Brisingr, Draumar un Sundavar...

Fire, Dreams and Shadows...

As a child, I was raised upon the stories of the Dragon Riders. They were legendary, fairy tales, myths, yet still they fascinated me. My mother would rock me to sleep talking of noble warriors and magicians astride great and glorious beasts who could soar through the skies and breathe fire hot enough to melt stone. I would smile up at her as our hands entwined, my thumb rubbing and tracing the scar upon her palm as she named the first Dragon Rider, Eragon, and told me stories of how he and his dragon brought peace to the race of elves and dragons who had been at war for decades.

Those stories filled my dreams at night, but during the day, my mother would teach me everything there was to know in the world. She taught me history, literature, poetry, science, mathematics, astronomy, languages, anatomy, healing, medicine and even the Ancient Language and I absorbed it all as if it was information I already knew. My mother, whose name was Andumë, even taught me the theory of magic. She taught me everything, as well as how to use a dagger for my small size and other weaponry, though I was not very good at it. I was rather clumsy when it came to fighting as my small frame and thin arms barely had the strength to lift up a stick.

We lived alone in a cottage within the forest with a watermill churning the water of the stream next to us, endless pockets of wildflowers blooming in the spring and summer months. It was a haven for me, a place like out of one of mother's stories. We were completely self-sufficient, growing our own food however mother would usually sing to help our crops grow and use magic to stave off bad weather. Her powers enthralled me and I determined that I too would be able to use magic one day and not simply learn it. Our life was quiet, undisturbed though each month we would gather our wares and surplus crop and walk half a day to the closest village for the market and sell to the villagers there.

They were warm and welcoming because we always brought plenty and sold it cheaply since we had little need for money, usually trading for things that we did need such as wool, grain, seeds or leather. My mother was beloved by everyone around her, for she was beautiful and kind. Her raven hair was bound with cloth to cover her head and ears whilst onyx black eyes mystified all who looked at her, the dark colour making her skin paler and more alabaster looking, heightening the high arch of her cheekbones and slim figure of her face. She was also greatly cherished because there was no other healer quite like her. Her abilities had cured many of these poor villagers who often fell ill, resetting bones and treating fevers until they hailed her as a gift sent by heaven.

Because of their love for my mother, I too in turn was cherished. I liked best the time we spent in the village, for I would go and play with the other children, chasing them and laughing. It was a simple life we led, the life of a widow and her only child, but we were happy. Yet, I could not help but wonder sometimes. My mother looked so unhappy upon occasion, on certain days of the year she would sit upon her chair and grip her heart like it would give her pain, so I would go and brew her a calming tonic and she would take it from me with her fair smile. "My little Anurin, you have such a kind heart."

"Are you unwell mother? Shall I make you something else? Perhaps you are just hungry. I could bake you bread and there is still some jam left." Her smile deepened as black eyes against liquid gold. Lifting a hand she brushed back my hair and tucked it behind my ear to then smooth her fingers across my cheek.

"That would make me feel as right as rain, I should think. You are too good to me Rin, my little champion Rider." Grinning at her I dashed inside and began to make freshly baked bread so that my mother could have it with butter and the jam we had made from our own strawberries. Yes, our life was simple, but I loved it. Although my mother taught me much, she continued to become frailer as the years went by until I was making the trips to the village alone and I took more responsibilities and chores in order for her to rest. I took up the bow and arrow to hunt game, though this also proved rather difficult and challenging for me as I could barely hit a stationary target with accuracy, let alone a moving one. Occasionally I would catch something, however when arrows proved too unreliable I used my wits instead, setting traps for game such as rabbits and pheasants which finally seemed to pay off, as every day I would find I have caught something new.

Killing the creatures was a task I had to overcome and at first it sickened me, making me cry over the poor creatures as I thanked them for their sacrifice and apologised repeatedly even as I plucked, skinned and cooked them. Eventually that too became seamless and I evolved in order to deal with reality. With rest, mother got better for a while, a new medicine taking effect and some of her old strength returned so, upon my tenth birthday, she handed me my walking staff and took me further into the forest and walked me along an old misshapen path.

There was a deep ravine in which we entered, cragged rocks looming overhead draped in moss and vines, however when I began to see shapes and faces in the stone I quickly gripped onto my mother's hand. "What is this place?"

"It was once a place of great wealth and prosperity. A Dwarf fortress, yet now it is abandoned. Come Anurin, there is something I must show you." Giving my hand a reassuring squeeze mother continued leading me forwards though I eyed the Dwarfish statues warily, even though most were crumbling and fading with age. "Take care Rin, the path grows treacherous here. Walk behind me and watch where you step." Unafraid for being with my mother I walked behind her and listened as she whispered words in the Ancient Language, bidding the path rise and rebuild itself in order to lead the way.

The eroding stones trembled before rising up, flying together and returning into a complete structure which formed a bridge across a sudden crevasse in the earth which was cut like a scar, a heavy mist rising from within the wound. I followed my mother across the bridge, admiring the now rebuilt architectural statues of Dwarf warriors guarding their halls and eyeing me suspiciously as if they knew I was an intruder. "This place is not upon any map or record, it exists only in the memory of the Dwarf people themselves as they do not share their secrets with outsiders, we are fortunate to be here, Anurin, usually places such as this are impossible to find."


"Because Dwarfs are secretive and even when they abandon their fortresses, castles and great cities, they will still protect them and hide them if they can. This forest was meant to shield this place from ever being found, so we are privileged that the forest has allowed us to be here." Blinking at her I then twisted my head to grin at the trees.

"Thank you forest!" Calling in the Ancient tongue, the breeze lifted through the trees and their leaves rustled with a series of soft hisses which almost sounded like a reply. Returning my attention back to my mother, she spoke of the Dwarfs and their customs, explaining to me some of their language and culture so that I might understand them better. Completely absorbed into her words, I hardly even noticed where we were going until she stopped and lifted her hand in order to bring my focus back to our surroundings.

We stood before a huge archway with two Dwarf statues standing with their axes and broad helms, grand and noble as they stoically guarded, though over what I did not know. It was just a wall and even for all of its beautiful design and decoration, I frowned at it. "Do not be fooled by what only your eyes see, Anurin. There is always something else that lies hidden, unspoken, you only need look again." Mother said to me wisely before she lifted her hand, the one with the silvery scar that spiralled upon her palm and pressed it against the wall. "Ma'mor." Immediately I recognised the word to unlock doors and as my mother's palm glowed, a light burst from underneath her hand and travelled across the stone in a line of pure white, glowing brightly as it created an intricately patterned door before it then groaned and trembled, parting to allow her entry. "Garjzla du gata medh brisingr vel iet lam." In order to bring light to the pitch blackness in front, mother created a rose gold flame upon her palm which burned brilliantly and instantly the chamber inside was flooded with light.

It was cold inside and I shivered, teeth chattering as I slowly descended the steps after my mother, looking around me to see more guardian statues of Dwarves, however when my mother stepped aside I looked ahead to see a golden pedestal. It was beautiful, hewn with diamond and precious pearl, it stood proudly at the centre of the room which once hoarded all of this Dwarf stronghold's treasure with the pedestal bearing their greatest treasure, though it had long since been taken. In its place was something smooth, obsidian coloured and flawless.

A stone which looked precious beyond any measure of gold and jewels, sitting upon its grand pedestal with steps rising up to its raised platform. In the firelight I caught slivers and veins of silver hewn into the stone, my eyes becoming drawn to it and unable to turn away. Everything around me faded out of focus as I took my first step towards the stone, curious to know what it was. Mother did not stop me, merely stood and watched as I ascended the steps until I stood directly before it. This was the point where I faltered, feeling an unbound pressure against my chest as if gravity were pressing down upon me, so I looked back to my mother.

She smiled softly and nodded her head in encouragement so I looked back to the stone, took a deep breath then lifted it off its stand. It was heavy in my hands so I took care not to drop it, frowning slightly as I brought it down to me and cradled it in one arm so that my other hand could smooth over its perfectly silky surface. "What type of stone is this mother? Was it hewn from rock? Did the Dwarves create it? Why would they leave behind such a treasure when they took all else?"

"Because my sweet Rin, that is no ordinary stone. I took it from the place I used to live and carried both you and it far away in order to protect you both. It is precious beyond measure, more valuable than all the wealth in this world and soon you shall know why." Placing her hand upon my shoulder, mother then lifted my chin as I held onto the stone like it were my own prized possession, instinct telling me not to relinquish it. "From now on, my love, everything will change. Come. We should return home. There is much more that I must teach you."

Obediently I followed my mother home, clinging onto the stone whilst continually stroking the silky surface. I could think of no type of gem or hewn rock that this stone resembled, leading me to believe that it truly was something completely new. Although heavy I managed to carry it all the way back home with my shawl to cover it and my own body heat to keep it warm. I slept with it upon my bed, carried it around whilst doing my chores and sat with it in the evening by the fire, frowning and continually wondering at what made it so specially.

Perhaps it was a type of stone that could draw in and store magic, I had heard about such gems. Maybe this stone was a powerful tool of sorts, a key to unlocking something even greater. My questions remained unanswered until one morning whilst I was still sleeping, I felt the stone move. Waking me from my dreams of soaring through the skies, I blinked myself awake as my arm felt the stone wobble within my grasp. Sharp squeaks reverberated from within and instantly I was calling for mother who awoke and was quickly standing in her nightgown, gripping onto the table and watching with wide expectant eyes like she knew what was happening. Pushing myself back against the wall and tucking in my knees whilst staring, I almost kicked the stone away from me however mother immediately told me to stop, hushing me gently before returning to gazing at the trembling stone.

Terrified I moved away from it warily however it rolled after me, making me give a shrill shriek once more as I scrambled for the end of my bed until suddenly, a huge crack blemished the polished surface. I froze in place, feeling my heart begin to quicken further as the stone jerked and jumped about my bed, more cracks appearing until suddenly, one end was kicked away by a gangly leg which scraped and struggled, claws of ivory white flashing before it pulled back within the stone's shell. The breath halting within my lungs, I watched as something black and leathery crawled into view, pushing through the membrane and emerging with soft squeaks that rippled from the long serpentine neck.

Intense black eyes turned upon me, regarding me closely before the narrow slits softened and broadened and the creature squeaked at me again, bouncing up unsteadily onto its claws whilst thin wings flapped wildly, trying to untangle itself as the long tail flickered and twitched until it fell onto its back and lashed out with its legs, squawking with impatience as it tried to coordinate myself. Sucking in a breath I inched closer, crouching on my hands and knees in front of this mythical creature and as my face loomed over its tiny head, the spiked ridge of its neck and back bristled with excitement before it turned itself back onto its feet and managed to refrain from falling again.

Spellbound and completely overcome with astonishment, our eyes melded together and I gazed at the void pools of infinite darkness with only a few flecks of silver around the pupil, reminding me of stars among the silken blackness of night. It was beautiful now that it was untangled, the broad wings curling into the body and the tail gracefully sweeping from side to side though I could see rather formidable curved spikes at its end like needles. The black scales glistened from the membrane that still clung to its body and I watched as the little creature twisted its head to look at me from different angles, our heads slowly drawing together until finally, the tip of its nose touched my forehead.

Immediately my body became alive with intense sensations of pain and heat, my hand burning like I had touched hot metal and a cry ripped from my chest as I shot backwards away from the creature that had caused this reaction. Crashing to the floor my mother ran to my side and lifted me up, hushing me gently and whispered words of power until I felt the sensation die away, leaving me tingling all over though when I looked to my palm, it was branded with a white scar identical to that of my mother's. "It is the gedwëy ignasia, the Shining Palm. All Dragon Riders bear this mark, Anurin, and now you too share in our legacy."

"What…what was…why did…mother I do not understand." Shivering slightly from the shock I stared at my hand before looking back at the thing that had hatched from the stone. A dragon. A real live dragon and it was calling for me. I could feel it in my mind, tapping at edge of my consciousness and as I cautiously allowed it to enter, I was struck with the sensation of attachment, recognition and the yearning to be closer. As I unravelled these emotions, the dragon sprang from the bed and leaped towards me with a squeak though the still weak legs meant that it did not make the distance, wings spread to try and catch itself however I dived forwards and caught it in my arms. "It is alright, I have you." Warmth bubbled up inside my head as well as comfort as the dragon open its little maw to reveal rows of razor sharp teeth, the tight squeaking continuing as it nipped at my ear playfully and snuffled at my long mahogany hair until I giggled.

"This is a new era Anurin, an era in which you shall help shape the future of this land. My path was shown to me by an old friend of mine, Angela, who possesses the gift of prophecy and foresight. She told me that when things were dire I should gather you up in my arms as well as this dragon egg out of hundreds. She told me to take the one blacker than night and to protect it with my life as it would one day hatch for you. Now the time is here, it is time I begin your training."

"Then you are also a Dragon Rider since you bear the mark. Where is your dragon? What happened to it?" Sadness crept over my mother's face and in that moment, I knew that the grief that she carried inside her, which sometimes rose to the surface and left her bedridden for days, was because she no longer had her companion with her. It made me clutch this newly hatched dragon closer to my breast, its head rubbing into my neck with a soft wail.

"She was killed during the Fall, sacrificing her life so that I could escape with you both. Because of her sacrifice, we all lived but…" Pain contorted her face so I shifted around so that I could place my hand against her arm to console her silently, uncertain of what to do or say. "It was she who gave you this mark here. Upon your birth, she felt the same love for you that I felt and when she touched your shoulder, this mark appeared." As my mother pulled aside the shoulder of my dress I looked to the white mark I had always before assumed was a birthmark shaped like a star. "It is a sign of her blessing and her scales were also as black as this hatchling here. This is a grave responsibility you now bear, Rin, so you must take heed of my warnings."

"Yes mother. I shall." With another squeak the dragon, who I determined to be male, demanded my attention and bombarded my mind with the sensation of hunger so I asked how I was to feed him. From then on, my mother taught me how to raise and care for my dragon. It was some time before my little hatchling was able to communicate with more than simple emotions and impressions, and once we were able to talk to one another we decided on his name together, though it was he who chose it. Sundav, meaning shadow. My days were filled with more learning than ever before and when Sundav grew too big for the house, I build him his own nest for him to sleep at during the night up in the trees so that nothing could attack him for prey.

Within the month, I learned more than all my previous ten years put together and as Sundav rode around upon my shoulder until he grew too big, our minds slowly grew closer and closer together until I begun to hear his thoughts and he in turn could hear mine. It was timeless, surreal and I could not believe it was happening at all yet my mother left me no time for enjoyment or to enjoy the thrill of having my own dragon as she filled my mind with knowledge and made me practice magic as well as other practices that all Dragon Riders needed in order to become true Riders. The more I learned of the world, the more I learned that things were not as perfect as they seemed, and as my mother began to tell me of Galbatorix, the traitor who destroyed the Riders, I started to feel afraid.

Ma'mor – Unlock

Garjzla du gata medh brisingr vel iet lam – Light the path with fire upon my hand.

Note: All Ancient Language used is as accurate a translation as I could manage with information available to me, so if there are some mistakes, then please forgive me.