Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Rise of the Guardians.


(With Harry)

Years had passed since Harry came to this world. For six years he worked as a reaper. He became close to his fellow reapers in England. For the first time in his life he was happy.

"I'm going to kill them." Alice growled as she entered Harry's cabin.

"Kill who and why?" He asked as he handed her vodka.

"Thank spirits." She said. "They keep popping up and scaring the kids I'm trying to guide. I end up having to chase after them and I spend hours trying to calm them down."

"Those assholes." He hissed.

"Exactly. They do it again and I'm calling Death." She downed her drink.

"How many times have they done this?" He asked.

"This is the third time." She said.

"Call him now." He told her.

"You're right. "She stood up. "I'll see you later."

"Alright." He said.

Harry shook his head. Seasonal spirits, well some of them, were huge pain in the reapers' asses. Most of the winter spirits left him alone. It was mostly the other seasonal spirits and they used their jobs as an excuse.

According to them they were killers. They didn't want to believe that Death sent them to guide souls. They wouldn't see reason. Luckily it wasn't all seasonal spirits. Just a group made of the three seasons. It irritated them all. Lately they have taken their stance too far. It was time for Death to know.

Harry sighed before leaving. He went to the house of an elderly man. He had passed quietly in his sleep.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

"I'm Harry Potter, a grim reaper." He answered.

"I see. Well no offense young man but I was hoping to see my wife after I died. You aren't as cute as her." He said.

Harry laughed. "No offense taken. I get it. Don't worry. She's waiting for you."

"Good." He said to him. "I said goodbye to my family before I died so let's go." He had known it was going to happen soon so he wanted to make sure they all knew he loved them.

"Of course." Harry said.

He opened a portal and both walked through it. He helped him get settled before leaving. He went on to the next soul. On his way there he saw something that pissed him off. Jack Frost was surrounded by Summer spirits. Some were beating him up and some were using their powers and burning him.

The former wizard flew down. They ran when they saw him. His green eyes glowed with anger and power. They didn't want to mess with him. He memorised their faces and would deal with them later. The reaper landed and knelt down next to Jack. He looked him over before picking him up. The winter spirit was unconscious. He took him back to his house.

He quickly sent a message off to the other reapers. He told them what happened. Tommy agreed to cover his area while he looked after Jack. He began patching him up. The next morning the white haired spirit woke up. He looked around in confusion.

"Good. You're awake." Harry said.

"Who are you?" He asked in confusion.

"I'm Harry Potter. I'm a grim reaper." He told him.

"Oh." He never really interacted with one before since he knew their job was extremely important and didn't want to bother them as they worked.

"I was on my way to guide a soul when I saw those fuckers hurting you." He said.

"I see." He was used to it.

"I took you here and patched you up. That was yesterday." He said.

"Thank you." The blue eyed teen said.

"You're welcome." He saw the surprise and wondered who allowed those bastards to treat him that way.

"I have to go." Jack said.

"Okay." He said.

Jack flew off. Harry sighed but went back to work. He was worried about the winter spirit. He was going to make sure that those who harmed the boy would pay as well as those who ignored how he was being treated. He wasn't going to stand for it.


The wizarding world in Britain declined. First Potter made sure they wouldn't get his vaults and then Lovegood left the country and wrote a book. It was about Potter's life. From when he was born to when he jumped through the veil. Everything he had gone through was in it, including what they did to him. It had been published and was sold out the minute the book hit the shelves.

Every country in the magical world broke contact with them. They didn't want anything to do with people who betrayed the person who saved their lives. Those who usually sent their kids to Hogwarts transferred them out. Many businesses went bankrupt.

Instead of taking responsibility for what happened they blamed Potter and Lovegood. Teams were formed to find Lovegood. They were going to make her pay. If only they knew that the Australian government was protecting her and on the lookout for them. They knew they would try to find her and made plans. The blonde haired author had married the head of the auror department three years after she moved there. They now had a beautiful set of twins. Both were boys and were born a year after they were married. He wasn't about to let anyone harm his wife or children. Britain better watch out before they caused another war. This one they wouldn't be able to afford nor win.