She loves him. Even if he's oblivious to it. Even if he's in love with somebody else. Even if what he can only offer her is friendship. She loves him. Ana loves Christian.

Ana raised her hand and knocked.

"It's open." She heard him say from the other side of the door.

Twisting the knob to open, she gave the door a gentle push and peeked inside.

There he was— sitting in his chair with grey eyes intensely perusing the document in his hands and mouth pressed into a thin line. Too concentrated in his work, he never bothered to look up and check who just entered.

Sadness crept up in her seeing him that way. Too serious. More reserved than before. Killing himself with work. It had only been six weeks but he had changed a lot since then. Studying him, Ana wished things didn't turn out the way they did.

Sensing he would never notice her presence if she remained silent, she cleared her throat, making him shift his attention and spot her. The crease on his forehead disappeared in an instant.

Christian smiled. "Hey,"

It wasn't his usual bright beam but Ana's heart still skipped a beat being the recipient of it.

"May I come in?" She asked despite knowing she was always welcome in his office.

"Me saying 'no' to you before hadn't stopped you, what makes you think it's different now?" He teased.

For a moment, she saw the old him came out and it made her hopeful that one day, everything would be alright for him.

"I haven't seen you in a while. I thought maybe the rules have changed." She didn't mean to upbraid him and felt ashamed just as soon as she uttered the last word.

Christian had his reasons for doing what he believed would make him feel better and she understood him. But that didn't mean she wasn't hurt by his decision to sulk all on his own than let her be there for him.

They were friends—close friends, she thought—and had been each other's shoulder to lean on over the years. Ana presumed this time would be no different but she was proven wrong when Christian opted to face what happened by himself. Ana could only watch him drown on his pain from a distance, wishing he would allow her to be there for him even if what—or rather who—he needed wasn't her and would never be her.

Guilt crossed Christian's face at her spoken words. It gave her little satisfaction to discover that he was at least aware how terrible of a friend he had been toward her.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy." He apologized.

He was her priority—always had been—so forgiving him came easily. "I understand. Things at work had been hectic, too."

Ana decided to break the ice by stepping inside. Plopping herself on one of the chairs in front of him, her eyes immediately caught the piles of papers crowding his wooden office desk. She couldn't help but frown. "It's Saturday night, Chris."

"I know, I got my calendar and clock." He answered, picking up his mobile phone and waving it at her.

"Yet you're still here."

Christian didn't reply.

"It's Kate's birthday today." She informed him.

Kate was her friend and was also Elliot—Christian's older brother's—girlfriend. Ana met Kate Kavanaugh when they were both freshmen at Washington State University-Vancouver. Somehow, their polar opposite attitudes clicked and they had been friends in an instant. During one of Elliot's visits to her, Ana introduced him to Kate. To her surprise, the two ended up dating and had been together ever since.

"I remembered and already sent her a gift."

"We'll all be at Mancini's for dinner then we'll head out to Purple Emporium for drinks after." She continued, pretending she didn't hear him.

Elliot had booked a private room to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday at Mancini's— Kate's favorite Italian restaurant— then planned on continuing the night at Purple Emporium— one of Seattle's popular bars.

Christian shook his head, catching on the reason why she was there. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"I got work to do."

"Then do it on Monday. It's not like your boss gonna fire you." She retorted, sarcasm laced her tone.

Christian Trevelyan Grey was the CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.—a company he proudly built himself right after earning his management degree from Harvard and made successful over the years. Being a constant presence in his life, Ana had witnessed the GEH's growth since its formulation and she got nothing but respect toward his friend and his work attitude. Christian was a known workaholic, spending most of his hours in his office or wherever he was making deals for GEH. But lately, he'd been working more than his usual, making the people around him worried for him.

"Why couldn't they send Jose instead? Or even Elliot? My life would be a lot easier talking to them than to you."

"The guys know only my charming self can make you hoist yourself up from that expensive leather chair of yours." She answered with confidence, not in any way offended by his words.

Ever since they met, Christian and Ana had been trading banters. It happened a long time ago that she couldn't remember who started teasing who. Those who didn't know the two would initially think they were enemies from the way they taunted each other mercilessly but Christian considered Ana his closest friend. He admitted it to her once.

For Ana—who was an only child, being a couple of years older than her, Christian was like the big brother she never had. Or so she thought. Because the platonic friendship she at first felt toward him had morphed into something more. Something she tried to dismiss but failed. Something they called love.

"You got the shortest stick, didn't you?" He guessed, breaking her out of her musing.

Feigning a defeated look, Ana sighed. "Yeah, it isn't like I wanted to see you, Mr. Grumpy."

The truth was, it was Mia, Christian's younger sister, who got the shortest stick but Ana volunteered to pick Christian up from his office, having not seen him for the past couple of weeks. Thinking that even if she didn't get to make him join them in Kate's celebration, she could use the chance to check on him personally. Calling and texting Taylor, Christian's driver-bodyguard, to ask about her friend almost everyday wasn't as gratifying as seeing him in the flesh. But it wasn't something Ana would ever admit to him.

"I wasn't aware I'm one of Snow White's dwarfs now. Since when?"

Ana smirked. "Oh, I've collected plenty of nicknames for you over the years and Mr. Grumpy's the kindest I have."

"I missed you, Annie." He said all of a sudden, calling her by her childhood nickname.

Dumbfounded, she turned speechless. Her mind was telling her to make a snappy reply, one that would hide how her heart started beating frantically at his words. Ana missed him, too. She was sure Christian missing her wasn't the same way she did but the stupid organ in her chest didn't know that.

He was eyeing her, clearly waiting for her another wise response. Ana faked a cough, taking the time to think fast but all she could muster was a stammering "I-I missed you, too."

And then Christian laughed. It was boisterous and echoed through the entire spacious room.

The sound was like music to her ears. It had been a while since the last time she heard him do that. After everything that went down between him and Olivia, hearing his laughter was a rarity Ana wanted to revel in.

"What is it?" She asked, baffled.

Shaking his head, Christian tried to compose himself. "Nothing."

He stood up, collected his things and went for the exit while she remained sitting, her gaze following him.

Stopping before the door, he looked back at her over his shoulder. "Aren't we suppose to go?"


"To Kate's celebration. I thought you're here to make sure I'll come."

Ana rose up and went beside him hastily. "You're joining us?"

He shrugged. "I can't think of anything better to do."

She rolled her eyes. "You sure are full of yourself, Mr. High and Mighty."

"You love me anyway." He said, giving her a wink before stepping out of his office.

I do and you have no idea, Mr. Clueless. Ana uttered to herself right before following her friend.

From her seat, Ana watched as Elliot dropped down on the floor on one knee and took a small black velvet box out from his pocket. He opened it and removed a beautiful diamond ring from the inside and with trembling hand, gently held Kate's.

"At a certain point," he started, looking nervous. "The idea of spending the rest of my life with one person seemed unimaginable. And then I met you. And I fell head over heels in love. I fell in love with your beauty, your grace, your wisdom. For everything that you are. Now, the only thing I can't imagine is being without you. So...marry me? Please?"

Ana looked at her blonde friend. Kate was sitting frozen in her chair, eyes as wide as saucers, mouth agape. Then her eyes turned watery, the brightest smile spread across her lips. "Yes! Yes!" Her friend answered.

Grinning from ear to ear, Elliot put on the ring on Kate's finger, stood up and pulled her into an embrace. A long kiss was shared between the newly engaged couple as the people around them cheered. Happiness was evident on both of their faces when they parted.

Ana's gaze darted toward Christian—who was standing beside his brother, smiling and clapping. He'd been acting like the old him since their arrival at Mancini's but it was all that it was—an act. She didn't know how but she could easily read him. One look and Ana could tell if what he was showing was real or just a pretense.

Right now, he was pretending. Christian was making everyone believe he was alright but he wasn't. Why would he be? Six weeks ago, the love of his life broke up with him, left the house they were living in together and moved to another country. All for another man.

Olivia Holloway was the love of Christian's life. Standing at 5 feet 9 inches with golden blonde hair, pale blue eyes and an envy-worthy figure, she was perfect to his 6 feet stature, dark copper-colored tress, smoldering grey eyes and slim yet muscular body. Add that to the fact that they were childhood sweethearts.

Living next door to each other for years, the Grey's and the Holloway's were good friends. Ana was pretty sure both families had been confident that Christian and Olivia would end up married to each other. Even Ana would admit, witnessing the two together, no one could look more ideal couple than them.

But Olivia met a man named Gary while on trip in England and broke her 11-year relationship with Christian immediately after her return. She then moved out of the house she was sharing with him, quit her job and left Seattle to live abroad and be with her new man. Last Ana heard was the blonde woman was settling in nicely in her new life. While Olivia was happy, Christian was left broken-hearted.

"I wish he sees you." Mia suddenly spoke beside her.

When Ana turned, she saw her friend looking at her with a rueful smile. "What are you talking about?"

Mia's eyes shifted to Christian. "Don't get me wrong, I love Olivia. She's a friend. But she's not the one for Chris. She never was. My brother failed to see that and got his heart broken. I hope when he's ready to love again, he finally sees you." She then turned to her. "Not only as friend who has been there for him all this time but as a woman who can love him like no other."

'Love?' Ana's face paled. 'Does she know?'

For years, she hid her feelings for Christian, afraid of the risk of losing him had he found out about it. It was difficult and painful— watching him made his dreams come true with someone else. Someone who wasn't her.

But Ana endured it all. Why? Because just the thought of living a life without him even if she was only a friend was more agonizing than having to see him with Olivia. Almost more agonizing.

From the sidelines, she bore witness to their relationship, careful not to overstep any boundary that would make either of them think of her differently. Ana knew who she was and what her role in their lives was.

She was their friend—someone they grew up with. That was all she was and had long ago accepted that fact.

But that didn't mean that Ana's chest never tightened whenever she saw Christian and Olivia together. Nor she didn't cry when the two decided to buy a house and move in together.

Amidst her silent sufferings and longing, Ana tucked her feelings for him away and made sure nobody knew of it. It was her deepest secret—one she was willing to bring to her grave.

Staring in panic at Mia, she started doubting how well she had it hidden.

"Hey," Her friend lightly touched her arm to appease her. "It's alright."

Ana shook her head. It wasn't alright. "H-How?"

"They were all in your eyes—the love, agony, longing. You look at him with so much of those emotions everytime that I couldn't help but hate him a little for what he's unknowingly been doing to you."

'Have I been transparent?' Ana asked herself.

"Don't worry, I never told anyone about it."

Ana released the breath she didn't realize she was holding. "It's nothing. I'm sure it'll disappear soon."

That was a lie.

She was 14 when she first recognized her attraction to the then 16 year old Christian. Who could blame her? Most of the girls in their school were interested in him. Even as a teenager, he was handsome. But apart from his physical look, Christian was intelligent and good with sports. His closed-off demeanor only added to his appeal.

Ana tried to quash her little crush on him, aware how awkward it would be if he learned about it. They grew up together and were friends. Christian wouldn't appreciate her admiring him, she thought. She was also sure it was anything but serious and only her teenage hormones talking.

But over time, what she believed to be a simple infatuation didn't cease. In fact, it became stronger and had developed into something far more intense. Her admiration had turned into love and she was helpless to stop it. It was then that Ana realized she was doomed, for Christian would never feel the same way for her. He had eyes and heart only for one woman. And she wasn't her.

Ana loved him. Even if he was oblivious to it. Even if he was in love with someone else. Even if what he could only offer her was friendship. She loved Christian.

"Is that what you've been telling yourself all these years?" Mia asked, one brow raised.

"No." She sighed. "But it isn't like I like how I feel about him. I don't. As a matter of fact, I hate it. I hate that I'm in love with someone who'll never love me back."


"Ladies, let's go congratulate Kate." Jose approached them, clueless as to what was going on.

Ana was grateful for the interruption. Used to burying her feelings, she felt uneasy discussing them now. She took the chance and strode toward Kate and Elliot, all the while feeling the weight of Mia's eyes on her. She knew they weren't done talking but tonight wasn't about her so her friend had to wait for a while.

As planned, they continued their celebration at Purple Emporium with late night drinking and dancing. Christian joined them much to her surprise. His presence was highly appreciated by those who missed him—Ana included.

"I'm happy you're here, Chris." Kate stated, her half drunk body was leaning against her fiancé.

Sitting and enjoying their alcohol in one of the bar's private rooms, Elliot, Kate, Mia, Jose, Christian and Ana were happily chatting.

He smiled, raised his bottle and took a swig. "I'm glad I didn't miss this night."

Elliot beamed. "I knew Ana could do it."

Already feeling tipsy, Ana didn't catch on what they were talking about and replied defensively. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it."

Christian eyed her beer bottle then smirked. "Someone's getting clearly drunk."

"Please." She rolled her eyes. "I can handle my alcohol just fine. Thank you very much."

"Your slurring of words is telling us otherwise."

Ana was confident she didn't slur. Or did she?

She was only on her third bottle. Or was it her fourth?

She hated to admit but probably Christian was right—she was obviously getting drunk. She couldn't recall how much beer she had already consumed.

Never fond of drinking, Ana always made sure to only drain what she could control. But tonight had been different. Her short talk with Mia left her agitated and she heedlessly sought comfort in beer.

"Says the man whose face is already as red as a beet." She shot back, mentally praising herself for not stuttering.

"I would love to show you to a mirror, Annie. You're looking red yourself."

"I. Am. Alright."

"You aren't when you said ALSHRIGHSHT instead of alright."

"You are incorrigible!"

"It's incorrigible, not SHINCORRISHGIBLESH."

"Ahhh!" She yelled in frustration.

Ana heard the suppressed laughters of their audience. No longer surprised at their jesting, the four people simply watched them. A part of her was happy that Christian seemed to be doing fine even if it was only for tonight. Who knew, maybe after this night, things would be different.

"Come on," She grunted, feeling Christian's weight as he leaned his side against her. "One more step, Chris."

He heard her and lifted one unsteady foot, finally bringing his body to the second floor of his Escala residence. Christian owned the building and recently occupied the penthouse when he vacated the house he once shared with Olivia.

It was almost two in the morning and Kate's birthday-party-turned-engagement-party just ended. Filled with joy and overflowing drinks, the night turned out to be a success with each of them was as intoxicated as the other.

But a small portion of Ana's drunkenness disappeared when she decided she would take care of Christian and his inebriated ass since he made Taylor retired for the evening once the older man brought them to Mancini's hours ago.

Although feeling dizzy, she hailed a cab and gave Escala's address to the driver. She resolved to help Christian to his bed then would take a taxi to bring her home after. It was a good thing she opted to leave Wanda—her old VW Beetle—at her apartment because she was in no capacity to drive.

Ten minutes later, the cab dropped them off at Escala and with the help of the doorman, Ana was able to half drag Christian to the elevator. They went straight to the stairs and slowly took one wavering foot after another until they landed at the top.

"Thank God." She murmured when she reached outside Christian's bedroom and found the door unlocked. Ana didn't notice any keys in his possession and didn't want to disturb Gail, Christian's housekeeper, who she was sure was in deep sleep with her husband, Taylor, in their bedroom downstairs.

As soon as they were inside, Christian stepped away from her and sloppily strode toward the whiskey bottle and empty glass sitting on top of a chest drawer. Ana watched as he poured himself a glassful of alcohol and emptied it in no time.


"She got married today." His voice was slurry when he spoke. "She emailed me to inform me."

Ana knew who he was talking about even without hearing her name. She had no idea Olivia married Gary today. Since the woman left Seattle, Ana lost communication with her. It was only through Grace, Christian's mother, who was good friends with Olivia's mother, did Ana learn that Olivia was living happily in England.

"I'm sorry." She said. She really was. Christian didn't deserve the pain the woman caused.

He shrugged. "At least she had the decency to let me know about it."


He glanced at her. "Want some?" He asked, offering her his empty glass.

Ana shook her head and winced. Her action made her more dizzy. "No, I think I've reached my alcohol quota for the day or for the year."

"Your choice." He said. This time, he drunk unceremoniously from the bottle.

Even with the alcohol in her own system, Ana was aware she should stop him from more drinking. "I think you've had enough."

Ana was met with silence.

"You've always been a good friend, Annie." He noted after a while, staring at her with his muddled gaze. "You're still there even if I treated you badly. Have I ever thank you for all that you do for me?"

"There's this expensive bag I really want but can't afford. That'll be a nice thank you gift."

Christian chuckled. "And you always make me laugh."

Putting the whiskey down, he headed toward her. He placed his hands over her shoulders and stared at her in wonder. "How do you do that? I mean, you know what I need when I myself have no idea what it is. You know me better than anyone, even better than I know myself."

"I— " Her words were cut off by the feel of Christian's lips pressed on hers. Shocked, Ana stood frozen.

Christian's one hand snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him, while the other captured the back of her head, tilting it so he could kiss her deeper. His tongue teased her lips until Ana was powerless to stop him, closed her eyes and finally opened her mouth.

In her drunken haze, a tear fell out of her eyes, torn between finally knowing how his lips tasted and hating herself for enjoying it. Ana knew it was wrong. They were both drunk. Christian would never do what he was currently doing if he was in his right mind. But Ana was a different story. Her feelings for him was obviously clouding her judgement at the moment.

Moments later, she found herself lying naked on Christian's bed with him—also without clothes—on top of her. While his hands roamed all over her body, his lips were busy giving her bare skin nips that would sure bruise later but Ana didn't mind. Her brain was a jumbled mess with coherent thoughts only on how good everything felt with him.

When she felt his hardness poking against her entrance, Ana didn't think twice and spread her legs wider, giving him access. Christian took it as a sign and proceeded to enter her slowly. She noticed him stiffened when he reached her barrier.

He stared at her, wordlessly asking permission to continue.

Eyes tearing up from pain, she nodded. "G-Go on,"

"I'm sorry," He apologized before pushing himself deeper in her, breaking her barrier and going into a place where no else had been.

Ana let out a cry, feeling the ache of being stretched for the very first time.

Christian stopped moving to give her time to adjust to his intrusion. Only when he thought her pain had subsided a little did he move. It was gentle and slow at the beginning but soon turned quick and frenzied all the while pulling unfathomable emotions from Ana.

She was calling his name, her hands were gripping his back tightly, her hips were moving in rhythm with his.

Without pause and more faster, Christian moved on top of her.

"C-Christian," She cried as she reached her climax.

He followed shortly and with a groan, he came.

She felt his release inside her.

"Liv," Ana heard him whispered.

To be continued...