So this is a new sort of drabble fic I'm doing. Pretty much each chapter will have a series of extremely short stories, putting different ships in the same situation.
Person A finds a cat and asks Person B if they think it's cute. Person B responds that the kitten isn't as cute as Person A.
Or something like that.
Petra x Levi
Petra gazed down at the bundle of fluff in her arms. As she watched, it stretched and yawned, displaying tiny, sharp teeth and a long pink tongue.
"What the hell is that?"
She turned and smiled at Captain Levi. "I found it outside in the bushes. It's a cat, Captain."
Levi's eyes narrowed even further. "I know what a fucking cat is, Petra. Why is it inside? Cats are disgusting. They gets nasty little mats in their fur and they bite and they shit in boxes and track piss all over."
Petra wrinkled her nose. "Look on the bright side, Captain. Isn't he cute?"
Levi turned as if to leave, then paused. "Not as cute as you."
Petra nearly dropped the cat.
Annie x Armin
Annie stared at the little thing. It was sleeping contentedly in her arms, tail lazily flicking every few minutes.
"Hey Annie, I - what's that?" Armin walked up and leaned in close, peering at the tiny creature.
"I believe it's a cat."
"Oh. Aww, he's so cute…" Armin cooed, smiling at the kitten.
Annie looked away. "Not as cute as you."
Armin stared at her for a long moment. Then he suddenly fell to the ground, blood mysteriously spurting from his nose.
Connie x Sasha
Connie grinned at the cat. "You're my cat, alright? You're my cat and your name is Titan Slayer."
"Cooooniiiiiieeeeeee! Whatcha got? Do you have more bread?!"
"No! Sasha, don't eat it! That's my cat!" Connie yelled as she snatched Titan Slayer.
"I'm not going to eat your kitten," Sasha said with a small frown.
Fears put to rest, Connie smiled. "Isn't he cute?"
Sasha grinned. "Not as cute as you."
Mikasa x Eren
Mikasa handled the kitten as she would a newborn baby: cautiously and with suspicion. Would Eren want a cat? Do we have time to care for it? What if he grows too attached? What if it bites him?
"Mikasa. What do you have?" That was Eren's voice. Mikasa heard Jean yell something from the other room, then Eren hollered something back.
She made up her mind.
"Eren. I found a kitten. Do you want it? It's pretty cute," she said, thrusting it out towards him.
Eren took it and stared down at its face, then up at her. A cocky smile spread across his face, blue-green eyes gleaming.
"Not as cute as you."
Mikasa felt her cheeks grow hotter than ever before.
Hanji x Moblit
"MOBLIT! MOOOOOOOBLIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" Hanji shrieked. Moblit turned and she slid to a halt in front of him, shoving something orange in his face.
He spluttered and stumbled backwards as fur filled his mouth and nose. "Ah! Ack! Hanji, I'm allergic to cats."
Hanji pouted. "But nobody else is excited. Except Petra. But she thinks it'll be too dirty for Levi. C'mon, Moblit…" she whined.
"It is cute," he ceded. She perked up, and he continued. "But not as cute as you."
Moblit felt like his face would explode from the force of his blush when Hanji grinned, dropping the poor cat, and pulled him closer…
Ymir x Christa
"Hey Christa. I got a cat for you. Ya want it?" Ymir asked.
Christa turned and beamed. "I love cats! Thank you so much! He's so cute!"
"Not as cute as you."
Bonus Jean x Loneliness (slight Levi x Petra)
Jean stared at the kitten in his arms. I wonder if Mikasa likes cats…?
He found her in the training grounds. "Hey, Mikasa, I found a -" She turned and strode away, leaving him staring after sadly. Maybe Christa…?
He found her in the stables. "Hey, Christa, do you want this -"
"Ymir already gave me one! Aren't they darling?" She asked, showing him a puffy yellow cat in her arms. What about Sasha? Sasha has to like cats, she grew up in a forest.
He found her in the kitchen. "Sasha! I got you a cat!" He yelled, shoving it at her. God forbid she already has -
"Connie gave me his," she said cheerily. Jean wilted sadly.
"But…" she continued. He perked up. "I heard a rumor Petra's wanted a cat for years. You could try her."
Petra. She's the one who's usually by Levi? She must be tough to be in the Special Ops Squad. I've heard she's sweet, though.
He found her in the courtyard. "Petra!" She turned, smiling at him.
"Yes, Jean?"
He held out the cat. "I...found this. Do you want it?"
Her eyes lit up. "That's my kitten! Thank you so much, Jean, I couldn't find him anywhere! I thought Levi did something with him. I can't thank you enough!" She hugged him, and Jean stiffened. He could feel...something… pressing against his chest. Two somethings, in fact.
She took the kitten and nuzzled it. It licked her cheek.
Jean turned away, feeling lighter and happier. Then he saw a glint. Looking up, he located the source: a second-story window. The curtain was pushed aside, revealing…
Levi. He stood, glowering down at Jean. He was holding a 3DMG blade. Jean felt the blood drain from his face as he remembered the hug from Petra and a rumor that was going around about a certain captain and his subordinate.
Oh shit.
Okay! I apologize for how short the Yumikuri one was, I suck at writing Ymir...
I do take suggestions for ships to put in here, as well as situations to put them in.
^^ I love reviews! ^^