Disclaimers: All Fruits Basket characters created Takaya Natsuki-sama

A/N: Some ppl asked me for a continuation of 'Being Nursed Back to Health' I'm not sure if this is a sequel or prequel but Hatori and Ayame reminiscing of when they're 13. It will be short. 3 Chapter most probably.

I'm not sure about the title. Suggestions R appreciated.

Chapter 1

I began curling up his leg, but he grabbed onto my tail and dumped me onto the table, "Stop doing that. Rest."

"But I'm so awake," I said and sneezed.

"That's because you're cold blooded, and right now you're burning up. Stay put and rest."

I sniffled and asked dramatically, "How can you call me cold blooded?"

"Because you are," Hatori stated, "if you don't listen to me, I'll stuff you in the fridge so you're forced to hibernate."

I was amused by his empty threats, "What if I turned back to my human form in there? I'll be crushed. You won't do that-achoo-to me."

He sighed, "I'm really behind in my paper work."

"Ok, ok. I'll rest and won't bug you until you're done. But I get to pick my place of rest."


I grinned, slithered up his arm, draped myself around his neck, and tucked my tail and head into his shirt.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I always wondered how it felt to be a stethoscope," I said smiling, "go do your work."

I could feel his strong steady heartbeat. He hides everything in his heart, doing things for people without needing them to know about it. It's him who changed me…


14 years ago, when the Ayame was 13)

I looked up at the tree, "Are you ready Gure-kun?"

He gave me a thumbs up sign.

"Reno-chan…" I called cheerfully in a singsong voice, "I'm ready to apologize…"

She came over wearing that smirk on her face, "That's smart. I was going to tell the teacher on you for being such a pervert."

I grinned, 'Trying to frame me will you? I'll teach you a lesson…'

I jumped back and pointed up at the branches.

"What?" she said looking up.

Shigure dumped the bucket of bugs onto her. She began running around like a crazy headless chicken, waving her hands about.

I laughed, "Muhahahhaha! That's what you get for trying to accuse me."

"What are you two doing?" Hatori asked.

Reno bumped into me. Poof!

"Ah! Snake!" she screamed.

I grinned, "You scared of snakes? I am the reincarnation of the Snake King. Will you accuse me of doing things I didn't do, from now on?"

She shrieked.

"Enough," Hatori said pulling Reno away and said to her, "follow me."

She was very shaken up but did as he commanded.

I know he was taking her away to erase her memory. Shigure came down, "Uh-oh. You weren't suppose to change."

"So, Hatori will handle it. But did you see the look of shock and horror on her face! That'll teach her to accuse me of being a pervert. I was laying there taking a nap and she walked over me. Then she has the guts to saying I was peeking under her skirt," I said and pouted, "too bad she's going to get her memory erased. She'll forget all about her lesson."

Shigure laughed, "You know Reno likes you. That's why she's so insistent on the fact that you're a peeping tom."

I made a face and flipped my hair, "I am beautiful, aren't I? But why would I want to look at her?"

Hatori came back, looking at me and Shigure disapproval. I don't like him, he's always so serious, and thinking he's better than us.

I curled around a spider, "Hey, Gure-kun, lets use this to scare Shinko into your arms."

"People can't know about us," Hatori said.

I smiled, "That's why we got you, right? You can just erase their memory if they see us transform. No biggie."

He looked at Shigure and stated, "I'll tell Reiji about today's incident."

"I can do it myself," I said.

"I'll do it," he replied and walked away.

Poof! I put on my clothes, "Just once I want to be the one that does the walking away. Why is he always the one ending the conversation?"

Shigure laughed, "You jealous of him?"

"Me jealous of him? No way. He's no fun, unlike you," I said draping my arm around his shoulder, "so what to do now?"

Shigure grinned slyly, "I volunteered for the job of posting fliers for the school dance. Want to post some in the girl's washroom with me?"

I grinned, "Of course! Lets not forget about the girl's locker room."

I walked into the Sohma mansion and Hatori started towards Reiji's house. Probably to tell him about my wrong doing. I sighed, opened the door and muttered, "Tadaima."

I was walking pass the living room and saw my mother soothing my irritation, one year old brother.

"Ayame, you're home. Look after you brother while I go warm his milk."

"Put him in the play pen."

"He can crawl out," she said, "just do it."

I dumped my bag onto the coffee table and began flipping through the magazines.

Yuki crawled up to my leg and said, "Up! Up!"

He wanted me to carry him. I stared at him and scold, "You're so bothersome. Since you're born mother's been obsess about you. I'm not your wet nurse. Shoo, go play with your rat friends."

He giggled and tugged on my pants, "Up! UP!"

I ignored him, 'What should I do tomorrow?'

"Yuki, mommy's got your dinner ready."

'Mama," he said crawling over.

I got up, "I'm going out."

My mother didn't look up and murmured, "Uh-huh."

I frowned, 'You use to care where I went. Now that you got Yuki you don't give a damn, huh?'

I went out. climbed onto the roof and laid back, 'I'm so bored and…alone. How can there be so many people living here and I still have no one to talk to? Shigure's busy looking after Reiji's protégé, Akito, who is put in his care. Hatori, Reiji's confidant is busy tattletale on me. Why does he get to be the one with the ability to erase people's memories? All the others are busy taking care of their children: Momiji, Hatsuharu, and Yuki. Where does that leave me?'

I heard a door slide open and spotted Hatori walking out of Reiji's room.

End of Flashback

I smiled, 'I can't believe what I jerk I use to be. I was actually jealous and envious of you guys. I wish I knew the truth sooner…'

I was getting tired and smiled, 'It's so comfortable here, Tori-kun's heartbeat is so soothing…'


A/N: I know Ayame seems kind of OOC, but hey, remember he's 13. And I don't think he was always like, how he is now. I mean remember when Yuki was a little kid asking him for help and he fling his hands away? But now he's all caring about Yuki. So…

NEways next Chapter is on from Hatori's POV