Okay, technically, it's not the entire other half of the universe. Some of the powered people have to go, the Guardians are gonna turn out the same way, Strange still has to go. But other than them, everyone else lives. And Thor gets a pass since his people were already slaughtered.
Thanos gets impaled by Thor's new weapon, Stormbreaker, after retrieving the last of the infinity stones. "You...you should've gone for the head." Thanos says as he raises his fingers and SNAP.
The gauntlet is damaged. "What did you do? What'd you do?!" Thor yells at him as Thanos opens a portal and escapes. Steve comes out of the trees and sees Thor. "Thor, where'd he go?" He asks. "Thor?" Bucky walks over and sees Steve turning into ashes. "Steve?" Bucky asks as Steve turns into ashes and falls into dust. In the trees, T'Challa finds Okoye. "Up, General, up. This is no place to die." She turns into ashes in his hands. "What?" He asks confused. "Sam! Hey, Sam where you at?" Rhodes asks as he starts turning into ashes and dies, Sam gets up just to see it happen. Wanda is clutching onto Vision's body as she sees others turning into ashes. Natasha looks at her hands as she starts turning into ash and disappears. More and more Avengers start disappearing.
On Titan, Peter starts helping Tony back up from their recent encounter with the mad Titan. "Something is happening." Mantis says. They look to her as she starts turning to ashes. They look at Drax and the same is happening to him. "Quill?" He asks and disappears. "Steady, Quill." Tony says. "Oh, man." He says as he dies. "Tony, there was no other way." Strange says before he starts turning to ash too. "Mr. Stark?" Tony looks to Peter. "What...what's happening to you?" Peter asks and Tony sees he's turning into ashes. "I don't-I don't understand." Tony grabs onto Peter. "I don't want you to go, please. Don't go." Peter says crying as Tony dies in his arms. "It's gonna be okay, kid. You're gonna be okay." He turns to ash leaving Peter with Nebula. "He did it." She says as Peter breaks down and cries for his fallen mentor and father figure.
On earth, the remaining heroes come together to show the survivors. Black Panther, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Thor, Shuri, Wanda, Bruce and Rocket. Sam flips Vision over and sees he's missing his stone. "What is this?" Bucky asks. "What the hell is happening?" Bucky asks confused. "Oh, god." Sam says and realizes they've lost.
On a far off planet, Thanos walks out of his hut and looks at the new universe and smiles.
Back on earth, Maria and Fury are watching people turning to ash around them, and Fury takes his pager out and contacts Captain Marvel.
In the quantum realm, Scott gets trapped inside as Hope, Janet and Hank are snapped from existence.
Okay, this is the first chapter. I know it's short but it's just to get the story started.