look of your face."


"So, do you want me to reveal my secret?"

Peter nodded. "It better not be that you're in love with me."

"What?! No! That's crazy! I have a girlfriend!"

"Wait, is that your secret?"

"No! Just, let me show you!"

In an abandoned alleyway, the writer showed to Peter that he got past Night Star's block on his phone. He explained that before Night Star fled with the relics, the writer used it to unlock the phone without anyone noticing.

"But why would you hide that? No one's going to be upset at you."

"I have to do it without you noticing. Otherwise, Night Star will track us down and stop us before we even began."

"But we already set out to rescue our friends. And we just completed our mission."

"But if Night Star finds out, we'll be dead before we bring back our friends! We need to stop her before we get everyone back."

"Got it."

The two returned to their friends, who had just met and greeted each other.

"Okay, time for a speech!" Bean stated.

Peter was surprised. "Oh? Do you want a speech?"

"Yes!" Everyone cheered.

"Okay," Peter said. "Ladies and Gentlemen... No, that's a bad one."

The teenager started up again.

"Everyone in this area can hear you!" The writer encouraged.

"Yeah! Speech! Speech!" Jack cheered.

"Speech! Speech!" Everyone added.

"Everyone, Night Star is going around, draining power from her allies and enemies alike to gain more power for herself. But we can put a stop to that. We are together, and that's what matters. "

"Yeah!" The writer added. "There's no way she can handle us all at once!"

"Together, we will topple her. Not as many, but one!"

Everyone cheered louder.


Peter regained consciousness. He ran and found the writer trapped under debris. He lifted the debris so that the writer can crawl out.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah... What's going on?"

"We're under attack!" Lightning shouted.

With Ashley and Munchkin helping the survivors, Peter and the Writer made their way outside. Night Star was there, along with her army.

"I knew it," Peter said.

The unicorn with the claim of having "levitation and other powers" chuckled.

"You know, getting your friends to help you isn't going to stop me."

Bean cast a beam of magic, to which Night Star redirected. Ashley stood in the way and blocked the magic. Jack and his friends charged with their weapons raised.

"Bite my shiny metal ax!" Zog shouted.

The unicorn simply telekinetically pushed them away. Peter quickly formed a spider web to catch them in mid-air. Night Star started by using her magic against the group. Peter quickly dodged the attack and webbed her in the face. He latched onto her and gave a good blow.

"You ready to give up?" Peter shouted.

"No!" Night Star said, pushing him away. "I'm just getting started."

The latter had a huge army of creatures at her disposal. Ponies, Changelings, Hippogriffs, Sonichus, Rosechus, Griffins, Dragons, Yaks, and more were emerging from the portals that Night Star summoned.

"CHARGE!" The writer shouted.

Everyone pushed forward. As they fought through Night Star's defense line, Peter focused straight on the unicorn. Webbing her up, he gave several blows to her face. Night Star used her psychic to knock the former away. Seeing everyone else distracted by her army, Night Star used this as an advantage to finish off Peter without interruption. As the teenager in the Spider-Suit struggled to get himself up, he was knocked down again by Night Star's magic blast and was knocked down again.


"Why won't you just die!" Night Star shouted.

"Plot... armor..." Peter grunted.

Night Star charged up her magic and let out a huge burst that got everyone's attention. Peter was motionless on the ground.

"NO!" Ashley screamed.

The writer quickly ran to the sidelines. Night Star kept anyone from reaching her by forming a force field around the unicorn and Peter. The latter was crawling away from Night Star.

"I'm giving you a chance to let your friends live, Peter." Night Star said. "Surely service is better than death."

"I am not a fool," Peter said. "I know you'll kill them."

"Of course I would. Goodbye, Peter. Or should I say, Spider-Man."

Night Star started her work on draining Peter.

"You get away from him!"

Night Star was knocked back by a homing attack. All of Peter's friends were brought back from the writer. He even got help from Newton's country and Unikitty's tribe to assist them. Overall, everyone was here.

"What the? How did you?"

"I let you get the relics." The writer stated. "Just had to do a couple of sacrifices."

"So you let me win." Night Star said. "You're not as worthless as I thought."

All of Peter's friends charged for Night Star. They were immediately crippled by Night Star's magic.

"Gah! She's too strong..." Newton grunted.

"What kind of magic is that..." Unikitty said.

"I don't wanna die!" Luci called out.

"And so it ends, Peter." Night Star said. "They're just throwing their lives away!"

"We're not dead!" Chris calls out.

"Details... Details... You still have to serve me."

"Forget it," Peter said. "We will not serve."

"Then so be it."

Peter was transported away by Night Star.

The teenager regained consciousness. Everything looked pitch black around him.

"Wh-Where am I?"

"Your grave."

Night Star was there in front of him.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have fleas I need to finish."

"I won't let you!" Peter said.

Night Star used her magic to knock Peter down.

"You dare resist me?"

Peter couldn't get up no matter how hard he tried.

"It's over... I can't win... She's too strong..."

MUSIC: "Id: Return" from Fire Emblem: Awakening.

"-ight -ck!"

"You -otta -nd -p!"

Peter got himself up, unable to tell where the voices are coming from.

"Yo- ha- to fig- -ck!"

"Fight back, Peter!" The writer shouted.

"You swore to do so, remember? Now keep your word!" Newton said.

"W-Writer? Newton?" Peter said, looking around. "I can hear you!"

"What? No! You're under my control!" Night Star angrily said.

Peter was hearing voices everywhere.

"Come back to us, Peter!" Unikitty said.

"I know it'll take you more than that to stop you!" Karin said.

"Answer us, Peter!" Chris said.

"Get up, Peter!" Johnson said.

"I know you can do this kid, now don't screw up!" Luci said.

"Don't go, Peter! We need you!" Stan said.

"You're gonna let yourself die from a unicorn? You're stronger than that!" Cartman encouraged.

"Our fate is on your hands, don't let it fall to hers!" Bean stated.

"Come on bud, no giving up now!" Jack said.

"Come on! You can do this! I know you will!" Fox said.

"Get up, Peter!" SNT stated.

Encouraging words from everyone flashed all at once in the teenager's head.

"I can hear them... I can hear my friends!" Peter gasped.


"Come on, Peter! You can do this!"


"I'm coming, everyone! Hold on!"


Ashley fully healed everyone as Peter got back to his senses.

"You're up!" Ashley cheered.

"How did you heal everyone?" Peter asked. "It must've have taken you all lot of magic."

"I didn't use any magic. Remember how I said I had a good singing voice?"

"Okay, so what about it?"

Ashley started singing.

MUSIC: "End of All" from Fire Emblem: Fates.

"What? My powers... they're fading!" Night Star gasped.

"It's working!" Newton said.

"Let's finish this!" The writer stated.


"The tables have turned!" Cartman added.


With the war going on below, Peter surprised Night Star with an attack from behind. Night Star quickly shot back at him. The teenager dodged the attack.

"Come on, Peter! You can do it!" Ike cheered.

Peter kept dodging attacks and did not fight back.

"Why do you flee from me?" Night Star shouted. "Is it because you're weak and cowardly?"

Peter continued to ignore her.

Night Star surprised Peter from the front with an attack.

"BAM! Oh, you got wrecked!" She said.

"Why isn't your singing working?" Newton asked.

Night Star had earplugs on her ears.

"Son of a..."

Night Star prevented anyone from reaching Peter. She then charged a beam of energy.

"Oh god, we're so dead," Wendy said.

"Gah! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Tweek panicked.

"Jesus Tweek, calm down!" Craig said.

A few seconds later, Craig started to panic. "Okay... panic!"

Everyone embraced each other as the light grew brighter. Night Star cast her spell.


A white void was all that remains. The writer, Peter, and Night Star were all that's left. All three were extremely weakened.

"You may bring back your friends, but you are not titans!"

Night Star charged up another energy ball. The writer struggled to get up and stood in between Peter and Night Star. He was hit by the ball.

"Foolish, kid. Foolishness."

Night Star absorbed the writer's soul into her. Her energy was rejuvenated. She then turned to Peter, who was crawling away.

"No one can help you, Caldwell." She said. "You're finished."

Night Star was about to drain Peter, but for some reason, she couldn't.

"Why aren't you dying!" She shouted.

Peter latched onto the writer's phone. He wrote a sentence on it, finally getting the power to stand back up.

"You wanna fight? I'll show you a fight!"

Peter lept into the air and attacked Night Star. Night Star simply blocked him with her magic and sent him flying back.

"She's too strong!" Peter thought. "I can't beat her!"

Peter wrote a line on the phone. He quickly disappeared in a flash of light.

With no one following him, Peter found himself back in South Park. He returned to his place. Ever since becoming Spider-Man, the writer set up a workbench in his hideout to upgrade and repair his suit. Peter wrote a line on the phone, making his Spider-Suit to be taken on off at his pleasing. Taking off the red, white, and blue clothing, he laid it flat on the table and began his work on it. It wasn't difficult at all, it took him all day to work on it. With the night sky rooming outside, he was ready to face her.

Meanwhile, Night Star continued her campaign of conquest. She arrived in North Park, draining energy from the people. The police opened fire at her, only to have their bullets reflected at them. SWAT teams, FBI, and the Army were all proven to be fruitless.

"Once again, we have live footage of the mayor being held captive at the top of the Hasbro tower." A reporter said.

At the very top, Night Star stopped.

"You want me to beg?" The mayor said. "Not gonna happen!"

"Oh, but I have your daughter in my body." Night Star said.

Night Star held the soul of the mayor's daughter.

"No, Renee!" The mayor begged.

"Bow down to me, and I will spare her life."


"What a shame."

The mayor was let go.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He screamed.

The mayor disappeared as he fell through the building.


The mayor suddenly found himself safe on the rooftop of another building. Noticing webbing on his ankle, he saw his savior, a teenager wearing a black Spider-Suit with a gold spider emblem on his chest. He quickly went downstairs to join the other onlookers.

"Stop, Night Star!" Peter said as he landed on the rooftop.

Night Star's body began to glow a radiant pink aura. Her blue and green mane had gold streaks in the middle, her pink coat turned into bright red, red wings emerged from her body, and lightning shot out of her.

"How about, NO!" The newly transformed alicorn stated.

MUSIC: "Stranded Tanker" from Tom Clancy's: The Division 2.

Peter started the fight by webbing Night Star's left hoof.

"Have it your way!" Night Star said, throwing a piece of debris.

Peter caught it and spun in back at her. Night Star lifted Peter into the air with her psychic. Peter quickly fought it off by webbing Night Star in the chest. The alicorn shot blasts of magic to which Peter dodged.

"Why don't you just die!" Night Star shouted.

"Try this!" Peter shouted back.

Peter swung a chunk of metal on his own at the alicorn.

"I see you have a new suit! It won't help!"

"I know your weakness!"

"I have no weaknesses! Enough playing!"

The ground below Peter was electrocuted. He lept into the air and swung off the platform.

"How about a little help, guys!"

Creatures of all kinds came in to assist Night Star.

"Protect our savior!" A changeling shouted.

Peter was overwhelmed by the creatures. He fought them off using a web blossom, trapping them into other buildings and on the rooftop below him.

"I see you learn some new moves!"

"Give it up, Night Star!"

"Take that!"

Peter was knocked out of the sky by Night Star.

"You're giving up already?"

Peter quickly got back into action and shot down Night Star in the sky as well. Night Star broke free of the webbing and volt-tackled Peter, crashing through several buildings in the process.

"You're weak. Alone."

Peter got himself back up. Night Star knocked him down again.

"Don't try it, kid. Don't."

Peter held his breath and focused. He kept calm as he lept himself up into the air and webbed Night Star in the face. Spider-Man then gave off several blows to Night Star, stunning her. The two landed back on the Hasbro tower. By now, it was starting to crumble. The former was pinned by a piece of metal.

"It's over, Peter. You lose..." Night Star wheezed. "Any last words?"

"Yeah..." Peter said. "I do the talking."

With his strength, Spider-Man lifted the metal bar pinning him. He then webbed the alicorn so quickly that she didn't have time to react. The teenager then pushed her over the edge.


SPLAT! Music stops.

Her spell was broken. All of the souls she captured were freed.

"We're free! We're- AHHHHHHHH!" The writer shouted.

What they did not know was that they were still in mid-air. Peter quickly formed a huge spider-web and safely caught everyone. Every single piece of damage Night Star had done was reversed. The crowd cheered below.

"Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man!"

As he landed on the ground, Peter looked around to see everyone cheering on him. But this was not a great victory for him. He swung off into the night.

Peter returned to South Park. As he arrived back home, he saw it empty. On the ground was a note from the landlord.


Owners of this house are required to vacate the premises for the following reasons:

Owners have been charged with child neglect and abuse.

While we do sympathize with relatives of this house's owner, we cannot allow the owners to abuse any more children on this property.

Everything shattered from here.

Days passed. Skye and Aiden were found guilty of child abuse and neglect, despite pleas of not being guilty. They were sentenced to ten years in prison. Newton and Unikitty returned to the Wenja tribe to raise it well. Karin moved into Peter's old house and let him live with her. But it was not the same. One day as they were walking home with the groceries, Peter instantly collapsed onto the floor.

"I can't..." Peter whimpered. "I can't..."

"I know, but I can't change the-"


Karin was surprised by Peter's interjection. "I don't want to hear that word!"

Karin kept silent as Peter continued talking. "I can't do this... Not anymore..."

Gathering his stuff in his backpack, Peter walked out. Karin tried to call out for him, but he didn't want to listen. As the former clutched her heart, she saw him disappear off into the bend.

With everything turning horrible for him, Peter was in an existential crisis. With all of South Park worried about him behind his back, there were no cheers, no tears, no goodbyes, just silence as he disappeared.


I'm sorry everyone. I can't do this. Not anymore. There's always a saying that if one door closes, another one opens. Well, both doors are closed for me. I can't do anything about it. I don't think anything's helping me right now.
