My dear little broccolis💚💚💚

Chapter 1: Loving Clary

💚 So, this is yet another old thing I dug up from the depth of my computer. I know you're all waiting for other updates, as I said, I am working on my own books, and it takes a lot of time. But this is my way of making you wait a little longer. As you know, I am working on my book series at the moment, and the third book is coming soon, which I'm sure you will jump on the occasion to get when it will be out😉 If you want to read the first two, you can get them on Amazon, paperback and ebook, and if you read it, don't forget to drop a rate & review there and on Goodreads

💚 ‼️ALSO, READ THIS BEFORE READING THE STORY‼️ This is a story that is a bit unconventional. But don't jump to conclusions, it's not what you think, just go with the story and see where I'm taking you.

💚 Love, Mina

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Jace's PoV.

"Come on, Jace. Hurry up! Simon is probably already waiting for us over there!"

Just to annoy her, I decrease my driving, and she growls out loud, all the while glaring at me. If only she knew how cute she is when she is doing that. It's as if I can see a little kitten morph into a majesteous lioness. But it's not like I'm ever going to tell her that. She's off-limits, freaking off limits and every time I try to actually say something nice to her, she looks at me funny, waiting for something to strike back.

And now she just graduated, and she keeps on babbling about how she is going to have the time of her life in Europe, but all I can hear is that she is leaving. She is leaving me behind without so much of a glimpse behind. For weeks all I've heard about was Europe this and Europe that. She filled my head with Moscow's colours, Rome's architectures, Paris' castles, Berlin's museums, London's gardens. But all I hear is that she'll be there without me.

She didn't even ask me to go with her. We used to do everything together, but now, she didn't even think of asking me to go with her! I used to be her rock, her everything, but now she just simply doesn't care anymore. She didn't even ask me to be her ride at the freaking airport. She asked freaking stupid Simon, under the pretext that 'I was too busy for her to bother me now'.

Simon, or the lost puppy who is desperately in love with the most oblivious girl on the planet. Even freaking Stevie Wonder could see that he was in love with her, but of course, she doesn't notice. She's too high in that little bubble of her, picturing herself doing God knows what.

"You will visit me right?"


I can feel her looking at me with big goggling eyes because of the cold tone I used and so I turn my head to her, a small smirk on my lips. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't. I can't think like that.

"It's your fault really. What a stupid idea to go all the way to stupid Europe to do your studies. What's wrong with good old comfy New York?"

I didn't even know she wanted to go to Europe. Well, I knew she wanted to go, but not that she would actually do it. I learned the freaking news just two days ago when I came back from my crappy apartment for her graduation. Talk about sharing big life changes! I knew I shouldn't have come, but let's face it, she never would have forgiven me if I hadn't come.

And now we are on our way to this stupid and cliché graduation party because I know what those parties are all about, and there is no way in hell that I'll let her go unsupervised. Yeah I know, that makes me an overprotective asshole, but what can I say, it's just me.

"I know you won't listen to me, you never do, but please, don't drink tonight."

"You're the designated driver, you're the one who shouldn't drink! You have no rights to..."


She breathes deep through her nose, and I already know that she's going to shout at me.

"If I want to drink, I am going to drink. If I want to use drugs, I am going to use drugs. If I want to have sex, I am ..."

"Oh no, you're not!"

"Oh yes, I will! You have nothing to say in the matter, Jace! And you better not pull that scary look on every guy who comes near me or I will chop your balls off!"

I sigh and brusquely park the car, only to turn to her who is watching with horror her phone. She shows me the time and presses me to hurry. When I'm telling you this girl is oblivious. Completely oblivious!

"I'm not driving you to a night of depravity."

"Then don't!"

In one swift motion she is out of the car and already walking to her stupid damn party. It's only now that I notice we are just minutes away from the damn party house and so she can walk there without a problem.

I growl out of frustration and punch the stirring wheel before leaving the car also and catching up to her.

"Took you the time."

I swallow back my desire to swing her on my shoulder and bring her back home, and just unwillingly follow her. She's a little bit taller than usual because she's wearing heels along with a dress I've never seen on her. To be completely honest, I haven't seen her in dress ever since her tenth birthday when she threw a fit for looking so much like a 'daddy's little girl'. I had thrown mud at her that day and told her that now she looked like nothing, and she had laughed with me for hours. We still do, sometimes when we think of it.

But now she is wearing the girliest dress of them all, and on her, it's just a calling of temptation. If only I could pin her against a wall and let my hands travel on her showing and untouched skin. If only I could lift a little her goofy red dress and show her how much she is affecting me right now. If only I could kiss her senseless until her lips are swollen and she'd ask me for more. If only I could get a grip on myself and stop thinking about her like that. It's not like I don't know better. How many cold showers did I have to take because of her?

"Smile! Kaelie is supposed to be there."

I repress myself from rolling my eyes, and she enters the house not without turning one last time to look at me and kiss me on my cheek. I follow her, knowing that the end of the night won't come quickly enough. I don't know anyone there because my promotion was two years ago and the only people that I know are Clary's friends or girls I hooked up with during high school.

From afar I watch her running to Simon and jumping in his arms, all giddy and giggling, and it annoys me because she doesn't do that to me anymore. Up until last year, I used to be her whole and everything. But ever since I left, something changed in her way to act with me. And I didn't even change cities. So what will happen to us when she'll go to freaking Europe!?

The party remains quite uneventful. Sure a few girls tried to lure me upstairs, but I just blew them off with the excuse of a 'girlfriend' back in Brooklyn. No, the really annoying thing is the guys who try to approach her, and that she let them with that innocent and naive face of hers. I think I glared so much tonight that my eyes are about to fall off their sockets.

When we're finally back in the car and on our way to the house, she's completely wasted.

"Mom's going to kill me! I'm way passed cover few!"

"I called her don't worry."

"You're the best Jace! My knight in shining golden armour! Do you want something as a token of my gratitude?"

Yeah, she's completely wasted. She's starting to giggle and sings on the top of her lungs. I decide then, that it's better that I bring her back to my place because I know she doesn't need to be scolded tomorrow about her 'irresponsible actions as a teenage girl'.

As we get into my small apartment she asks me why I didn't bring her to her place and I just tell her it's better like that. She doesn't question it and I slowly lay her in my bed. Doing so, I realize that even though we are still living in the same city, she never came to see me here. Not even once.

"Come Jace. Just like the good old times, I want to feel you next to me again."

She grabs my arm and pulls me next to her. For such a little piece of a person, she is damn strong. I lay there and slowly she snuggles against my chest and plays with her delicate fingers and my chest. Thank God she is drunk because otherwise, she would be all too aware of my unsteady heart.

"I missed you so much, Jace. I'm going to miss you even more. If only ... things were different."

I couldn't agree more. If only things were different. If only I could just roll to be on top of her and kiss her. If only I could tell her how I feel without feeling so terrible. If only she could be mine for now and ever.


.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.


"Well, I guess this is goodbye."

We're all at the airport and Clary is staring at the four of us, a messenger bag slung over her shoulder. She only has that and a bean bag because she wants to make a new life out of her journey. Her eyes should be all teary, but she's grinning, probably thinking of all the crazy things she'll do in Europe. Maybe I should buy a ticket and follow her. Just to make sure she'll be okay.

"I'll be back in no time. You won't even have time to miss me."

"Or you'll drown in Venice."

She laughs with Simon and then she hugs him before hugging Mom and Dad. Then, she turns to me and hugs me. I give her back her embrace, knowing that I'll never have more, and she whispers to me:

"It's okay Jace. I'll be okay."

"Be careful Clary... I love you."

"It's not like you have a choice, you're my brother."

She chuckles and shakes her head before turning her back to us and half-dancing half-jumping her way to the check-in point.

Yeah I know, I'm the most twisted person of the world, I'm in love with my little sister.

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💚Your thoughts and opinions are always welcomed💚

💚 Sooooooo. Let me know what you think. This story is ten chapters if I recall, so it will be very short, and light-hearted, the plot is really easy to follow, and there are no big twists. Just go with me.

💚And for those wondering about my books, they are from a book series called The Hearts Series. The first book is called Blooming Hearts, or How Lust Turns To Love. The second books is called, Fighting Hearts, or How Love Turns To Angst. They are both available on Amazon, Kindle format and paperback. Let me know when you get them via Instagram, that will put a smile on my face.

Anyway, Cassandra Clare owns the names of the characters from the Mortal Instruments franchise, everything else is mine.

Love, Mina💚💚💚