It's been only a week after the semester began and things have calmed down for Jaune. The first day getting unpacked and living with Yang was turbulent for one and alienating her friend was another issue created from the error. That's not even getting to when classes began and started throwing out assignments like candy. Homework, quizzes, lectures and books was all he got in that span and he surprisingly adjusted well. He got to study on his little desk in his room while Yang and her friend Blake chatted away on the bed, studying whenever they dropped the topic at hand only to return to it shortly. The living situation hasn't been an issue and he can thank his earbuds for blocking out any gossip or noise he shouldn't be hearing. Likewise, him and Yang managed to avoid any mishaps like accidental nudity, finding underwear where they shouldn't be or what other perverted situations an outsider would imagine.

He didn't expect any of this to happen, better yet, he didn't want any of this to happen but Blake relished the awkwardness of him and Yang's situation. She wasn't evil but couldn't help but enjoy from afar with popcorn in hand. The only thing that made okay was Blake dividing her barbs on him to Yang so he didn't felt like the sole target. Making matters worse, Yang openly talked about this situation while he was still in the room and entertained it. Every time they asked about his input on a what if scenario, he would always reply with "not happening" which never failed to draw a giggle from the two. It never got annoying, since they stopped toying with the idea as of late.

The few moments Jaune had by himself allowed him to think clearly. For example, Jaune will always have a roommate, but he doesn't have to be around said roommate all the time. Making a new friend on campus could help spend time outside of the dorm and make things less awkward than it should be for himself and maybe for Yang. She seemed honest and friendly but one bad moment could change things in an instant. Does she even like the situation behind her smile? Is there anything that will trigger her or get her upset? It's fun and games but he's still worried in the back of his mind of things not going well.

At this moment, Jaune was walking back to his dormitory in the later afternoon, the sun faded in the skies and an orange hue was glowed from above. His phone rang and buzzed from his pocket and stopped his walk to answer. He checked to see who was the sender. When he saw the caller, he smiled in joy and answered quickly.

"What's up Ren?" Jaune couldn't hide his excitement and it showed for anyone watching from afar.

"Not much. Just checking up on you and how Beacon's treating you?" As usual, Ren spoke with a calm, almost casual tone and it felt like home. In regards to the answer, Jaune nervously chuckled and tried to dodge the question.

"...It's been a fun start, I can tell you that much." He wanted to go in more detail but figures text wasn't the best way to do it or our in the public. "How's Atlas? And wher-" he started, until hearing the sound of a familiar voice through the phone.

"Nora? She's right here silly!" It's almost difficult to imagine a scenario where Ren and Nora were not together, even through simple things like talking on the phone. Or hearing Nora refer to herself in third person. Ren retrieved the phone again to keep the conversation going.

"We wanted to head to Atlas, but changed our minds at the last second. Nora and I are heading to Beacon instead." Jaune's heart skipped a beat, thinking that maybe some deity above the clouds were giving him a bone for once.

"Really? That's awesome.' He then realized he was celebrating a bit too much and toned it down. "When will you two be here?"

"NOW!" Jaune jumped at the loud yell from behind him and turned to see both Ren and Nora was standing and enjoying the reaction they got out of him. Both of them were carrying their respective luggage in hand and tried to not make a sound when surprising their friend.

"Good to see you are doing well." The two male friends shook hands as they thought they wouldn't see one another until next year but here they are. The thought couldn't marinate for any time as Nora had other plans.

"Well, don't just stand there! Why don't you help a lady carry her bags!" Nora smugly smirked as she presented her belongings to him. Jaune had to regain his composure at her joke to even speak.

"Coming from you who can bench press more than me, I doubt I'll be able to help much." The two traded a laugh at the joke and Nora took her items without his help, they were heavy after all.

"I'm just messing with you, I like to carry my own weight anyways." He missed the eccentrics of Nora and didn't think anyone could replicate her personality here on campus. It's a nice breath of fresh air. Ren then took the lead, letting them know where they were going.

"Come on, let's go see our room." The remark from Ren was casual but after what Jaune went through, it triggered an alarm and a question immediately came to mind.

"Wait, you two got a dorm room for yourselves?"

"Yes sir!" Nora loudly answered his question with gusto and that drew more questions from the blonde boy.

"How, if you don't mind me asking?" Ren didn't see what the issue was so he turned to look at his friend.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought dorming with different genders weren't allowed, how did you convince the university to give you a pass?"Ren and Nora looked at one another and shrugged at Jaune.

"It wasn't really that hard. We just asked" Ren said.

"That's it? You just asked and they said yeah?"

"He did refused at first-" started Ren before Nora followed up for her boyfriend.

"But, then I gave him an offer he couldn't refuse and now we have the room to ourselves!" Nora grinned to herself, choosing not to disclose what the offer was. While the blonde student may be envious on their stress free enrollment might be compared to his, he's happy they got what they wanted. The trio of friends walked up to the dorm floor and Jaune was happy to see they were all on the same floor. Yet, the elephant in the floor needed to be addressed.

"I'm in 3-C" started Jaune as he figured to not beat around the bush. " I'm a few doors down from yours. Let's see if my roommate is in the dorm room" He walked to his door, checking to see if it was locked. They had gone over ground rules and he knows if the door's open, there won't be any miscues so to speak. He opened the door, entering first. He can see Yang, reading a textbook with one earbud in with her feet kicked up. Dressed in sandals, sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt, she didn't need to change in the case company arrived. She smiled when she saw Jaune but would grow into confusion when she spotted Ren and Nora.

"That was fast. Few days in and you're making friends." Yang smiled and raised from her seat to be polite. "I'm Yang, and before you ask, I'm his roommate and nothing else." Nora didn't waste a moment to follow up.

That's good! I was going to ask if you were his girlfriend or something!" Nora blurted out the obvious, in which Yang and Jaune didn't even flinch at all. Yang let a hand rest on the bottom of her chin as she sized the two up.

"Want to give me the rundown on how you three know one another?"

"Jaune and I were classmates in high school since Sophomore year. Over time, we bonded and the three of us grew close. We were going to attend a different university but we changed our minds at the last second" Ren said to summarize their relationships, but he also made some edits for the sake of someone.

"Now, we can just have fun like good ol times." Nora worded her sentence very carefully knowing not to make a comment about it.

"We've been through this enough" Jaune said, returning back to the dorming arrangements, "to the point we're getting used to it. With you two here, I feel things can be a bit more normal." The two blondes glanced at one another and smiled.

"We can blame Blake for that." Yang said.

"I'm surprised she's not here making trouble for the two of us." Jaune said, expecting her to pop up with a dirty joke. Nora and Ren had explained, or avoided the answer on how they lived together but wanted to know how it happened for his friend. It was time for Ren to ask a question.

"So, do any of you want to explain how this happened" Ren asked.

"Long story short, school messed up, and there was no space left to put me without including me with Yang."

"Huh, they told me a few days ago that we got the last room available." Ren was simply connecting the dots and wondered if they might have ruined things for them. The timing of it all combined with Ren and Nora having their own room upon request might had something to do with it themselves.

"It's too late to worry about what ifs anyways." Yang hopped onto the bed showing she's not upset on the potential cause or that this could have been avoided. "He's my roommate and there's no changing it." She reached for her textbook next to her desk. Jaune felt content that she gave him a chance and not closing the door on the first impression of him like a certain ice queen down the hall.

Not wanting to overstay their welcome, the two decided they had a lot to unpack and they had classes for tomorrow, meaning they needed to prepare. They said their goodbyes to the two blondes and left them alone, having a chance to just relax in silence on the same bed.A thought popped into Yang's head, who now closed her book and looked over at her dormmate.

"Jaune" she said, waiting for him to take out the earbud before going any further. He did just that and put his phone away to look over at her as she continued her sentence. "...give me your number." The request warranted a few blinks from him.

"What" was the best he could come up with.

"We're roommates right?" That is true, but to him, it didn't make sense but she proceeded to keep going. If I need to get in contact for anything or something, it'd make more sense to text you than running down the hall to bother Ren and Nora don't you think?" By that logic it made perfect sense and on the off chance Ren and Nora aren't around, she can't reach him. Jaune took out his phone, heading to his phone app.

"What is it?" Yang didn't respond and instead grabbed his phone before he could react and giggled.

"Let me do it." She also realized he didn't have a lock screen on his. "You should change your phone to be a bit more protective of your things. Don't know what I might find here." Jaune had nothing to hide on his phone so he just shrugged at her.

"Good luck, not going to find anything on there." She started entering her number and saw at one point a very certain contact with hearts next to the name popped up as the area code was the same. This sparked many ideas in her head but she focused on entering her number in his phone before passing it back to him and he couldn't help but grin a bit.

"Did you find anything?"

"Fortunately, no. You're off the hook." Yang crossed her arms, showing her disappointment on her face."Though, I did see something. Who's Pyrrha?" For the first time, she can see his demeanor change from his face. He looked shocked but it soon change to somber and disgruntled, like she brought back bad memories.

"How did you-" he began before checking his phone. Yang's area code numbers were similar and was why Pyrrha name popped up.

"I saw hearts next to her name. I didn't want to assume but is she your girlfriend?"

"No, she was my girlfriend." Yang didn't even say anything in response, having brought an awkward atmosphere in when she tried to have a little fun in knowing Jaune a bit more. Yang didn't have an ex of her own to bring up but from what she saw around her, it never ended well and this didn't look any different.

"Sorry, I thought maybe you were hiding a girlfriend and just wanted to have fun" Yang said.

"No, I wouldn't do that. I just didn't have a reason to bring her up and I rather not talk about it anymore." Yang seemed to hit a sour spot and she didn't feel happy on triggering potential bad memories. This was a perfect moment to be light hearted and say it wasn't that serious but she knew better than to say it. So, Yang tried to change the subject quickly.

"Forget I mentioned her. That's my bad." Jaune took a deep breath after her sentence and wasn't as upset about it.

"It's fine." His fingers clutched the phone and figured it's best to just talk about it. "Pyrrha and I are still friends but we haven't spoke since we both left for college. A lot of things happened the past few weeks before I came here wasn't the best time for either of us." There was a long pause in the conversation and the silence only grew. It was uncertain who should talk or if there was anything to talk. Luckily, Blake can always show up to make things interesting for them.

"Hey, did you two see the new pair down the hall? They're going to dorm together, just like you two." She took a moment to glance out into the hall, staring at something off in the distance. "Have to admit though, the guy's kinda cute, don't see a lot of guys rock hair like that." Jaune decided to help Blake before she felt the wrath of an angry Nora.

"Blake, they're my friends from high school. And I'm warning you now, don't touch Nora's man. She's the kind to get jealous very easily. Once she gets going, it's hard to stop her. Plus, she can kick my ass eight ways through Monday." Yang couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Nora beating up Jaune and chimed in.

"She did seem the type, so that's why I didn't say anything flirty to Ren. Besides, she knows where I dorm now so I can't hide from her if she doesn't like my suggestive jokes."

"Can it get worse than the ones I've heard already" Jaune asked. He was met with a resounding yes from both parties before the three of them laughed. Shortly when they came down from the laughter, Yang's stomach growled for food and she didn't eat dinner yet.

"I can't wait any longer, I need to get something to eat. You two hungry?" Jaune shook his head, not feeling in the mood while Blake came over for that exact reason.

"It's like you can read my mind, let's go to the cafe." The two girls agreed and would leave Jaune alone in his room, reading at his past messages before shaking his head. No need to head back down that road. Yang surprisingly walked back by into the dorm in a hurry, as she forgot to change from sandals to sneakers. While she's changing she talked to Jaune, just the two of them.

"Between you and me, I do like having you as a roommate. I might flirt too much or go too far with some stuff, but I don't like hurting anyone's feelings." She didn't have an ex, but it isn't as if she hasn't experienced something similar. The Pyrrha thing was still on her mind even as he tried to move on from it. Jaune hasn't gotten a chance to see her act...vulnerable in a sense? So it was a welcomed change of pace and he just gave her a soft smile, thanking her for understanding what he might have gone through without verbalizing it. "I'm heading out, you sure you don't want anything?" He shook his head.

"No thank you. I'm not really hungry, and I rather eat breakfast tomorrow after our little quiz."

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit then." With that she headed out the door, leaving Jaune by himself to drift off in his memories.

The rhythmic buzzing spurred him from his slumber and forced the eighteen year old out of his sleeping position to see what time it was. He gripped the phone, scratching his messy, bed ridden hair in confusion. He noticed he woke right on time and wanted to relax a bit, knowing Yang was likely showering. Besides, it gave him time to focus on other issues not dying down in the morning. He rested his head on the pillow with closed eyes to wait a minute or two and relax and turned his body. However, he opened his eyes as he realizes there's no water running, no humming or rummaging of the drawers going on. He rose halfway out of bed, seeing to his left that his roommate was clearly knocked out and sleeping through her phone alarm. He pushed the covers off, being left in his t-shirt and shorts to go wake her up on instinct. Halfway though. he took a look down at himself and searched through his drawers for the baggiest sweatpants he can find in a hurry. It's too soon for this nonsense of a problem that would not be a pleasant sight first thing in the morning.

Once he had his pants on, he rushed to Yang's bed to stir her awake, his lower body turned to the bathroom so he was ready to move. She slowly but surely stirred awake and noticed Jaune was the first thing she woke up to. That wasn't a good sign.

"Jaune?" She blinks a few times quickly as she grows lucid. "What time is it?"

"It's 7:30, you overslept." He showed his phone's lock screen to showcase the time. She opened her eyes wide and bolted out of bed herself.

"Oh god, I didn't even prepare, I don't eve have my makeup ready either..." She was practically scrambling to get to her routine and Jaune was already behind schedule.

"I'm going to take a shower now while you-" He started before hearing Yang respond right back.

"What?! No, I need to shower first!"

"Yeah, but I'm going to run late if you do your routine. I can't wait any longer." He felt he needed to be clear that he couldn't compromise and ruin his attendance over something that isn't his problem. "I'll make it fast." Yang could only huff as while she's mad she can't shower first, she's more mad that she didn't give herself enough time to sleep and she's the one having to suffer the consequences. Noticing she's not against the idea, Jaune turns and grab his belongings and closes the door, sighing as he assumed she didn't notice anything out the norm from him.

He undressed and readily entered the tub. His mind felt at ease but his body wouldn't listen to his cries to just relax and not head down a downward, erotic spiral. Video games, the fact his friends are now on campus or the upcoming quiz later today, nothing seemed to distract him long enough. He let the hot water rinse from above his head and then sighed as he let his head bang against the tiled wall. "A freezing shower would be better than this."

As promised, Jaune went through his routine as fast as he could muster. Changing clothes, daily morning routine and making sure his hair wasn't a mess, he was ready in due time. Checking his phone, it took him ten minutes, a respectable time compared to what felt like an hour long marathon that Yang takes. Before he could even dwell on that imagery, he was already in motion to the door and walked out with his belongings. "Hey, I got finished as fast as I could."

Yang was hastily working in her little corner, waving her right hand filled with a brush to him to say she understood. "I'll try to get to class but I'm going to be late. Just go on without me." He recognized the frenetic pace and knows she has no time to waste at all. He took that cue and didn't think twice. He made sure he didn't leave anything behind before he left the room.

"I'll save you a seat alright?" He headed out, checking the time and seeing he still had fifteen minutes or so to get to class before it started. Right as he exited was Blake, who did peek in and saw Yang was not ready quite yet.

"She overslept?" He nodded to her accurate observation

"Yep." She rolled her eyes.

"Typical. I'm guessing your morning went better than hers?"

"It wasn't hard to get up in the morning but I didn't know if Yang wanted to go first despite the late start." Blake grinned to herself but held back her cunning wordplay, knowing that without Yang with them, she can't mess with him too much.

"Anyways, we got that long lecture with that annoying professor, Professor Port. We always have to remind him to head back on topic."

"I find his stories entertaining at times, but-"

"Entertaining?" She cut him off with no remorse, actually surprised he would even say that word in reference to Port. "He's a perfect case of someone who's bordering on becoming senile." Jaune raised his brows at her rather rude remark.

"Ice queen rubbing off you? You sounded just like her when she was telling me off." Blake paused as he was right.

"She rarely leaves, so I just hear her talk about mundane things, but her attitude is just so-"


"I was going to say bitchy, but that works too." Blake then decided to change topics, wanting to see his thoughts on the professor. "Back to Port, I had to study and read a lot of his material because he didn't cover it in his lecture. Please tell me I'm not alone in this." Jaune faced the same issue but reading was never a problem and he felt he can hang onto the information easier.

"You're right. I did the same thing when I got back in the dorm but it wasn't too much. I'm ready for whatever he throws at us later." The two walked over to the university, fitting in to the giant crowd of students taking their seats. As promised Jaune kept a seat to his right open and Blake sat next to the open seat, leaving Yang to be in the middle when she would arrive. Once it was time, Professor Port started promptly, no matter if there were some seats empty or students were filing in late.

"Alright class, you're aware we have an upcoming quiz. This will be saved for the last thirty minutes of class, and we'll be taking this time to try and get ahead in our course material. I know some of you are still piling in and are not looking forward to a quiz, but you are in a university, it's not going to be fun and games all the time. Had I been at your age, the amount of things that wouldn't get done would be too many to count. This reminds me of the time..."

"Here we go" muttered Blake who just put her head down in defeat, The cycle begins a new and it draws a smile on Jaune's lips. At least the blonde boy can find some amusement in the story without feeling lost. Like the rest of his classes, Port would go off on a tangent, losing the class's attention gradually over time until he looks at the clock mid-sentence or hit the punch line after flirting with it for what seemed like eternity. In the middle of his fairy tale dream about, something, even Jaune tuned him out, he heard the rattle of the door to his right, and saw Yang, twenty five minutes late and had an appearance of rushing through her routine to get here. Her hair looked more frizzled than wavy and she skipped the makeup. He doubts anyone would truly noticed of his respective gender but surrounded by sisters made him hyperaware of the little things. She took her seat, sighing and trying to fit in with the class and not draw attention to herself.

Jaune minded his own business and didn't try to eavesdrop when his dormmate began to chat quietly with her close friend and really wanted to pass this coming quiz. Thanks to the way the classroom was structured, it was a bit hard to see the front board from the seating, but he can still make out the words It would be time to take the quiz but rather than hand out sheets of paper for the students to write on, Port found it more economical to have the questions posted on the board through a projector and have them individually write their answers down. Port would not state the questions at all and would move on without warning.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Yang's fingers rests on the bridge of her nose, eyes closed and a deep sigh. He tried not to stare, but it's clear she's not having the best day. When he finished his quiz with time to spare, he glanced back out of curiosity and could see she was straining to read some of the questions. Maybe she didn't get good sleep and can't focus? Whatever the answer, Jaune couldn't do anything in his position and went back to his own paper, feeling competent in his answers and knows he'll pass with a good score. As for his dormmate? It wasn't as peaceful and simple to complete.

Time would tick away until class ended and the quiz was finally over. The students submitted their quizzes to the front and created a stack of papers for him to grade before next class. He informed everyone of reading roughly forty pages in their textbook and one last announcement. A test will be waiting for them in the next class session. This didn't sit well with Yang who was sighing with annoyance once outside the classroom and was with Blake and Jaune. She decided to be proactive, not accepting what she brought today in effort since she knows she can do better.

"Jaune, Blake, can we do a study group for this class next week, on the night before?" I really didn't feel good and missed some of the notes from the lecture, so I need to make up time and get as much notes possible." Like a good friend, Blake was there to help her out..

"I'm down to study together, I swear the class should just be an autobiography of Port. I'm learning more about him than the subject matter." Blake wasn't going to waste a moment to voice her displeasure. Jaune wasn't against the idea to study more either.

"Believe it or not, I think I kicked that quiz's ass, so I'm looking forward to the test. A little practice wouldn't be a bad idea." Yang grinned, feeling like her usual confident self and having two people to read and make notes with made it more likely to be a fun little group activity. She also wondered if Ren and Nora are taking the same class and can help out. Yang wasn't a slacker by any means but a little reinforcement goes a long way in getting things done. Next week couldn't come fast enough,