I do not own Rosario Vampire or any of the characters.
New Kid
Damon sighed as he stared out the window. Another year, another waste of time. Not that he didn't have time to waste. Be had plenty of that. He sniffed and growled. The bitch was here. He sighed. Typical. He just couldn't get away from her. Three separate schools and still she was there to bother him. Perfect.
He sniffed again and an eyebrow rose. "New kid. Oh, and you're one of them huh? Interesting. This might be kind of fun."
Damon stare out the window as clouds drifted past. So white and fluffy. It disgusted him. He hated bright things. Even that new girl everyone was so obsessed with, Moka, annoyed him. Her personality was so bright and cheerful. He hated people like that. Sure she was beautiful, but then, all vampires were. He didn't like her though. But the new kid she was spending all of her time with was a lucky fucker for her having taken such a shine to him. He sighed, tapping a finger on his desk, chipping the wood.
"Mister Faust, stop tapping your finger," the teacher said.
Damon sighed, folding his hands behind his head. As he did, several voices reached his ears from his right, one of the girls who had transferred from a separate school like Yokai.
"Who's that boy?" the transfer whispered.
"Sshh!" one of her friends hissed.
"Shit!" her other friend hissed. "Did he hear?"
"I'm not sure," the first friend whispered. " I don't think so."
"Why shouldn't he hear?" the transfer student asked.
"That's Damon Faust," the first friend whispered. "He's a..."
Damon smirked. Not bad. It was a rare occasion when someone was able to whisper quietly enough for him to not hear them. Even now he was actively paging attention to three separate conversations in the rooms around them plus the lesson, a skill that had taken a lot of practice.
"No way!" the transfer student hissed. "For real? What's he doing here?"
"No one knows," the second friend whispered. "He doesn't have any friends. He just sits alone."
"Unless someone makes him mad," the first friend said. "He's super scary when he's mad."
"And rumor has it his family's at war," The second friend said. "Some other family pissed his off and they went ballistic. Apparently it was all out war for generations. Then it just stopped. No one knows why."
"No one?" the transfer student asked.
"Nope," the first friend said. "Well, no one but him. Supposedly he can access bis parents msmories, so he's the only one who knows, but he won't even talk about it. Apparently, though, he was in the war, too. He's still young for his kind, but apparently he's super strong and dangerous."
"Hey, did you hear?" the second friend asked. "Apparently the youngest daughter from that family just showed up this year."
"Oh shit, really?" the first friend asked. "That's not going to go well."
Damon dragged his nail over the desk, quickly carving an image of the New York City skyline, complete with a giant ape on the tower that inevitably was his doom. The teacher glared at him and he sighed, resting his handa behind his head again. After another twenty minutes, the bell rang and he stood, walking out the door only to stop, sniffing. The new kid was at the bottom of the steps. He hadn't been able to introduce himself yet. He should correct that.
He looked down the steps to where he was talking to Moka and smirked, stsring down the steps. "Hey, New Kid."
The kid turned, as did the several dozen others around the stairs.
Damon rolled his eyes, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves, smoothing out his shit's sleeves inside the jacket's. "Tsukune. You're him right? You're one of them?"
"Y-You know w-what I-I am?" Tsukune asked, just as Moka stepped in front of him, glaring.
"Of course I know, I'm a Fire Devil," Damon snorted, stopping halfway down the stairs and leaning on the railing, crossing one leg over the other and restingg his toes on the ground.
"What do you want?" Moka asked.
"Relax, Moka," Damon snorted. "I'm just welcoming him to the school, not starting trouble."
"How do you know my name?" Moka asked.
"Are you kidding?" Damon asked. "You? The great and beautiful Moka?" His smirk dropped off and he grimaced. "I can't go five minutes of my day without hearing your name. It's so annoying."
"Hey you can't talk to-"
He glared at the person off to his right who had spoken and they shrank back in fear as the railing began to glow under his arms. After a moment, he sighed, calming himself. "Sorry. As I was saying, you don't belong here, Tsukune, and eventually, everyone's going to figure it out. Be careful. That won't be a pleasant day. In the mean time, welcome to our school." He continued down the stairs and stopped in front of Tsukune, extending his hand. "I'm Damon Faust."
"Uh...I-I'm Tsukune," Tsukune said.
Damon snorted. "So you are. See you around, New Kid."
"That's it?" Moka asked. "I thought you devils were horrible, vengeful, evil beings that even monsters fear."
"Oh we are," Damon agreed. "My family more than any. But I bare no ill will for his kind." He leaned in to whisper. "They invented McDonalds. And the Internet." He turned, walking away. "Plus, their souls always taste like ash, and I'm not in the mood to steal someone's bag lunch just for that." He made it around three corners before he was cut off.
"What are you doing here?" the one person he had wanted to avoid asked, stepping out in front of him.
"Learning," Damon said. "Same as you."
"And how long were you going to wait before coming after me?" she asked, crossing her arms.
"The feud's over," Damon said. "Why would I be bothered to come after you?"
"Because I'm me and you're you," she said. "The same reason I'm here now."
"That's not how I see it," Damon said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to go sleep through."
"You're not going to surprise me," she snapped.
"On that we'll apparently have to agree to disagree," Damon said, walking into his next classs and laying his head down, driftjng off to sleep almost instantly.
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