I don't own Avatar, I am just a fan
This story is my fluff of romance between two characters i love. If you are looking for action or struggle this really isn't a story for you.
Sometimes it is nice to just join a journey of love. I wrote this because i couldn't get the picture of how Zuko and Katara got together out of my head. The fact other people are enjoying it as well makes me happy. Yay for love and romance.
Please enjoy!
It all started after Zuko's dad got arrested for corruption, embezzlement and a few other charges. That first weekend Zuko got his new apartment, and the gaang came over for a celebratory movie night; thus a tradition was born. Every Saturday, rain or shine 1 person got to pick a movie for everyone to watch. It was only ever the original 6. Mai would always bow out to go spend girl time Ty Lee (that is assuming she was dating Zuko on that day or not). Mai and Zuko broke up so much that on a daily basis no one was ever quite sure if they were together or not.
Aang would always pick a family cartoon claiming they needed something light hearted. Sokka would pick a 'B' comedy that only he seemed to laugh at filling the apartment with loud chuckles and slamming his leg. Suki would pick an action comedy as a way to appease Sokka while also enjoying the show, while Toph went straight to action. Katara picked a Romance and would always cry at the end when the guy got the girl. It was a nice tradition that everyone cycled through and looked forward to.
Well, that is until it would come to Zuko's night to pick. Zuko always picked a horror, and the scarier the better. He would always make sure the hall light was out, giving the apartment an eerie feel. He even once set up a cardboard cut out of the killer behind the shower so when Sokka was the first to go to the bathroom the shouting could be heard down the block. After that night, Aang would conveniently have something he couldn't get out of on Zuko's movie night.
Then Suki and Sokka started also missing Horror movie Saturday when it was Zuko's turn claiming they didn't get enough time together. It was only once every 6 weeks that people skipped, so no one got upset that the gaang of 6 went down to 3. Katara HATED when it was Zuko's night. She would jump at least 4 times and never slept well after going home and leaving all her lights on. As his friend though, she would never abandon him. It was her duty to see this through, especially after he would sit through her movies. So when she showed up for that fateful horror movie Saturday, she would have already committed to sitting through the whole thing.
As Zuko opened the door in his button up red shirt and Jean's, he gave her a lopsided grin. "Toph can't make it, she got sick trying to win a dare by eating a box of fire flakes." Katara froze for half a heartbeat. Damn it Toph always walked her home knowing how scared Katara was. No... It was ok, she would be there for him even if everyone else bailed.
"Why does that not surprise me?... what did you pick for tonight anyways? Some fluffy family friendly film that will tug at the heart?" She walked past him to set her purse down on the counter and go grab a soda from the fridge. If she was going to make it through the next few hours she was going to need supplies handy so she didn't have to get up.
"More like the scariest horror recorded and won the 'never sleep again award' last year. I am not even sure it is in English." Zuko's full grin was hard to resist causing Katara's own smile to appear. His smiles were few and far between, but when he smiled it curled her toes in excitement. It was like she earned a private show to his happiness.
After her and Aang agreed that friendship was better than dating, she had been single for 6 long months. It was hard to date between college and holding a job down to pay rent. Thankfully Uncle Iroh gave her the option to work on homework while working at the tea shop or she would not even be able to keep up with her friends. Sometimes when Zuko smiled at her, she was reminded on just how single she was. She had no one to share those private moments with away from others. Not that she liked Zuko…. He had Mai… Mai, yes… Mai… Zuko was with Mai, maybe? Honestly she wasn't sure right now if they WERE together or not but that didn't matter since he was off limits. If he isn't with her today, he would be tomorrow.
"Ok, let's get this over with!" Katara grumbled while heading to the living room. Zuko grabbed the popcorn and followed after her.
Katara sat down on the couch while Zuko turned out the lights and grabbed the remote. He sat down to her left with enough space to fit 1 person and declared "Here we go!"
The opening screen started out black with a deep voice talking. Based on the subtitles, clearly it was based on a real story and no one survived to tell the tail. Katara took off her shoes and slipped her feet to the couch resting her chin on her knees. Horror movie night always meant dressing in comfy clothes like her yoga pants and tank top so she could make a quick get away from monsters. Sure she faced down many scary men including going against Zuko's father but that didn't help her when it came to demons with tentacles that could grab your leg under the couch.
The first jump scare had her fly 2 feet in the air. She landed right next to Zuko with wide eyes. He was leaning forward watching the movie with his elbows on his legs but with her jump he leans back and smirks at her. "you ok there sugar queen?" She could hear the mocking tone he used and her back straightens as she turns an icy glare to him. "I am fine thank you!"
His smirk now becomes more pronounced as he takes in her stance. She was always strong and the first one to take charge of any situation. When he agreed to join the gaang and work with them to take his father down, she was fearless and even threatened him. The idea that a girl who was clearly smaller than himself could end his life permanently was laughable, but when she glared at you, you paid attention.
Zuko slowly leaned his back against the couch and put his arm to lay across the back behind her. If he was being truthful, Katara is the only reason he continues to pick a scary movie on his night. The first time it was his choice he was in a bad mood and was trying to scare Sokka for teasing him. Everyone settled in on the couch and Katara ended up jumping so high during the case sequence it made Zuko's week. He HAD to get that reaction again and again. Everything about Katara had to be noticed, studied and dissected.
She was his equal like no one else in the group. Only for her would he make an effort to not blow his temper. When all of them went somewhere and a person would start to stare at his scar, it was Katara who would grab his hand and with a gentle squeeze found a way to distract him defusing the situation. Mai never understood that. Zuko could never explain to the gaang why his relationship was on/off all the time. How would Sokka look at him with a straight face if he was to say that all of their fights started with how close Zuko was to Katara. Mai's jealousy hit new heights 2 days ago causing the most recent break up.
Since Zuko got out of class early he decided to surprise Mai at her apartment with take out and flowers. He thought they would have an afternoon of cuddles and instead he stood in her kitchen fighting about how Katara and not her liked chinese food and that Katara also liked flowers when Mai wanted fruit tarts. He was done with Mai. Katara would never see him like that anyways. She was too good, too wonderful to be with someone having a sorted past. How did Mai not get that?
The second scare had Katara jump straight into Zuko's torso where she buried herself into his neck not looking while wrapping her arm around to his shoulder. He froze for a full 10 seconds absorbing the feeling of having Katara pressed against his body. She was so soft, so warm and comfortable despite the chill in the apartment. Suddenly watching the movie was no longer in his priorities and focusing solely on how Katara felt to his side was everything.
Zuko took great care to slowly lower his right hand down covering her back and cradling her to his side. She smelled like rainfall in the spring. He desperately wanted to tease her for not watching but it stuck to the roof of his mouth while he clamped down on his tongue. He could not ruin this moment and have her pull away. The movie continued on with screams of the girl running down the alleyway.
When the creature caught up to the main character, a loud gurgle sound echoed in the space while the monster tore into the person with its claws. Katara didn't look up but instead pushed further into Zuko's side squeezing her eyes shut. If she wasn't so scared, she would have jumped back from being so close to him like this. Zuko was her brother's best friend and there was a line she was not allowed to cross. Regardless of how attractive that line looked when she was alone in her bed at night.
Zuko shifted his body to the side now covering her further like a human blanket from the movie. Realizing it was impossible to not say something, he leaned into her ear and whispered "You gonna survive there Kat?" Her blush was amazing. She was fighting a smile and started to mumble her reply while not pulling back. He was all of the sudden torn on his choice of movie.
On the one hand, Katara was holding him like a lover. On the other, she was scared and his need to protect her flared into his body faster than he knew how to handle. "I am sorry, I missed that. Care to share it again?"
She could hear his tone, the smile playing at his lips when he talked. He was amused by her outburst of affection. Sadly, she couldn't hide in his neck all night so putting on a brave face would have to do. Pulling back, she looked him square in the eyes and said "I am doing a lot better than she is" while pointing to the murder in progress on the screen.
It was after this declaration she realized how close she really was to his face. Their noses were almost touching. Gold to Blue eyes locked into each other and the mood in the room started to shift. Neither of them moved for what felt like an eternity. Then, as if driven by an invisible force, Zuko's left hand came around to cradle Katara's face. It was like a magnet for him and when his hand fit perfectly against her jaw it was confirmation to him that this was the right move.
Katara's breathing started to increase as her heart beat faster. He smelled of cinnamon and something pure Zuko. He looked down from her eyes to settle on her mouth. The last thought she had as he leaned in was one of need.
The kiss started innocent enough. His mouth was so soft as it slanted against her lips giving her a virginal kiss. He then slowly took his hand sliding it from her jaw to the back of her head tangling the hair within his fingers while licking her lips silently asking for permission. When she opened her mouth and granted access, his purr was a rumble within his chest exciting her. She was pushed back into the couch as he continued to hold her lower back with his other hand pressing her body into his in a delicious manner.
At this point, rational thought flew out the window for both of them. She was no longer the best friends sister and he was no longer off limits. They were both acting on instinct that screamed it was right. The movie continued on but it was a backdrop as mood lighting more than anything else.
Katara grabbed his shoulders pulling him as close as his body would allow. Spirits he could kiss. His tongue ring which she had previously teased him for was doing an excellent job proving it's worth. She would never again discuss how his tongue got swollen for a week when the bar was put in. He could keep it forever for all she cared. And right now, she definitely cared. She felt confined with how she was sitting though. Sure, she could grab his back but what she really wanted was to touch his chest.
Zuko trained with weapons and different fighting styles for years so Katara knew what he looked like under his shirt. From the first time she came upon his practice, she wanted to touch and scratch his chest to see if it was just as hard as it looked. Thinking through her options in rapid succession, Katara jerked her body hard pulling Zuko with her. In a small tumble, now Katara was laying flat on her back on the couch with Zuko's entire frame on her. He stopped kissing her then pulling back and checking her face.
His eyes came out of the fog long enough to really look at her while she stared back. Both of them silently asking if this is ok with their eyes. Then, as if answering at the same time, they both got big goofy grins on their faces. To continue while he was seeing someone would be rash bordering on foolish, so in the smallest voice she could muster Katara squeaked "what about Mai?"
It was official, she would die right here and right now. How could she ruin this moment. Throwing curses in her head about how she could forget Mai for at least a few more minutes Zuko regarded her for a beat. "We ended it… for… good this time"
What he really wanted to say was something to the affect of 'like Agni I would go back to her after this!' but he figured that maybe the brutal honestly could be withheld until another time. Katara slid her hands from his shoulders to the back of his head and pulled him back down. The discussion was officially closed and no more talking was needed.
Kissing Katara was like pure love. His hand slipped down her hair past her shoulders and down her arm. He grabbed her hip while he took the other arm and propped himself up on his elbow. In no way would he stop kissing her, he just wanted to make sure he also didn't smother her. Once he was secure in their position, he rammed his leg between hers and his hand started the track up her body from the hip.
Zuko was like the best fire whiskey she had ever had, highly additive and unable to stop. His hand was setting fire to her body in ways she couldn't predict while his hard length started distracting her on her thigh. If she didn't do something soon she was going to combust.
When his hand grabbed her breast, it was then that Katara realized he had been under her shirt for his journey north. Her gasp was audible and immediately swallowed by his mouth while she arched into his body. Fuck he felt amazing.
It was at this point that her phone started going off.
No… no way would she answer that. Not when she was this close to having every fantasy come true. For his part, Zuko acted like he heard nothing. His focus was so concentrated that when she broke the kiss to breath he simply moved to her throat. Oh… oh SPIRITS what he could do on her throat. Her need washed through her.
Now Zuko's phone was lighting up the room and ruining the mood. He broke off from her neck and pulled back to look her right in the eyes. The pain and desire for both of them was so thick you could cut it with a knife. He shot such an angry look at his phone that for a minute Katara wondered if he could set it on fire with just as look.
"WHAT?!" he growled into the phone as he pulled back from her. Immediately missing his warmth, Katara sat up and looked around landing on the TV for the first time in a while. Well apparently they missed the end because now they were watching the title screen dancing back and forth asking for you to play the movie.
"Where exactly are you then? How are we supposed to find you?" Zuko's voice turning into slight concern had Katara pause as she was getting up to turn on the light. No way could they continue at this point. Life clearly was not fair.
"Ok… Ok… yeah I will come. Katara is still here finishing the movie so we will leave here in a minute….. yeah…. yeah, you OWE me." Click!
She gave him a curious look while he proceeded to rub the back of his head looking anywhere but at her. "So it turns out that Sokka's amazing mechanic skills for his car are less than amazing. Suki and him are stuck in the other part of town. The tow truck is coming but they will be stranded. Toph won't answer and neither will Aang so they need to be rescued." She could tell how much it pained him to admit that their private time together had just ended.
"It is ok, you can hold this over Sokka's head for at least a week. And technically we didn't finish the movie… so… We could… come back and pick up where we left off." They both knew she didn't mean the movie. This was her green light to him she wanted to continue what they started. He gave her a ghost of a smile that turned her stomach to butterflies.
"You… want to continue, huh? It wasn't… too scary for you? This is something… you would enjoy to repeat?" Oh the cockiness of his voice made her want to deny it just to push him down a peg. However, if she did that then she would not have the enjoyment of coming back. Decisions, decisions….
"I think that you better hope Sokka doesn't want to finish the movie with us after his date night got ruined." She said with narrowing her eyes. Zuko dropped any smile he had and nodded his head turning serious. Point for Karata.
In the end, it was Suki would actually ruined the evening for them. Once they showed up to the broken down car Suki declared she was exhausted and just wanted to go home. Since she was roommates with Katara, it made it hard to argue with her choice. Even the small attempt mentioning they needed to finish the movie made Suki blurt out how much Katara was scared of them anyways and then Sokka asked Zuko if he could spend the night complaining about what could have gone wrong.
When they all pulled up on front of the girls apartment, Katara gave Zuko the look of apology and slipped out. He watched them go up the stairs and just sat there idling. It took Sokka coughing and demanding him to lead the way for Zuko to remember where he was. It wouldn't do good following after her he supposed regardless of what he wanted.
That was ok. This was not over, not by a long shot. Katara might not have realized it yet, but he wasn't going to give up on this now that it started. Whatever it was, it was going to continue.