So, I posted this last night or a version. Then reread it and realized how bad it was, so I deleted it and rewrote it. Reason is, first person is very hard to do with out ADD medication going through my system, and so I changed it to fit my mind. Oh, I hope I kept Aro in somewhat character. Hope you like it, please enjoy.
Venus Swan glared, as her sister left the car to run through the crowd of people in red cloaks. She refused to leave the car, for one she hated crowds, and for two she hated Edward right now. That did not stop her from being concerned, as two lives did hang in the balance at the moment. Well, again more worried about her sister Bella, than her idiotic vampire boyfriend. She secretly hoped if the four of them died today, that she would be the one to throw the torch.
She would do anything for her sister however, whether it be lying to their father for her, getting her out of trouble; which often caused the blame to fall upon Venus. Her father often blamed her for everything, the divorce, the separation of both her and Bella, and the fact that Edward was even in the picture. Now, she could be blamed for hanging out with Rosalie. But, she stayed away from Edward.
"Ve?" Alice asked, as they drove to an underground parking garage. Her dark brown eyes looked up at the Cullen. "I am so sorry."
"Alice, I don't blame you. I don't blame Carlisle, Rose, Jasper especially not Jasper, Emmett, or Esme. My blame goes to Edward, because I know he made you all leave." Venus told Alice, as they parked around quite the array of expensive sports cars. "Are these the Volturi's?"
"Yeah, and thanks for not blaming Jasper." She whispered, hugging the other Swan. Venus winced slightly at this, as she had fresh bruises on her skin. "How badly did he hit you?"
"Don't worry about it." Venus whispered, that was right her father smacked her around as well. "Just know, if I get the opportunity. I will throw the torch at Edward."
Alice laughed at that, but her eyes still held a sadness. Hating the fact, she made every single one of her family swear to not tell Bella, about the abuse. "We will make it, I swear."
"I believe you." Venus replied, while they left the car to walk to Edward and Bella. Two others were talking with them, trying to get everyone to walk inside to speak with Aro.
"Venus?" Edward asked, when he spotted her.
Her hand went up, when he spoke. "You don't breathe in general direction right now."
"I know your angry with me-"
"I've moved past angry and straight to pissed off." She said, getting in his face.
"Ve! We don't cause a scene, especially not in front of them." Bella hissed to her sister.
"Ah yes, you two." Venus replied, turning to look at the two guards who greeted them. "When we go to see this Aro..can I walk closer to you, and you keep this bastard away from me?"
The giant of the two, smirked at the newcomer. His eyes started going between the two sisters, noting the subtle differences between them. Both had pale skin, deep brown eyes, and thin frames. However Venus, she had short black curls that bounced at her shoulders.
"I don't see the problem with it." The smaller one spoke.
"Thank you, Sexy Italian." Venus spoke, making him sputter. "What, your Italian and sexy."
Alice smirked at her, glad to see she still held her sense of humor. "This is Demetri and Felix."
"Nice to meet you two." Venus smiled, before turning to Demetri. "Forgive me, if I embarrassed you. Nicknames and humor is how I deal with stress."
"Not a problem." He replied with a grin, before he stiffened as a blonde angelic like female walked out.
"What is taking so long?" She demanded looking between them all. Venus furrowed her brows at her curiously, wondering what her gift was. It must be pretty powerful, if she could cause fear to fill all of them; except her.
"Jane." Edward greeted.
'Jane.' Venus thought, memorizing the name with her face. "I apologize, I was being introduced to these two." She finally spoke up, after the girl through a robe at Edward. Everyone stood there in surprise, as no human ever addressed this particular guard. At least not often, and it usually meant their death.
"I see." Jane replied, looking to the two other guards. They both nodded to her, a curious look filled the blondes face for a moment; accessing Venus carefully. "Aro was wandering, follow me."
Venus moved closer to the blonde, allowing Alice to take her hand as they walked. "Jane, was it?" She asked.
"Yes." The girl replied, not looking back.
"How much trouble, is this bastard in?" Venus asked, glaring at Edward who looked down.
Jane turned slightly in surprise. "He should cower."
"Well, he already is a coward so-we will see it soon." Venus replied, as they moved quickly to a rather tight elevator. Forcing the girl to be pressed rather close to Alice, and Jane.
"I thought you were going to stand closer to us?" Demetri stated.
"Oh I will, once we get to where we are going." Venus promised. "Don't you worry your cute face about that."
Alice and Felix snorted in amusement, while Jane cracked a slight upward curve to her lip.
"Sis, behave." Bella hissed.
"Demetri, do my words bother you?" Venus asked, looking to him.
"No." He replied.
"Am I behaving?" She added to her question.
"No." Alice replied, getting a playful shove from the human holding her hand.
"Sis." Bella hissed again.
"Shut your face, you got us into this mess..along with your asshole of a boyfriend. And, as Alice put it in the car...there is a good chance both of us are dying today." Venus stated, which made her sister and everyone else to look at her. "So, if I want to calm tension with a bit of damn well will let me."
When the elevator ride ended, they continued down a narrow path. Where they found a very human secretary at a desk, she greeted them calmly. While Edward explained that she hoped to become a vampire.
Whispering to Jane calmly, Venus spoke. "She just thinks she has a chance right?"
"Yes." Jane replied.
"Good, her voice is irritating." Venus added, making the blonde snort as she opened the door to lead them to the throne room. Inside which, held a large circular white marble room, towards the back there were three thrones, with three of the sexiest men that Venus had ever seen. "Woah."
"Don't drool." Jane laughed, actually becoming a bit playful in the situation. Bewildering the three men as she walked closer to stand nearest to them. As Venus turned back to them, she saw the center man standing, his dark hair matching the same black as her own. Just ruler straight, which made her desperate to know what it looked like wild. To his left sat another man with dark hair, who seemed to perk up when he gazed at her. Then to the right was a very fair blonde, who scowled at everyone in the room, but his gaze did soften upon reaching her eyes.
The center vampire, who Venus guessed quickly was Aro, clasped his hands. "Ah, what a happy surprise. Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I do love a happy ending, but they are so rare." He speaking, while taking Edward's hand in his own. It did not seem like the latter of the ordeal enjoyed this interaction. Venus noted how he flickered his gaze to her, a sadness filling his gaze before turning to Bella. "La tua cantante. Her blood appeals to you so much, it makes me thirsty." He licked her lips, while it sounded like he swallows venom. "How can you stand to be so close?"
Venus shifted curiously to them, knowing that out of the two of them it was Bella who was in the most danger; like always. She was a magnet for trouble after all, and though Venus did not want to or think she would be able; she was prepared to protect her sister.
"It's not without much difficulty." Edward muttered, wincing when he took note of the glare Venus was giving him.
"I can see that," Aro chuckled. "If so had not seen it through your own memories, I wouldn't have believed the call of ones blood could be so strong. I have yet to experience it for myself...Most of us would trade much for such a gift, but you-"
"Waste it." Edward finished.
"You can read minds, to..can't you?" Venus asked him, making Aro look at her.
"You are quite observant." He told her. "Yes, but I must have skin to skin contact." With that he turned back to Edward. "You are quite the soul reader yourself, yet you can't read Bella's or Venus's thoughts...fascinating."
"Damn, if he could read my mind I wouldn't have to embarrass his ass." Venus replied, making a few loud snorts be heard again. One of which came from the blonde on the throne.
Aro looked at her. "At the end, mia cara."
"Sono tuo ora, eh? (I'm yours now, huh?)" She questioned, making him laugh brightly.
"Now, Edward I would love to see if they are an exception to my gift as well." Aro explained.
"Ask them." Edward replied, eyeing Venus wearily.
"Of course." Aro replied, turning to Bella to hold his out. "Would you do me the honor?"
Venus watched as her sister hesitantly, placed her hand in the palm of the king of vampire's. Watching as the expression on his face, went through a variety of emotions: intrigued, confused, and slight frustration. He turned to Venus, once he released Bella's hand, his hand outstretched to her as well. "How could I refuse, a gorgeous man." She teased, making him laugh.
"Ah, Edward showed you were a joker." As she placed her hand within Aro's, he gently grasping it. She gasped, as it felt like an electric shock went through her. Vision began to blur, as if she was in a daze. Like when she was in school, looking out the window for anything. Yet, she didn't feel tired, as she was wide awake.
Glancing up to look at him, he met her gaze and they both stared for a long moment. She desperately wondering what he was thinking, but guessed he was just a perplexed as she was. Her gaze blurred again, as more electric shocks went through her. Thoughts began to fill and mix with hers, as her brain was desperate to connect with the new ones. However, Aro was quick to drop her hand gently. When he did the foreign thoughts went away.
"Oh, those were your thoughts…" She said out loud, and he and everyone else looked at her.
"Interesting." Aro spoke. "I have not seen a gift like yours, before."
"What, gift?" Bella spoke, jealousy could be heard in her voice. However, it seemed to fall on deaf ears. Aro's eyes glanced at her, before looking to Jane as to want to solve a problem.
"I wonder if you are both immune to all of our powers, Jane?" Aro asked.
"No!" Edward called and rushed forward, only to fall into a fit of seizures.
Bella looked on with horror, shouting for it to stop; while Venus started looking to Jane.
"Fuck." She stated, after it was all over, however she felt disappointed that she couldn't do that. Turning back to Jane. "My respect for you, just skyrocketed, did you have to stop?"
Jane actually faltered, not being able to contain the bell like laugh.
"Sis." Bella spoke.
"Oh, after what the bastard did to you..he deserves it." Venus replied.
"Hate to say it, you do Edward." Alice piped in.
"Jane." Aro spoke, as the girl turned her attention to Bella.
"This may hurt." She spoke, and everyone watched as they expected Bella to began falling in a seizing fit. However, she did not; pissing the small vampire off.
"Now, unfortunately I need to test you as well Venus." Aro spoke.
"It is only fair." Venus replied, walking slightly closer to Jane. Who actually looked a little conflicted this go around. "It is okay."
Jane nodded slowly, as she began staring at her, now Venus felt it. However it also seemed that Jane did as well, it was a mild zap of pain. Nothing the human couldn't handle, but Jane stumbled a bit. Looking at the girl in shock.
Aro laughed brightly. "How remarkable." He exclaimed, before looking sadly at Venus. "Now, what to do with you."
"You know what you are going to do." The other dark haired spoke, but he looked to be in pain at the mere thought.
"Marcus is correct, they know to much. They are liabilities." The blonde spoke.
"So, to clarify. You are going to kill us?" Venus asked, and the blonde turned to her.
"Yes." He replied.
She nodded slowly. "If you must, but can I yell this one first?" Pointing to Edward.
Aro nodded. "Go ahead."
Everyone watched in amusement, as Edward actually began backing away. "Really?!" Venus started. "Your a vampire, grow some balls I can't hurt you."
Alice choked on her venom as she began laughing at this.
"Furthermore, you are a selfish, spineless, piece of shit of a man." Turning to the rest of the vampires in the room. "What do you say about a man who hunts all the animals in Forks so he knows what's out there. Yet he leaves a young lady alone in the forest?"
Aro looked at Edward amused for a moment. "You left your lover alone in the forest?"
"To add to that, he knew that my sister and I had targets over our heads. Victoria sent Laurant to kill us, Edward." Venus added.
His gold eyes widened. "It was for both of your safeties."
"SAFETY! HOW IS ANY OF THIS FOR OUR SAFETY!" Venus finally shouted at him, moving to get into his face. "Do you have any idea how broken we were, Bella had you as a lover. While I had a safe place I could go to."
"I AM TALKING!" She shouted again. "Also, before you bring up Jasper. He wasn't the problem, he was restrained, and being taken outside. When you panicked and threw my sister into the table!" With that she motioned randomly around. "All of this is your fault."
"You need to calm down, Jasper can't control-" Edward tried again.
"Jasper was fine, also you have to keep in mind his is an empath. He isn't just struggling with his hunger, but the entire families." Venus growled and spat in his face. "Now, both my sister and I are about to die..and it is all your fault."
Alice watched the whole ordeal, deciding to slowly jump in. "Bella and Venus will be like us, I've seen it. I will change them myself if I have to."
Aro looked to Alice, along with everyone else in the room. He moved quickly to take her hand, to enter another unseen conversation. A smile soon took over his face. "Mesmerising to see what you have seen, before it happens." Turning back to them. "Your gifts will make for intriguing immortals." He whispered, while touching Venus's cheek gently. "However, we all know how your visions can change."
"What, are you still going to kill them?!" She asked, evidently angry at this outcome.
"Oh, no. I do not doubt your sincerity to change them both. However, all I have are words and visions. What if Edward decides to take Bella and run?" He questioned. "I just need something more than that, before I let you go."
Venus eyed him calmly at this, wondering briefly what he meant. As they had both kept the secret for a year, even after being abandoned. But, the more she thought the more she understood, he wanted them on a schedule. So, that their wasn't unnecessary delays. "You want insurance, to keep this on a timely matter."
"Indeed." Aro grinned. "You are a clever one."
"What do you wan-" Bella started to ask.
"If I stay, will that be enough?" Venus asked, earning quite the array of surprised looks.
Alice instantly moved. "No, please don't do this."
"This isn't just me, this is my sister and you as well. If you didn't return Alice, Jasper would be broken." Venus said, before turning back to Aro with an unwavering determination. "Can we discuss, and make a deal?"
"Your terms?" He asked.
"They have four years, during that time I will stay I am." She started and he nodded. "If Edward doesn't man up in that time, you get to do what you want with us."
"That is acceptable." Aro nodded.
"However, if something happens to me. As in I am killed, before the time is up, you leave my sister alone." He nodded again. "Do we have a deal?" He smiled, while holding out his hand.
"What about Dad?" Bella asked, right before Venus took Aro's hand.
"What about him?" Venus asked, looking over.
"He will be upset, if you don't return." Bella replied.
Venus sighed, and turned to her sister. "You and I both know, that is not the case big sister. He sees me as the reason why Mom left."
"No he doesn't." Bella replied, but she was blind to her sisters pain.
"If you don't want to see, or didn't acknowledge it. Then that's fine, but I'm doing this; so you will be happy." With that she turned back to Aro, and took his hand.
Alice actually released a sob, before moving to hug Venus after it was done. "You are the most reckless, and selfless human I know."
"Have Jasper call me, he doesn't need to blame himself." Venus replied to her, holding her close. "Oh, can ya get me some clothes before you leave. You have the best taste after all."
"Okay." Alice said with a smile, before looking up. "Can I take her shopping, one last time?"
"Jane and Alec will go with you." Aro replied. "After we feed, now please follow me. I will show you to your room."
Please review, this has been in my mind for a while. But, with Mate and The Maid up I didn't know of I should post it. However, not getting it out of my head has made me slack with my other two stories. So, please review.
Nature Faustus