The fire dragon slayer took one look at the blonde, dozing off in his lap. And not for the first time he felt a certain urge.
The urge to stay with her, to keep her safe, to protect her no matter what.
Even if she was just tired. In that case, if his girl needed sleep, she would get it.
And gods have mercy on anyone dumb enough to interfere.
He chuckled. She stirred, and he quickly stroked a hand over her hair, coaxing her back to sleep with more gentleness than he knew he even possessed.
His girl...weird to think about, but that's how he saw her. How? Why? He didn't know, it didn't matter.
What mattered was, he felt it. Dense as he was, he thought he had noticed something lately. In the year they had been apart Lucy had grown stronger, bolder, more open with showing affection.
It showed in her actions, her words. It showed in her eyes, the way she looked at him when she thought he wasn't looking.
It showed right now in the way she freely cuddled with him in her sleep, in the way her mouth curled into a gentle smile.
They were so much more than they had been, so much more than friends...
He stroked her hair again. She stirred a little then snuggled a little closer to him.
Soon enough they would talk, sort out this interesting predicament.
But right now, for the first time in written memory, Natsu Dragneel was content with sitting still, with enjoying a rare quiet moment with his sleeping warrior princess.