This takes place some time after the movie.

It's been a month since the world was nearly destroyed by Spinel. Beach city has been rebuilt, construction of Little Homeworld continued and everything was relatively back to normal.

Except for …one thing.

Greg was sitting on a lawn chair by his van, as he often does these days. He was alone, contemplating. Even a month later, so many unanwsered questions haunt his human mind.

He has spent his life mostly avoiding gem-related stuff, leaving it to the Crystal Gems and his son to take care of things. He was involved from time to time when his help was needed, like when Lapis Lazuli stole the ocean or when he helped Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot fix the Diamonds' hand ships.

But last month, he experienced something he never thought he would experience.

He fused with his son.

Ever since he attempted fusion with the late Rose Quartz some twenty years ago, he has accepted the fact that he might never fuse. Yet still it happened. And it felt amazing.

He felt so powerful, so… confident… He hasn't felt like that since he was young and still had all his hair.

He and Steven decided to call him ''Steg''.

And he remembers every moment of it, the cool double-necked guitar, the perfect, almost enchanting chords they were blasting out, the song they sung to bring Pearl's memories back…


Kind of ironic that his first time fusing would be to save the one who shamed him for not being able to fuse all those years ago, he thought.

He almost wanted to rub it in her face, but… he just couldn't. Maybe back then he would be delighted to, but now? No way. Both of them have matured past all that childish pettiness.

But he just couldn't shake off that song he… er, the fusion sung. Was it even him? When he and Steven were fused, it felt like his part was the one that poured his heart out in the lyrics. Is that how fusion works? Each part contributing something? Steven was obviously the one giving Steg all those flashy-floaty powers, so Greg too must've added something to the mix. Was it the song?

It was just a harmless song about independence and freewill and all that rubbish, right? If so, then what did he mean when he sung ''Independent TOGETHER''?

Who together with who? Steg with Opal?

He with… Pearl?

What? Why did that thought even cross his mind? That's just silly… is it?

Did the extra confidence he gained from fusing bring forth some repressed feelings in the form of a song?

Feelings for Pearl?

Sure the two became closer recently, with them spending more time together and him even teaching her the bass, but friends do that too. And they are good friends now.

Does a part of him want it to go beyond just friendship?


Why her?

When did it start?

Yeah she's really nice. And they do have a lot in common.

Was it her caring nature? Was it her excessive motherliness towards his son?

Her proud aura of independence?

Suddenly his train of thought is interrupted.

''Hey dad! Lars said he's debuting a new cake he baked at the Big Donut. He said it's a recipe he found online. Better hurry before Amethyst makes it disappear!''

It's Steven. Greg was so distracted by his thoughts he didn't even see his son coming.

''Sure, son. You go on ahead, I'll be right behind you.''

Greg replies, sitting upright.

He stands up, stretches and watches his son run off towards the town. Before he leaves himself, he takes one last gaze at Pearl's cyan bass, leaned against the walls of his van, right next to his electric guitar.

He smiles before making his way to the Big Donut.