Harry's Minerva

Chapter 21

As instructed by Samena, neither Harry nor Minerva were allowed to use magic or physically exert themselves until the night of the ritual. The former thought it was funny that his girlfriend was under the same restrictions as him and poked fun at her every now and then just to rile her up. Since there wasn't much the two of them could do, they spent time opening up more about their respective pasts. They thought it was best to put it all out there in the open since they would likely know it anyway after the ritual. When Harry told Minerva the full extent of the Dursleys abuse, describing the beatings Vernon administered with belts, fists, and feet, Petunia's cold hatred and slave treatment, and Dudley's bullying inside and outside the house, it took a lot of convincing on his part to stop Minerva from destroying them and Dumbledore for abandoning him there. Harry wasn't much better after Minerva described the vitriol her father used to spew at her for being a witch and the occasional, but brutal beatings, he gave her when he was drunk. Her mother's indifference born out of envy that Minerva was able to use magic while at Hogwarts was just as bad as her father's abuse in Harry's mind. If the two of them hadn't already left this world, Harry might have tried to go after them too.

They didn't just focus on the bad in their lives though. No, they traded stories of the good times they've had with their friends, especially Miles and Cal respectively. Each new piece information they learned about each other, only made them appreciate and respect the other even more and strengthened the bond between them. They also spent time watching Aurelia run around on the grounds of Minerva's property, playing fetch with her. Hedwig soared in the skies above them, showing off her abilities through dives and tricks. It helped them keep their moods positive as it was impossible not to experience the joy of the little unicorn or the freedom of the snowy owl.

Thankfully the two days were quiet on the war front, so the rest of the Hoods were able to focus on supporting their leaders. Though they were concerned because of the risks, they knew this was the best chance at getting the horcrux out of Harry. They also believed that he and Minerva were strong enough to survive it. So, instead of becoming overly anxious, they tried to show their support for the couple as much as they could, reminding them of their strength and easing their doubts. Harry and Minerva also made sure Samena was given encouragement as well. They could tell she was concerned about making a mistake that would harm them and they were quick to express their faith in her and her abilities to ease her doubts.

Sensing his mood, Harry's familiars only left his side when it was necessary. The golden unicorn took to sleeping on the floor near his side of the bed while Hedwig perched on the post of the headboard, to keep watch over him and Minerva as they slept.

Overall, the manor had a tense but hopeful atmosphere.

- H.M. –

The dinner right before the ritual was much quieter than usual. Poppy was there with them as she planned on helping Samena take care of them for the aftermath of it. She and the Hoods had to urge Harry, Minerva, and Samena to eat as the three of them were picking at their food.

"I know you three are worried, but you won't do yourself any good on an empty stomach," Tonks prompted, her tone uncharacteristically serious.

"She's right. What you're about to do is going to take all of your strength," Andromeda agreed.

"I know eating may be the last thing you want to do, but your focus needs to be on the ritual," Amelia pointed out.

"Yeah, you don't want a growling stomach to mess up your concentration," Fred said jokingly. He got three small smiles in return.

"Alright we get it," Minerva relented. She and the other two fought back their nerves and started eating, seeing the truth in their words. To distract them from their worries, everyone else started talking about things completely unrelated to the war. It helped and soon enough the three of them had eaten their entire plates.

Fifteen minutes later, Samena stood up, signaling that it was time to go. All of the Hoods and Poppy showered them with hugs and well wishes, trying to give them a last boost of support. Molly pulled Harry into her signature bone-crushing hug, holding him for several seconds and letting him know how proud she was of him. After he had made his rounds to everyone else, Ron and Hermione took Harry to the side. When they were standing in one of the corners of the room, Hermione pulled Harry into a tight hug.

"You're gonna beat this and be free of having that monster in your mind," she encouraged after a moment.

"Let him breath Hermione," Ron exclaimed in amusement. "And Harry, you just go and beat the odds like you always do. We'll be here waiting for."

Harry disengaged from Hermione and grasped Ron's outstretched forearm. "Thanks Ron. Thank you both for being such good friends." The two of them nodded in response, no other words needed.

Once they had spoken to everyone, Harry, carrying Aurelia, Minerva, Samena, and Poppy headed for the Floo. With a wave goodbye, they disappeared into the green flames, leaving the Hoods to wait for word that everything was okay. None of them would be going to sleep until then.

- H.M. -

At Minerva's property, Samena led to group down to the area she'd chosen for the ritual. In a small clearing in the forest, she had constructed a stone circle platform. They could feel the strength of the protective wards around it as they passed through them. Poppy remained outside of them to avoid interfering with the magic, transfiguring a chair to watch from out of a nearby wooden branch. The rest sat down on the platform. Samena grabbed the ceremonial bowl and knife she would need before addressing them.

"Okay, once we start, we cannot stop, so I need you to pay close attention. Like I told you before, first I'm going to collect the needed blood from you three and mix it in with the other ingredients. Then I'll draw the runes on the platform before drawing them on both of you. Once everything is set, I will start he introductory chant. Minerva you'll recite the anchor oath when I give you the signal and Harry, you'll accept it. Then I'll start chanting once more. After that, it'll be up to you two to fight the horcrux. It'll be very painful, but I have the utmost faith in you. As long as you believe in yourselves and each other, you will win."

"Thank you Samena. For all of this."

"Thank me when it's all over. Now, Harry you need to collect the blood from Aurelia personally, to satisfy the requirements of the ritual." Samena handed Harry the knife.

Harry turned to face his familiar, speaking in a soothing tone. "Alright little one. It's time. I'm going to need some of your blood now. I promise I'll be quick, and it shouldn't hurt too much."

Aurelia looked at him, her eyes full of determination as she stretched out her right foreleg to him. She was ready to do her part to help her master. When Harry made a small cut where Samena directed him too, the unicorn didn't even flinch.

"Thank you, Aurelia," Harry said after Samena told him she had enough blood. "Now go sit with Poppy." She nuzzled her nose against his cheek and rubbed her head against Minerva's outstretched hand before trotting over to the healer.

Harry and Minerva used the knife to add their own blood to the bowl as well. Then Samena poured in the phoenix tears, Hungarian horntail blood, and water from the Lake of Virtue before mixing it all up. Once she started drawing the runes around them, Harry and Minerva had a moment to speak.

"Nervous?" Harry asked her.

Minerva ran her hand through his hair before trailing it down and cupping his cheek. "Probably just as nervous as you, but I know you can do this. I've already seen you do so many things thought impossible and I'll be right here with you through the whole process."

"Thank you for doing this with me," Harry replied softly.

Minerva's tone was tender yet determined. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be than by your side. I love you Harry."

"I love you too, Mina." Not caring about Samena or Poppy's presence, he leaned in and kissed her deeply, savoring the feel of her lips on his. She moved her hand until it was pressed over his heart as she moved closer to him. Harry in turn wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. The kiss was slow, full of love and tenderness.

Meanwhile, Samena was concentrating hard to draw out the runic scheme as precisely as she could. First, she worked her way around the edge of the circle. Next, she moved to the middle and drew them in a smaller circle that would be able to fit Harry and Minerva within it. Finally, she drew seven, equally spaced out lines of runes to connect the two circles. She cleared her throat to get their attention when her work was complete, waiting for them to separate before speaking. "Sorry, but it's time. Harry, I need you to remove your shirt so I can draw the runes on your chest." Harry did as she asked. She quickly drew them on his chest and forehead, before turning to do the same to Minerva's forehead.

"Are you both ready?" They sent each other a quick glance before nodding their assent to her. "Then let's begin."

Harry lay down on the platform in the middle of the runic array. Minerva sat down at his head with her legs crossed. Once they were situated, Samena began to chant in Greek. For the first few seconds, nothing seemed to happen. Then, the runes around the edge of the platform began to glow red, starting from the first one Samena drew. When all of the runes on the border were glowing, a smoky white barrier rose up around them. The louder she chanted, the higher the barrier rose until they were completely enclosed by it. The runes continued to light up as well. As soon as the ones on Harry and Minerva were glowing, Samena paused in her chanting to address Minerva.

"Orkízeste na chrisiméfsete os ánkyra gia ton Chári Tzéims Póter?" Samena asked (Do you swear to serve as an anchor for Harry James Potter?)

Without hesitation, Minerva replied saying, "Apó símera kai metá, egó, i Minerva McGonagall, orkízomai na eímai i ánkyra tou Chári Tzéims Póter." (From now on, I, Minerva McGonagall, swear to be Harry James Potter's anchor.

Then Samena turned to Harry. "Apodécheste aftón ton órko?" (Do you accept this oath?)

"Apodéchomai ton órko tou Minerva McGonagall," he replied. (I accept the oath of Minerva McGonagall.)

A golden glow surrounded Harry and Minerva to signal that the oath had been accepted and the anchor bond formed. After Minerva placed her hands on the sides of Harry's head as instructed, Samena began to chant again.

This time her voice was harsher as she began the process of purging the horcrux from his soul. Almost immediately, Harry's scar began to burn as it tried to fight against the power of the ritual. It wasn't worse than anything he'd handled before, so at first. he barely noticed it. Then, the pain started radiating outward from his scar, spreading until he felt a burning sensation all over his body. Like with the barrier, the pain intensified in conjunction with the raising of Samena's voice. He tried his best to bear it, but it became harder as the seconds ticked by.

Just when he though he couldn't take anymore, he felt a foreign magic surround him. It only took him a moment to recognize it as Minerva's. Knowing he needed her help, he let her in fully. Having her their made a difference, and he was able to bear the pain. He understood perfectly why it was called an anchor bond, because her presence was literally keeping him tethered to reality. Despite the relief he felt at not being alone, the battle wasn't over as the pain continued to increase.

Then, Samena cried out with a loud shout, "Tóra, na eíste eléftheroi." (Now, be free.)

Harry felt an excruciating sharp pain at his scar before he was forcibly sent to his mindscape. Despite being inside his mind, he could still feel the pain and it took everything in him to remain standing. A maelstrom of dark energy swirled around in front of him, originating from the source of his connection with Voldemort. Before he could investigate it further, the energy morphed until a younger version of Voldemort stood before him.

"You were foolish for performing this ritual. Now I will gain total control over your body and magic," Voldemort hissed.

"No. I'm going to destroy you, once and for all. First in my mind and then I'll take care of the rest of you," Harry rebutted fiercely.

Voldemort laughed coldly. "You will die here, boy." Then he sent a black beam of dark magic right at Harry.

Harry instinctively formed a white shield of pure magic in front of him to block it. An effect similar to the Priori Incantatem from the graveyard happened and he was once again in a battle of wills with his enemy. Unlike the last time though, Harry was in much more pain. Knowing this, Voldemort pushed more magic at Harry, his beam growing larger and larger.

"Surrender boy and I'll end your suffering," Voldemort taunted, thinking that Harry was done for.

"Never," Harry uttered in response.

"Don't be stupid. There is no chance for you to win. Give up and I will give you a quick death."

"No! I won't give you the satisfaction. Besides, you've never managed to beat me before. Why should I believe you can now?"

"Insolent brat. Now you will suffer!" Voldemort pushed even more power into his magic.

As much agony he was in, Harry knew he couldn't give up, no matter what. He blocked out Voldemort's taunts and focused his thoughts on everything he had to live for. The Hoods. Dobby, Winky, and Kreacher. Hedwig and Aurelia. And most of all, Minerva. With her, he had a true chance at happiness, and he was not going to let that go. He had to live. For them, but especially for her.

Almost as if he summoned her with his thoughts, Minerva appeared beside him.

"Mina, I don't know how much more I can take," Harry admitted quietly.

"That's why I'm here. Together we can defeat him," she replied, her tone confident. "As long as I'm here, you will never be alone."

"You think she will make any difference. Your destruction is inevitable," Voldemort declared, interrupting them.

"No, yours is," Minerva countered.

She joined her magic with his, causing the white beam to grow until it was larger than Voldemort's. After a few seconds, they started pushing him back, putting all of their remaining strength into their efforts. The dark wizard realized that he was starting to lose and tried to regain momentum, but it was too late. The couple's combined might steadily gained ground on him.

The moment their magic impacted with Voldemort he let out a piercing scream as his body started to disintegrate. "NOOO!" he shouted, before puffing into a black cloud of dust.

Harry and Minerva continued to push their magic forward until it reached the source of the horcrux. With a loud bang, it was destroyed, and they were both forced out of Harry's mind. At the same time, several hundred miles away, Voldemort experienced a pain like no other unexpectedly, causing him to scream. His death eaters tried to tend to him, but he pushed them all away, commanding them to leave him and bring Snape to him.

Back in the real world, another beam of pure energy shot from Harry's chest into the sky, expelling the foreign soul fragment from his forever more. Black ichor streamed from his scar and down his face. Harry looked up into Minerva's eyes and muttered, "Thank you," before passing out.

Minerva wasn't much better, but she had enough strength to wipe off some of the ichor on his face with her sleeve. "Is it over?" she asked, noticing that the barrier was no longer there, and the runes had stopped glowing.

Samena nodded, a small, tired smile on her face. "It is done. He is now free." Tears of relief fell down Minerva's face as she realized Harry no longer had to carry that burden. While she tried to compose herself, Samena gestured for Poppy to come forward. Together, the two of them cleaned the couple up and checked to make sure they hadn't suffered any adverse effects. Aurelia trotted over to make sure her master and his mate were okay. By the time they finished, Minerva was barely able to keep her eyes open.

"Don't fight your sleep, Minerva. We'll take care of everything," Poppy urged softly. Minerva nodded before succumbing to her exhaustion. Poppy and Samena levitated both of them onto conjured stretchers and transported them to the house. Once inside, they lay them down in Harry's room and pulled the covers over their bodies. Then they summoned Dobby to watch them while they went to the manor to inform the Hoods that the ritual was successful.

- H.M. –

Around nine the next morning, Minerva stirred awake. Harry was still sleeping soundly beside her, his arm wrapped around her back. Tucked into his side with her hand laying on his chest, she took a moment to relish the beating of his heart. She was tired and sore all over from the ritual, having felt some of the pain he had endured. Knowing that he was still alive and here with her though, made all of the pain worth it.

Minerva knew they were alone as she couldn't sense anyone else's presence nearby. The curtains on the window were pulled back, letting some sunlight in. A peaceful atmosphere filled the room, and Minerva reveled in it. She lay there for a few more moments before feeling Harry start to wake up.

"Morning," Harry whispered gruffly as he opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Good morning to you," Minerva replied, moving her hand up to his cheek. "How are you feeling?"

Harry snorted in amusement. "Like I was sucked up by a tornado and tossed and turned all over before being thrown out." Minerva shook her head at him, though she couldn't blame him for his vivid description. "Seriously though, I feel like crap and everything hurts. But at the same time, I feel lighter than I can ever remember."

"It's called freedom. You should enjoy it."

"I will as long as you enjoy it with me."

"I suppose I can manage that," she teased.

Harry laughed. "I'd get you for that, but I don't really have the strength. By the way, how are you feeling?" He knew that she'd felt some his pain last night.

"Not as bad as you, but the ritual drained me as well." Seeing Harry trying to visually check her, she reassured him. "I'm okay Harry, honestly. Just tired and sore. And all of it is worth it. Your freedom is what's important."

"I don't know if I managed to thank you last night, but I want you to know how much I appreciate what you did for me. I couldn't have done it without you."

"You did get out a thank you before you passed out, but you're welcome. I'm happy I was able to help you."

Before they could say anything else, Poppy and Samena came walking through the door. Aurelia and Hedwig were with them as well. The unicorn moved over to Harry's side of the bed, greeting him by licking his outstretched hand. Then she lifted her head so he could pet her. Meanwhile, Hedwig perched on the bed in front of him, giving him a piercing stare.

"Hey there Hedwig and Aurelia. I see you came to make sure I was okay," Harry said as he stroked them simultaneously. Seeing the look Hedwig was giving him, he was quick to confirm that he was okay. "I promise I'm good Hedwig. In fact, I'll be better than I've ever been once I'm fully recovered." Hedwig hooted softly to show her satisfaction with his answer before hoping onto his shoulder where Minerva stroked her feathers as well.

"Good morning. It's good to see you both awake," Poppy greeted after Harry had finished talking to his familiars.

"I'm actually surprised you're awake this early. I could have sworn you would sleep until the afternoon," Samena remarked.

Harry laughed lightly. "I'm pretty sure our bodies are hard-wired to wake up early."

"That is very likely," Minerva agreed.

"Well either way, it's great to see you both in good spirits," Samena said.

Poppy placed her healer bag on the bed and began taking a few potions out of it. "I have kept an eye on you throughout the night, but I want to do another check before I give you some potions to help you feel better and regain your strength." When both of them nodded, she drew her wand and started waving it over them. "As expected, you two are doing well. Both of your cores are almost completely refilled, and there is no damage from the ritual. I'm just going to give you both a potion to help with the soreness and exhaustion you're undoubtedly feeling. As for restrictions, no use of magic or physical exertion today. As long as your cores are completely filled and you're feeling better tomorrow, I'll lift it then."

"Thank you as always for taking such good care of us," Minerva said. Harry thanked the healer as well.

Samena waved her wand over them next, activating her Aura sight to check on their bond. "Your bond has completely stabilized overnight, though it's not fully developed yet. That won't happen until your cores are recharged. Have you noticed any effects from it?"

The two thought for a moment before Minerva answered first. "We definitely have all of each other's memories. I remember seeing some of Harry's in my dream."

"Me too, but I pushed them to the back of my mind to sort through later," Harry noted. He grasped his chin thoughtfully and turned to Minerva. "I think I can feel your presence in my mind."

Minerva examined herself as well, coming to the same conclusion. "So can I."

"I suggest the two of you continued to explore that then. Other effects or abilities likely will develop over time, especially due to how strong and compatible you are," Samena concluded.

"Now, I'm sure you need more rest, so Winky will bring you something to eat. You can come back to the manor for dinner if you feel up to it. We've already told everyone else how you're doing, and I will update them when I get back. Take as much time as you need."

Once it was just the couple and Harry's familiars left in the room, Winky popped in with breakfast for the former and snacks for the latter.

"I'm glad to see you both feeling better after the ritual. I can feel that you are now free from that evil wizard," Winky remarked after she had given them their food.

"Thanks, Winky. I'm glad to be free of him too. Now I just have to finish him for good," Harry replied.

"Don't worry Master, you will. Then you and Mistress can take a long vacation." Winky popped away after smiling at the idea.

"I like the sound of that," Minerva noted when the house-elf was gone.

"I do too. You can give me a personal tour around the world," Harry replied.

"Something to look forward to then."

"And motivation to win as soon as possible."

- H.M. –

Harry and Minerva got back to the manor during dinner time. They were greeted by a surprise party to celebrate their successful completion of the ritual and the destruction of the horcrux. Both Molly and Hermione wrapped Harry up into tight hugs of relief that he was still alive and well. The others also made sure to hug on both of them to express their relief as well. After they were able to sit down, they saw that all of their favorite foods and desserts were spread out on the table. The Hoods were grateful that their leader was free and that they had moved forward another step in the direction of defeating Voldemort for good. Overall, the atmosphere in the manor that night was full of joy and they were able to ignore the sadness and fear of the war.

- H.M. –

Two days later Minerva, Harry, Andromeda, Amelia, Matthew, and Samena went to meet with the Hogwarts professors to inform them of the changes that would occur the next day. They were meeting them in a little-known restaurant in Diagon Alley called Josh's Place, that Andromeda frequented when she needed to meet her clients in secret and her office wasn't an option. After much debate, the group had decided to only invite Flitwick and Sprout to the meeting. There was simply too much riding on this plan being kept secret for them to risk telling the others. Just like how they'd handled the meeting with the school's governors, Minerva and Amelia would speak with them first and the others would join when signaled. The bond between Harry and Minerva made the signaling part easy as they'd learned that they could feel each other's emotions, able to get a general sense of what the other wanted, though not full-blown thoughts.

They arrived about thirty minutes before Minerva had asked the professors to be there, which was at 11. The owner, obviously named Josh, led them to the table he'd set up for the occasion after Andromeda had set up the reservation. It was placed in the far corner of the room, with enough seating for them all. There were refreshments spread out on the table as well.

"Those of you who need to remain hidden at first can wait in the kitchen. The door is right over there," Josh informed them, pointing to a door a few feet to the left of them.

"Thank you for setting all of this up at such a late hour Josh," Andromeda replied. "I know this is after hours and at short notice."

"No trouble at all. Anything to help stop that so-called dark lord," he replied directing a pointed gaze at Harry. When he saw Harry's stiffen at the recognition, he added, "Don't worry lad. I won't be telling anyone about your visit here. I can understand your need for secrecy and helping you means we get one step closer to being finished with this war."

Harry nodded his head in thanks. "Now, if you need anything just let me know." He walked off to head to his apartment that was above the restaurant.

"Well, guess we better head to the kitchen. Everyone should be arriving soon," Andromeda announced.

"Just let me know when you're ready for us," Harry told Minerva in a soft voice.

"I will," she replied.

"Alright lovebirds, you two can spend a few minutes away from each other," Samena joked when the two had been gazing at each other for a few seconds too long. Then she looped her arm through Harry's and tugged him to the kitchen as he laughed. The others, except for Amelia followed behind them, leaving Minerva to shake her head at her friend.

"You two are going to have avoid that if you don't want anyone to find out anytime soon," Amelia remarked. She laughed at the slightly annoyed look on Minerva's face.

"We will. We've just gotten used to being free," Minerva said after a moment.

Amelia nodded in understanding. "I know and I wish you two didn't have to hide at all. But one day, sooner than you think, you'll be able to be free all of the time. And everyone will have to keep their opinions to themselves if they know what's good for them."

Minerva silently thought that that day couldn't come soon enough. She didn't like them having to keep it a secret, but it was for the best right now. Shaking her head, she cleared her mind to prepare for the meeting.

Ten minutes later, Flitwick and Sprout walked through the door. They scanned the room until they spotted the two witches and walked over to them, taking seats across from them when they reached the table.

After they had all greeted each other, Flitwick dived straight into his questions. "Minerva where have you been, my friend? We've only seen you at the staff meetings and you're always the first one to leave. I tried to ask Albus about it, but he claimed he didn't know either."

"And what do you have to tell us that requires us to meet in secret at this late hour?" Sprout added.

Minerva sighed. "That, my friends, is a long story. I can't tell you everything, but I promise that we'll explain as much as we can. I do need your word that you won't tell anyone what we discuss tonight." Without hesitation, both of them complied, knowing that she would ask it of them if it wasn't important.

"The reason for this meeting is to inform you about some changes that will occur at Hogwarts this school year," Amelia stated.

"Changes that we managed to convince the board of governors to agree to," Minerva continued. "Though some of them didn't necessarily like them. But the majority ruled in our favor."

Sprout raised her eyebrow. "What kind of changes?"

"To put it bluntly, Dumbledore will no longer be the Headmaster after tomorrow," Minerva said. Both of the professor's eyes opened and mouths dropped in shock.

"How did you get the governors to agree to that?" Sprout asked after she had composed herself some.

"We pointed out exactly how Dumbledore had failed as a headmaster over the past few years, citing his questionable hiring choices and his lax in protection for the students," Amelia explained. The fact that neither of them asked her to explain Dumbledore's failures, showed that they too were upset at what he had allowed to happen over the past few years.

"Then we gave evidence of why he should never, ever, be in charge of the welfare of children," Minerva added.

"What do you mean?" Flitwick asked, wondering where she was going.

"Before I get to that, I should tell you that Dumbledore won't be the only staff change," Minerva said.

"Well, you're obviously going to be the headmistress," Sprout interjected.

"And I have a feeling that Severus will no longer have a job either," Flitwick inferred.

Minerva nodded in confirmation. "Both of you are correct. I'll need a deputy though. I'd ask you Pomona, but I know you're busy enough with your Head of House duties as well as taking care of all of the greenhouses. So Filius, if you're willing, I'd like for you to fill that position."

"I would be honored," Flitwick replied.

"Thank you, I'll definitely need your help to fix everything that Dumbledore has either actively messed up or simply neglected."

"That's an understatement," Sprout remarked bitterly. "Honestly, I was considering going to the board of governors myself. The things he's allowed Snape to get away with and the events of the past five school years are nothing less than a crime. But, when Amelia here was elected Minister and you never came back to the school like you usually do, I had a hunch that you were planning something." Minerva smiled slightly. Though most overlooked her as a kindly soul who was good with plants, Sprout could be dangerous when provoked.

"So, who will be joining our staff then?" Flitwick inquired.

"Well there will be four new members total, as Binns will no longer be allowed to teach either. It's time that our students got a more comprehensive education about the history of our society. A warning before I call them in here, you will probably be surprised by at least one of our choices, but I assure you that everyone is more than qualified." When they nodded in understanding, she let Harry know that she was ready for them. A few seconds later, the door to the kitchen opened up and the rest of the group walked into the room. The two were shocked once more when they recognized Harry among the others.

Amelia introduced the group and their positions while the professors got over their surprise and the others sat down. "We have Andromeda Tonks who will replace Binns as the History of Magic professor. Samena Easton will take Snape's job as Potions professor and Head of Slytherin house. Matthew Copeland will take both of Minerva's old jobs. And last but not least, Harry will be our new Defense professor."

"Don't get me wrong Minerva, I'm well aware that Mr. Potter is a very talented student who did an excellent job teaching the DA last year, but isn't he still technically a… well student?" Flitwick asked cautiously.

"You would be correct in your assumption, but I had him take his NEWTs in Defense and Transfiguration a few weeks ago. He impressed the proctors so much that they awarded him masteries in both subjects." Minerva couldn't keep the pride out of her voice if she tried, making Harry blush slightly.

"Congratulations Mr. Potter. I always knew there was something special about you," Flitwick praised.

"Yes, congratulations indeed. You should be very proud of yourself," Sprout observed.

"Thank you, Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout, and please, call me Harry," he replied in a humble tone.

"Only if you call me Filius."

"And me Pomona. We are colleagues now after all."

Harry laughed. "Yes, we are, aren't we? That'll definitely take some getting used to."

"Don't worry, you'll feel like part of the staff in no time," Sprout assured him. Then she focused her attention on Matthew. "Is that really you Matthew? I never thought anyone could convince you to come back to England. Last I heard, you were in America living among the Native Americans."

Matthew laughed. "I was until this one right here roped me into coming back." He pointed to Minerva as he spoke. When he saw the looks of confusion that he was getting from the others he said, "Me and Pomona went to Hogwarts around the same time, though I was a year ahead of her."

"You never told me that," Minerva noted.

Matthew shrugged. "It never came up, I guess."

"Well we're glad to have you back. You're almost as good as Minerva is when it comes to Transfiguration so I'm sure the students will benefit under your tutelage," Sprout said.

"They also certainly will learn a lot more about history with you teaching them Andromeda, though some might complain about losing their nap period. And the Slytherins are in for a shock when they meet you Ms. Easton. I am correct in assuming that you are the Samena famous for studying ancient magic, yes?" Flitwick said.

"You are correct," Samena confirmed.

"It's good to have you all aboard then. I'm sure the rest of the staff will welcome you all as well once they get over their shock," Flitwick added.

"You should know that we expect a fight, though," Amelia said grimly. "Which is why there will be aurors present at the start-of-term feast. They will be hidden until after the sorting, which is when the announcement will be made. I will also have some remain at the school full time as an added layer of security."

"Do you really think Dumbledore would risk damaging his image in public?" Sprout asked.

Harry scoffed. "His image will already be damaged after we list the reasons for him being fired. Especially since they will include how he left me in an abusive environment, even after I told him how I was treated."

"I doubt he'll be able to maintain his grandfatherly façade after that," Minerva asserted, remembering how the man had tried to kidnap Harry. "And even if he does, Snape is guaranteed to fight. That man barely keeps his temper in check on a regular day."

Flitwick nodded sadly and replied in a solemn tone. "That is very true. It's unfortunate that one has failed to grow out of their hatred and the other has fallen so far. But we will prepare ourselves for whatever we may face."

After that, they went over the specifics of the plan with them. Then all of them returned back to their respective homes to get some rest in preparation for what would likely be a hectic day.

AN: Finally Harry is free from Voldie. Unfortunately it means he won't be able to sneak around in his mind anymore, but I feel that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Next chapter will have most of them returning back to Hogwarts.