1216 Franklin Avenue, Royal Woods, Michigan; nearly midnight. All was quiet in the Loud House... or was it?
A lone feminine figure stalked across the second floor hallway, her fuzzy slippers padding against the carpet. She was a ninja, a private eye, and a ghost, all rolled up into one.
Linka turned to no one in particular with a smug smile. "With eleven kids all crammed together in one house, and with all but the youngest four of us going through some part of puberty, things have a tendency to get... Let's just say weird, especially with six boys still discovering what it means to be sexual beings. Inevitably, you end up with horseplay."
She expertly navigated past Levi and Leon's room, and crawled past Leif and Lexx's, careful not to wake the four youngest boys. "These four aren't there yet, of course, but I don't even dare begin to imagine how that'll turn out."
"As I was saying, when you've got this many horny boys crammed in this small a space with this little privacy... There's going to be some arrangements made. It's normal for growing boys to get curious and try things out."
"You must be wondering how I know all that? Simple. If you think a girl my age can live in a house full of this many boys and never peep... You're sorely mistaken, and doubly so when it's going to be a while until Ron Andy and I can hang out. Now hush. Loki and Loni are definitely up to something, and I need to put in place Operation Get Front Row Seats To The Hot Bros. Fun Show And Think Of A Shorter Name For This Operation."
In any normal circumstances, Loki would have been extremely aware of Linka gently cracking open the door of his and Loni's bedroom. These were not normal circumstances. His girlfriend, Bebe had made sure of that.
"Yeaaaaaah, baby... Give it to him..."
The room was entirely dark, aside from Loki's cell phone brightly lit up on its stand. A live camera feed of Bebe, Loki's girlfriend, was on screen, the latino girl playing with one of her bare breasts as she, in turn, looked on.
"Show your Bebe how much of a man you are..." she added lustfully. "That's so hot..."
"Oh, fuck..." a second voice moaned. "Literally, bro..." a third groans.
On Loki's bed, in plain view of the camera's phone, the two elder Loud brothers were engaged in what could be described as very thorough brotherly exploration.
"Nnngh..." down on all fours, wearing nothing except a pair of teal boxers dropped around his hips, Loni moaned and gasped in near-ecstasy, furiously rubbing his hard cock.
Kneeling behind, or perhaps atop, him was the eldest Loud boy, Loki, asserting his authority, so to speak. He muffled a grunt as he thrusted his hips and rammed his dick into Loni's ass again and again, both for their own pleasure, and for his girlfriend's viewing enjoyment. "Ahhh... Loni! How are you even tighter than last time? Your ass is almost as great as Bebe's!"
He paused for a moment, contemplating what he had just said, before looking to his peeping girlfriend. "Almost. You're still the greatest, Bebe Baby Bear," he adds, with a wink.
"Ooooh, Loki! You're such a man!" She moaned through the speaker.
As the brothers were busy having their fun, little did they know that their little show has attracted not just one peep, but two of them...
Given the circumstances of sharing a bedroom at their respective ages, Lars and Lynn Jr. had long ago discarded any issues they had with jacking off with one another in the room. Each had caught one another so many times in the act they'd just given up on hiding it.
For the elder of the two, the temptations of swimsuit edition magazines and ladies' wrestling shows was a much stronger pull than any kind of privacy worries.
For the younger brother, the pulls of imagined succubi and vampire temptresses was much the same, and, whether his sporty brother was around or not, when Bellina called for her vampire lord in his fantasies, he came for her.
"Mmmh... That's right, girls," Lynn moaned in his sleep, tossing and turning, due in no little part to pitching a tent worthy of any Olympic stadium. "World champion... Now which one of you cheerleaders wants to join me in my locker room... Mmhhh... All of you, huh? Yeaaahhh... There's plenty of Lynn to go around..."
"Lynn!" a voice hissed in the night, snapping him awake almost instantly.
"Aah!" Lynn shot up and out of bed, getting tangled in his blanket and crashing face first onto the floor. "Lars! What the h-mph!"
Before he could shout any louder, Lars dropped out of the air vent, his pale hands covering his brother's mouth. "I know, I know, and you were clearly have a good fantasy, but you'll really, really want to see this."
Shushing his brother before Lynn could get a word in, he pointed up to the vent. "Loki and Loni's room. See for yourself and don't let them catch you."
It took some doing, especially with the baseball bat making a significant bulge in his boxer shorts, but Lynn eventually managed to crawl through. It took more than a few moments for him to return. "... okay, I forgive you for pulling me away from the cheerleaders this time." He said, forcing himself to stay calm before dropping out into an athletic flip and landing on his bed with a cushioned 'thump'. "Holy crap that's hot."
Lars, by then, had regained his bed, and was unceremoniously working his own shaft under the cover. "There is no denying it."
"Why didn't we ever think of that?"
"... well, we have now, haven't we?"
The two brothers, each under his blanket, rubbed it out in unison for a moment while staring at the ceiling.
"Hey, Lars..." Lynn turned to his brother with a grin. "... wanna try it?"
"More than anything in the world."
"Perfect," Lynn spat copiously into his hand and rubbed it on his still-covered member. "Drop your pants and bend over the edge of your bed, would you?"
"Oh..." Lars hesitated. "I thought I would be the one to..."
"What? Oh! No way. I'm the oldest, aren't I?"
"That hardly seems fair. Age is but a meaningless number. Plus, as the eldest, is it not your responsibility to offer your younger brother an opportunity to explore?"
"Nice try, bro. Loni's the youngest of those two, and he's taking it, isn't he? There's gotta be another way to resolve this..."
Silence fell over the room once more, aside from the faint slick sounds of two brothers stroking themselves in mutual curiosity.
Suddenly, Lynn released his shaft and snapped his fingers. "I got it! On the count of three, we throw off the blankets, and whoever has the bigger cock gets to be on top. You in?"
Lars pondered his options. Sure, the risk was great, but he was an early bloomer; Lynn was probably expecting an easy victory. "Very well."
"Three!" Both brothers called out the last number in unison, tossing off their blankets, and eyeing each other carefully.
Lars was rather impressively hung for his age. Had it been made of wood, it could have staked all but the mightiest of vampire mistresses.
In this specific moment, however, he was coming up short. Lynn chuckled, then chortled, then laughed. "Looks like I win," he said. If Lars was respectable, he was admirable. "Did you think I'd make a bet like that blindly? I'm a prime athlete in more ways than one."
"Siiiighhh..." Lars slumped, defeated. To think he'd trusted Lynn with any kind of competition. Thus was the cruel nature of the desires of the flesh.
"You know what that means... Your ass is mine, bro," Lynn boasted as he stood up from his bed and kicked his boxers away.
Lars eyed his brother as he walked across their room towards him, like a werewolf lumbering down a dark forest road to claim his prey. More so, as his brother's hard member bobbed to and fro, he couldn't help but stare at it with equal parts curiosity, trepidation, and fear.
Catching on to that last feeling, Lynn paused for a moment, then sat by his brother who, by now, was rigid as a tombstone, and placed his arm across Lars's shoulders. "Bro... I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. We can do this at your pace."
Lars took a deep breath, leaning against his brother. "Thanks, Lynn..." He moved to let his legs hang over the side of his bed and struggled to work out of his pajama bottoms. "... Could you...?"
Lynn didn't need any further explanations. If he was going to get into Lars's pants, he could at least help him out of them first. Before he could even ask "You wanna get the shirt off, too?", it was already across the room.
As a self-avowed sportsman, Lynn had a great appreciation for the female form. Tits like beach balls and an ass like a pair of soccer balls could get him going like nothing else. Yet, confronted with the sight of his brother's pale body almost in the moonlight, feminine in some ways, yet boyish in others, he had to admit there was some merit to trying out for the other team. Suddenly, Luke's attraction to Sam made a lot more sense to him.
Boys and girls was not something Lars had given all that much thought to, outside of his beloved Bellina. That aside, however, his brother's strong body and the sight of his, so to speak, remarkably endowed rigor mortis was awakening feelings he had never considered, and a strange warmth in his cold, dead heart. He had lost their game, but perhaps some fun would come of paying the piper.
With any of their older brothers, Lynn smirked to himself, he'd have had some fun pinning them down first. Lars, though, deserved something gentler. "Alright, lil' bro. Too late to turn back now. Ready to get started?"
Lars gulped nervously, but nodded. "Let's get this over with."
"Stand up against the wall. I have an idea." Lynn commanded.
Lars obeyed almost mechanically, led by Lynn's word like a vampiric thrall to those of its master. Again, the werewolf advanced upon him, until their bodies met when Lynn grabbed him at the hips. A chill coursed through his spine, and not just from the cold bedroom wall.
With their cocks side by side like this, the difference in size made itself obvious. Nearly half again as long, with thickness to match, Lynn put his little brother to shame.
"Legs up. I'll hold you." Lynn commanded with a smirk, leading his brother through the movement. With the difference in their sizes and builds and the wall providing most of the support, it was like holding up a couple of gym weights and nothing more, albeit much warmer and much, much more attractive. "Wrap your legs around me."
A deep blush colored Lars's pale traits behind his bangs, and only intensified when Lynn lowered him gently. His cock had gone somewhat soft during the maneuver, but feeling Lynn's own hard-on resting in the crack of his ass quickly remedied that.
"I've got you. You okay, Lars?" Lynn said through clenched teeth; just the feeling of Lars's body against his was driving him crazy with excitement.
Lars nodded breathlessly. This wasn't how he'd expected to spend his evening, being ravished by Lynn like a court maiden by her duke. Still, being held like this, with Lynn's strong arms holding him up and against the wall and their bodies rubbing together in all kinds of intimate ways was... nice. His cock was rubbing against Lynn's muscular chest as the elder brother's breathing nudged it gently back and forth. The game was truly over now, and he was about to become the prize. "Siiiigh... Just do it."
"Deep breaths, lil' bro, here it comes." Lynn lifted his brother up a few inches higher and lined himself up with his target. Just having Lars's weight and warmth pressing down on his erection had been exciting; now that the head of his member was pressing against his little brother's anus, it felt like he had to give it all his focus not to just release his load there and then.
"Haaaaah..." Lars winced and clutched his arms around his brother's shoulders as he felt the head of Lynn's member pushing into him. A mix of pain, odd pleasure, and intense trepidation filled him.
As the older brother slowly and carefully sank the younger down on his cock, penetrating him inch by agonizing inch, they both shut their eyes tightly; one from the effort and overwhelming tightness, the other from the strain of being forced open.
"You're so big!" Lars hissed through gritted teeth.
"You're so tight!" Lynn gasped back.
After what felt like an eternity, Lars felt his descent come to a stop and opened his eyes. Through the haze of overwhelming sensation, he saw Lynn smirking at him.
"Hey, Lars?" "... Ngh?"
Lars felt a lurching drop, his cock slap against Lynn's pecs, and his ass impact against his brother's strong hips. It was all it could do not to squeal like a schoolgirl as what little of Lynn's cock wasn't already buried in him was shoved inside.
"Touchdown!" Lynn playfully whispered.
Lars didn't have the strength to lift his head off of Lynn's shoulder. If he had, his glare would likely have struck his brother dead on the spot. "Must you turn even this most sacred of brotherly bonding into a farce?"
"Oh, fine." Lynn rolled his eyes. He'd just wanted to add some fun to their 'fun', but maybe that had been a little much. Still, he was hungry for more. "Can I start moving yet?"
"Wait, please... I want to stay like this for a moment. It still hurts a little..." A deep blush on Lars's pale face betrayed further motives. "Also this is... nice... just being close to you like this."
"Oh, fine, you softie. C'mere." Lynn shifted his grip on his brother a little higher, pulling him into a deep hug; barely registering the precum that Lars's twitching cock was beginning to smear across his pecs.
Lars cracked a little smile; this wasn't so bad. "Okay... I think I'm ready. You can start... um..." The word stopped at his lips, as though saying it would force him to acknowledge what this really was.
Lynn, ever so direct, had no such compunctions. "Fucking you?"
"... Siiiigh. If you must call it that." Yes. It was that. Lynn was fucking him. That was an odd thought to accept, even this far in.
Shifting his grip again for better leverage, Lynn began pulling his hips back and his cock out of Lars, delighting at how every little shift in position sent new shivers of pleasure through his body.
Lars, meanwhile, found that most of the pain had faded away, replaced by an odd sensation of fullness which then gave way to pleasure like he'd never imagined as Lynn's cock rubbed against his prostate. Pressure was quickly building within his own shaft, which twitched harder and harder.
Slowly but surely, Lynn built up his rhythm. Held as he was by his brother, Lars had little control over the situation, but right there and right then, safe in his brother's embrace, he wouldn't have had it any other way. Hisses, gasps, and gentle moans of pleasure emanated from the two brothers. Years of experience under a crowded roof had made keeping quiet even in exceptional moments like this second nature.
Lynn gave a particularly deep thrust, ramming himself balls deep into Lars, and tightening his clutch. "We're taking this to my bed."
Lars couldn't answer, except with a few squirming movements and a small moan. He dug his fingers into his brother's shoulders and felt himself be carried across the room and dropped on Lynn's bed. As he managed to tell down from up again, he realized that fullness had gone, but before he could react to it, Lynn's strong hands grabbed his ankles and lifted them above his head, exposing his bare ass and cock.
"Now I can REALLY give it to you," Lynn asserted, mounting Lars and penetrating him once more.
Lars's eyes went wide as his older brother began truly hammering at his rear end. They were playing by Lynn's rules now, and truth be told, he was fine with that. Without conscious effort on his part, his hands found their way to his crotch, stroking his member and groping his testicles every which way, only adding to the ecstasy that was piling on.
He didn't want to admit it to Lars, but Lynn was getting dangerously close to unloading inside his little brother. The effort of holding his brother up and then all but suplexing him into bed had helped him focus, but the sheer warmth and tightness of Lars's hole, compounded by the psychological stimulation of forcing him out of his doom and gloom and into a world of pleasure was driving Lynn mad. The pressure in his groin was building like a stadium full of fans during overtime.
Gasping for air, Lars called out to his brother. "Lynn! Bite me! Bite my neck!"
Without thinking about it, Lynn just obeyed, putting one hand down by Lars's shoulder, lowering himself, and gently but firmly closing his teeth down between Lars's neck and shoulder.
That was all Lars could take. With a much louder moan, he came to a mind-shattering orgasm, releasing a load between his and his brother's body.
That feeling, in turn, triggered Lynn's own release. With a few unsteady thrusts, he flooded Lars's insides with several deep shots of semen, with the last shot spilling out as he rolled off of his brother.
"Whoa." He said.
"... I can't believe we actually did this." Lars said, struggling to catch his breath.
"... I can't believe we didn't do this sooner," Lynn smirked. "Here," he rolled over onto his chest and reached into the gym bag which sat under his bed, producing a sweat rag with only minor signs of use. He wiped off some of the juices coating his chest and crotch, and tossed it over to the still recovering Lars. "Thanks for being a good sport about it. That was really nice."
"... It was," the younger brother acquiesced, wiping himself down as well. After what they'd just done, a little gym sweat was nothing to be concerned about.
"So, neck biting, huh?" Lynn teased. "If we're lucky, no one will notice the mark tomorrow."
"... I'll just say Fangs was playing a little too rough. Thanks for putting up with it."
Both winded, the brothers fell into wordless comfort for a moment, resting in Lynn's bed. Lars couldn't suppress a blush and a smile when he felt Lynn's soft cock resting in the crack of his ass. "Was this a one-off thing, or...?"
"Do you want it to be?" Lynn replied.
"... I'd like to try it the other way around some time." Lars noted, shifting deeper into Lynn's grasp.
The older brother chuckled and smugly propped his head up on his crossed arms. "Sorry bro, but you heard my rule. Biggest cock tops. Just give it a year or two, I'm sure Leif or Lexx will get curious eventually."
"Oh... I see. Very well."
Lars extricated himself from Lynn and stood up, faltering on quivering legs.
Come to think of it, he was feeling rather sore after all of this.
"Good night, Lynn."
Lynn suddenly found his bed very empty and very cold. "... what? What did I say?"
"Good night. Lynn."
Lars turned away from his brother and vanished into the shadows, pulling his black blanket over his head.
"... Good night, Lars."
No reply broke through the frigid silence. Several very long, very quiet moments passed before Lynn could find sleep.