New York City
January 2019

It had been another excruciatingly long day at SVU, and the last thing Olivia Benson, lieutenant, wanted to do was deal with an argumentative six year old.
"Why does Lucy have to always go home?" Noah balked
"Well" Liv began, "she helps us out and takes care of you while I'm at work and you're home from school"
"So" Noah scoffed
"Did she help you with your homework?" Liv tried to continue the conversation
"Nope" Noah walked away from her
"Alright" Liv sighed, "Let's go ahead and get started, then"
"No!" Noah verbally lashed out
"Noah, remember what we talked about using our inside voices"
"It's not fair. Jeremy said he won't play with me because I don't have a Dad. But I do. I showed him that I do!"
"You – showed him?" Liv was internally horrified that Noah had found something of Johnny D's and had brought it to show his first grade classmates.
"What did you – um- show him?"
"This" Noah reached into his blue backpack and pulled out a framed photo. Liv knew exactly where he'd found it
"Where did you find that?" she questioned him calmly, even though alarm bells were ringing in her mind.
"If my Daddy is in heaven, what does he look like?" Noah skirted around the question
"Um-" Liv was at a loss for words. Meanwhile, Noah barreled on,
"Is this him? I found it while looking for the baseball bat I know you got me for my birthday"
"Noah" Liv began, but she didn't get very far. She glanced down at the framed photo Noah had given back to her. It showed her, much younger, with short hair, laughing while next to her, his arm around her shoulders, was a good looking man who sported a beard.
"Is it?" Noah kept prattling on, "Huh? Then I can tell Jeremy again and make him stop bugging me!"
Liv stared at the photo, which she'd kept hidden away.
"Noah, I've told you before" she started, "I don't like it when you go through my closet, especially when I'm not home"
"But you go into my room all the time!"
"I do" she nodded, "but I'm your mother, and I take care of you. When you're grown up, you can-"
"I'm tired of waiting to be grown up!" he shouted and ran off to his room
Liv sighed, realizing that she had two problems to deal with tonight, instead of just one.
The first was that Noah had to work on his anger and his temper.
The other, was that he'd found a photo of Elliot Stabler.