A/N: Forgive me! read bottom

Chapter 1 Here we go!

Issei Hyoudou would like to believe that he was a good person, regardless of what many people would say that was one thing he had going for him.

Issei a young middle schooler of modest means was just getting out of bed after a long study binge, because unlike other middle schoolers he was born in the town of Kuoh Japan, and many of the schools in the area are separated by gender. Until it was announced that the once private school Kuoh academy, which was an all girls school is now becoming cooed. The schools entrance exam is designed to only let the best of the best in which is why Issei and many of his male classmates had vowed to get into the prestigious academy to try and finally get girlfriends.

"Alright, time to see if I got in!"

He shouted as he shut off his alarm clock and ran downstairs and was greeted with the pleasant smell of pancakes and sausages. Walking through the kitchen sitting there with a coffee mug in her hand was Miki Hyoudou, Issei's Mother a brown haired woman with a smile always on her face, yet today that smile was a smug one because she had a letter in her hand titled.

[Issei Hyoudou] - Kuoh Academy

Trying to grab the letter from his mother was unsuccessful as one would have thought, putting the letter behind her back she laughed she wagged a finger and then pointed to the food.

"Food First" She said, obeying his mother's wishes he ate his food hastily, putting the dishes in the sink and finally grasping the now outstretched letter, ran to the living room and leapt onto the couch, holding the letter in his hands a myriad of emotions ran threw him. Assumptions quickly flowing through his head, making it harder and harder to open the letter. Finally, after several moments he tore open the letter, he saw the words printed.

Issei Hyoudou

Kuoh, Japan

Dear Mr. Hyoudou

On behalf of Kuoh Academy I am pleased to congratulate you on your acceptance into our program. As you know, Kuoh Academy is one of the more prestigious schools in the area and we have accepted only the finest applicants since our founding in 1988. We were very impressed with Issei's skills and abilities and gladly chose him from our pool of applicants to enroll in our fall school year. If you have any questions please contact the school between now and the upcoming school year.

Yours Sincerely

Maou. L Zech

Kuoh Academy

Relief flooded through him as he then began, leaping for joy and immediately took out his phone and opened a group chat with all of his middle school friends asking if any of them got in, many which responded negatively until his phone rang and looking down it was one of his closest friends Matsuda.

"Yooo what up?"

He begins but suddenly through the line his friend begins screaming.

"Issei we got in, did you get in too, we gotta meet up if you did and even if you didn't we still gotta meet up." his friend begins to run on.

"Of course I got in you idiots, meet me at my place in 10 and we'll go out for some pizza or something." Hanging up his phone he speeds back into the kitchen giving his mother a hug even lifting her up a little bit.

"Mom, I actually got in!" he exclaimed with excitement.

Just giving him a pat on the head she shakes her head at her sons antics.

"I knew you could do it if you put your mind to it Ise, now only if you did it for the right reasons." she begins and slides a hand down his face and gives him a slight stare down.
Feeling a shiver down his back he slowly backs away from his mother. "Me and Matsuda and Motohama are gonna meet up I have to get ready I'll be back later." he says hurriedly as he runs back to his room. Grabbing some clothes and taking a shower and brushing his teeth.

Afterwards while flicking through the channels on the television the doorbell rang. "I'll be right there" he said hurriedly and opened up the door to see two of his best friends Matsuda a young man of short stature and an almost American Crew cut style haircut who has the nickname of 'Monkey Pervert' because of his face. Motohama had a slightly similar hairstyle to Issei's own but was shorter and has a slimer build because of his extensive record of running track in middle school, had the nickname 'glasses' because of his well glasses. Both looking expectantly at Issei.

The trio began walking to a local shopping outlet and begin to talk about how their highschool life was going to be, "So" Issei asked "Do you guys think anyone else got in?"

Matsuda was the first to respond. "Ha and hog all the ladies from us, hell no this school is gonna be a paradise for men the less there the better." Motohama nodding in agreement and began chatting among themselves, about how they were all going to be harem kings.

Instead of saying anything Issei was looking around, noticing that the mall was very crowded with both families shopping for school supplies and as Matsuda like'd to point out constantly groups of 'hot babes'

Slightly groaning at his friends antics, the trio hit a nearby stall that sold fast food. After they ordered food, sitting down on a nearby bench Issei started "After this, you guys wanna go?" he asked facing the arcade just a few yards down from them.

First getting a "Yeah" Matsuda before Motohama began, "Yeah I'll kick yo-" but was interrupted by a young woman that looked slightly older than them setting down a tray of food. Her attire consisted of a brown apron and a white bandanna.

"Here you go boys." She smiled and walked off as the three boys stared at her as she walked back into the stall.

The three boys sighed and then-


The back of Issei's head was hit by the back of a hand so hard he almost fell on the floor.

Turning around they spotted a looking rugged man rubbing the back of his hand with an angry look on his face sporting an outfit similar to the woman they were just eyeing.

Rubbing the back of his head Issei began. "What the hell was that for old man?" his voice raising a little higher than normal because of the pain his head swimming.

"That's my daughter you three are eyein there, watch where your eyes wander." he said with a glare, Matsuda and Motohama reared back in fear by the look they were getting.

"Yeah come on Issei, lets go." Matsuda began as Motohama whimpered behind him trying to visibly escape the older man as quickly as possible.

Issei straightened himself in his chair. "Listen man, we're sorry were looking at your daughter like th-" he began until the old man busted out in laughter and pointed behind him.

"Bwhaha...boy, i'm just screwing around with you and ya friends, that seem to have abandoned you." and true to his words Issei looked behind him and lo behold his friends had disappeared and his eyes fell over to the arcade where a bald head and a pair of glasses were peeking out from around a corner until they were spotted. He gave a chuckle as he looked back to the older man to try and apologize again until some shouting was heard back from the stall and a howl of pain was heard.

Both men looking back to the noise, spot the rugged man's daughter holding her arms across her chest yelling at 2 teens that appear to be around the same age as Issei and another one on the ground holding his crotch.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" the older of the two begins as he runs over to where his daughter is yelling at the group, Issei watches with interest as the rugged man stands next to his daughter as the teens try to argue back with the stall owner and his daughter.

The daughter turns to her father "These idiots, wouldn't take a hint!" leveling the 3 with a glare

Issei watches in amusement as the father says "Attracting all the weirdo's today aren't ya?" he says with amusement as his daughters face begins to heat up in anger. Until the teen that got kicked in the groin begins to stand up on wobbly legs.

"Just you wait old man!" he shouts, as he limps away from the stand along with his sidekicks, Issei begins to walk over.

"Sounds like you got a bad customer old dude" Issei says as he gives a nod towards the retreating teens. The daughter lets out a small snort, while the old man gripes on about how some kids are disrespectful these days. Until the old man gets back into the stall and sits down onto a stool looking down the hall.

"Those idiots have been harassing Yusu for a few weeks now, kid thinks he's some big shot." and then turns to Issei with an outstretched hand. "Well whatever, what's your name kid? Haven't seen you hanging around the mall before."

Grasping the hand firmly he says "Issei Hyoudou" as he introduces himself and then points back "Those two idiots are Matsuda and Motohama." the older of the two then points a thumb back behind him and begins. "Back there's my younger daughter Yusu, and I'm Kirigaya Takahiro nice to meet ya Issei."

Issei sends a wave back to the daughter, that had just came out from behind the curtain. Now sporting normal clothes Issei notices that she was more attractive than what he originally his face heating up as the brown haired beauty begins to wave back at him as walking past she shouts out that it's her break time as she disappears into the mall. Issei's head is slightly tapped this time as the Kirigaya tries to look menacingly at him. Deciding to chat with Kirigaya a bit instead of meeting his friends at the arcade, Issei sits down.

That evening, when the mall began closing Issei said his goodbyes to the old man. Noticing that Matsuda and Motohama had already left Issei and went to their homes, Issei decided to walk home as well. He picked up his phone noticing that it was nearly 8:00, dialing his mother's number he waiting until she answered.

"Hello, Ise?"

"Hey mom, just wanted to know if you wanted anything at the store?" giving a slight thought to the question gives a quiet hum.

"No I don't think so, unless you need soda but besides that I don't need anything."

Exiting the mall doors he thinks about whether or not he wants to grab a soda then or tomorrow until deciding on not going.

"Nah I'll just head home, I'll be home around a quarter of." the two say their goodbyes as she hangs up and Issei begins his trek home.

A little bit into his walk Issei is assaulted with a terrible smell wondering to himself if a skunk had just died near him. He begins to walk faster noticing that the smell got worse until he reached a small abandoned building that had blood outside the front of it. Feeling creeped out in the dark he took out his phone and began to call the police until a body ran directly into him, knocking him to the ground and his phone out of his hand and into the darkness.

The body had turned out to be a young man with, multiple slashes over his torso and his face he grabs on to Issei. "You gotta help me, it's coming!" he yells voice laced with fear, as they both turned to see the door to the building blown open by a man that is covered from neck to toe with blood.

Noticing Issei the man begins, "Ah, finally a moresol with a sacred gear. Wonder how you'll taste, but can't forget the appetizers." as he charges Issei and the body next to him, his arm transforming into a claw and smacking both toward the fences nearby.

Managing to stand up Issei him knees shaking and fear printed on his face, is confronted with the man that just attacked him. Grinning until the claw grabs him and slams him up against a nearby wall holding him by the neck he starts. "Just a shame you ran into me tonight child, I promise you shall live on forever in m-"

But is abruptly stopped when he's stabbed in the neck by a knife from the other teenager, with a gurgled roar he rips out the knife and lets go of Issei and dives onto the other teenager and begins to try to pound him into dust. Issei in a sudden burst of desperation takes the knife off of the floor and jams it into the side of the man turned monsters head, effectively ending his life.

Issei still shaking gets out the twos cents of "Fuck you." and then slumps against the wall hearing a very loud ding in his ear, he closes his eyes. Upon opening them up he spots the words.

"Requirements Met Congratulations Gamer"

"Congratulations You Have Leveled Up!"
"Congratulations You Have Leveled Up!"
"Congratulations You Have Leveled Up!"
"Voice Command 'Status' To Open"

Gamer? He hasn't played any video games in months holding his head his vision swimming. Believing himself to be slightly delirious he whispers open and his eyes begin to widen as a list of distorted information floods his vision.

Issei Hyoudou-Perverted Trio Leader

Lvl: 3 Race: Human

HP: 70/260

MP: 60/60

Strength: 10

Vitality: 13

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 4

Luck: 7

Stat Points: 0

Cash: 10000yen

Titles: Student/Leader

Skills/Abilities: (Tap, or voice command "open skills" to see skills)
Inventory: (Tap, or voice command "Open Inventory" to see inventory )

Regaining his sense of self, Issei stands up. Steadily leaning on the wall looking back down at the bodies he notices that the man's gigantic claw arm had returned back into a normal arm looking even lower he noticed that the other teens body, pale yet bloody and tears still falling from dead eyes.

Calming his breath Issei looked back up towards the building the two had came out of and slowly walked inside. Peeking in the front door spotting the mangled bodies of at least 4 other people inside followed by the smell of even more dead bodies surrounded by lit candles, nearly throwing up he hurriedly walks outside and takes a few very large breaths of air.

What could he do? He couldn't report this to the cops, they might call him crazy if he said some man with a giant claw for an arm tried to kill him and some others, yet he is the only survivor. They'd call him crazy for sure, looking down at the now dead killer he takes rips the knife out from the side of his head. Pocketing the knife, and wiping the blood off his hands he turns to look for his fallen phone he sees a small addition symbol in the dark and moves over to the strange site to see his phone.

Instead of picking up his phone he accidentally taps the small plus sign floating over it, and with it his phone fades away.

"Added Inventory - Cellular Device - Issei's Phone"

Appearing shocked for another second he remembers seeing his inventory on the screen he quickly murmurs the words status and he guides through the screens until he finds his phone in his inventory along with a small 3d sheet of him next to it with slots for clothes and other items like his knife, and even a small space for the 20000 yen in his wallet. Tapping the minus sign his phone appears in his hands, just as it was a few moments ago. Issei's eyes lit up with great interest as his phone disappeared as he tapped the plus sign again. Thinking back to a few moments ago he navigated through the screen again but this time said the words "Open Skills" another list had popped up.

"List of Skills" - Tab to Minimize " - Means Passive Skills while + Are activatable" "You Can Think it, you can do it!"

Gamers Mind: Lv 1 - Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological mass effect.

Gamers Body: Lvl 1 - Grants a body that allows for the user to live in the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

Observe: Lvl 1 + Allows the user to observe objects and situations depending on their point of view 5MP-Per use

Physical Endurance: Lvl 1 - The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 1%? decrease in damage taken by attacks.

Killer Intent: Lvl 1 +- allows you to sense Danger and give off an aura of Danger as well.

A slight grimace reaches his face as he read the skills. "No wonder why I'm so calm about this. I'd think anyone else's be crying." he said as he slightly thanks some god for the Gamers Mind skill. While we're on the topic of skills he thought loudly the word Observe while he concentrated on the body of the monster another pop up appears.

Naagdal - [DEAD] - lvl 14

Emotions: Rage, Pain, Sadness.
~~Upgrade the Observe Skill to learn more about one's self~~

Not even bothering with the bodies of the other people in and out of the house Issei put the knife in his inventory and begins his trek home. Walking way faster than normal, he opened his status and watched out the corner of his eye as his HP and MP regenerate and the small scratches he had fade away quickly.

Finally reaching the front of his house he took his hoodie off before entering, to try and avoid his mother from asking questions he walks out to the living room and greeted his mother before climbing the stairs and into his bedroom. Where he laid down and watched his vision fade to black.

A/N: Well there it is, hate it or love it drop a review. I swear the format looks better on google docs. This story did well even though I wrote it during my freshman year of high school and just posted what was on my head randomly. Now I'm actually trying to make a actual story with a semi decent plot and probably not butcher it. Plus I actually enjoy the way I'm setting up the story now. Having the story start on Issei's first year allows me some creativity when designing the plot so I can make my own story and not just rewriting the main plot like how I felt like was doing in the old one.