Isshin Kurosaki glared at the man in front of him as he spoke, "What do you want with Ichigo? What do you want to do with her?"
The man in question simply grinned at him as he spoke, "Nothing, it is her that wish to go into soul society to search for her friend so why are worrying over her she is a big girl now."
Isshin growled at that as he spoke, "You should have stayed away from her and she would eventually forget about that place."
Kisuke Urahara just grinned behind his foldable fan as he spoke, "My how far sighted you seem to be but unfortunately you forgot that sooner and later she would have stumbled upon our world and if you had let me work on her before she would have been in a much better position."
Isshin growled at that as he spoke, "She is my baby girl I am simply worried for her."
Kisuke: "Just like you were worried for your only son right? So how is he nowadays?"
Isshin looked angered at that as he spoke, "You know very well that…."
Kisuke nodded at that as he spoke, "Yeah I know how you all drove him away blaming him for Masaki's death poor child he was only 6 years old."
Isshin growled at that as he spoke, "Don't you dare speak it like that, we were grieving and …."
Kisuke gave him a glare as he spoke, "Yes so find an innocent 6 year old and blame it on him and make sure that your daughter things him as a murderer for the rest of their life, yeah nice.", he then began walking towards his shop but not before he spoke again, "Masaki would be ashamed of you, Ichigo blames him to the point she wants to kill him even though it was her that run after that hollow."
Isshin clenched his fist, "His spiritual energy was off charts since birth even with all precaution he caused the hollow to appear and if he stayed for long he would have caused problem to his sisters and…"
Kisuke nodded as he spoke, "Spoke like the pathetic man you are, throw a six year old in fire and make sure to make your daughter think him as someone to hate and kill well good job, but let me warn you something that child is strong and the day you daughter tries to kill him get ready to pay for her funeral just because you are pathetic piece of shit. I would never understand why you hated him so much and Masaki if she was alive she would have gutted you for harming her son and making your daughters specially Ichigo a revenge driven emo like that.", he huffed as he left leaving behind a distraught father.
After entering his shop/home Kisuke called a particular number and soon after a few rings a voice answered him from the other side, "I need a favor"
"Yes come in quick and fast."
A few days later Kisuke looked towards Ichigo quite pleased at her improvement from disgrace to at least a competent soul reaper but there are places of improvement for her which he hopes that she will do so gradually given that she survives today that is.
Kisuke: "Well good work and gather around one of my acquaintance will visit me soon he will be going with you."
Ichigo scowled at that as she spoke, "I hope whoever would be coming is not some useless pervert like you."
Kisuke had a hand over his chest in a mock pain as he spoke, "How cruel Ichigo me pervert it is blasphemy."
Only for Ichigo's scowl to get deeper as Tatsuki and Orihime tried to calm him down as Uryuu spoke, "I hope that person is competent or it would be a waste of time."
Kisuke simply smirked at that as he spoke, "Please do not worry even though I am a simple candy store owner but my merchandise is always top class."
They did not have to wait long as the black cat standing near them stood up as it spoke in a gruff voice, "Welcome back Naruto."
Everyone turned to look at the newcomer as most of the females blushed at what they saw, a tall red head with whisker mark on his cheeks, with cerulean eyes full of life and looks that can only belong to some model.
Naruto gave a short nod towards Yoruichi as he made his way towards Kisuke, only for a loud feminine scream coming to his ears, "NARUTO DIE! Getsuga Tenshou", and then to all her friends horror a large beam of spiritual energy went cleaving through the ground as it descended on Naruto.
Tatsuki screamed at her, "What is wrong with you Ichigo you just killed someone."
Ichigo had a dark look on her face as she spoke, "Good riddance then, he is nothing but a filthy murderer that should be put down a long time ago and I have been waiting for this moment for years."
Only for her speech to be halted by a loud laughter, "My my still the same cunt I see, blaming me for killing Misaki when it was you who led the hollow to us, isn't that right 'BIG SISTER'"
They all watched with their eyes wide as they watched Naruto with one of his hands outstretched which was smoking a little as he spoke, "Damn you really had to dirty my new gloves, tch how annoying."
"Damn you just die already!", with that she dashed towards Naruto only for him to disappeared from her view, as her friends looked in horror to see Naruto by her side with his arms raised high up in the air, "You know you were not even worth it.", with that he brought his hand down hitting Ichigo hard to the point it cratered on the ground hard as she lost consciousness.
No sooner did he send Ichigo to lala land did her friends act getting ready to attack him only to be stopped as both Kisuke and Yoruichi stopping them, "STOP FIGHTING NOW!", their spiritual power flaring stopping them in their tracks.
As the group stopped Kisuke spoke in the same callous voice, "I would advise you not to attack him even if all attack him together you all would lose very easily he is beyond your skills."
Tatsuki frowned at that as she spoke, "Kisuke you cannot believe we will travel with a murderer like him."
Yoruichi frowned at that well as good a frown a black cat can have as the cat spoke, "Oh what makes you thing he killed someone."
Orihime spoke with a frown at that, "I remember now Ichigo once told me how he killed her mother, as her friend I will not allow a murderer to stay with us."
Naruto turned around as he spoke with Kisuke, "Well see since they did not want my help I am leaving.", with that he started working towards the exit, only to stop as Yoruichi jumped on top of his head.
As Kisuke spoke with a sigh, "Tell me how is he a murderer, when he was six year old, and the hollow that was drawn to them was because of Ichigo herself, as far as his family is concerned his two younger sisters were 2 years old, Ichigo was not too fond of him for unknown reasons as such when he chose the road they were walking back home she blamed him, even though she was the one who drew the attention of the hollow. As for his father concerned well he never wanted a son as such got not only got rid of him but made sure to make his daughter's hatred fester more."
The others frowned at that as Uryuu spoke while pushing up his glasses, "If he is innocent why did he not speak on his behalf definitely suspicious."
Naruto cocked one of his eyebrow as he spoke, "If you read Shakespearian literature in front of your dog will it be able to say Shakespeare's name?"
Uryuu snorted at that as he spoke, "Of course not."
Naruto nodded at that as he spoke, "Exactly", he then turned towards Kisuke but before he could speak Yoruichi placed her hand on his face prevented him from speaking, as she spoke in his stead, "I will speak with him and get him to agree, now come one Naruto lets go we have many things to catch up to my disciple."
Naruto nodded at that as he spoke to Kisuke, "Well then I am off sensei, oh before I go I am picking up some sweets and do not worry I will put it on your tab.", with that he disappeared along with Yoruichi from their sight leaving a wide eyed Kisuke.
Kisuke could not bear any longer as he shouted out, "Come back here Naruto, you cannot put whatever you but on me the shop owner's tab, I have just finished paying your other tabs from before Tessai will not feed me again anymore come back.", with that he dashed after them leaving the dumbfounded teenagers behind.
As the group left Chad Yasutora who was looking at them with his eyes wide spoke, "He is fast.", summarizing everyone's thought in one sentence.
Meanwhile Naruto was back in his hotel room with a packet full of sweets which he placed on top of his desk as Yoruichi took her human form as she stood in front of him in all her naked sensual glory, to Naruto she was the very definition of a Goddess a chocolate Goddess in fact.
Naruto looked straight into her eyes as he spoke, "Well then Sensei what were you going to say to me?"
Yoruichi gave him a sensual smirk as she spoke, "Why the hurry my cute disciple let your master check you if you are alright first.", with that she hugged him tightly pressing her lips on top of him as they fell on the bed as their tongue wrestled for dominance.