'Hunter Emerson'—Thoughts

"Dusk Emerson"—Spells

'Harmony Emerson'—Telepathy

Enjoy. Thanks for all the faves, follows and reviews!


Bella stared at the black haired woman.

"Bellatrix Lestrange? Are you kidding me? That name is weird as fuck,"she said.

The woman scowled, ruining her pretty face. She brandished a stick and pointed it at her:

"Maela!"Bellatrix hissed, causing the girl to lose her voice after a jet of fluorescent blue struck her throat. The crazed woman smirked as she let herself into the tiny house.


The brunette and the ravenette sat in silence. Bella Swan was terrified. What did that woman do to her voice?! Bella Lestrange on the other hand was sizing up the girl in front of her.

'Ugly, That one is. Too sickly looking but seems to want revenge with all her heart. Draco thought that he could escape me, his Auntie Bella? He is sadly mistaken. Cissy and Luce had it easy. I want to play with him a bit. And wee baby Potty who will be essential in my plans...'

"Finite Incantatem!" She said, cancelling the Silencing spell she had cast. "What's your name?"she asked, playing with her hair.

"B-Bella Swan..."

The Lestrange scowled at that. "Only I am can be called Bella, got it?!"she hissed.

Bella gulped and squeaked out: "Y-You can ca-call me Izzy because Isabella is my full name..."

Bellatrix's face went back to all smiles. "Good."she said.

"Let me tell you something about a silly boy and a great, great man that started over eighteen years ago..."Bellatrix said solemnly. Izzy began to listen intently.

And so Bella began to create a tapestry about the tale of the Boy-Who-Lived and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Izzy's mind was completely thrown off balance after the tale had ended about the 'Not-So-Final' Battle.

"Wait, so you know where your nephew and this Potter and Granger kids are?"she asked.


"And you have a plan to bring back this Lord Voldemort?"

"Yes. I used the method he taught me to bring myself back from the dead. I had help from my husband's brother." Bellatrix then took out something from the small black box she had with her. The item in her pale hands was a chunky ruby encrusted gold metal bracelet that had the words Godric Gryffindor inscribed into its interiors.

"And this is one of the ways to bring him back,"she said.

"How is a bracelet supposed to help?"Izzy asked incredulously.

"Child, you need to get this onto Harry Potter's wrist and let the rest happen on its own because this bracelet is something special called a Horcrux. Harry Potter used to be a living Horcrux, but I'm not so sure now. Even if he isn't, this Horcrux is designed to react to others that are or used to be containers. The Horcrux will slowly manifest into a physical body of its Creator and all other Horcruxes will immediately feel its pull and submit to the Original."

"You keep on mentioning Harry Potter and the Horcrux thingy. Who is he and what is it?"

"You've seen Harry Potter. He goes to your school. He goes by the name of Hunter Emerson."

Izzy balked. No. No fucking way was that idiot the one that this Bellatrix was after. Izzy was actually quite content to let him die.

"What do I need to do?"she said.

"Just get into their good graces and I'll do the rest. Don't be surprised if you see me on Monday."Bellatrix gave a demented giggle before she scared the brunette by disappearing with a loud crack.

"Hunter Emerson—or should I say Harry Potter? Prepare to die,"she whispered softly to herself as she practically skipped all the way back to her bedroom.


None of the other Emersons nor the Cullens knew what the two Bellas were planning.

Hunter, Dusk and Harmony were all sleeping in their separate rooms, resting for their nighttime journey. Hunter and Harmony had a Dreamless Sleep Potion to keep the nightmares away, Dusk opted to sleep without it.

—Dusk's Dream (Light Smuttiness [in my books] Warning for you)—

Dusk and Jasper were in an abandoned classroom at Hogwarts, both of them in Muggle clothes since it was the weekend. Jasper had wanted help in getting a spell in Charms correct because he was having a lot of trouble with it, but Dusk had other. . .plans.

"So, it goes like this?"Jasper asked. What had sparked that? It suited the honey blond. His features looked different though. More...feminine for some reason and the neon blue eyes only made it more noticeable. His skin was less paler than before.

Dusk stepped behind Jasper and put his arms around his waist slowly, pulling the slightly shorter male's back closer to his front. Jasper's breathing hitched. The wand in his hand dropped to the floor.

"Coco no! What if someone sees us? If Ric bursts in here, he'll never let me forget this and it'll be all YOUR damned fault..."Jasper feebly protested as Dusk pushed him flat onto a desk.

"Don't call me Coco. You know I don't like that name, Lovey. And besides...No one can find us here. I put up numerous Silencing, Cave Imimicum and Homenum Repelling Wards up, so just relax and let me pleasure you, it's been a long time since we've been alone...Show me who you are, lovely. Let loose..."Dusk hissed into the honey blond's ear.

Jasper relented. Dusk kissed Jasper's slightly tanned neck, bit down hard on it, letting sweet smelling and tasting ruby red leak through the wound. Jasper hissed from both pleasure and pain, the bliss from the bite overriding everything else. How the honey blond loved his boyfriend marking him, kissing dark purple hickeys he left there not too long ago.

———(Dream over)———-

And that was when the last Malfoy decided to wake up. His pupils were blown wide with lust and disbelief, a shiver going through his body as he imagined what would happen next.

Yes, he did have a soft spot for the Hale-Cullen Vampire, but he had never imagined that it would go that far.

He really needed to keep his Occlumency shields up tight whenever either Hunter or Harmony were near...

School starts up again tomorrow for me. My life is over. (xOx)