"Yet we have the power to scale the walls between us, that's how we win!"
"When people reach out to eachother, there are no need for gods. Rhea your rain of tertiary ends here."
"Mother... You're here..."
"I see you're awake once again, Byleth."
A voice said, a female sitting on her thrown. Her hand against her cheek. Green hues staring at the male who starred back at her with blue hues.
"You've been sleeping for a while... I wonder why? Is it because of the constant reversal of time?"
She thought tapping her cheek, casting her gaze away to the darkness.
"You remember don't you? After every awaking, you remember more and more... Slowly.. but it only felt like a dream."
Sothis sat back and switch her crossed legs, inspecting the male before her, as he seemed to be lost in thought, trying to remember each and every dream... Or at least what he thought was a dream.
Byleth looked up to her giving a slight nod. He did indeed remember. The school, the children, the fight, the picking of sides...
A shodow casted over his eyes... The death of every single person. He had killed them... They had to kill eachother...
Sothis gave a frown, he was becoming over turned with emotions...
"Now, now... Don't cry Byleth... Maybe we can save them is time. Why else would time set you back here, set you before everything happens?"
The male looked up at her, slightly rubbed the corner of his eye, he gave a determined look.
"Right, now, you gatta wake up-"
Blue hues opened, staring at a ceiling. A noise to the side made him move, and a familiar face was shown to him. Jeralt. His father. Not dead this time, and hopefully he won't let him die ever.
"Hey kid- what the.." The older man was stunned as the blue haired male had suddenly rushed up and hugged him, squeezing almost, not wanting to let him go.
"That's new... I've never seen you act like this before." His father said, with a gentle smile adorning his lips, as he placed a hand on his head.
Byleth's lips quivered slightly, before he closed his eyes and took a step back shaking his head, now a bit embarrassed.
Jeralt gave a small chuckle by his actions, "Come on kid-"
"Sir!" Another mercenary had called to them, "We seem to have company-"
He was cut off as Byleth suddenly ran out of the room in a hurry.
"Whoa... What's up with him?" He questioned.
"I'm not sure myself... He's never acted like this.."
Three children where standing over to the side with other mercenaries. Yellow, red and blue. Talking about needed help as they were being chased by bandits, well at least the other two where, the one in yellow wasn't saying much.
Byleth already knew why, because he was running away to begin with..
Claude... Dimitri... Edelgard... He walked over to them, glancing at the three of them carefully.
"Hey well, we need some help and-" Claude paused as Byleth put his hand up, and gave a nod.
"But I haven't-"
The male walked to them giving a small smile, "I know what's going on.." He said, clenching his hands slightly as he doesn't "know" them yet.