Chapter Fifteen
He couldn't even look at me, I made some stupid mistake and kissed him on the cheek trying to save his ass by the way and he was avoiding me like the plague. I am in such major trouble with him, everything about him draws me in and I can't help myself. He has been friends with my moms for years and I can tell the whole age thing freaks him out, or maybe he just doesn't like me in the same why I like him. I wouldn't blame him, what kind of grown man would want someone like me.
Seeing him standing there dressed in a suit was the hottest thing I had ever seen, he was scowling at Narcissa as I was dancing with Draco and Harry. A glass was handed to me and I decided to just have fun. It was clear nothing was going to happen between us and I just need to get him out of my mind.We spent all night celebrating and before long I could see Harry and Draco leave together, they really were a cute couple. Hermione and Narcissa also went home together. Bella and Min came over to me with a very drunk Sirius.
"I am going to take Sirius home. Do you want to stay here with Bella while everything closes or are you sober enough to apparate home?" I nodded my head at her and let her know I can get home myself until a soft pressure came to rest on my back. His honey voice invaded my brain and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My back was on fire from where his hand rested.
"No need to worry Minerva, I will make sure she gets home safe." I swallowed thickly as they both looked at me for permission to leave. I kissed both of their cheeks and let them go their separate ways before turning to face the man who has been haunting my dreams from the moment I met him.
"You don't have to stay, I am a big girl. I can make it home myself." He pinched the bridge of his nose and held out his arm for me to take.
"How about a walk?" My curiosity and selfishness got the better of me, I wanted to spend time with him and he was presenting me with the opportunity. How could I say no? I tucked my arm in his before leaving the club to walk the streets of muggle London. We were quiet for a good few minutes, his paces were slow and he was probably compensating for my wearing heels. Even in heels he was a good foot taller than me and feeling his body pressed to my side was almost too much for me.
"It's amazing Bella was able to get the club up and running so fast. It will be good for the worlds to have somewhere to intersect." He nodded his head at me but refused to look at me. It looked like he was having an internal struggle with himself and I couldn't take it anymore.
"Ok what's your damage?" He was confused and I just stopped dead and pulled him to a stop. He wasn't happy but he still looked conflicted.
"I'm sorry I kissed you, ok. It was just a kiss on the cheek move on man. Do I like you? Yes. Do I expect you to like me back? No. That's ok, I have resigned myself to that fact ever since we brewed the potion to wake Remus. I get that for years you couldn't be seen to show emotion but Severus the war is over. I am not a groupie so don't treat me like some vapid Sorority girl trying to get your attention. You're being an asshole, I don't appreciate it and if you were American this would be so much easier to navigate." My rant was over and the gears were turning, as he looked down at me I could see him expression falter as he shook his head.
"I am not an open man, not even really a kind man. I do not have much experience with women, I have only ever loved one woman in my life. My position in the war didn't leave much room for romance. At any given day I would have to be alone so what was the point of getting close to someone." I nodded my head and was glad he was opening up to me. He took one step closer to me and it was if I had forgotten how to breathe.
"You are the most infuriating, intelligent, amusing and interesting woman I have ever met and it's terrifying." I smiled at him as he was saying these things. He pulled me closer with his arms held onto my hip and I literally felt like I was going to pass out. The butterflies in my stomach was too much it was practically a stampede at this point.
"I don't know if I can promise you anything, maybe it's selfish of me to even suggest such a thing but would you like to go to dinner with me?" I nodded my head and smiled at him which made him smile and it was the first time I had seen a genuine smile on his face.
"I would love to Severus." He nodded his head and went to walk away before I stopped him, I was feeling bold and using my hand I pulled him down for a mind blowing kiss. As his soft lips pressed into mine I could feel the butterflies in my stomach were now like elephants and I couldn't help but smile into it. He was tentative at first but damn could the man kiss. As I broke away from him as let out a breath I wasn't even aware I was holding onto.
"Anytime, anyplace. I'm there." He let a small smile erupt on his face and we continued on toward my apartment, he insisted on walking me home, I was tempted to invite him in for a nightcap but that could wait. I didn't want to scare him off after just pulling a date out of him.
"Saturday...six thirty?" I nodded and he surprisingly leant down to press his lips to mine again before he went to leave.
"Goodnight Alya." I smiled and reluctantly let go of his hand.
"Goodnight Severus." He walked away down the corridor and I walked into my apartment. I have a date with Severus Snape. I kissed Severus Snape. All of these thoughts were only beginning to sink in as I took of the death traps I call heels and slipped on my pyjamas. Holy Shit. Such a turn of events in my night. I have a date with Severus Snape.
As the sun filtered in through the curtains I was awakened, today was the day I was leaving to go to Hogwarts, as I turned my head I found Narcissa sound asleep beside me. I hated the fact that we were going to be separated, she had become a constant in my life and I am really going to miss her. I just sat and watched her sleep for a while before I really had to go to the bathroom.
Once I cleaned my teeth, washed my face and brushed my hair I walked back into the room and Narcissa was stirring. As she opened her eyes I melted into them, she smiled at me and I couldn't help but be proud of everything she had overcame.
"Good Morning." She smiled and turned onto her side to look directly at me, she held onto my hips as I climbed on top of her and kissed her square on the lips. As I pulled back I could see the sadness in her face. Deciding to stay in our bubble for a little while longer I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and smiled.
I pulled off my tank top and then hers before we spent our last couple of hours worshipping each other. Once we had showered and changed I sat on the edge of the bed watching Narcissa put on her boots and shook my head. I knew the next few months would be difficult but now that it was actually here my heart was breaking. A stray tear fell down my face just as she turned around and she looked worried.
"No, don't you dare. If you start crying then I will start crying, listen we already have permission from Minerva for you to come home every weekend. You can't get rid of me that easily my darling. Christmas is not too far away." I nodded my head and took her hands before she pulled me up to my feet.
"I have seen you almost everyday since that day in Malfoy Manor, it's going to be difficult being away from you." She nodded in understanding before kissing me and I heard her in my head. 'I love you Hermione are my gravity, my love and as much as I am going to miss you. There is no way you can pass up an opportunity to go back. Every weekend come home, be with me then." I nodded and kissed her trying to put as much need and want and love into it as I could.
"Home?" I smirked as she nodded before telling me, she wanted to get a place for just us when I graduate but for now she wanted to spent time with her newly reunited family. I stood and picked up my small beaded bag which had all my worldly possessions in it and we made our way downstairs. Harry, Ron and Draco were waiting at the bottom with a similar expression on their face, Ron came to say goodbye to his friends. It seems strange we had spent so much time together and had really bonded as a group and now we were going to be separated.
"Ok, no tears. All of you be careful, look after one another and Ronald and I will be here when you all come home." Ron slung his arm around Narcissas shoulder and smiled at us.
"Don't worry, I will look after her." We all laughed and nodded before getting ready to leave. Minerva was meeting us at the school and Sirius was hungover and slightly dying in the hallway. After getting his arse up and out the door we Apparated directly onto the platform. It was ten thirty, children were boarding the train and as soon as we all got closer to the crowd a hush fell over them.
They were looking at us all in awe and shock before surprisingly Blaise Zabini, Ginny, Luna, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne, Tracey Davis and Neville came over to us all. Pansy had apologised to Harry and was currently looking Ron up and down which was strange but we didn't think anything of it. We all spent some time getting better acquainted before it was time to get on the train.
"Ok everyone, be careful and look out for each other." We all nodded and one by one they all trickled away after saying goodbye to Ron and Narcissa. I was left standing with Narcissa. Sirius walked over to see Amelia who was dropping Susan off, considering how drunk he got last night I was assuming it was to apologise to her for being an arse.
"Ok...have fun. Talk to me later on this evening." I promised I would and just held onto her face and pulled her down for a kiss. Every emotion I could think of was poured into the kiss and as we broke apart I just held onto her.
"I am going to miss you." She nodded her head and we exchanged one final kiss and I ran onto the train before I changed my mind and stayed at home this year. As I took a seat in a compartment with everyone I couldn't help but keep her eyes on mine. Harry and Draco held onto me as the train pulled away from the station. I was on my way back to Hogwarts and it was a good thing but damn I was going to miss her.
It was the night of my date with Severus and I had never had any problems before dressing for a date. Tonight however it seems to be the opposite, I had my entire closet sitting in front of me and didn't have a clue what to wear. A soft knock on my front door and it was Bella and Narcissa. The latter was losing her mind without Hermione and it had only been a week.
"Hey aren't you meeting Hermione tonight? What are you doing here?" I nodded and she gave me a hug. It felt weird having a family, as dysfunctional and slightly insane as they all were. Being on my own since my parents died sort of warped my mind slightly.
"Not till later, she wanted to pick something up at Gringotts. You need me more right now. What are you wearing on your date." I just threw my head up and collapsed onto my bed in defeat.
"I don't know, I have been staring at my clothes for an hour. This doesn't happen to me, I usually don't go all gooey about a guy and I am acting like a idiot. PLEASE HELP." Both of them smiled at me before Bella pulled me to my feet and brushed my hair out of my eyes and smiled.
"Well lucky for you I know where he is taking you to. Sit down we will help, Cissy you wear all of that goop on your face do her make up. I will pick you something to wear." I sighed in relief and sat on the chair in front of them both whilst Narcissa started drying and styling my hair. It sat in long, loose ringlets down my back till my tailbone and then a smoky eyed make up look.
"Oh wow. You should become a make up artist." Then I was handed a pair of black skinny jeans, white top with blue quills all over it and dark green boots. I had to admit I looked good.
"Thank you both." They shook their heads as my door rang instantly got nervous. They bid farewell with Narcissa going to be with Hermione and Bella heading to Hogwarts to visit Min.
As I landed outside the wards of the castle I could help but feel excited for Alya, I knew she liked him but I never would have thought my straight laced friend would reciprocate those feelings. Alya had a genius quality about her and I think he respected that about her. He respects Hermione but he has seen the young Gryffindor grow up and become who she is now, Alya on the other hand is different, she is an old soul, properly old. That is what he is drawn too, I would have thought it would bother me but surprisingly it doesn't.
As I walked through the castle I saw a few strays who had a good gawk at me before heading through corridors toward Minervas office. She had given me the password into her own private FLOO, I preferred coming in the other way. It reminded me of being a student and arriving back to school. I enjoyed walking through the castle and relishing in the comfort it provided me.
As I knocked on the door it almost instantly swung open to reveal Min sitting at her desk with her outer teaching robes off, she had a Whiskey in front of her and a few papers with a frown. She didn't even look up when I walked in, she just continued to look at the pages and it wasn't until I sat down in front of her she snapped out of it.
"You know, you're going to get a permanent scowl on that gorgeous face and we can't have that can we?" She smirked at me before waving her hand and glasses appear. Sometimes I envied her use of wandless magic.
"Show off." She smiled and poured me a glass before looking back up at me, this reminded me of how it used to be for us. Easy conversation, a drink in hand and everything else in between.
"Well I am the headmistress now. One has to have so much more perks than everyone else." The secrets of the castle was extraordinary there was more secret passageways than anything else, the moving staircase had a pattern every hour and their is a secret faculty library that no one knows about. The head of the school also got a certain power boost, she could always do wandless magic but too much of it drains someone's core. The castle didn't allow for that to happen to the head of the school.
"Did she get away ok?" Knowing she was asking about Alya I nodded my head. I still feel guilty about not telling her back then. I couldn't he,p but think how things would have been different if I did.
"Yeah she was nervous but she looked gorgeous, here I snapped a photo." Hermione had given me something called a Polaroid camera and as I pulled out the photo and handed it to Minerva I couldn't help but answer my question. This is probably what it would have been like, her first day at school, first accidental magic, first boyfriend all of that. We would have been sitting right here and talking about it.
"So, what is your plans?" She picked up her glass of Whiskey and mountain of paperwork before smiling and downing her glass. I always did like the way she could do that, the only other person I know who can do that without grimacing was Narcissa.
"Anything I can help with?" She shook her head at me and explained that the board of governors had decided to send a representative around from the Ministry to try and update the curriculum.
"I am all for it but my god the amount of paperwork that is involved is astronomical. I wish we could have computers because e-mails and word document would be so much easier." At my confused look she just shook her head and told me not too worry about it before laying her head onto the hands. As I stood up she jerked her head up slightly as I walked around behind her and began to rub her shoulders...she instantly relaxed.
"Look...all of this will still be here in the morning, how about I run you a bath, make you a hot tottie and you have a night of relaxation?" I don't know how must I know she was smiling and her long dainty hand reached up and took my hand in hers.
"Thank You..." She pulled me around to the front and I perched my ass on her desk. The look in her eyes was one I hadn't seen in years, she still felt for me the same way she always had, the look in her eyes tell me that. Slowly but before I could even acknowledge what was happening she stood and kissed me on the lips.
As if they had a life of their own my left hand grabbed her waist and the other held onto the side of her neck. We spent a good two minutes kissing before we broke apart and a small smile erupted onto her face. She took my hand in her own and guided me up the stairs behind her desk towards her quarters. Whatever was going to happen between us, maybe it was a second chance with us, either way it was good.
When they left I squared my shoulders and lifted my bag before heading to the door. As I swung it open I nearly dropped. Severus was wearing blue jeans, black shirt and a pair of dress muggle shoes. He looked amazing, I couldn't help but roam my eyes up his body, once I got to his face he was smirking slightly.
"You look beautiful Alya." I smiled at him and nodded my head, he shocked me by leaning down and kissing me on the lips. I smiled as he broke away from me before heading downstairs. Imagine my surprise when there was a BMW sitting downstairs without a driver. I was even more shocked when he pulled the keys out of his pocket and jumped into the drivers seat.
"You're driving? You know how to drive." He held my door open for me to get in, ever the perfect gentleman. He proceeded to jump into the driver seat and took off across London.
"I am a man of many talents, my father was a muggle you know, sorry I know you don't like the word but for me the No-maj, it's too strange for me." I just scowled at him which it seems he found incredibly amusing. The word sounded so derogatory to me, No-Maj sounded nicer.
"Anyway, that side of me I have always wanted to explore, of course Lily was my best friend and I got close to her father rest his soul. When I turned fifteen I spent a lot of the summer with The Evans, he taught me how to drive." I nodded my head to him and quickly leant over to kiss his cheek.
"Thank you for telling me that story. You're a man shrouded in mystery. Speaking of, where exactly are you taking me? Bella wouldn't even tell me and it has made me suspicious." He just smirked slightly but didn't tell me or even drop a hint which was frustrating. It took us a good hour to get to where we were going. When he took us out of the city I got suspicious but again he stayed fast and still didn't tell me.
"Is this where you lure me into the woods to kill me?" He just rolled his eyes and pulled into a small car park and turned off the engine. We arrived at a building in the middle of nowhere, it looked like an old house that would have belonged to an old lady and was haunted. It was called the Plantation Inn. As we made our way in through the ivy covered walls and brown oak door were greeted by an older woman who immediately beamed at Severus and held a hand to her mouth.
"Ahh Severus darling...JASON! It's Severus." The woman was maybe in her late sixties and a gentleman that appeared was even older than that came rushing towards him and was almost crying. Severus just wrapped his arms around the woman in question who gave him a hug that rivalled that of Molly Weasley.
"Haven't seen you around in a bit son, was surprised to hear from you. When you ask me to get The Tiger Lily fixed up I never expected such a pretty girl would be here on your arm either." We were ushered into the empty restaurant and toward a door with the best view. The property overlooked the lake which I didn't see when we parked. There was a Getty with a boat sitting all lit up in Fairy Lights.
"Thank You...Alya, this is Jason and Zelda Steward, guys this is Alya." I held my hand out to introduce myself before they both just pulled me in for a hug and Zelda whispered into my ear.
"You look after him you hear. He is important to us." I just smiled and nodded before taking Severus arm again and I couldn't help but look up and smile at the man in question. Big, bad death eater is kind to elderly people.
"Everything is all set up in a stasis for you both." I was shocked because I thought they were both a No-Maj. Severus nodded and thanked them both before ushering me over toward the door and the lit up boat.
"It was nice to meet you both." They game me one final hug before we made outside and he actually looked embarrassed, I love it it's so cute.
"Oh there is most definitely a story there." He curtly nodded and it was almost like he was trying to drag his kindness back in again. I knew it was a reflex from all of his years being a spy.
"Oh no no, that closed off I am a big bad death eater doesn't work with me after I just seen you acting like the fucking Easter bunny with those two." He just kept walking and didn't elaborate any further. As we got to this beautiful sailboat and food was set up waiting for us.
"I asked Bella and Minerva what you like." I nodded and noticed there was my favourite Pasta dish waiting for me. He took my hand and helped me up on the boat. Within seconds we were floating around a lake and enjoying food. We spent hours talking and getting to know one another, it's beautiful out here.
"Why the Tiger Lily. I can't figure it out." He took a sip of what appeared to be Brandy before looking at his shoes. He was embarrassed, I felt so bad about making him feel that way. He seemed to be ok telling me it but he does seem slightly ashamed.
"You know Lily was very special to me and when I was having a hard time as a child Lily gave the book Peter Pan, I loved that book, I used to dream of running away to Neverland, flying around and just being free. That's why, it's an important part of my history and. I like to keep it close. I don't let people in very often but the ones that I do, are there for life." I didn't know what to say to him and he seemed to u detests day that because he changed the subject.
"So what is there I don't know about you, I know your stubborn, you ramble, you also have a beautiful singing voice and can cut like a knife with your words." I nodded my head and told him that about sums me up.
"Come on seriously." I nodded my head at him and took a sip of my wine and smiled slightly. There is a part of me that is a bit different that everyone here and I doubt that even his stuffy Britishness can deal with what I am about to say.
"I love to draw, landscapes, portraits, anything. I hate cooking, it's just not in me as much as mom tried to drill it into me. I got into a bit of trouble as a kid, I lost my parents started drinking, drugs, the marijuana has stuck but that's about it. I pulled myself out of it and buckled down to finish school." He looked contemplating at me before leaning over and kissing me.
"You are amazing...what you have overcome is extraordinary. You smoke marijuana." I nodded my head and laughed slightly at him shocked reaction.
"That what you got out of that conversation?" He nodded and a small smile tugged at his lips and he pulled me onto his knee and we just sat making out for a long time. That was as far as we were going to go or at least I think it was. I decided to change the conversation and broke away to take another sip of wine.
"So moment of truth how do you know those two? Jason and Zelda? They know you and I mean really know you." He let out a sigh and I took a sip of my elderflower waterbefore taking a sobering potion that I kept in my bag. I took his hand in mine, drawing comfort in his drawing small circles on my hand.
"Well, my father as you know was not a kind man, he used to come here drinking. Jason and Zelda let me stay here more nights than I can count, they became surrogate parents and helped guide me. When the war happened they were the ones who I apparated to after being Crucioed." I nodded at him in understanding, he had been through so much and it made me very pissed off at everyone that had ever hurt him. He proceeded to tell me all about them and some funny stories of him growing up.
"I had a really nice time tonight Severus." He smiled and me and nodded before we cleaned up and started to leave. He took my hand and we walked back to the car, we bypassed the restaurant this time as it was closed and in darkness. We could have done this on the way in but it seems he wanted me to meet Jason and Zelda.
As we slowly made our way back to the city in comfortable silence, he took my hand in his and all in all it was a good night. Pulling up to my apartment he opened the door for me and helped me out. My heart was pounding in my chest, I wanted nothing more that to invite him in but was it too soon...probably but nothing could change the fact that I wanted to. The closer and closer we got to my front door the more nervous I felt, he must have picked up on it because he gave my hand a small squeeze as we got to my door.
"Alya calm down, nothing is going to happen tonight?" I nodded before I could register properly but then the other neurotic side of me thought he didn't want to and maybe would never want to.
"Listen to me, someday soon we will take that step in our relationship but not yet. It takes a lot for me to open up to people but with you it is easier. I do care about you and I do find you extremely attractive. You are a very beautiful woman Alya. Just give us time to build up to it." I nodded and let out a sigh as he pressed his lips to mine, we spent a good few minutes kissing before my door flew open and if Severus hadn't been holding onto me I would have fell through it. Minerva was waiting on the other side of it.
"Wow sorry but need you now, Severus please her call later." He reluctantly nodded and then took in Minervas face and gave me another small kiss to the cheek and let go of my waist.
"Minerva, see you soon." He walked away and gave me one final glance back before I turned to glare at my mother. It was first date with him, she knew that. She held a glass of Whiskey up for me to take and I gladly did before rolling my eyes and taking her arm to walk further into my apartment.
"Ok not that I don't love seeing you Minerva but what the hell are you doing here?" She downed a glass before pouring another and turned to look back to me.
"I am aware that out of the two of us you have grown closer to Bella and that's ok, she gave birth to you and you are closer in age and that's fine but bar Severus who would just sneer, Poppy who would get all embarrassing and want details I didn't know who to come to with this. I shouldn't have came here. It is highly inappropriate." I was confused and I realised that my mother did not have any girlfriends she could talk to. I knew my relationships with both of my mothers were anything but traditional and it was good. I had a mother who was motherly and it didn't feel right replacing her.
"What is going on? Why are you all frazzled and weird and dressed funny?" It was then I realised she was wearing a pair of what looking like Pyjamas, tartan bottoms with a black long sleeved top and her outer robes were slung over the back of my couch.
"Something happened and I am what you would call freaking out slightly..." Having enough of her rambling which is clear to me now I inherited it from her I rolled my eyes at the usually buttoned down woman.
"Look for the record, I haven't grown closer to Bella, our relationship is just different, there is not a darkness but a more wicked side that I inherited from her, my drinking for starters and the weed which you don't know about till now. I like feeling light with you but I like that I have things in common with her too. You are both my parents...I had an amazing mom, she baked cookies for bake sales and was part of the PTA and was so incredibly supportive when I found out I had magic." I could see she was taking it all in, every instinct must have been screaming at her to talk but out of respect she didn't.
"So even though you and Bella are both my moms your also my friend. So as your friend will you spit out what has you bombarding my apartment at one thirty in the morning?" She downed another glass before sitting down on the couch and looking up at me.
"We slept together." My eyebrows shot up, I really hoped she was talking about Bella because if not it was going to get messy.
"You slept together? You and Bella?" She nodded her head and flushed with embarrassment.
"Ok, haven't you already been sleeping together?" Her head snapped up and the pure offended look that overcame her was enough.
"NO!" I held my hands up to apologise before she looked up at me again and I just laughed.
"Why is this a bad thing? You love her, she adores you. What's the issue?" She just shook her head and it was as if a revelation overcame her.
"I just started overthinking everything slightly and got scared." I nodded and wandlessly poured her a drink. Her eyebrows shot up at that and smiled.
"Look, this is a good thing, where is Bella now?" I could tell she was wrapping her head around it all now and I couldn't help but smile at her.
"I left her sleeping." I nodded my head and handed with a flick of my wrist a box flew out of my fridge and landed on her lap.
"If she is awake when you get back, tell her you got hungry." She nodded and stood before kissing me on the cheek and took in my features.
"You look beautiful, how was the date?" I nodded my head and hugged her fiercely before telling her it was amazing and rushing her to the FLOO.
"I will come to Hogwarts tomorrow, tell you all about it." She nodded and disappeared leaving me to smile at her acting like a teenager and finally get out of these boots. As I dressed for bed and walked out of the bathroom a small bunch of Daisies were sitting waiting for me in a vase on my bedside cabinet.
'Alya, I had an extraordinary time tonight, would you do me the honour of accompanying me to dinner next weekend? Severus' I couldn't help the cheesy grin that erupted all over my face. I had a boyfriend and he was Severus Snape. Wow.