A/N: I honestly thought I wasn't going to be doing any more of this. I have no reviews for this story, and one follow and one favorite (as of YESTERDAY, thanks Katoptris12!). But...people keep reading it. And I was really looking forward to Camicazi's chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


If Camicazi had understood right, the black dragon, Moon, had just said something about Alvin. As in, Alvin the Treacherous (or Alvin the Poor-But-Honest-Farmer, the Thin Prefect, Terrific Al, and a good number of equally false names). As in, the guy who had died:

1. By being thrown into a coffin, which was then thrown into the sea.

2. By being eaten by a Monstrous Strangulator.

3. By being almost eaten by Sharkworms. (Camicazi always wished it had been a little more than almost. Barely would have worked.)

4. By being eaten by a Fire-Dragon. Alvin had very bad luck with dragons.

5. By falling into a blazing inferno. (Camicazi quite liked the word "inferno". She'd decided that Inferno would be the perfect name for her next hunting dragon- preferably an Exterminator, or at least a Skullion or something equally deadly. Camicazi had a type.)

6. By being dragged into the sky by the Dragon Guardians of Tomorrow. Given his history, Camicazi thought it quite likely they'd eaten him, but nothing had ever been found except his hook (which Toothless had as a souvenir).

At least, Camicazi used to think the Dragon Guardians had eaten him. Now, she wasn't so sure.

Fishlegs pulled a cloth from his jerkin pocket and began nervously polishing his glasses. "Do you think Excellinor came back too? Moon said 'long claws', and Alvin doesn't have fingernails, really, but-"

"Don't worry," Camicazi said cockily. Fishlegs needed an extra dose of Camicazi Confidence to stop his worrying. She pulled a sword and her longest dagger from her belt and began running through moves. "If either of them come back from the dead, I'll send them right back again. See, that's me carving a C on Alvin's shirt. C for Camicazi, and for Cowardly, Craven, Cursed Cast-out. And there's a T, for Thor's Toenails, That's a Titchy Treacherous There! And the Witch gets a B, for Bitter Bony Bugger who thinks she's Better than a Bog-Burglar. And- Stormfly, are you translating?"

"But of course," Stormfly purred in Norse. "Our guests can't understand Norse. Don't they deserve to know what you're saying too?"

"O-of c-c-course they do, S-S-Stormfly," Toothless stuttered at her. "Y-you're so beautiful and good… but T-Toothless is better of course…"

Stormfly purred, turning pink.

"Flirt," Camicazi accused.

"RAINWING!" Kinkajou burst out again.

"Mood Dragon," Camicazi corrected. "Stormfly, translate."

"What am I, your slave?" But Stormfly translated anyway.

"Partner," Camicazi corrected. Even back when dragons had been slaves, Stormfly had always been… independent. She could never have been a slave dragon like Alvin had wanted.

Camicazi petted her friend's head. Alvin could not come back. He'd destroy everything she and Hiccup and Fishlegs had worked towards! Their partnership with the dragons. Their-

Three large dragons landed: a sleek, fast-looking brown one, a three-headed one, and a dangerous-looking silver one.

"Fang!" Camicazi shrieked, running at the dangerous one.

"Camicazi," Fang purred in Dragonese, laying her head over the girl's shoulder. "I missssed you." She looked at Hiccup and inclined her head respectfully. "King."

Hiccup smiled. "It's Hiccup, Fang."

Camicazi rolled her eyes. "Sure," she said carefully. "Hi, Windwalker. Hi, Shadow."

Stormfly purred at the Deadly Shadow and winked flirtatiously. Toothless growled. "He's-sa n-not better than T-T-TOOTHLESS. Stupid s-show-off."

The Deadly Shadow looked amused.

Hiccup stepped in. "Visiting dragons, this is the Windwalker, the Deadly Shadow, and the Fanged Phantom."

Camicazi grinned. She was particularly proud of Fang's regal name.

"My dragons, this is Clay, Peril, Qibli, Moon, Winter, Sundew, Turtle, and Kinkajou."

"What sort of names are those?" a tiny voice piped from the grass.

"Ours!" Sundew growled.

Kinkajou startled and peered closely at the grass. "What was that?"

"I am ZIGGERASTICA!" the annoying little nanodragon shouted.

"Yes, we know," Hiccup said hastily. "Ziggerastica, did you tell my parents, Bertha, and Thuggory what I asked you to?"

Ziggerastica sniffed haughtily. "The Emperor of the Wilderwest answers to no one! But yes, I ordered my dragons to order their dragons to tell them."

Hiccup shrugged. "That...works." He turned to the visiting dragons. "Would you like to come back to Berk with us? There'll be plenty of food there?"

A/N: If you'd like to see more of this story, please let me know what you think! I'm running out of inspiration here. Thanks for reading!

P. S. My favorite part of this chapter is Camicazi's list of how Alvin died (second favorite is her Camicazi Confidence paragraph). What's yours?