This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Word Count: 427

Title: Winter Nights

Warnings: Occasional swearing


Assignment 4: First Aid: Task Ten, instant cold packs: Write something set on a winter day/night


Prompt 451 [Weather] Snow

Word 173 [Word] Devine

It was a snowy Winters night, and a snowy blanket covered the lawn of their house. Icicles hung from the windows, and when the light shone through them, they created the effect of lighting up the yard. Inside the two lovers were watching a scary movie on the couch together.

"We are not alone." The TV blared, and Fleur covered her eyes, Tonks hid her grin, she knew her girlfriend would be annoyed if she laughed. Tonks loved scary movies, especially when she got to cuddle with Fleur while they watched them. Tonks was wearing a lavender onesie, fiddling with a silver bracelet on her wrist. She had become so desensitized as an Auror, and her girlfriend often told her that.

Fleur glanced out the window, and Tonks moved to embrace her, it was snowing hard outside. They would be stuck inside, but neither of them minded, at least they were together in the storm.

"It isn't that scary," Tonks said the next time Fleur covered her eyes.

"It's terrible," Fleur said, she had lived a sheltered life growing up, which came across in her mannerisms. A fire was burning in the fireplace, creating a soft red glow in the living room and warming the ladies on the couch.

"You are so gentle," Tonks said, but before Fleur could get upset, she added. "It's one of the reasons I love you." Tonks used her wand to paused the film, ready to set Fleur at ease before they continued to watch.

"I love you too, Tonksie," she replied with a grin. "Isn't the snow divine?" She said, glancing over at the window again, the blue curtains were open a fraction, so they could see the majestic storm that trapped them together in their little house.

Tonks laughed, wrapping a pink fur blanket around Fleur before heading to the kitchen. She returned with two mugs of steaming hot chocolate, with celebratory mini marshmallows.

"What are you celebrating?" Fleur said as she spotted the three pink marshmallows, they only had them on special occasions. Tonks always had three white ones, and she had three pink ones.

"The fact that I didn't kill anyone today," Tonks said, toasting her girlfriend with her mug that said: "I don't give a hufflefuck" in black and yellow. Fleur nodded thoughtfully. Her own mug was pink and had a unicorn on it.

"The night is still young, you can still get called into work," Fleur insisted.

"Not today, today is all about us, and finishing this movie," she said, unpausing the film and discussions stopped.